move Strict_Fun and Stream theories to new HOLCF/Library directory; add HOLCF/Library to search path
--- a/src/HOLCF/FOCUS/Fstream.thy Mon May 24 11:29:49 2010 -0700
+++ b/src/HOLCF/FOCUS/Fstream.thy Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
header {* FOCUS flat streams *}
theory Fstream
-imports "../ex/Stream"
+imports Stream
default_sort type
--- a/src/HOLCF/FOCUS/Fstreams.thy Mon May 24 11:29:49 2010 -0700
+++ b/src/HOLCF/FOCUS/Fstreams.thy Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
TODO: integrate this with Fstream.
-theory Fstreams imports "../ex/Stream" begin
+theory Fstreams
+imports Stream
default_sort type
--- a/src/HOLCF/FOCUS/Stream_adm.thy Mon May 24 11:29:49 2010 -0700
+++ b/src/HOLCF/FOCUS/Stream_adm.thy Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
header {* Admissibility for streams *}
theory Stream_adm
-imports "../ex/Stream" Continuity
+imports Stream Continuity
--- a/src/HOLCF/HOLCF.thy Mon May 24 11:29:49 2010 -0700
+++ b/src/HOLCF/HOLCF.thy Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
default_sort pcpo
+ML {* path_add "~~/src/HOLCF/Library" *}
text {* Legacy theorem names *}
lemmas sq_ord_less_eq_trans = below_eq_trans
--- a/src/HOLCF/IsaMakefile Mon May 24 11:29:49 2010 -0700
+++ b/src/HOLCF/IsaMakefile Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
default: HOLCF
images: HOLCF IOA
+ HOLCF-Library \
HOLCF-Tutorial \
IOA-ABP IOA-NTP IOA-Modelcheck IOA-Storage IOA-ex
all: images test
@@ -92,6 +93,18 @@
@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/HOLCF Tutorial
+## HOLCF-Library
+HOLCF-Library: HOLCF $(LOG)/HOLCF-Library.gz
+$(LOG)/HOLCF-Library.gz: $(OUT)/HOLCF \
+ Library/Stream.thy \
+ Library/Strict_Fun.thy \
+ Library/HOLCF_Library.thy \
+ Library/ROOT.ML
+ @$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/HOLCF Library
@@ -117,8 +130,6 @@
ex/Loop.thy \
ex/Pattern_Match.thy \
ex/Powerdomain_ex.thy \
- ex/Stream.thy \
- ex/Strict_Fun.thy \
@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/HOLCF ex
@@ -128,7 +139,7 @@
- ex/Stream.thy \
+ Library/Stream.thy \
FOCUS/Fstreams.thy \
FOCUS/Fstream.thy FOCUS/FOCUS.thy \
FOCUS/Stream_adm.thy ../HOL/Library/Continuity.thy \
@@ -213,4 +224,5 @@
$(LOG)/IOA.gz $(LOG)/IOA-ABP.gz $(LOG)/IOA-NTP.gz \
$(LOG)/IOA-Modelcheck.gz $(LOG)/IOA-Storage.gz \
+ $(LOG)/HOLCF-Library.gz \
$(LOG)/IOA-ex.gz $(LOG)/HOLCF-Tutorial.gz
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Library/HOLCF_Library.thy Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+theory HOLCF_Library
+ Stream
+ Strict_Fun
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Library/ROOT.ML Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+use_thys ["HOLCF_Library"];
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Library/Stream.thy Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+(* Title: HOLCF/ex/Stream.thy
+ Author: Franz Regensburger, David von Oheimb, Borislav Gajanovic
+header {* General Stream domain *}
+theory Stream
+imports HOLCF Nat_Infinity
+domain 'a stream = scons (ft::'a) (lazy rt::"'a stream") (infixr "&&" 65)
+ smap :: "('a \<rightarrow> 'b) \<rightarrow> 'a stream \<rightarrow> 'b stream" where
+ "smap = fix\<cdot>(\<Lambda> h f s. case s of x && xs \<Rightarrow> f\<cdot>x && h\<cdot>f\<cdot>xs)"
+ sfilter :: "('a \<rightarrow> tr) \<rightarrow> 'a stream \<rightarrow> 'a stream" where
+ "sfilter = fix\<cdot>(\<Lambda> h p s. case s of x && xs \<Rightarrow>
+ If p\<cdot>x then x && h\<cdot>p\<cdot>xs else h\<cdot>p\<cdot>xs fi)"
+ slen :: "'a stream \<Rightarrow> inat" ("#_" [1000] 1000) where
+ "#s = (if stream_finite s then Fin (LEAST n. stream_take n\<cdot>s = s) else \<infinity>)"
+(* concatenation *)
+ i_rt :: "nat => 'a stream => 'a stream" where (* chops the first i elements *)
+ "i_rt = (%i s. iterate i$rt$s)"
+ i_th :: "nat => 'a stream => 'a" where (* the i-th element *)
+ "i_th = (%i s. ft$(i_rt i s))"
+ sconc :: "'a stream => 'a stream => 'a stream" (infixr "ooo" 65) where
+ "s1 ooo s2 = (case #s1 of
+ Fin n \<Rightarrow> (SOME s. (stream_take n$s=s1) & (i_rt n s = s2))
+ | \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> s1)"
+primrec constr_sconc' :: "nat => 'a stream => 'a stream => 'a stream"
+ constr_sconc'_0: "constr_sconc' 0 s1 s2 = s2"
+| constr_sconc'_Suc: "constr_sconc' (Suc n) s1 s2 = ft$s1 &&
+ constr_sconc' n (rt$s1) s2"
+ constr_sconc :: "'a stream => 'a stream => 'a stream" where (* constructive *)
+ "constr_sconc s1 s2 = (case #s1 of
+ Fin n \<Rightarrow> constr_sconc' n s1 s2
+ | \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> s1)"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* theorems about scons *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "scons"
+lemma scons_eq_UU: "(a && s = UU) = (a = UU)"
+by simp
+lemma scons_not_empty: "[| a && x = UU; a ~= UU |] ==> R"
+by simp
+lemma stream_exhaust_eq: "(x ~= UU) = (EX a y. a ~= UU & x = a && y)"
+by (cases x, auto)
+lemma stream_neq_UU: "x~=UU ==> EX a a_s. x=a&&a_s & a~=UU"
+by (simp add: stream_exhaust_eq,auto)
+lemma stream_prefix:
+ "[| a && s << t; a ~= UU |] ==> EX b tt. t = b && tt & b ~= UU & s << tt"
+by (cases t, auto)
+lemma stream_prefix':
+ "b ~= UU ==> x << b && z =
+ (x = UU | (EX a y. x = a && y & a ~= UU & a << b & y << z))"
+by (cases x, auto)
+lemma stream_prefix1: "[| x<<y; xs<<ys |] ==> x&&xs << y&&ys"
+by (insert stream_prefix' [of y "x&&xs" ys],force)
+lemma stream_flat_prefix:
+ "[| x && xs << y && ys; (x::'a::flat) ~= UU|] ==> x = y & xs << ys"
+apply (case_tac "y=UU",auto)
+by (drule ax_flat,simp)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* theorems about stream_when *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "stream_when"
+lemma stream_when_strictf: "stream_when$UU$s=UU"
+by (cases s, auto)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* theorems about ft and rt *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "ft & rt"
+lemma ft_defin: "s~=UU ==> ft$s~=UU"
+by simp
+lemma rt_strict_rev: "rt$s~=UU ==> s~=UU"
+by auto
+lemma surjectiv_scons: "(ft$s)&&(rt$s)=s"
+by (cases s, auto)
+lemma monofun_rt_mult: "x << s ==> iterate i$rt$x << iterate i$rt$s"
+by (rule monofun_cfun_arg)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* theorems about stream_take *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "stream_take"
+lemma stream_reach2: "(LUB i. stream_take i$s) = s"
+by (rule stream.reach)
+lemma chain_stream_take: "chain (%i. stream_take i$s)"
+by simp
+lemma stream_take_prefix [simp]: "stream_take n$s << s"
+apply (insert stream_reach2 [of s])
+apply (erule subst) back
+apply (rule is_ub_thelub)
+by (simp only: chain_stream_take)
+lemma stream_take_more [rule_format]:
+ "ALL x. stream_take n$x = x --> stream_take (Suc n)$x = x"
+apply (induct_tac n,auto)
+apply (case_tac "x=UU",auto)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
+lemma stream_take_lemma3 [rule_format]:
+ "ALL x xs. x~=UU --> stream_take n$(x && xs) = x && xs --> stream_take n$xs=xs"
+apply (induct_tac n,clarsimp)
+(*apply (drule sym, erule scons_not_empty, simp)*)
+apply (clarify, rule stream_take_more)
+apply (erule_tac x="x" in allE)
+by (erule_tac x="xs" in allE,simp)
+lemma stream_take_lemma4:
+ "ALL x xs. stream_take n$xs=xs --> stream_take (Suc n)$(x && xs) = x && xs"
+by auto
+lemma stream_take_idempotent [rule_format, simp]:
+ "ALL s. stream_take n$(stream_take n$s) = stream_take n$s"
+apply (induct_tac n, auto)
+apply (case_tac "s=UU", auto)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
+lemma stream_take_take_Suc [rule_format, simp]:
+ "ALL s. stream_take n$(stream_take (Suc n)$s) =
+ stream_take n$s"
+apply (induct_tac n, auto)
+apply (case_tac "s=UU", auto)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
+lemma mono_stream_take_pred:
+ "stream_take (Suc n)$s1 << stream_take (Suc n)$s2 ==>
+ stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2"
+by (insert monofun_cfun_arg [of "stream_take (Suc n)$s1"
+ "stream_take (Suc n)$s2" "stream_take n"], auto)
+lemma mono_stream_take_pred:
+ "stream_take (Suc n)$s1 << stream_take (Suc n)$s2 ==>
+ stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2"
+by (drule mono_stream_take [of _ _ n],simp)
+lemma stream_take_lemma10 [rule_format]:
+ "ALL k<=n. stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2
+ --> stream_take k$s1 << stream_take k$s2"
+apply (induct_tac n,simp,clarsimp)
+apply (case_tac "k=Suc n",blast)
+apply (erule_tac x="k" in allE)
+by (drule mono_stream_take_pred,simp)
+lemma stream_take_le_mono : "k<=n ==> stream_take k$s1 << stream_take n$s1"
+apply (insert chain_stream_take [of s1])
+by (drule chain_mono,auto)
+lemma mono_stream_take: "s1 << s2 ==> stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2"
+by (simp add: monofun_cfun_arg)
+lemma stream_take_prefix [simp]: "stream_take n$s << s"
+apply (subgoal_tac "s=(LUB n. stream_take n$s)")
+ apply (erule ssubst, rule is_ub_thelub)
+ apply (simp only: chain_stream_take)
+by (simp only: stream_reach2)
+lemma stream_take_take_less:"stream_take k$(stream_take n$s) << stream_take k$s"
+by (rule monofun_cfun_arg,auto)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* special induction rules *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "induction"
+lemma stream_finite_ind:
+ "[| stream_finite x; P UU; !!a s. [| a ~= UU; P s |] ==> P (a && s) |] ==> P x"
+apply (simp add: stream.finite_def,auto)
+apply (erule subst)
+by (drule stream.finite_induct [of P _ x], auto)
+lemma stream_finite_ind2:
+"[| P UU; !! x. x ~= UU ==> P (x && UU); !! y z s. [| y ~= UU; z ~= UU; P s |] ==> P (y && z && s )|] ==>
+ !s. P (stream_take n$s)"
+apply (rule nat_less_induct [of _ n],auto)
+apply (case_tac n, auto)
+apply (case_tac nat, auto)
+apply (case_tac "s=UU",clarsimp)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],clarsimp)
+apply (case_tac "s=UU",clarsimp)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],clarsimp)
+apply (case_tac "y=UU",clarsimp)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],clarsimp)
+lemma stream_ind2:
+"[| adm P; P UU; !!a. a ~= UU ==> P (a && UU); !!a b s. [| a ~= UU; b ~= UU; P s |] ==> P (a && b && s) |] ==> P x"
+apply (insert stream.reach [of x],erule subst)
+apply (erule admD, rule chain_stream_take)
+apply (insert stream_finite_ind2 [of P])
+by simp
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* simplify use of coinduction *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "coinduction"
+lemma stream_coind_lemma2: "!s1 s2. R s1 s2 --> ft$s1 = ft$s2 & R (rt$s1) (rt$s2) ==> stream_bisim R"
