--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/display.ML Wed Mar 20 18:39:59 1996 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+(* Title: Pure/display.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+ Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
+Printing of theories, theorems, etc.
+signature DISPLAY =
+ sig
+ val pprint_cterm : cterm -> pprint_args -> unit
+ val pprint_ctyp : ctyp -> pprint_args -> unit
+ val pprint_theory : theory -> pprint_args -> unit
+ val pprint_thm : thm -> pprint_args -> unit
+ val pretty_thm : thm -> Pretty.T
+ val print_cterm : cterm -> unit
+ val print_ctyp : ctyp -> unit
+ val print_goals : int -> thm -> unit
+ val print_goals_ref : (int -> thm -> unit) ref
+ val print_syntax : theory -> unit
+ val print_theory : theory -> unit
+ val print_thm : thm -> unit
+ val prth : thm -> thm
+ val prthq : thm Sequence.seq -> thm Sequence.seq
+ val prths : thm list -> thm list
+ val show_hyps : bool ref
+ val string_of_cterm : cterm -> string
+ val string_of_ctyp : ctyp -> string
+ val string_of_thm : thm -> string
+ end;
+structure Display : DISPLAY =
+(*If false, hypotheses are printed as dots*)
+val show_hyps = ref true;
+fun pretty_thm th =
+ let
+ val {sign, hyps, prop, ...} = rep_thm th;
+ val xshyps = extra_shyps th;
+ val hlen = length xshyps + length hyps;
+ val hsymbs =
+ if hlen = 0 then []
+ else if ! show_hyps then
+ [Pretty.brk 2, Pretty.list "[" "]"
+ (map (Sign.pretty_term sign) hyps @ map Sign.pretty_sort xshyps)]
+ else
+ [Pretty.brk 2, Pretty.str ("[" ^ implode (replicate hlen ".") ^ "]")];
+ in
+ Pretty.block (Sign.pretty_term sign prop :: hsymbs)
+ end;
+val string_of_thm = Pretty.string_of o pretty_thm;
+val pprint_thm = Pretty.pprint o Pretty.quote o pretty_thm;
+(** Top-level commands for printing theorems **)
+val print_thm = writeln o string_of_thm;
+fun prth th = (print_thm th; th);
+(*Print and return a sequence of theorems, separated by blank lines. *)
+fun prthq thseq =
+ (Sequence.prints (fn _ => print_thm) 100000 thseq; thseq);
+(*Print and return a list of theorems, separated by blank lines. *)
+fun prths ths = (print_list_ln print_thm ths; ths);
+(* other printing commands *)
+fun pprint_ctyp cT =
+ let val {sign, T} = rep_ctyp cT in Sign.pprint_typ sign T end;
+fun string_of_ctyp cT =
+ let val {sign, T} = rep_ctyp cT in Sign.string_of_typ sign T end;
+val print_ctyp = writeln o string_of_ctyp;
+fun pprint_cterm ct =
+ let val {sign, t, ...} = rep_cterm ct in Sign.pprint_term sign t end;
+fun string_of_cterm ct =
+ let val {sign, t, ...} = rep_cterm ct in Sign.string_of_term sign t end;
+val print_cterm = writeln o string_of_cterm;
+(* print theory *)
+val pprint_theory = Sign.pprint_sg o sign_of;
+val print_syntax = Syntax.print_syntax o syn_of;
+fun print_axioms thy =
+ let
+ val {sign, new_axioms, ...} = rep_theory thy;
+ val axioms = Symtab.dest new_axioms;
+ fun prt_axm (a, t) = Pretty.block [Pretty.str (a ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 1,
+ Pretty.quote (Sign.pretty_term sign t)];
+ in
+ Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "additional axioms:" (map prt_axm axioms))
+ end;
+fun print_theory thy = (Sign.print_sg (sign_of thy); print_axioms thy);
+(** Print thm A1,...,An/B in "goal style" -- premises as numbered subgoals **)
+(* get type_env, sort_env of term *)
+ open Syntax;
+ fun ins_entry (x, y) [] = [(x, [y])]
+ | ins_entry (x, y) ((pair as (x', ys')) :: pairs) =
+ if x = x' then (x', y ins ys') :: pairs
+ else pair :: ins_entry (x, y) pairs;
+ fun add_type_env (Free (x, T), env) = ins_entry (T, x) env
+ | add_type_env (Var (xi, T), env) = ins_entry (T, string_of_vname xi) env
+ | add_type_env (Abs (_, _, t), env) = add_type_env (t, env)
+ | add_type_env (t $ u, env) = add_type_env (u, add_type_env (t, env))
+ | add_type_env (_, env) = env;
+ fun add_sort_env (Type (_, Ts), env) = foldr add_sort_env (Ts, env)
+ | add_sort_env (TFree (x, S), env) = ins_entry (S, x) env
+ | add_sort_env (TVar (xi, S), env) = ins_entry (S, string_of_vname xi) env;
+ val sort = map (apsnd sort_strings);
+ fun type_env t = sort (add_type_env (t, []));
+ fun sort_env t = rev (sort (it_term_types add_sort_env (t, [])));
+(* print_goals *)
+fun print_goals maxgoals state =
+ let
+ open Syntax;
+ val {sign, prop, ...} = rep_thm state;
+ val pretty_term = Sign.pretty_term sign;
+ val pretty_typ = Sign.pretty_typ sign;
+ val pretty_sort = Sign.pretty_sort;
+ fun pretty_vars prtf (X, vs) = Pretty.block
+ [Pretty.block (Pretty.commas (map Pretty.str vs)),
+ Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1, prtf X];
+ fun print_list _ _ [] = ()
+ | print_list name prtf lst =
+ (writeln ""; Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list name (map prtf lst)));
+ fun print_goals (_, []) = ()
+ | print_goals (n, A :: As) = (Pretty.writeln (Pretty.blk (0,
+ [Pretty.str (" " ^ string_of_int n ^ ". "), pretty_term A]));
+ print_goals (n + 1, As));
+ val print_ffpairs =
+ print_list "Flex-flex pairs:" (pretty_term o Logic.mk_flexpair);
+ val print_types = print_list "Types:" (pretty_vars pretty_typ) o type_env;
+ val print_sorts = print_list "Sorts:" (pretty_vars pretty_sort) o sort_env;
+ val (tpairs, As, B) = Logic.strip_horn prop;
+ val ngoals = length As;
+ val orig_no_freeTs = ! show_no_free_types;
+ val orig_sorts = ! show_sorts;
+ fun restore () =
+ (show_no_free_types := orig_no_freeTs; show_sorts := orig_sorts);
+ in
+ (show_no_free_types := true; show_sorts := false;
+ Pretty.writeln (pretty_term B);
+ if ngoals = 0 then writeln "No subgoals!"
+ else if ngoals > maxgoals then
+ (print_goals (1, take (maxgoals, As));
+ writeln ("A total of " ^ string_of_int ngoals ^ " subgoals..."))
+ else print_goals (1, As);
+ print_ffpairs tpairs;
+ if orig_sorts then
+ (print_types prop; print_sorts prop)
+ else if ! show_types then
+ print_types prop
+ else ())
+ handle exn => (restore (); raise exn);
+ restore ()
+ end;
+(*"hook" for user interfaces: allows print_goals to be replaced*)
+val print_goals_ref = ref print_goals;
+open Display;