--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_translate.ML Wed Dec 15 11:26:29 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_translate.ML Wed Dec 15 11:26:29 2010 +0100
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
else make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
val class_rel_clauses = make_class_rel_clauses thy subs supers'
- (fact_names |> map single |> Vector.fromList,
+ (fact_names |> map single,
(conjectures, facts, class_rel_clauses, arity_clauses))
@@ -612,49 +612,50 @@
fun dest_Fof (Fof z) = z
+val factsN = "Relevant facts"
+val class_relsN = "Class relationships"
+val aritiesN = "Arity declarations"
+val helpersN = "Helper facts"
+val conjsN = "Conjectures"
+val tfreesN = "Type variables"
+fun offset_of_heading_in_problem _ [] j = j
+ | offset_of_heading_in_problem needle ((heading, lines) :: problem) j =
+ if heading = needle then j
+ else offset_of_heading_in_problem needle problem (j + length lines)
fun prepare_atp_problem ctxt readable_names explicit_forall type_sys
explicit_apply hyp_ts concl_t facts =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
val (fact_names, (conjectures, facts, class_rel_clauses, arity_clauses)) =
translate_formulas ctxt type_sys hyp_ts concl_t facts
- val fact_lines = map (problem_line_for_fact ctxt fact_prefix type_sys) facts
- val conjecture_lines =
- map (problem_line_for_conjecture ctxt type_sys) conjectures
- val tfree_lines = problem_lines_for_free_types type_sys conjectures
- val class_rel_lines =
- map problem_line_for_class_rel_clause class_rel_clauses
- val arity_lines = map problem_line_for_arity_clause arity_clauses
(* Reordering these might or might not confuse the proof reconstruction
code or the SPASS Flotter hack. *)
val problem =
- [("Relevant facts", fact_lines),
- ("Class relationships", class_rel_lines),
- ("Arity declarations", arity_lines),
- ("Helper facts", []),
- ("Conjectures", conjecture_lines),
- ("Type variables", tfree_lines)]
+ [(factsN, map (problem_line_for_fact ctxt fact_prefix type_sys) facts),
+ (class_relsN, map problem_line_for_class_rel_clause class_rel_clauses),
+ (aritiesN, map problem_line_for_arity_clause arity_clauses),
+ (helpersN, []),
+ (conjsN, map (problem_line_for_conjecture ctxt type_sys) conjectures),
+ (tfreesN, problem_lines_for_free_types type_sys conjectures)]
val const_tab = const_table_for_problem explicit_apply problem
val problem =
problem |> repair_problem thy explicit_forall type_sys const_tab
- val (helper_facts, raw_helper_lines) =
+ val helper_lines =
get_helper_facts ctxt explicit_forall type_sys
(maps (map (#3 o dest_Fof) o snd) problem)
- val helper_lines =
- (helper_facts
- |> map (problem_line_for_fact ctxt helper_prefix type_sys
- #> repair_problem_line thy explicit_forall type_sys const_tab)) @
- raw_helper_lines
+ |>> map (problem_line_for_fact ctxt helper_prefix type_sys
+ #> repair_problem_line thy explicit_forall type_sys const_tab)
+ |> op @
val (problem, pool) =
- problem |> AList.update (op =) ("Helper facts", helper_lines)
+ problem |> AList.update (op =) (helpersN, helper_lines)
|> nice_atp_problem readable_names
- val conjecture_offset =
- length fact_lines + length class_rel_lines + length arity_lines
- + length helper_lines
case pool of SOME the_pool => snd the_pool | NONE => Symtab.empty,
- conjecture_offset, fact_names)
+ offset_of_heading_in_problem conjsN problem 0,
+ fact_names |> Vector.fromList)