+ apply (simp add: stream.bisim_def,clarsimp)
+ apply (drule spec, drule spec, drule (1) mp)
+ apply (case_tac "x", simp)
+ apply (case_tac "x'", simp)
+by auto
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* theorems about stream_finite *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "stream_finite"
+lemma stream_finite_UU [simp]: "stream_finite UU"
+by (simp add: stream.finite_def)
+lemma stream_finite_UU_rev: "~ stream_finite s ==> s ~= UU"
+by (auto simp add: stream.finite_def)
+lemma stream_finite_lemma1: "stream_finite xs ==> stream_finite (x && xs)"
+apply (simp add: stream.finite_def,auto)
+apply (rule_tac x="Suc n" in exI)
+by (simp add: stream_take_lemma4)
+lemma stream_finite_lemma2: "[| x ~= UU; stream_finite (x && xs) |] ==> stream_finite xs"
+apply (simp add: stream.finite_def, auto)
+apply (rule_tac x="n" in exI)
+by (erule stream_take_lemma3,simp)
+lemma stream_finite_rt_eq: "stream_finite (rt$s) = stream_finite s"
+apply (cases s, auto)
+apply (rule stream_finite_lemma1, simp)
+by (rule stream_finite_lemma2,simp)
+lemma stream_finite_less: "stream_finite s ==> !t. t<<s --> stream_finite t"
+apply (erule stream_finite_ind [of s], auto)
+apply (case_tac "t=UU", auto)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
+apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE, simp)
+by (rule stream_finite_lemma1, simp)
+lemma stream_take_finite [simp]: "stream_finite (stream_take n$s)"
+apply (simp add: stream.finite_def)
+by (rule_tac x="n" in exI,simp)
+lemma adm_not_stream_finite: "adm (%x. ~ stream_finite x)"
+apply (rule adm_upward)
+apply (erule contrapos_nn)
+apply (erule (1) stream_finite_less [rule_format])
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* theorems about stream length *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "slen"
+lemma slen_empty [simp]: "#\<bottom> = 0"
+by (simp add: slen_def stream.finite_def zero_inat_def Least_equality)
+lemma slen_scons [simp]: "x ~= \<bottom> ==> #(x&&xs) = iSuc (#xs)"
+apply (case_tac "stream_finite (x && xs)")
+apply (simp add: slen_def, auto)
+apply (simp add: stream.finite_def, auto simp add: iSuc_Fin)
+apply (rule Least_Suc2, auto)
+(*apply (drule sym)*)
+(*apply (drule sym scons_eq_UU [THEN iffD1],simp)*)
+apply (erule stream_finite_lemma2, simp)
+apply (simp add: slen_def, auto)
+by (drule stream_finite_lemma1,auto)
+lemma slen_less_1_eq: "(#x < Fin (Suc 0)) = (x = \<bottom>)"
+by (cases x, auto simp add: Fin_0 iSuc_Fin[THEN sym])
+lemma slen_empty_eq: "(#x = 0) = (x = \<bottom>)"
+by (cases x, auto)
+lemma slen_scons_eq: "(Fin (Suc n) < #x) = (? a y. x = a && y & a ~= \<bottom> & Fin n < #y)"
+apply (auto, case_tac "x=UU",auto)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
+apply (case_tac "#y") apply simp_all
+apply (case_tac "#y") apply simp_all
+lemma slen_iSuc: "#x = iSuc n --> (? a y. x = a&&y & a ~= \<bottom> & #y = n)"
+by (cases x, auto)
+lemma slen_stream_take_finite [simp]: "#(stream_take n$s) ~= \<infinity>"
+by (simp add: slen_def)
+lemma slen_scons_eq_rev: "(#x < Fin (Suc (Suc n))) = (!a y. x ~= a && y | a = \<bottom> | #y < Fin (Suc n))"
+ apply (cases x, auto)
+ apply (simp add: zero_inat_def)
+ apply (case_tac "#stream") apply (simp_all add: iSuc_Fin)
+ apply (case_tac "#stream") apply (simp_all add: iSuc_Fin)
+lemma slen_take_lemma4 [rule_format]:
+ "!s. stream_take n$s ~= s --> #(stream_take n$s) = Fin n"
+apply (induct n, auto simp add: Fin_0)
+apply (case_tac "s=UU", simp)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto simp add: iSuc_Fin)
+lemma stream_take_idempotent [simp]:
+ "stream_take n$(stream_take n$s) = stream_take n$s"
+apply (case_tac "stream_take n$s = s")
+apply (auto,insert slen_take_lemma4 [of n s]);
+by (auto,insert slen_take_lemma1 [of "stream_take n$s" n],simp)
+lemma stream_take_take_Suc [simp]: "stream_take n$(stream_take (Suc n)$s) =
+ stream_take n$s"
+apply (simp add: po_eq_conv,auto)
+ apply (simp add: stream_take_take_less)
+apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take n$s = stream_take n$(stream_take n$s)")
+ apply (erule ssubst)
+ apply (rule_tac monofun_cfun_arg)
+ apply (insert chain_stream_take [of s])
+by (simp add: chain_def,simp)
+lemma slen_take_eq: "ALL x. (Fin n < #x) = (stream_take n\<cdot>x ~= x)"
+apply (induct_tac n, auto)
+apply (simp add: Fin_0, clarsimp)
+apply (drule not_sym)
+apply (drule slen_empty_eq [THEN iffD1], simp)
+apply (case_tac "x=UU", simp)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)
+apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE, auto)
+apply (simp_all add: not_less iSuc_Fin)
+apply (case_tac "#y") apply simp_all
+apply (case_tac "x=UU", simp)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)
+apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE, simp)
+apply (case_tac "#y") by simp_all
+lemma slen_take_eq_rev: "(#x <= Fin n) = (stream_take n\<cdot>x = x)"
+by (simp add: linorder_not_less [symmetric] slen_take_eq)
+lemma slen_take_lemma1: "#x = Fin n ==> stream_take n\<cdot>x = x"
+by (rule slen_take_eq_rev [THEN iffD1], auto)
+lemma slen_rt_mono: "#s2 <= #s1 ==> #(rt$s2) <= #(rt$s1)"
+apply (cases s1)
+ by (cases s2, simp+)+
+lemma slen_take_lemma5: "#(stream_take n$s) <= Fin n"
+apply (case_tac "stream_take n$s = s")
+ apply (simp add: slen_take_eq_rev)
+by (simp add: slen_take_lemma4)
+lemma slen_take_lemma2: "!x. ~stream_finite x --> #(stream_take i\<cdot>x) = Fin i"
+apply (simp add: stream.finite_def, auto)
+by (simp add: slen_take_lemma4)
+lemma slen_infinite: "stream_finite x = (#x ~= Infty)"
+by (simp add: slen_def)
+lemma slen_mono_lemma: "stream_finite s ==> ALL t. s << t --> #s <= #t"
+apply (erule stream_finite_ind [of s], auto)
+apply (case_tac "t=UU", auto)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
+lemma slen_mono: "s << t ==> #s <= #t"
+apply (case_tac "stream_finite t")
+apply (frule stream_finite_less)
+apply (erule_tac x="s" in allE, simp)
+apply (drule slen_mono_lemma, auto)
+by (simp add: slen_def)
+lemma iterate_lemma: "F$(iterate n$F$x) = iterate n$F$(F$x)"
+by (insert iterate_Suc2 [of n F x], auto)
+lemma slen_rt_mult [rule_format]: "!x. Fin (i + j) <= #x --> Fin j <= #(iterate i$rt$x)"
+apply (induct i, auto)
+apply (case_tac "x=UU", auto simp add: zero_inat_def)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
+apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE, auto)
+apply (simp add: not_le) apply (case_tac "#y") apply (simp_all add: iSuc_Fin)
+by (simp add: iterate_lemma)
+lemma slen_take_lemma3 [rule_format]:
+ "!(x::'a::flat stream) y. Fin n <= #x --> x << y --> stream_take n\<cdot>x = stream_take n\<cdot>y"
+apply (induct_tac n, auto)
+apply (case_tac "x=UU", auto)
+apply (simp add: zero_inat_def)
+apply (simp add: Suc_ile_eq)
+apply (case_tac "y=UU", clarsimp)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)+
+apply (erule_tac x="ya" in allE, simp)
+by (drule ax_flat, simp)
+lemma slen_strict_mono_lemma:
+ "stream_finite t ==> !s. #(s::'a::flat stream) = #t & s << t --> s = t"
+apply (erule stream_finite_ind, auto)
+apply (case_tac "sa=UU", auto)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)
+by (drule ax_flat, simp)
+lemma slen_strict_mono: "[|stream_finite t; s ~= t; s << (t::'a::flat stream) |] ==> #s < #t"
+by (auto simp add: slen_mono less_le dest: slen_strict_mono_lemma)
+lemma stream_take_Suc_neq: "stream_take (Suc n)$s ~=s ==>
+ stream_take n$s ~= stream_take (Suc n)$s"
+apply auto
+apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take n$s ~=s")
+ apply (insert slen_take_lemma4 [of n s],auto)
+apply (cases s, simp)
+by (simp add: slen_take_lemma4 iSuc_Fin)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* theorems about smap *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "smap"
+lemma smap_unfold: "smap = (\<Lambda> f t. case t of x&&xs \<Rightarrow> f$x && smap$f$xs)"
+by (insert smap_def [where 'a='a and 'b='b, THEN eq_reflection, THEN fix_eq2], auto)
+lemma smap_empty [simp]: "smap\<cdot>f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+by (subst smap_unfold, simp)
+lemma smap_scons [simp]: "x~=\<bottom> ==> smap\<cdot>f\<cdot>(x&&xs) = (f\<cdot>x)&&(smap\<cdot>f\<cdot>xs)"
+by (subst smap_unfold, force)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* theorems about sfilter *)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+section "sfilter"
+lemma sfilter_unfold:
+ "sfilter = (\<Lambda> p s. case s of x && xs \<Rightarrow>
+ If p\<cdot>x then x && sfilter\<cdot>p\<cdot>xs else sfilter\<cdot>p\<cdot>xs fi)"
+by (insert sfilter_def [where 'a='a, THEN eq_reflection, THEN fix_eq2], auto)
+lemma strict_sfilter: "sfilter\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+apply (rule ext_cfun)
+apply (subst sfilter_unfold, auto)
+apply (case_tac "x=UU", auto)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
+lemma sfilter_empty [simp]: "sfilter\<cdot>f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+by (subst sfilter_unfold, force)
+lemma sfilter_scons [simp]:
+ "x ~= \<bottom> ==> sfilter\<cdot>f\<cdot>(x && xs) =
+ If f\<cdot>x then x && sfilter\<cdot>f\<cdot>xs else sfilter\<cdot>f\<cdot>xs fi"
+by (subst sfilter_unfold, force)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ section "i_rt"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma i_rt_UU [simp]: "i_rt n UU = UU"
+ by (induct n) (simp_all add: i_rt_def)
+lemma i_rt_0 [simp]: "i_rt 0 s = s"
+by (simp add: i_rt_def)
+lemma i_rt_Suc [simp]: "a ~= UU ==> i_rt (Suc n) (a&&s) = i_rt n s"
+by (simp add: i_rt_def iterate_Suc2 del: iterate_Suc)
+lemma i_rt_Suc_forw: "i_rt (Suc n) s = i_rt n (rt$s)"
+by (simp only: i_rt_def iterate_Suc2)
+lemma i_rt_Suc_back:"i_rt (Suc n) s = rt$(i_rt n s)"
+by (simp only: i_rt_def,auto)
+lemma i_rt_mono: "x << s ==> i_rt n x << i_rt n s"
+by (simp add: i_rt_def monofun_rt_mult)
+lemma i_rt_ij_lemma: "Fin (i + j) <= #x ==> Fin j <= #(i_rt i x)"
+by (simp add: i_rt_def slen_rt_mult)
+lemma slen_i_rt_mono: "#s2 <= #s1 ==> #(i_rt n s2) <= #(i_rt n s1)"
+apply (induct_tac n,auto)
+apply (simp add: i_rt_Suc_back)
+by (drule slen_rt_mono,simp)
+lemma i_rt_take_lemma1 [rule_format]: "ALL s. i_rt n (stream_take n$s) = UU"
+apply (induct_tac n)
+ apply (simp add: i_rt_Suc_back,auto)
+apply (case_tac "s=UU",auto)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
+lemma i_rt_slen: "(i_rt n s = UU) = (stream_take n$s = s)"
+apply auto
+ apply (insert i_rt_ij_lemma [of n "Suc 0" s])
+ apply (subgoal_tac "#(i_rt n s)=0")
+ apply (case_tac "stream_take n$s = s",simp+)
+ apply (insert slen_take_eq [rule_format,of n s],simp)
+ apply (cases "#s") apply (simp_all add: zero_inat_def)
+ apply (simp add: slen_take_eq)
+ apply (cases "#s")
+ using i_rt_take_lemma1 [of n s]
+ apply (simp_all add: zero_inat_def)
+ done
+lemma i_rt_lemma_slen: "#s=Fin n ==> i_rt n s = UU"
+by (simp add: i_rt_slen slen_take_lemma1)
+lemma stream_finite_i_rt [simp]: "stream_finite (i_rt n s) = stream_finite s"
+apply (induct_tac n, auto)
+ apply (cases s, auto simp del: i_rt_Suc)
+by (simp add: i_rt_Suc_back stream_finite_rt_eq)+
+lemma take_i_rt_len_lemma: "ALL sl x j t. Fin sl = #x & n <= sl &
+ #(stream_take n$x) = Fin t & #(i_rt n x)= Fin j
+ --> Fin (j + t) = #x"
+apply (induct n, auto)
+ apply (simp add: zero_inat_def)
+apply (case_tac "x=UU",auto)
+ apply (simp add: zero_inat_def)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],clarsimp)
+apply (subgoal_tac "EX k. Fin k = #y",clarify)
+ apply (erule_tac x="k" in allE)
+ apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE,auto)
+ apply (erule_tac x="THE p. Suc p = t" in allE,auto)
+ apply (simp add: iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
+ apply (simp add: iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
+ apply (simp only: the_equality)
+ apply (simp add: iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
+ apply force
+apply (simp add: iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
+lemma take_i_rt_len:
+"[| Fin sl = #x; n <= sl; #(stream_take n$x) = Fin t; #(i_rt n x) = Fin j |] ==>
+ Fin (j + t) = #x"
+by (blast intro: take_i_rt_len_lemma [rule_format])
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ section "i_th"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma i_th_i_rt_step:
+"[| i_th n s1 << i_th n s2; i_rt (Suc n) s1 << i_rt (Suc n) s2 |] ==>
+ i_rt n s1 << i_rt n s2"
+apply (simp add: i_th_def i_rt_Suc_back)
+apply (cases "i_rt n s1", simp)
+apply (cases "i_rt n s2", auto)
+lemma i_th_stream_take_Suc [rule_format]:
+ "ALL s. i_th n (stream_take (Suc n)$s) = i_th n s"
+apply (induct_tac n,auto)
+ apply (simp add: i_th_def)
+ apply (case_tac "s=UU",auto)
+ apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
+apply (case_tac "s=UU",simp add: i_th_def)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
+by (simp add: i_th_def i_rt_Suc_forw)
+lemma i_th_last: "i_th n s && UU = i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s)"
+apply (insert surjectiv_scons [of "i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s)"])
+apply (rule i_th_stream_take_Suc [THEN subst])
+apply (simp add: i_th_def i_rt_Suc_back [symmetric])
+by (simp add: i_rt_take_lemma1)
+lemma i_th_last_eq:
+"i_th n s1 = i_th n s2 ==> i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s1) = i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s2)"
+apply (insert i_th_last [of n s1])
+apply (insert i_th_last [of n s2])
+by auto
+lemma i_th_prefix_lemma:
+"[| k <= n; stream_take (Suc n)$s1 << stream_take (Suc n)$s2 |] ==>
+ i_th k s1 << i_th k s2"
+apply (insert i_th_stream_take_Suc [of k s1, THEN sym])
+apply (insert i_th_stream_take_Suc [of k s2, THEN sym],auto)
+apply (simp add: i_th_def)
+apply (rule monofun_cfun, auto)
+apply (rule i_rt_mono)
+by (blast intro: stream_take_lemma10)
+lemma take_i_rt_prefix_lemma1:
+ "stream_take (Suc n)$s1 << stream_take (Suc n)$s2 ==>
+ i_rt (Suc n) s1 << i_rt (Suc n) s2 ==>
+ i_rt n s1 << i_rt n s2 & stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2"
+apply auto
+ apply (insert i_th_prefix_lemma [of n n s1 s2])
+ apply (rule i_th_i_rt_step,auto)
+by (drule mono_stream_take_pred,simp)
+lemma take_i_rt_prefix_lemma:
+"[| stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2; i_rt n s1 << i_rt n s2 |] ==> s1 << s2"
+apply (case_tac "n=0",simp)
+apply (auto)
+apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take 0$s1 << stream_take 0$s2 &
+ i_rt 0 s1 << i_rt 0 s2")
+ defer 1
+ apply (rule zero_induct,blast)
+ apply (blast dest: take_i_rt_prefix_lemma1)
+by simp
+lemma streams_prefix_lemma: "(s1 << s2) =
+ (stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2 & i_rt n s1 << i_rt n s2)"
+apply auto
+ apply (simp add: monofun_cfun_arg)
+ apply (simp add: i_rt_mono)
+by (erule take_i_rt_prefix_lemma,simp)
+lemma streams_prefix_lemma1:
+ "[| stream_take n$s1 = stream_take n$s2; i_rt n s1 = i_rt n s2 |] ==> s1 = s2"
+apply (simp add: po_eq_conv,auto)
+ apply (insert streams_prefix_lemma)
+ by blast+
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ section "sconc"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma UU_sconc [simp]: " UU ooo s = s "
+by (simp add: sconc_def zero_inat_def)
+lemma scons_neq_UU: "a~=UU ==> a && s ~=UU"
+by auto
+lemma singleton_sconc [rule_format, simp]: "x~=UU --> (x && UU) ooo y = x && y"
+apply (simp add: sconc_def zero_inat_def iSuc_def split: inat.splits, auto)
+apply (rule someI2_ex,auto)
+ apply (rule_tac x="x && y" in exI,auto)
+apply (simp add: i_rt_Suc_forw)
+apply (case_tac "xa=UU",simp)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
+lemma ex_sconc [rule_format]:
+ "ALL k y. #x = Fin k --> (EX w. stream_take k$w = x & i_rt k w = y)"
+apply (case_tac "#x")
+ apply (rule stream_finite_ind [of x],auto)
+ apply (simp add: stream.finite_def)
+ apply (drule slen_take_lemma1,blast)
+ apply (simp_all add: zero_inat_def iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
+apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE,auto)
+by (rule_tac x="a && w" in exI,auto)
+lemma rt_sconc1: "Fin n = #x ==> i_rt n (x ooo y) = y"
+apply (simp add: sconc_def split: inat.splits, arith?,auto)
+apply (rule someI2_ex,auto)
+by (drule ex_sconc,simp)
+lemma sconc_inj2: "\<lbrakk>Fin n = #x; x ooo y = x ooo z\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> y = z"
+apply (frule_tac y=y in rt_sconc1)
+by (auto elim: rt_sconc1)
+lemma sconc_UU [simp]:"s ooo UU = s"
+apply (case_tac "#s")
+ apply (simp add: sconc_def)
+ apply (rule someI2_ex)
+ apply (rule_tac x="s" in exI)
+ apply auto
+ apply (drule slen_take_lemma1,auto)
+ apply (simp add: i_rt_lemma_slen)
+ apply (drule slen_take_lemma1,auto)
+ apply (simp add: i_rt_slen)
+by (simp add: sconc_def)
+lemma stream_take_sconc [simp]: "Fin n = #x ==> stream_take n$(x ooo y) = x"
+apply (simp add: sconc_def)
+apply (cases "#x")
+apply auto
+apply (rule someI2_ex, auto)
+by (drule ex_sconc,simp)
+lemma scons_sconc [rule_format,simp]: "a~=UU --> (a && x) ooo y = a && x ooo y"
+apply (cases "#x",auto)
+ apply (simp add: sconc_def iSuc_Fin)
+ apply (rule someI2_ex)
+ apply (drule ex_sconc, simp)
+ apply (rule someI2_ex, auto)
+ apply (simp add: i_rt_Suc_forw)
+ apply (rule_tac x="a && x" in exI, auto)
+ apply (case_tac "xa=UU",auto)
+ apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
+ apply (drule streams_prefix_lemma1,simp+)
+by (simp add: sconc_def)
+lemma ft_sconc: "x ~= UU ==> ft$(x ooo y) = ft$x"
+by (cases x, auto)
+lemma sconc_assoc: "(x ooo y) ooo z = x ooo y ooo z"
+apply (case_tac "#x")
+ apply (rule stream_finite_ind [of x],auto simp del: scons_sconc)
+ apply (simp add: stream.finite_def del: scons_sconc)
+ apply (drule slen_take_lemma1,auto simp del: scons_sconc)
+ apply (case_tac "a = UU", auto)
+by (simp add: sconc_def)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma cont_sconc_lemma1: "stream_finite x \<Longrightarrow> cont (\<lambda>y. x ooo y)"
+by (erule stream_finite_ind, simp_all)
+lemma cont_sconc_lemma2: "\<not> stream_finite x \<Longrightarrow> cont (\<lambda>y. x ooo y)"
+by (simp add: sconc_def slen_def)
+lemma cont_sconc: "cont (\<lambda>y. x ooo y)"
+apply (cases "stream_finite x")
+apply (erule cont_sconc_lemma1)
+apply (erule cont_sconc_lemma2)
+lemma sconc_mono: "y << y' ==> x ooo y << x ooo y'"
+by (rule cont_sconc [THEN cont2mono, THEN monofunE])
+lemma sconc_mono1 [simp]: "x << x ooo y"
+by (rule sconc_mono [of UU, simplified])
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma empty_sconc [simp]: "(x ooo y = UU) = (x = UU & y = UU)"
+apply (case_tac "#x",auto)
+ apply (insert sconc_mono1 [of x y])
+ by auto
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma rt_sconc [rule_format, simp]: "s~=UU --> rt$(s ooo x) = rt$s ooo x"
+by (cases s, auto)
+lemma i_th_sconc_lemma [rule_format]:
+ "ALL x y. Fin n < #x --> i_th n (x ooo y) = i_th n x"
+apply (induct_tac n, auto)
+apply (simp add: Fin_0 i_th_def)
+apply (simp add: slen_empty_eq ft_sconc)
+apply (simp add: i_th_def)
+apply (case_tac "x=UU",auto)
+apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
+apply (erule_tac x="ya" in allE)
+apply (case_tac "#ya") by simp_all
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma sconc_lemma [rule_format, simp]: "ALL s. stream_take n$s ooo i_rt n s = s"
+apply (induct_tac n,auto)
+apply (case_tac "s=UU",auto)
+by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ subsection "pointwise equality"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma ex_last_stream_take_scons: "stream_take (Suc n)$s =
+ stream_take n$s ooo i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s)"
+by (insert sconc_lemma [of n "stream_take (Suc n)$s"],simp)
+lemma i_th_stream_take_eq:
+"!!n. ALL n. i_th n s1 = i_th n s2 ==> stream_take n$s1 = stream_take n$s2"
+apply (induct_tac n,auto)
+apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take (Suc na)$s1 =
+ stream_take na$s1 ooo i_rt na (stream_take (Suc na)$s1)")
+ apply (subgoal_tac "i_rt na (stream_take (Suc na)$s1) =
+ i_rt na (stream_take (Suc na)$s2)")
+ apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take (Suc na)$s2 =
+ stream_take na$s2 ooo i_rt na (stream_take (Suc na)$s2)")
+ apply (insert ex_last_stream_take_scons,simp)
+ apply blast
+ apply (erule_tac x="na" in allE)
+ apply (insert i_th_last_eq [of _ s1 s2])
+by blast+
+lemma pointwise_eq_lemma[rule_format]: "ALL n. i_th n s1 = i_th n s2 ==> s1 = s2"
+by (insert i_th_stream_take_eq [THEN stream.take_lemma],blast)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ subsection "finiteness"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma slen_sconc_finite1:
+ "[| #(x ooo y) = Infty; Fin n = #x |] ==> #y = Infty"
+apply (case_tac "#y ~= Infty",auto)
+apply (drule_tac y=y in rt_sconc1)
+apply (insert stream_finite_i_rt [of n "x ooo y"])
+by (simp add: slen_infinite)
+lemma slen_sconc_infinite1: "#x=Infty ==> #(x ooo y) = Infty"
+by (simp add: sconc_def)
+lemma slen_sconc_infinite2: "#y=Infty ==> #(x ooo y) = Infty"
+apply (case_tac "#x")
+ apply (simp add: sconc_def)
+ apply (rule someI2_ex)
+ apply (drule ex_sconc,auto)
+ apply (erule contrapos_pp)
+ apply (insert stream_finite_i_rt)
+ apply (fastsimp simp add: slen_infinite,auto)
+by (simp add: sconc_def)
+lemma sconc_finite: "(#x~=Infty & #y~=Infty) = (#(x ooo y)~=Infty)"
+apply auto
+ apply (metis not_Infty_eq slen_sconc_finite1)
+ apply (metis not_Infty_eq slen_sconc_infinite1)
+apply (metis not_Infty_eq slen_sconc_infinite2)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma slen_sconc_mono3: "[| Fin n = #x; Fin k = #(x ooo y) |] ==> n <= k"
+apply (insert slen_mono [of "x" "x ooo y"])
+apply (cases "#x") apply simp_all
+apply (cases "#(x ooo y)") apply simp_all
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ subsection "finite slen"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma slen_sconc: "[| Fin n = #x; Fin m = #y |] ==> #(x ooo y) = Fin (n + m)"
+apply (case_tac "#(x ooo y)")
+ apply (frule_tac y=y in rt_sconc1)
+ apply (insert take_i_rt_len [of "THE j. Fin j = #(x ooo y)" "x ooo y" n n m],simp)
+ apply (insert slen_sconc_mono3 [of n x _ y],simp)
+by (insert sconc_finite [of x y],auto)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ subsection "flat prefix"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma sconc_prefix: "(s1::'a::flat stream) << s2 ==> EX t. s1 ooo t = s2"
+apply (case_tac "#s1")
+ apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take nat$s1 = stream_take nat$s2")
+ apply (rule_tac x="i_rt nat s2" in exI)
+ apply (simp add: sconc_def)
+ apply (rule someI2_ex)
+ apply (drule ex_sconc)
+ apply (simp,clarsimp,drule streams_prefix_lemma1)
+ apply (simp+,rule slen_take_lemma3 [of _ s1 s2])
+ apply (simp+,rule_tac x="UU" in exI)
+apply (insert slen_take_lemma3 [of _ s1 s2])
+by (rule stream.take_lemma,simp)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ subsection "continuity"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma chain_sconc: "chain S ==> chain (%i. (x ooo S i))"
+by (simp add: chain_def,auto simp add: sconc_mono)
+lemma chain_scons: "chain S ==> chain (%i. a && S i)"
+apply (simp add: chain_def,auto)
+by (rule monofun_cfun_arg,simp)
+lemma contlub_scons_lemma: "chain S ==> (LUB i. a && S i) = a && (LUB i. S i)"
+by (rule cont2contlubE [OF cont_Rep_CFun2, symmetric])
+lemma finite_lub_sconc: "chain Y ==> (stream_finite x) ==>
+ (LUB i. x ooo Y i) = (x ooo (LUB i. Y i))"
+apply (rule stream_finite_ind [of x])
+ apply (auto)
+apply (subgoal_tac "(LUB i. a && (s ooo Y i)) = a && (LUB i. s ooo Y i)")
+ by (force,blast dest: contlub_scons_lemma chain_sconc)
+lemma contlub_sconc_lemma:
+ "chain Y ==> (LUB i. x ooo Y i) = (x ooo (LUB i. Y i))"
+apply (case_tac "#x=Infty")
+ apply (simp add: sconc_def)
+apply (drule finite_lub_sconc,auto simp add: slen_infinite)
+lemma monofun_sconc: "monofun (%y. x ooo y)"
+by (simp add: monofun_def sconc_mono)
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ section "constr_sconc"
+(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+lemma constr_sconc_UUs [simp]: "constr_sconc UU s = s"
+by (simp add: constr_sconc_def zero_inat_def)
+lemma "x ooo y = constr_sconc x y"
+apply (case_tac "#x")
+ apply (rule stream_finite_ind [of x],auto simp del: scons_sconc)
+ defer 1
+ apply (simp add: constr_sconc_def del: scons_sconc)
+ apply (case_tac "#s")
+ apply (simp add: iSuc_Fin)
+ apply (case_tac "a=UU",auto simp del: scons_sconc)
+ apply (simp)
+ apply (simp add: sconc_def)
+ apply (simp add: constr_sconc_def)
+apply (simp add: stream.finite_def)
+by (drule slen_take_lemma1,auto)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/Library/Strict_Fun.thy Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+(* Title: HOLCF/ex/Strict_Fun.thy
+ Author: Brian Huffman
+header {* The Strict Function Type *}
+theory Strict_Fun
+imports HOLCF
+pcpodef (open) ('a, 'b) sfun (infixr "->!" 0)
+ = "{f :: 'a \<rightarrow> 'b. f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>}"
+by simp_all
+type_notation (xsymbols)
+ sfun (infixr "\<rightarrow>!" 0)
+text {* TODO: Define nice syntax for abstraction, application. *}
+ sfun_abs :: "('a \<rightarrow> 'b) \<rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow>! 'b)"
+ "sfun_abs = (\<Lambda> f. Abs_sfun (strictify\<cdot>f))"
+ sfun_rep :: "('a \<rightarrow>! 'b) \<rightarrow> 'a \<rightarrow> 'b"
+ "sfun_rep = (\<Lambda> f. Rep_sfun f)"
+lemma sfun_rep_beta: "sfun_rep\<cdot>f = Rep_sfun f"
+ unfolding sfun_rep_def by (simp add: cont_Rep_sfun)
+lemma sfun_rep_strict1 [simp]: "sfun_rep\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+ unfolding sfun_rep_beta by (rule Rep_sfun_strict)
+lemma sfun_rep_strict2 [simp]: "sfun_rep\<cdot>f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
+ unfolding sfun_rep_beta by (rule Rep_sfun [simplified])
+lemma strictify_cancel: "f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> strictify\<cdot>f = f"
+ by (simp add: expand_cfun_eq strictify_conv_if)
+lemma sfun_abs_sfun_rep: "sfun_abs\<cdot>(sfun_rep\<cdot>f) = f"
+ unfolding sfun_abs_def sfun_rep_def
+ apply (simp add: cont_Abs_sfun cont_Rep_sfun)
+ apply (simp add: Rep_sfun_inject [symmetric] Abs_sfun_inverse)
+ apply (simp add: expand_cfun_eq strictify_conv_if)
+ apply (simp add: Rep_sfun [simplified])
+ done
+lemma sfun_rep_sfun_abs [simp]: "sfun_rep\<cdot>(sfun_abs\<cdot>f) = strictify\<cdot>f"
+ unfolding sfun_abs_def sfun_rep_def
+ apply (simp add: cont_Abs_sfun cont_Rep_sfun)
+ apply (simp add: Abs_sfun_inverse)
+ done
+lemma ep_pair_sfun: "ep_pair sfun_rep sfun_abs"
+apply default
+apply (rule sfun_abs_sfun_rep)
+apply (simp add: expand_cfun_below strictify_conv_if)
+interpretation sfun: ep_pair sfun_rep sfun_abs
+ by (rule ep_pair_sfun)
+subsection {* Map functional for strict function space *}
+ sfun_map :: "('b \<rightarrow> 'a) \<rightarrow> ('c \<rightarrow> 'd) \<rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow>! 'c) \<rightarrow> ('b \<rightarrow>! 'd)"
+ "sfun_map = (\<Lambda> a b. sfun_abs oo cfun_map\<cdot>a\<cdot>b oo sfun_rep)"
+lemma sfun_map_ID: "sfun_map\<cdot>ID\<cdot>ID = ID"
+ unfolding sfun_map_def
+ by (simp add: cfun_map_ID expand_cfun_eq)
+lemma sfun_map_map:
+ assumes "f2\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>" and "g2\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>" shows
+ "sfun_map\<cdot>f1\<cdot>g1\<cdot>(sfun_map\<cdot>f2\<cdot>g2\<cdot>p) =
+ sfun_map\<cdot>(\<Lambda> x. f2\<cdot>(f1\<cdot>x))\<cdot>(\<Lambda> x. g1\<cdot>(g2\<cdot>x))\<cdot>p"
+unfolding sfun_map_def
+by (simp add: expand_cfun_eq strictify_cancel assms cfun_map_map)
+lemma ep_pair_sfun_map:
+ assumes 1: "ep_pair e1 p1"
+ assumes 2: "ep_pair e2 p2"
+ shows "ep_pair (sfun_map\<cdot>p1\<cdot>e2) (sfun_map\<cdot>e1\<cdot>p2)"
+ interpret e1p1: pcpo_ep_pair e1 p1
+ unfolding pcpo_ep_pair_def by fact
+ interpret e2p2: pcpo_ep_pair e2 p2
+ unfolding pcpo_ep_pair_def by fact
+ fix f show "sfun_map\<cdot>e1\<cdot>p2\<cdot>(sfun_map\<cdot>p1\<cdot>e2\<cdot>f) = f"
+ unfolding sfun_map_def
+ apply (simp add: sfun.e_eq_iff [symmetric] strictify_cancel)
+ apply (rule ep_pair.e_inverse)
+ apply (rule ep_pair_cfun_map [OF 1 2])
+ done
+ fix g show "sfun_map\<cdot>p1\<cdot>e2\<cdot>(sfun_map\<cdot>e1\<cdot>p2\<cdot>g) \<sqsubseteq> g"
+ unfolding sfun_map_def
+ apply (simp add: sfun.e_below_iff [symmetric] strictify_cancel)
+ apply (rule ep_pair.e_p_below)
+ apply (rule ep_pair_cfun_map [OF 1 2])
+ done
+lemma deflation_sfun_map:
+ assumes 1: "deflation d1"
+ assumes 2: "deflation d2"
+ shows "deflation (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2)"
+apply (simp add: sfun_map_def)
+apply (rule deflation.intro)
+apply simp
+apply (subst strictify_cancel)
+apply (simp add: cfun_map_def deflation_strict 1 2)
+apply (simp add: cfun_map_def deflation.idem 1 2)
+apply (simp add: sfun.e_below_iff [symmetric])
+apply (subst strictify_cancel)
+apply (simp add: cfun_map_def deflation_strict 1 2)
+apply (rule deflation.below)
+apply (rule deflation_cfun_map [OF 1 2])
+lemma finite_deflation_sfun_map:
+ assumes 1: "finite_deflation d1"
+ assumes 2: "finite_deflation d2"
+ shows "finite_deflation (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2)"
+proof (intro finite_deflation.intro finite_deflation_axioms.intro)
+ interpret d1: finite_deflation d1 by fact
+ interpret d2: finite_deflation d2 by fact
+ have "deflation d1" and "deflation d2" by fact+
+ thus "deflation (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2)" by (rule deflation_sfun_map)
+ from 1 2 have "finite_deflation (cfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2)"
+ by (rule finite_deflation_cfun_map)
+ then have "finite {f. cfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2\<cdot>f = f}"
+ by (rule finite_deflation.finite_fixes)
+ moreover have "inj (\<lambda>f. sfun_rep\<cdot>f)"
+ by (rule inj_onI, simp)
+ ultimately have "finite ((\<lambda>f. sfun_rep\<cdot>f) -` {f. cfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2\<cdot>f = f})"
+ by (rule finite_vimageI)
+ then show "finite {f. sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2\<cdot>f = f}"
+ unfolding sfun_map_def sfun.e_eq_iff [symmetric]
+ by (simp add: strictify_cancel
+ deflation_strict `deflation d1` `deflation d2`)
+subsection {* Strict function space is bifinite *}
+instantiation sfun :: (bifinite, bifinite) bifinite
+ "approx = (\<lambda>i. sfun_map\<cdot>(approx i)\<cdot>(approx i))"
+instance proof
+ show "chain (approx :: nat \<Rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow>! 'b) \<rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow>! 'b))"
+ unfolding approx_sfun_def by simp
+ fix x :: "'a \<rightarrow>! 'b"
+ show "(\<Squnion>i. approx i\<cdot>x) = x"
+ unfolding approx_sfun_def
+ by (simp add: lub_distribs sfun_map_ID [unfolded ID_def])
+ fix i :: nat and x :: "'a \<rightarrow>! 'b"
+ show "approx i\<cdot>(approx i\<cdot>x) = approx i\<cdot>x"
+ unfolding approx_sfun_def
+ by (intro deflation.idem deflation_sfun_map deflation_approx)
+ fix i :: nat
+ show "finite {x::'a \<rightarrow>! 'b. approx i\<cdot>x = x}"
+ unfolding approx_sfun_def
+ by (intro finite_deflation.finite_fixes
+ finite_deflation_sfun_map
+ finite_deflation_approx)
+subsection {* Strict function space is representable *}
+instantiation sfun :: (rep, rep) rep
+ "emb = udom_emb oo sfun_map\<cdot>prj\<cdot>emb"
+ "prj = sfun_map\<cdot>emb\<cdot>prj oo udom_prj"
+apply (default, unfold emb_sfun_def prj_sfun_def)
+apply (rule ep_pair_comp)
+apply (rule ep_pair_sfun_map)
+apply (rule ep_pair_emb_prj)
+apply (rule ep_pair_emb_prj)
+apply (rule ep_pair_udom)
+text {*
+ A deflation constructor lets us configure the domain package to work
+ with the strict function space type constructor.
+ sfun_defl :: "TypeRep \<rightarrow> TypeRep \<rightarrow> TypeRep"
+ "sfun_defl = TypeRep_fun2 sfun_map"
+lemma cast_sfun_defl:
+ "cast\<cdot>(sfun_defl\<cdot>A\<cdot>B) = udom_emb oo sfun_map\<cdot>(cast\<cdot>A)\<cdot>(cast\<cdot>B) oo udom_prj"
+unfolding sfun_defl_def
+apply (rule cast_TypeRep_fun2)
+apply (erule (1) finite_deflation_sfun_map)
+lemma REP_sfun: "REP('a::rep \<rightarrow>! 'b::rep) = sfun_defl\<cdot>REP('a)\<cdot>REP('b)"
+apply (rule cast_eq_imp_eq, rule ext_cfun)
+apply (simp add: cast_REP cast_sfun_defl)
+apply (simp only: prj_sfun_def emb_sfun_def)
+apply (simp add: sfun_map_def cfun_map_def strictify_cancel)
+lemma isodefl_sfun:
+ "isodefl d1 t1 \<Longrightarrow> isodefl d2 t2 \<Longrightarrow>
+ isodefl (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2) (sfun_defl\<cdot>t1\<cdot>t2)"
+apply (rule isodeflI)
+apply (simp add: cast_sfun_defl cast_isodefl)
+apply (simp add: emb_sfun_def prj_sfun_def)
+apply (simp add: sfun_map_map deflation_strict [OF isodefl_imp_deflation])
+setup {*
+ Domain_Isomorphism.add_type_constructor
+ (@{type_name "sfun"}, @{term sfun_defl}, @{const_name sfun_map}, @{thm REP_sfun},
+ @{thm isodefl_sfun}, @{thm sfun_map_ID}, @{thm deflation_sfun_map})
--- a/src/HOLCF/ex/ROOT.ML Mon May 24 11:29:49 2010 -0700
+++ b/src/HOLCF/ex/ROOT.ML Mon May 24 12:10:24 2010 -0700
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
Misc HOLCF examples.
-use_thys ["Dnat", "Stream", "Dagstuhl", "Focus_ex", "Fix2", "Hoare",
+use_thys ["Dnat", "Dagstuhl", "Focus_ex", "Fix2", "Hoare",
"Loop", "Powerdomain_ex", "Domain_Proofs",
- "Pattern_Match",
- "Strict_Fun"];
+ "Pattern_Match"];
--- a/src/HOLCF/ex/Stream.thy Mon May 24 11:29:49 2010 -0700
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,965 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOLCF/ex/Stream.thy
- Author: Franz Regensburger, David von Oheimb, Borislav Gajanovic
-header {* General Stream domain *}
-theory Stream
-imports HOLCF Nat_Infinity
-domain 'a stream = scons (ft::'a) (lazy rt::"'a stream") (infixr "&&" 65)
- smap :: "('a \<rightarrow> 'b) \<rightarrow> 'a stream \<rightarrow> 'b stream" where
- "smap = fix\<cdot>(\<Lambda> h f s. case s of x && xs \<Rightarrow> f\<cdot>x && h\<cdot>f\<cdot>xs)"
- sfilter :: "('a \<rightarrow> tr) \<rightarrow> 'a stream \<rightarrow> 'a stream" where
- "sfilter = fix\<cdot>(\<Lambda> h p s. case s of x && xs \<Rightarrow>
- If p\<cdot>x then x && h\<cdot>p\<cdot>xs else h\<cdot>p\<cdot>xs fi)"
- slen :: "'a stream \<Rightarrow> inat" ("#_" [1000] 1000) where
- "#s = (if stream_finite s then Fin (LEAST n. stream_take n\<cdot>s = s) else \<infinity>)"
-(* concatenation *)
- i_rt :: "nat => 'a stream => 'a stream" where (* chops the first i elements *)
- "i_rt = (%i s. iterate i$rt$s)"
- i_th :: "nat => 'a stream => 'a" where (* the i-th element *)
- "i_th = (%i s. ft$(i_rt i s))"
- sconc :: "'a stream => 'a stream => 'a stream" (infixr "ooo" 65) where
- "s1 ooo s2 = (case #s1 of
- Fin n \<Rightarrow> (SOME s. (stream_take n$s=s1) & (i_rt n s = s2))
- | \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> s1)"
-primrec constr_sconc' :: "nat => 'a stream => 'a stream => 'a stream"
- constr_sconc'_0: "constr_sconc' 0 s1 s2 = s2"
-| constr_sconc'_Suc: "constr_sconc' (Suc n) s1 s2 = ft$s1 &&
- constr_sconc' n (rt$s1) s2"
- constr_sconc :: "'a stream => 'a stream => 'a stream" where (* constructive *)
- "constr_sconc s1 s2 = (case #s1 of
- Fin n \<Rightarrow> constr_sconc' n s1 s2
- | \<infinity> \<Rightarrow> s1)"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* theorems about scons *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "scons"
-lemma scons_eq_UU: "(a && s = UU) = (a = UU)"
-by simp
-lemma scons_not_empty: "[| a && x = UU; a ~= UU |] ==> R"
-by simp
-lemma stream_exhaust_eq: "(x ~= UU) = (EX a y. a ~= UU & x = a && y)"
-by (cases x, auto)
-lemma stream_neq_UU: "x~=UU ==> EX a a_s. x=a&&a_s & a~=UU"
-by (simp add: stream_exhaust_eq,auto)
-lemma stream_prefix:
- "[| a && s << t; a ~= UU |] ==> EX b tt. t = b && tt & b ~= UU & s << tt"
-by (cases t, auto)
-lemma stream_prefix':
- "b ~= UU ==> x << b && z =
- (x = UU | (EX a y. x = a && y & a ~= UU & a << b & y << z))"
-by (cases x, auto)
-lemma stream_prefix1: "[| x<<y; xs<<ys |] ==> x&&xs << y&&ys"
-by (insert stream_prefix' [of y "x&&xs" ys],force)
-lemma stream_flat_prefix:
- "[| x && xs << y && ys; (x::'a::flat) ~= UU|] ==> x = y & xs << ys"
-apply (case_tac "y=UU",auto)
-by (drule ax_flat,simp)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* theorems about stream_when *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "stream_when"
-lemma stream_when_strictf: "stream_when$UU$s=UU"
-by (cases s, auto)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* theorems about ft and rt *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "ft & rt"
-lemma ft_defin: "s~=UU ==> ft$s~=UU"
-by simp
-lemma rt_strict_rev: "rt$s~=UU ==> s~=UU"
-by auto
-lemma surjectiv_scons: "(ft$s)&&(rt$s)=s"
-by (cases s, auto)
-lemma monofun_rt_mult: "x << s ==> iterate i$rt$x << iterate i$rt$s"
-by (rule monofun_cfun_arg)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* theorems about stream_take *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "stream_take"
-lemma stream_reach2: "(LUB i. stream_take i$s) = s"
-by (rule stream.reach)
-lemma chain_stream_take: "chain (%i. stream_take i$s)"
-by simp
-lemma stream_take_prefix [simp]: "stream_take n$s << s"
-apply (insert stream_reach2 [of s])
-apply (erule subst) back
-apply (rule is_ub_thelub)
-by (simp only: chain_stream_take)
-lemma stream_take_more [rule_format]:
- "ALL x. stream_take n$x = x --> stream_take (Suc n)$x = x"
-apply (induct_tac n,auto)
-apply (case_tac "x=UU",auto)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
-lemma stream_take_lemma3 [rule_format]:
- "ALL x xs. x~=UU --> stream_take n$(x && xs) = x && xs --> stream_take n$xs=xs"
-apply (induct_tac n,clarsimp)
-(*apply (drule sym, erule scons_not_empty, simp)*)
-apply (clarify, rule stream_take_more)
-apply (erule_tac x="x" in allE)
-by (erule_tac x="xs" in allE,simp)
-lemma stream_take_lemma4:
- "ALL x xs. stream_take n$xs=xs --> stream_take (Suc n)$(x && xs) = x && xs"
-by auto
-lemma stream_take_idempotent [rule_format, simp]:
- "ALL s. stream_take n$(stream_take n$s) = stream_take n$s"
-apply (induct_tac n, auto)
-apply (case_tac "s=UU", auto)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
-lemma stream_take_take_Suc [rule_format, simp]:
- "ALL s. stream_take n$(stream_take (Suc n)$s) =
- stream_take n$s"
-apply (induct_tac n, auto)
-apply (case_tac "s=UU", auto)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
-lemma mono_stream_take_pred:
- "stream_take (Suc n)$s1 << stream_take (Suc n)$s2 ==>
- stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2"
-by (insert monofun_cfun_arg [of "stream_take (Suc n)$s1"
- "stream_take (Suc n)$s2" "stream_take n"], auto)
-lemma mono_stream_take_pred:
- "stream_take (Suc n)$s1 << stream_take (Suc n)$s2 ==>
- stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2"
-by (drule mono_stream_take [of _ _ n],simp)
-lemma stream_take_lemma10 [rule_format]:
- "ALL k<=n. stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2
- --> stream_take k$s1 << stream_take k$s2"
-apply (induct_tac n,simp,clarsimp)
-apply (case_tac "k=Suc n",blast)
-apply (erule_tac x="k" in allE)
-by (drule mono_stream_take_pred,simp)
-lemma stream_take_le_mono : "k<=n ==> stream_take k$s1 << stream_take n$s1"
-apply (insert chain_stream_take [of s1])
-by (drule chain_mono,auto)
-lemma mono_stream_take: "s1 << s2 ==> stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2"
-by (simp add: monofun_cfun_arg)
-lemma stream_take_prefix [simp]: "stream_take n$s << s"
-apply (subgoal_tac "s=(LUB n. stream_take n$s)")
- apply (erule ssubst, rule is_ub_thelub)
- apply (simp only: chain_stream_take)
-by (simp only: stream_reach2)
-lemma stream_take_take_less:"stream_take k$(stream_take n$s) << stream_take k$s"
-by (rule monofun_cfun_arg,auto)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* special induction rules *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "induction"
-lemma stream_finite_ind:
- "[| stream_finite x; P UU; !!a s. [| a ~= UU; P s |] ==> P (a && s) |] ==> P x"
-apply (simp add: stream.finite_def,auto)
-apply (erule subst)
-by (drule stream.finite_induct [of P _ x], auto)
-lemma stream_finite_ind2:
-"[| P UU; !! x. x ~= UU ==> P (x && UU); !! y z s. [| y ~= UU; z ~= UU; P s |] ==> P (y && z && s )|] ==>
- !s. P (stream_take n$s)"
-apply (rule nat_less_induct [of _ n],auto)
-apply (case_tac n, auto)
-apply (case_tac nat, auto)
-apply (case_tac "s=UU",clarsimp)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],clarsimp)
-apply (case_tac "s=UU",clarsimp)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],clarsimp)
-apply (case_tac "y=UU",clarsimp)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],clarsimp)
-lemma stream_ind2:
-"[| adm P; P UU; !!a. a ~= UU ==> P (a && UU); !!a b s. [| a ~= UU; b ~= UU; P s |] ==> P (a && b && s) |] ==> P x"
-apply (insert stream.reach [of x],erule subst)
-apply (erule admD, rule chain_stream_take)
-apply (insert stream_finite_ind2 [of P])
-by simp
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* simplify use of coinduction *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "coinduction"
-lemma stream_coind_lemma2: "!s1 s2. R s1 s2 --> ft$s1 = ft$s2 & R (rt$s1) (rt$s2) ==> stream_bisim R"
- apply (simp add: stream.bisim_def,clarsimp)
- apply (drule spec, drule spec, drule (1) mp)
- apply (case_tac "x", simp)
- apply (case_tac "x'", simp)
-by auto
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* theorems about stream_finite *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "stream_finite"
-lemma stream_finite_UU [simp]: "stream_finite UU"
-by (simp add: stream.finite_def)
-lemma stream_finite_UU_rev: "~ stream_finite s ==> s ~= UU"
-by (auto simp add: stream.finite_def)
-lemma stream_finite_lemma1: "stream_finite xs ==> stream_finite (x && xs)"
-apply (simp add: stream.finite_def,auto)
-apply (rule_tac x="Suc n" in exI)
-by (simp add: stream_take_lemma4)
-lemma stream_finite_lemma2: "[| x ~= UU; stream_finite (x && xs) |] ==> stream_finite xs"
-apply (simp add: stream.finite_def, auto)
-apply (rule_tac x="n" in exI)
-by (erule stream_take_lemma3,simp)
-lemma stream_finite_rt_eq: "stream_finite (rt$s) = stream_finite s"
-apply (cases s, auto)
-apply (rule stream_finite_lemma1, simp)
-by (rule stream_finite_lemma2,simp)
-lemma stream_finite_less: "stream_finite s ==> !t. t<<s --> stream_finite t"
-apply (erule stream_finite_ind [of s], auto)
-apply (case_tac "t=UU", auto)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
-apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE, simp)
-by (rule stream_finite_lemma1, simp)
-lemma stream_take_finite [simp]: "stream_finite (stream_take n$s)"
-apply (simp add: stream.finite_def)
-by (rule_tac x="n" in exI,simp)
-lemma adm_not_stream_finite: "adm (%x. ~ stream_finite x)"
-apply (rule adm_upward)
-apply (erule contrapos_nn)
-apply (erule (1) stream_finite_less [rule_format])
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* theorems about stream length *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "slen"
-lemma slen_empty [simp]: "#\<bottom> = 0"
-by (simp add: slen_def stream.finite_def zero_inat_def Least_equality)
-lemma slen_scons [simp]: "x ~= \<bottom> ==> #(x&&xs) = iSuc (#xs)"
-apply (case_tac "stream_finite (x && xs)")
-apply (simp add: slen_def, auto)
-apply (simp add: stream.finite_def, auto simp add: iSuc_Fin)
-apply (rule Least_Suc2, auto)
-(*apply (drule sym)*)
-(*apply (drule sym scons_eq_UU [THEN iffD1],simp)*)
-apply (erule stream_finite_lemma2, simp)
-apply (simp add: slen_def, auto)
-by (drule stream_finite_lemma1,auto)
-lemma slen_less_1_eq: "(#x < Fin (Suc 0)) = (x = \<bottom>)"
-by (cases x, auto simp add: Fin_0 iSuc_Fin[THEN sym])
-lemma slen_empty_eq: "(#x = 0) = (x = \<bottom>)"
-by (cases x, auto)
-lemma slen_scons_eq: "(Fin (Suc n) < #x) = (? a y. x = a && y & a ~= \<bottom> & Fin n < #y)"
-apply (auto, case_tac "x=UU",auto)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
-apply (case_tac "#y") apply simp_all
-apply (case_tac "#y") apply simp_all
-lemma slen_iSuc: "#x = iSuc n --> (? a y. x = a&&y & a ~= \<bottom> & #y = n)"
-by (cases x, auto)
-lemma slen_stream_take_finite [simp]: "#(stream_take n$s) ~= \<infinity>"
-by (simp add: slen_def)
-lemma slen_scons_eq_rev: "(#x < Fin (Suc (Suc n))) = (!a y. x ~= a && y | a = \<bottom> | #y < Fin (Suc n))"
- apply (cases x, auto)
- apply (simp add: zero_inat_def)
- apply (case_tac "#stream") apply (simp_all add: iSuc_Fin)
- apply (case_tac "#stream") apply (simp_all add: iSuc_Fin)
-lemma slen_take_lemma4 [rule_format]:
- "!s. stream_take n$s ~= s --> #(stream_take n$s) = Fin n"
-apply (induct n, auto simp add: Fin_0)
-apply (case_tac "s=UU", simp)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto simp add: iSuc_Fin)
-lemma stream_take_idempotent [simp]:
- "stream_take n$(stream_take n$s) = stream_take n$s"
-apply (case_tac "stream_take n$s = s")
-apply (auto,insert slen_take_lemma4 [of n s]);
-by (auto,insert slen_take_lemma1 [of "stream_take n$s" n],simp)
-lemma stream_take_take_Suc [simp]: "stream_take n$(stream_take (Suc n)$s) =
- stream_take n$s"
-apply (simp add: po_eq_conv,auto)
- apply (simp add: stream_take_take_less)
-apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take n$s = stream_take n$(stream_take n$s)")
- apply (erule ssubst)
- apply (rule_tac monofun_cfun_arg)
- apply (insert chain_stream_take [of s])
-by (simp add: chain_def,simp)
-lemma slen_take_eq: "ALL x. (Fin n < #x) = (stream_take n\<cdot>x ~= x)"
-apply (induct_tac n, auto)
-apply (simp add: Fin_0, clarsimp)
-apply (drule not_sym)
-apply (drule slen_empty_eq [THEN iffD1], simp)
-apply (case_tac "x=UU", simp)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)
-apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE, auto)
-apply (simp_all add: not_less iSuc_Fin)
-apply (case_tac "#y") apply simp_all
-apply (case_tac "x=UU", simp)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)
-apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE, simp)
-apply (case_tac "#y") by simp_all
-lemma slen_take_eq_rev: "(#x <= Fin n) = (stream_take n\<cdot>x = x)"
-by (simp add: linorder_not_less [symmetric] slen_take_eq)
-lemma slen_take_lemma1: "#x = Fin n ==> stream_take n\<cdot>x = x"
-by (rule slen_take_eq_rev [THEN iffD1], auto)
-lemma slen_rt_mono: "#s2 <= #s1 ==> #(rt$s2) <= #(rt$s1)"
-apply (cases s1)
- by (cases s2, simp+)+
-lemma slen_take_lemma5: "#(stream_take n$s) <= Fin n"
-apply (case_tac "stream_take n$s = s")
- apply (simp add: slen_take_eq_rev)
-by (simp add: slen_take_lemma4)
-lemma slen_take_lemma2: "!x. ~stream_finite x --> #(stream_take i\<cdot>x) = Fin i"
-apply (simp add: stream.finite_def, auto)
-by (simp add: slen_take_lemma4)
-lemma slen_infinite: "stream_finite x = (#x ~= Infty)"
-by (simp add: slen_def)
-lemma slen_mono_lemma: "stream_finite s ==> ALL t. s << t --> #s <= #t"
-apply (erule stream_finite_ind [of s], auto)
-apply (case_tac "t=UU", auto)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
-lemma slen_mono: "s << t ==> #s <= #t"
-apply (case_tac "stream_finite t")
-apply (frule stream_finite_less)
-apply (erule_tac x="s" in allE, simp)
-apply (drule slen_mono_lemma, auto)
-by (simp add: slen_def)
-lemma iterate_lemma: "F$(iterate n$F$x) = iterate n$F$(F$x)"
-by (insert iterate_Suc2 [of n F x], auto)
-lemma slen_rt_mult [rule_format]: "!x. Fin (i + j) <= #x --> Fin j <= #(iterate i$rt$x)"
-apply (induct i, auto)
-apply (case_tac "x=UU", auto simp add: zero_inat_def)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
-apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE, auto)
-apply (simp add: not_le) apply (case_tac "#y") apply (simp_all add: iSuc_Fin)
-by (simp add: iterate_lemma)
-lemma slen_take_lemma3 [rule_format]:
- "!(x::'a::flat stream) y. Fin n <= #x --> x << y --> stream_take n\<cdot>x = stream_take n\<cdot>y"
-apply (induct_tac n, auto)
-apply (case_tac "x=UU", auto)
-apply (simp add: zero_inat_def)
-apply (simp add: Suc_ile_eq)
-apply (case_tac "y=UU", clarsimp)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)+
-apply (erule_tac x="ya" in allE, simp)
-by (drule ax_flat, simp)
-lemma slen_strict_mono_lemma:
- "stream_finite t ==> !s. #(s::'a::flat stream) = #t & s << t --> s = t"
-apply (erule stream_finite_ind, auto)
-apply (case_tac "sa=UU", auto)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)
-by (drule ax_flat, simp)
-lemma slen_strict_mono: "[|stream_finite t; s ~= t; s << (t::'a::flat stream) |] ==> #s < #t"
-by (auto simp add: slen_mono less_le dest: slen_strict_mono_lemma)
-lemma stream_take_Suc_neq: "stream_take (Suc n)$s ~=s ==>
- stream_take n$s ~= stream_take (Suc n)$s"
-apply auto
-apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take n$s ~=s")
- apply (insert slen_take_lemma4 [of n s],auto)
-apply (cases s, simp)
-by (simp add: slen_take_lemma4 iSuc_Fin)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* theorems about smap *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "smap"
-lemma smap_unfold: "smap = (\<Lambda> f t. case t of x&&xs \<Rightarrow> f$x && smap$f$xs)"
-by (insert smap_def [where 'a='a and 'b='b, THEN eq_reflection, THEN fix_eq2], auto)
-lemma smap_empty [simp]: "smap\<cdot>f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
-by (subst smap_unfold, simp)
-lemma smap_scons [simp]: "x~=\<bottom> ==> smap\<cdot>f\<cdot>(x&&xs) = (f\<cdot>x)&&(smap\<cdot>f\<cdot>xs)"
-by (subst smap_unfold, force)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* theorems about sfilter *)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-section "sfilter"
-lemma sfilter_unfold:
- "sfilter = (\<Lambda> p s. case s of x && xs \<Rightarrow>
- If p\<cdot>x then x && sfilter\<cdot>p\<cdot>xs else sfilter\<cdot>p\<cdot>xs fi)"
-by (insert sfilter_def [where 'a='a, THEN eq_reflection, THEN fix_eq2], auto)
-lemma strict_sfilter: "sfilter\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
-apply (rule ext_cfun)
-apply (subst sfilter_unfold, auto)
-apply (case_tac "x=UU", auto)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
-lemma sfilter_empty [simp]: "sfilter\<cdot>f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
-by (subst sfilter_unfold, force)
-lemma sfilter_scons [simp]:
- "x ~= \<bottom> ==> sfilter\<cdot>f\<cdot>(x && xs) =
- If f\<cdot>x then x && sfilter\<cdot>f\<cdot>xs else sfilter\<cdot>f\<cdot>xs fi"
-by (subst sfilter_unfold, force)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- section "i_rt"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma i_rt_UU [simp]: "i_rt n UU = UU"
- by (induct n) (simp_all add: i_rt_def)
-lemma i_rt_0 [simp]: "i_rt 0 s = s"
-by (simp add: i_rt_def)
-lemma i_rt_Suc [simp]: "a ~= UU ==> i_rt (Suc n) (a&&s) = i_rt n s"
-by (simp add: i_rt_def iterate_Suc2 del: iterate_Suc)
-lemma i_rt_Suc_forw: "i_rt (Suc n) s = i_rt n (rt$s)"
-by (simp only: i_rt_def iterate_Suc2)
-lemma i_rt_Suc_back:"i_rt (Suc n) s = rt$(i_rt n s)"
-by (simp only: i_rt_def,auto)
-lemma i_rt_mono: "x << s ==> i_rt n x << i_rt n s"
-by (simp add: i_rt_def monofun_rt_mult)
-lemma i_rt_ij_lemma: "Fin (i + j) <= #x ==> Fin j <= #(i_rt i x)"
-by (simp add: i_rt_def slen_rt_mult)
-lemma slen_i_rt_mono: "#s2 <= #s1 ==> #(i_rt n s2) <= #(i_rt n s1)"
-apply (induct_tac n,auto)
-apply (simp add: i_rt_Suc_back)
-by (drule slen_rt_mono,simp)
-lemma i_rt_take_lemma1 [rule_format]: "ALL s. i_rt n (stream_take n$s) = UU"
-apply (induct_tac n)
- apply (simp add: i_rt_Suc_back,auto)
-apply (case_tac "s=UU",auto)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
-lemma i_rt_slen: "(i_rt n s = UU) = (stream_take n$s = s)"
-apply auto
- apply (insert i_rt_ij_lemma [of n "Suc 0" s])
- apply (subgoal_tac "#(i_rt n s)=0")
- apply (case_tac "stream_take n$s = s",simp+)
- apply (insert slen_take_eq [rule_format,of n s],simp)
- apply (cases "#s") apply (simp_all add: zero_inat_def)
- apply (simp add: slen_take_eq)
- apply (cases "#s")
- using i_rt_take_lemma1 [of n s]
- apply (simp_all add: zero_inat_def)
- done
-lemma i_rt_lemma_slen: "#s=Fin n ==> i_rt n s = UU"
-by (simp add: i_rt_slen slen_take_lemma1)
-lemma stream_finite_i_rt [simp]: "stream_finite (i_rt n s) = stream_finite s"
-apply (induct_tac n, auto)
- apply (cases s, auto simp del: i_rt_Suc)
-by (simp add: i_rt_Suc_back stream_finite_rt_eq)+
-lemma take_i_rt_len_lemma: "ALL sl x j t. Fin sl = #x & n <= sl &
- #(stream_take n$x) = Fin t & #(i_rt n x)= Fin j
- --> Fin (j + t) = #x"
-apply (induct n, auto)
- apply (simp add: zero_inat_def)
-apply (case_tac "x=UU",auto)
- apply (simp add: zero_inat_def)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],clarsimp)
-apply (subgoal_tac "EX k. Fin k = #y",clarify)
- apply (erule_tac x="k" in allE)
- apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE,auto)
- apply (erule_tac x="THE p. Suc p = t" in allE,auto)
- apply (simp add: iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
- apply (simp add: iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
- apply (simp only: the_equality)
- apply (simp add: iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
- apply force
-apply (simp add: iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
-lemma take_i_rt_len:
-"[| Fin sl = #x; n <= sl; #(stream_take n$x) = Fin t; #(i_rt n x) = Fin j |] ==>
- Fin (j + t) = #x"
-by (blast intro: take_i_rt_len_lemma [rule_format])
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- section "i_th"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma i_th_i_rt_step:
-"[| i_th n s1 << i_th n s2; i_rt (Suc n) s1 << i_rt (Suc n) s2 |] ==>
- i_rt n s1 << i_rt n s2"
-apply (simp add: i_th_def i_rt_Suc_back)
-apply (cases "i_rt n s1", simp)
-apply (cases "i_rt n s2", auto)
-lemma i_th_stream_take_Suc [rule_format]:
- "ALL s. i_th n (stream_take (Suc n)$s) = i_th n s"
-apply (induct_tac n,auto)
- apply (simp add: i_th_def)
- apply (case_tac "s=UU",auto)
- apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
-apply (case_tac "s=UU",simp add: i_th_def)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
-by (simp add: i_th_def i_rt_Suc_forw)
-lemma i_th_last: "i_th n s && UU = i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s)"
-apply (insert surjectiv_scons [of "i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s)"])
-apply (rule i_th_stream_take_Suc [THEN subst])
-apply (simp add: i_th_def i_rt_Suc_back [symmetric])
-by (simp add: i_rt_take_lemma1)
-lemma i_th_last_eq:
-"i_th n s1 = i_th n s2 ==> i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s1) = i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s2)"
-apply (insert i_th_last [of n s1])
-apply (insert i_th_last [of n s2])
-by auto
-lemma i_th_prefix_lemma:
-"[| k <= n; stream_take (Suc n)$s1 << stream_take (Suc n)$s2 |] ==>
- i_th k s1 << i_th k s2"
-apply (insert i_th_stream_take_Suc [of k s1, THEN sym])
-apply (insert i_th_stream_take_Suc [of k s2, THEN sym],auto)
-apply (simp add: i_th_def)
-apply (rule monofun_cfun, auto)
-apply (rule i_rt_mono)
-by (blast intro: stream_take_lemma10)
-lemma take_i_rt_prefix_lemma1:
- "stream_take (Suc n)$s1 << stream_take (Suc n)$s2 ==>
- i_rt (Suc n) s1 << i_rt (Suc n) s2 ==>
- i_rt n s1 << i_rt n s2 & stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2"
-apply auto
- apply (insert i_th_prefix_lemma [of n n s1 s2])
- apply (rule i_th_i_rt_step,auto)
-by (drule mono_stream_take_pred,simp)
-lemma take_i_rt_prefix_lemma:
-"[| stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2; i_rt n s1 << i_rt n s2 |] ==> s1 << s2"
-apply (case_tac "n=0",simp)
-apply (auto)
-apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take 0$s1 << stream_take 0$s2 &
- i_rt 0 s1 << i_rt 0 s2")
- defer 1
- apply (rule zero_induct,blast)
- apply (blast dest: take_i_rt_prefix_lemma1)
-by simp
-lemma streams_prefix_lemma: "(s1 << s2) =
- (stream_take n$s1 << stream_take n$s2 & i_rt n s1 << i_rt n s2)"
-apply auto
- apply (simp add: monofun_cfun_arg)
- apply (simp add: i_rt_mono)
-by (erule take_i_rt_prefix_lemma,simp)
-lemma streams_prefix_lemma1:
- "[| stream_take n$s1 = stream_take n$s2; i_rt n s1 = i_rt n s2 |] ==> s1 = s2"
-apply (simp add: po_eq_conv,auto)
- apply (insert streams_prefix_lemma)
- by blast+
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- section "sconc"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma UU_sconc [simp]: " UU ooo s = s "
-by (simp add: sconc_def zero_inat_def)
-lemma scons_neq_UU: "a~=UU ==> a && s ~=UU"
-by auto
-lemma singleton_sconc [rule_format, simp]: "x~=UU --> (x && UU) ooo y = x && y"
-apply (simp add: sconc_def zero_inat_def iSuc_def split: inat.splits, auto)
-apply (rule someI2_ex,auto)
- apply (rule_tac x="x && y" in exI,auto)
-apply (simp add: i_rt_Suc_forw)
-apply (case_tac "xa=UU",simp)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
-lemma ex_sconc [rule_format]:
- "ALL k y. #x = Fin k --> (EX w. stream_take k$w = x & i_rt k w = y)"
-apply (case_tac "#x")
- apply (rule stream_finite_ind [of x],auto)
- apply (simp add: stream.finite_def)
- apply (drule slen_take_lemma1,blast)
- apply (simp_all add: zero_inat_def iSuc_def split: inat.splits)
-apply (erule_tac x="y" in allE,auto)
-by (rule_tac x="a && w" in exI,auto)
-lemma rt_sconc1: "Fin n = #x ==> i_rt n (x ooo y) = y"
-apply (simp add: sconc_def split: inat.splits, arith?,auto)
-apply (rule someI2_ex,auto)
-by (drule ex_sconc,simp)
-lemma sconc_inj2: "\<lbrakk>Fin n = #x; x ooo y = x ooo z\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> y = z"
-apply (frule_tac y=y in rt_sconc1)
-by (auto elim: rt_sconc1)
-lemma sconc_UU [simp]:"s ooo UU = s"
-apply (case_tac "#s")
- apply (simp add: sconc_def)
- apply (rule someI2_ex)
- apply (rule_tac x="s" in exI)
- apply auto
- apply (drule slen_take_lemma1,auto)
- apply (simp add: i_rt_lemma_slen)
- apply (drule slen_take_lemma1,auto)
- apply (simp add: i_rt_slen)
-by (simp add: sconc_def)
-lemma stream_take_sconc [simp]: "Fin n = #x ==> stream_take n$(x ooo y) = x"
-apply (simp add: sconc_def)
-apply (cases "#x")
-apply auto
-apply (rule someI2_ex, auto)
-by (drule ex_sconc,simp)
-lemma scons_sconc [rule_format,simp]: "a~=UU --> (a && x) ooo y = a && x ooo y"
-apply (cases "#x",auto)
- apply (simp add: sconc_def iSuc_Fin)
- apply (rule someI2_ex)
- apply (drule ex_sconc, simp)
- apply (rule someI2_ex, auto)
- apply (simp add: i_rt_Suc_forw)
- apply (rule_tac x="a && x" in exI, auto)
- apply (case_tac "xa=UU",auto)
- apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
- apply (drule streams_prefix_lemma1,simp+)
-by (simp add: sconc_def)
-lemma ft_sconc: "x ~= UU ==> ft$(x ooo y) = ft$x"
-by (cases x, auto)
-lemma sconc_assoc: "(x ooo y) ooo z = x ooo y ooo z"
-apply (case_tac "#x")
- apply (rule stream_finite_ind [of x],auto simp del: scons_sconc)
- apply (simp add: stream.finite_def del: scons_sconc)
- apply (drule slen_take_lemma1,auto simp del: scons_sconc)
- apply (case_tac "a = UU", auto)
-by (simp add: sconc_def)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma cont_sconc_lemma1: "stream_finite x \<Longrightarrow> cont (\<lambda>y. x ooo y)"
-by (erule stream_finite_ind, simp_all)
-lemma cont_sconc_lemma2: "\<not> stream_finite x \<Longrightarrow> cont (\<lambda>y. x ooo y)"
-by (simp add: sconc_def slen_def)
-lemma cont_sconc: "cont (\<lambda>y. x ooo y)"
-apply (cases "stream_finite x")
-apply (erule cont_sconc_lemma1)
-apply (erule cont_sconc_lemma2)
-lemma sconc_mono: "y << y' ==> x ooo y << x ooo y'"
-by (rule cont_sconc [THEN cont2mono, THEN monofunE])
-lemma sconc_mono1 [simp]: "x << x ooo y"
-by (rule sconc_mono [of UU, simplified])
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma empty_sconc [simp]: "(x ooo y = UU) = (x = UU & y = UU)"
-apply (case_tac "#x",auto)
- apply (insert sconc_mono1 [of x y])
- by auto
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma rt_sconc [rule_format, simp]: "s~=UU --> rt$(s ooo x) = rt$s ooo x"
-by (cases s, auto)
-lemma i_th_sconc_lemma [rule_format]:
- "ALL x y. Fin n < #x --> i_th n (x ooo y) = i_th n x"
-apply (induct_tac n, auto)
-apply (simp add: Fin_0 i_th_def)
-apply (simp add: slen_empty_eq ft_sconc)
-apply (simp add: i_th_def)
-apply (case_tac "x=UU",auto)
-apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
-apply (erule_tac x="ya" in allE)
-apply (case_tac "#ya") by simp_all
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma sconc_lemma [rule_format, simp]: "ALL s. stream_take n$s ooo i_rt n s = s"
-apply (induct_tac n,auto)
-apply (case_tac "s=UU",auto)
-by (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1],auto)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- subsection "pointwise equality"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma ex_last_stream_take_scons: "stream_take (Suc n)$s =
- stream_take n$s ooo i_rt n (stream_take (Suc n)$s)"
-by (insert sconc_lemma [of n "stream_take (Suc n)$s"],simp)
-lemma i_th_stream_take_eq:
-"!!n. ALL n. i_th n s1 = i_th n s2 ==> stream_take n$s1 = stream_take n$s2"
-apply (induct_tac n,auto)
-apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take (Suc na)$s1 =
- stream_take na$s1 ooo i_rt na (stream_take (Suc na)$s1)")
- apply (subgoal_tac "i_rt na (stream_take (Suc na)$s1) =
- i_rt na (stream_take (Suc na)$s2)")
- apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take (Suc na)$s2 =
- stream_take na$s2 ooo i_rt na (stream_take (Suc na)$s2)")
- apply (insert ex_last_stream_take_scons,simp)
- apply blast
- apply (erule_tac x="na" in allE)
- apply (insert i_th_last_eq [of _ s1 s2])
-by blast+
-lemma pointwise_eq_lemma[rule_format]: "ALL n. i_th n s1 = i_th n s2 ==> s1 = s2"
-by (insert i_th_stream_take_eq [THEN stream.take_lemma],blast)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- subsection "finiteness"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma slen_sconc_finite1:
- "[| #(x ooo y) = Infty; Fin n = #x |] ==> #y = Infty"
-apply (case_tac "#y ~= Infty",auto)
-apply (drule_tac y=y in rt_sconc1)
-apply (insert stream_finite_i_rt [of n "x ooo y"])
-by (simp add: slen_infinite)
-lemma slen_sconc_infinite1: "#x=Infty ==> #(x ooo y) = Infty"
-by (simp add: sconc_def)
-lemma slen_sconc_infinite2: "#y=Infty ==> #(x ooo y) = Infty"
-apply (case_tac "#x")
- apply (simp add: sconc_def)
- apply (rule someI2_ex)
- apply (drule ex_sconc,auto)
- apply (erule contrapos_pp)
- apply (insert stream_finite_i_rt)
- apply (fastsimp simp add: slen_infinite,auto)
-by (simp add: sconc_def)
-lemma sconc_finite: "(#x~=Infty & #y~=Infty) = (#(x ooo y)~=Infty)"
-apply auto
- apply (metis not_Infty_eq slen_sconc_finite1)
- apply (metis not_Infty_eq slen_sconc_infinite1)
-apply (metis not_Infty_eq slen_sconc_infinite2)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma slen_sconc_mono3: "[| Fin n = #x; Fin k = #(x ooo y) |] ==> n <= k"
-apply (insert slen_mono [of "x" "x ooo y"])
-apply (cases "#x") apply simp_all
-apply (cases "#(x ooo y)") apply simp_all
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- subsection "finite slen"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma slen_sconc: "[| Fin n = #x; Fin m = #y |] ==> #(x ooo y) = Fin (n + m)"
-apply (case_tac "#(x ooo y)")
- apply (frule_tac y=y in rt_sconc1)
- apply (insert take_i_rt_len [of "THE j. Fin j = #(x ooo y)" "x ooo y" n n m],simp)
- apply (insert slen_sconc_mono3 [of n x _ y],simp)
-by (insert sconc_finite [of x y],auto)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- subsection "flat prefix"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma sconc_prefix: "(s1::'a::flat stream) << s2 ==> EX t. s1 ooo t = s2"
-apply (case_tac "#s1")
- apply (subgoal_tac "stream_take nat$s1 = stream_take nat$s2")
- apply (rule_tac x="i_rt nat s2" in exI)
- apply (simp add: sconc_def)
- apply (rule someI2_ex)
- apply (drule ex_sconc)
- apply (simp,clarsimp,drule streams_prefix_lemma1)
- apply (simp+,rule slen_take_lemma3 [of _ s1 s2])
- apply (simp+,rule_tac x="UU" in exI)
-apply (insert slen_take_lemma3 [of _ s1 s2])
-by (rule stream.take_lemma,simp)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- subsection "continuity"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma chain_sconc: "chain S ==> chain (%i. (x ooo S i))"
-by (simp add: chain_def,auto simp add: sconc_mono)
-lemma chain_scons: "chain S ==> chain (%i. a && S i)"
-apply (simp add: chain_def,auto)
-by (rule monofun_cfun_arg,simp)
-lemma contlub_scons_lemma: "chain S ==> (LUB i. a && S i) = a && (LUB i. S i)"
-by (rule cont2contlubE [OF cont_Rep_CFun2, symmetric])
-lemma finite_lub_sconc: "chain Y ==> (stream_finite x) ==>
- (LUB i. x ooo Y i) = (x ooo (LUB i. Y i))"
-apply (rule stream_finite_ind [of x])
- apply (auto)
-apply (subgoal_tac "(LUB i. a && (s ooo Y i)) = a && (LUB i. s ooo Y i)")
- by (force,blast dest: contlub_scons_lemma chain_sconc)
-lemma contlub_sconc_lemma:
- "chain Y ==> (LUB i. x ooo Y i) = (x ooo (LUB i. Y i))"
-apply (case_tac "#x=Infty")
- apply (simp add: sconc_def)
-apply (drule finite_lub_sconc,auto simp add: slen_infinite)
-lemma monofun_sconc: "monofun (%y. x ooo y)"
-by (simp add: monofun_def sconc_mono)
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- section "constr_sconc"
-(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-lemma constr_sconc_UUs [simp]: "constr_sconc UU s = s"
-by (simp add: constr_sconc_def zero_inat_def)
-lemma "x ooo y = constr_sconc x y"
-apply (case_tac "#x")
- apply (rule stream_finite_ind [of x],auto simp del: scons_sconc)
- defer 1
- apply (simp add: constr_sconc_def del: scons_sconc)
- apply (case_tac "#s")
- apply (simp add: iSuc_Fin)
- apply (case_tac "a=UU",auto simp del: scons_sconc)
- apply (simp)
- apply (simp add: sconc_def)
- apply (simp add: constr_sconc_def)
-apply (simp add: stream.finite_def)
-by (drule slen_take_lemma1,auto)
--- a/src/HOLCF/ex/Strict_Fun.thy Mon May 24 11:29:49 2010 -0700
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOLCF/ex/Strict_Fun.thy
- Author: Brian Huffman
-header {* The Strict Function Type *}
-theory Strict_Fun
-imports HOLCF
-pcpodef (open) ('a, 'b) sfun (infixr "->!" 0)
- = "{f :: 'a \<rightarrow> 'b. f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>}"
-by simp_all
-type_notation (xsymbols)
- sfun (infixr "\<rightarrow>!" 0)
-text {* TODO: Define nice syntax for abstraction, application. *}
- sfun_abs :: "('a \<rightarrow> 'b) \<rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow>! 'b)"
- "sfun_abs = (\<Lambda> f. Abs_sfun (strictify\<cdot>f))"
- sfun_rep :: "('a \<rightarrow>! 'b) \<rightarrow> 'a \<rightarrow> 'b"
- "sfun_rep = (\<Lambda> f. Rep_sfun f)"
-lemma sfun_rep_beta: "sfun_rep\<cdot>f = Rep_sfun f"
- unfolding sfun_rep_def by (simp add: cont_Rep_sfun)
-lemma sfun_rep_strict1 [simp]: "sfun_rep\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
- unfolding sfun_rep_beta by (rule Rep_sfun_strict)
-lemma sfun_rep_strict2 [simp]: "sfun_rep\<cdot>f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>"
- unfolding sfun_rep_beta by (rule Rep_sfun [simplified])
-lemma strictify_cancel: "f\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> strictify\<cdot>f = f"
- by (simp add: expand_cfun_eq strictify_conv_if)
-lemma sfun_abs_sfun_rep: "sfun_abs\<cdot>(sfun_rep\<cdot>f) = f"
- unfolding sfun_abs_def sfun_rep_def
- apply (simp add: cont_Abs_sfun cont_Rep_sfun)
- apply (simp add: Rep_sfun_inject [symmetric] Abs_sfun_inverse)
- apply (simp add: expand_cfun_eq strictify_conv_if)
- apply (simp add: Rep_sfun [simplified])
- done
-lemma sfun_rep_sfun_abs [simp]: "sfun_rep\<cdot>(sfun_abs\<cdot>f) = strictify\<cdot>f"
- unfolding sfun_abs_def sfun_rep_def
- apply (simp add: cont_Abs_sfun cont_Rep_sfun)
- apply (simp add: Abs_sfun_inverse)
- done
-lemma ep_pair_sfun: "ep_pair sfun_rep sfun_abs"
-apply default
-apply (rule sfun_abs_sfun_rep)
-apply (simp add: expand_cfun_below strictify_conv_if)
-interpretation sfun: ep_pair sfun_rep sfun_abs
- by (rule ep_pair_sfun)
-subsection {* Map functional for strict function space *}
- sfun_map :: "('b \<rightarrow> 'a) \<rightarrow> ('c \<rightarrow> 'd) \<rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow>! 'c) \<rightarrow> ('b \<rightarrow>! 'd)"
- "sfun_map = (\<Lambda> a b. sfun_abs oo cfun_map\<cdot>a\<cdot>b oo sfun_rep)"
-lemma sfun_map_ID: "sfun_map\<cdot>ID\<cdot>ID = ID"
- unfolding sfun_map_def
- by (simp add: cfun_map_ID expand_cfun_eq)
-lemma sfun_map_map:
- assumes "f2\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>" and "g2\<cdot>\<bottom> = \<bottom>" shows
- "sfun_map\<cdot>f1\<cdot>g1\<cdot>(sfun_map\<cdot>f2\<cdot>g2\<cdot>p) =
- sfun_map\<cdot>(\<Lambda> x. f2\<cdot>(f1\<cdot>x))\<cdot>(\<Lambda> x. g1\<cdot>(g2\<cdot>x))\<cdot>p"
-unfolding sfun_map_def
-by (simp add: expand_cfun_eq strictify_cancel assms cfun_map_map)
-lemma ep_pair_sfun_map:
- assumes 1: "ep_pair e1 p1"
- assumes 2: "ep_pair e2 p2"
- shows "ep_pair (sfun_map\<cdot>p1\<cdot>e2) (sfun_map\<cdot>e1\<cdot>p2)"
- interpret e1p1: pcpo_ep_pair e1 p1
- unfolding pcpo_ep_pair_def by fact
- interpret e2p2: pcpo_ep_pair e2 p2
- unfolding pcpo_ep_pair_def by fact
- fix f show "sfun_map\<cdot>e1\<cdot>p2\<cdot>(sfun_map\<cdot>p1\<cdot>e2\<cdot>f) = f"
- unfolding sfun_map_def
- apply (simp add: sfun.e_eq_iff [symmetric] strictify_cancel)
- apply (rule ep_pair.e_inverse)
- apply (rule ep_pair_cfun_map [OF 1 2])
- done
- fix g show "sfun_map\<cdot>p1\<cdot>e2\<cdot>(sfun_map\<cdot>e1\<cdot>p2\<cdot>g) \<sqsubseteq> g"
- unfolding sfun_map_def
- apply (simp add: sfun.e_below_iff [symmetric] strictify_cancel)
- apply (rule ep_pair.e_p_below)
- apply (rule ep_pair_cfun_map [OF 1 2])
- done
-lemma deflation_sfun_map:
- assumes 1: "deflation d1"
- assumes 2: "deflation d2"
- shows "deflation (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2)"
-apply (simp add: sfun_map_def)
-apply (rule deflation.intro)
-apply simp
-apply (subst strictify_cancel)
-apply (simp add: cfun_map_def deflation_strict 1 2)
-apply (simp add: cfun_map_def deflation.idem 1 2)
-apply (simp add: sfun.e_below_iff [symmetric])
-apply (subst strictify_cancel)
-apply (simp add: cfun_map_def deflation_strict 1 2)
-apply (rule deflation.below)
-apply (rule deflation_cfun_map [OF 1 2])
-lemma finite_deflation_sfun_map:
- assumes 1: "finite_deflation d1"
- assumes 2: "finite_deflation d2"
- shows "finite_deflation (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2)"
-proof (intro finite_deflation.intro finite_deflation_axioms.intro)
- interpret d1: finite_deflation d1 by fact
- interpret d2: finite_deflation d2 by fact
- have "deflation d1" and "deflation d2" by fact+
- thus "deflation (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2)" by (rule deflation_sfun_map)
- from 1 2 have "finite_deflation (cfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2)"
- by (rule finite_deflation_cfun_map)
- then have "finite {f. cfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2\<cdot>f = f}"
- by (rule finite_deflation.finite_fixes)
- moreover have "inj (\<lambda>f. sfun_rep\<cdot>f)"
- by (rule inj_onI, simp)
- ultimately have "finite ((\<lambda>f. sfun_rep\<cdot>f) -` {f. cfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2\<cdot>f = f})"
- by (rule finite_vimageI)
- then show "finite {f. sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2\<cdot>f = f}"
- unfolding sfun_map_def sfun.e_eq_iff [symmetric]
- by (simp add: strictify_cancel
- deflation_strict `deflation d1` `deflation d2`)
-subsection {* Strict function space is bifinite *}
-instantiation sfun :: (bifinite, bifinite) bifinite
- "approx = (\<lambda>i. sfun_map\<cdot>(approx i)\<cdot>(approx i))"
-instance proof
- show "chain (approx :: nat \<Rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow>! 'b) \<rightarrow> ('a \<rightarrow>! 'b))"
- unfolding approx_sfun_def by simp
- fix x :: "'a \<rightarrow>! 'b"
- show "(\<Squnion>i. approx i\<cdot>x) = x"
- unfolding approx_sfun_def
- by (simp add: lub_distribs sfun_map_ID [unfolded ID_def])
- fix i :: nat and x :: "'a \<rightarrow>! 'b"
- show "approx i\<cdot>(approx i\<cdot>x) = approx i\<cdot>x"
- unfolding approx_sfun_def
- by (intro deflation.idem deflation_sfun_map deflation_approx)
- fix i :: nat
- show "finite {x::'a \<rightarrow>! 'b. approx i\<cdot>x = x}"
- unfolding approx_sfun_def
- by (intro finite_deflation.finite_fixes
- finite_deflation_sfun_map
- finite_deflation_approx)
-subsection {* Strict function space is representable *}
-instantiation sfun :: (rep, rep) rep
- "emb = udom_emb oo sfun_map\<cdot>prj\<cdot>emb"
- "prj = sfun_map\<cdot>emb\<cdot>prj oo udom_prj"
-apply (default, unfold emb_sfun_def prj_sfun_def)
-apply (rule ep_pair_comp)
-apply (rule ep_pair_sfun_map)
-apply (rule ep_pair_emb_prj)
-apply (rule ep_pair_emb_prj)
-apply (rule ep_pair_udom)
-text {*
- A deflation constructor lets us configure the domain package to work
- with the strict function space type constructor.
- sfun_defl :: "TypeRep \<rightarrow> TypeRep \<rightarrow> TypeRep"
- "sfun_defl = TypeRep_fun2 sfun_map"
-lemma cast_sfun_defl:
- "cast\<cdot>(sfun_defl\<cdot>A\<cdot>B) = udom_emb oo sfun_map\<cdot>(cast\<cdot>A)\<cdot>(cast\<cdot>B) oo udom_prj"
-unfolding sfun_defl_def
-apply (rule cast_TypeRep_fun2)
-apply (erule (1) finite_deflation_sfun_map)
-lemma REP_sfun: "REP('a::rep \<rightarrow>! 'b::rep) = sfun_defl\<cdot>REP('a)\<cdot>REP('b)"
-apply (rule cast_eq_imp_eq, rule ext_cfun)
-apply (simp add: cast_REP cast_sfun_defl)
-apply (simp only: prj_sfun_def emb_sfun_def)
-apply (simp add: sfun_map_def cfun_map_def strictify_cancel)
-lemma isodefl_sfun:
- "isodefl d1 t1 \<Longrightarrow> isodefl d2 t2 \<Longrightarrow>
- isodefl (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2) (sfun_defl\<cdot>t1\<cdot>t2)"
-apply (rule isodeflI)
-apply (simp add: cast_sfun_defl cast_isodefl)
-apply (simp add: emb_sfun_def prj_sfun_def)
-apply (simp add: sfun_map_map deflation_strict [OF isodefl_imp_deflation])
-setup {*
- Domain_Isomorphism.add_type_constructor
- (@{type_name "sfun"}, @{term sfun_defl}, @{const_name sfun_map}, @{thm REP_sfun},
- @{thm isodefl_sfun}, @{thm sfun_map_ID}, @{thm deflation_sfun_map})