--- a/src/Pure/proof_general.ML Wed Nov 27 17:11:38 2002 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/proof_general.ML Wed Nov 27 17:16:47 2002 +0100
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
val try_update_thy_only: string -> unit
val inform_file_retracted: string -> unit
val inform_file_processed: string -> unit
+ val options: (string * (string * (string * (unit -> string) * (string -> unit)))) list ref
+ val process_pgip: string -> unit
val thms_containing: string list -> unit
val print_intros: unit -> unit
val help: unit -> unit
@@ -34,6 +36,8 @@
val xsymbolsN = "xsymbols";
val thm_depsN = "thm_deps";
+val pgml_version_supported = "1.0";
val pgmlN = "PGML";
fun pgml () = pgmlN mem_string ! print_mode;
@@ -243,6 +247,112 @@
+(* options *)
+fun nat_option r = ("nat",
+ (fn () => string_of_int (!r)),
+ (fn s => (case Syntax.read_nat s of
+ None => error "nat_option: illegal value"
+ | Some i => r := i)));
+fun bool_option r = ("boolean",
+ (fn () => Bool.toString (!r)),
+ (fn "false" => r := false | "true" => r := true
+ | _ => error "bool_option: illegal value"));
+val proof_option = ("boolean",
+ (fn () => Bool.toString (!proofs >= 2)),
+ (fn "false" => proofs := 1 | "true" => proofs := 2
+ | _ => error "proof_option: illegal value"));
+val thm_deps_option = ("boolean",
+ (fn () => Bool.toString ("thm_deps" mem !print_mode)),
+ (fn "false" => print_mode := Library.gen_rems (op =) (!print_mode, ["thm_deps"])
+ | "true" => print_mode := (["thm_deps"] @ !print_mode)
+ | _ => error "thm_deps_option: illegal value"));
+val print_depth_option = ("nat",
+ (fn () => "10"),
+ (fn s => (case Syntax.read_nat s of
+ None => error "print_depth_option: illegal value"
+ | Some i => print_depth i)));
+val options = ref
+ [("show-types", ("Whether to show types in Isabelle.",
+ bool_option show_types)),
+ ("show-sorts", ("Whether to show sorts in Isabelle.",
+ bool_option show_sorts)),
+ ("show-consts", ("Whether to show types of consts in Isabelle goals.",
+ bool_option show_consts)),
+ ("long-names", ("Whether to show fully qualified names in Isabelle.",
+ bool_option long_names)),
+ ("eta-contract", ("Whether to print terms eta-contracted in Isabelle.",
+ bool_option Syntax.eta_contract)),
+ ("trace-simplifier", ("Whether to trace the Simplifier in Isabelle.",
+ bool_option trace_simp)),
+ ("trace-rules", ("Whether to trace the standard rules in Isabelle.",
+ bool_option trace_rules)),
+ ("quick-and-dirty", ("Whether to take a few short cuts occasionally.",
+ bool_option quick_and_dirty)),
+ ("full-proofs", ("Whether to record full proof objects internally.",
+ proof_option)),
+ ("trace-unification", ("Whether to output error diagnostics during unification.",
+ bool_option Pattern.trace_unify_fail)),
+ ("show-main-goal", ("Whether to show main goal.",
+ bool_option Proof.show_main_goal)),
+ ("global-timing", ("Whether to enable timing in Isabelle.",
+ bool_option Library.timing)),
+ ("theorem-dependencies", ("Whether to track theorem dependencies within Proof General.",
+ thm_deps_option)),
+ ("goals-limit", ("Setting for maximum number of goals printed in Isabelle.",
+ nat_option goals_limit)),
+ ("prems-limit", ("Setting for maximum number of premises printed in Isabelle/Isar.",
+ nat_option ProofContext.prems_limit)),
+ ("print-depth", ("Setting for the ML print depth in Isabelle.",
+ print_depth_option))];
+(* Sending PGIP commands to the interface *)
+fun issue_pgip pgips = notify (XML.element "pgip" [] pgips);
+fun usespgml () =
+ issue_pgip [XML.element "usespgml" [("version", pgml_version_supported)] []];
+(* NB: the default returned here is actually the current value, so
+ repeated uses of <askprefs> will not work correctly. *)
+fun show_options () = issue_pgip (map
+ (fn (name, (descr, (ty, get, _))) => (XML.element "haspref"
+ [("type", ty), ("descr", descr), ("default", get ())] [name])) (!options));
+fun set_option name value = (case assoc (!options, name) of
+ None => warning ("Unknown option: " ^ quote name)
+ | Some (_, (_, _, set)) => set value);
+fun get_option name = (case assoc (!options, name) of
+ None => warning ("Unknown option: " ^ quote name)
+ | Some (_, (_, get, _)) =>
+ issue_pgip [XML.element "prefval" [("name", name)] [get ()]]);
+(* Processing PGIP commands from the interface *)
+(* FIXME: matching on attributes is a bit too strict here *)
+fun process_pgip_element pgip = (case pgip of
+ XML.Elem ("askpgml", _, []) => usespgml ()
+ | XML.Elem ("askprefs", _, []) => show_options ()
+ | XML.Elem ("getpref", [("name", name)], []) => get_option name
+ | XML.Elem ("setpref", [("name", name)], [XML.Text value]) =>
+ set_option name value
+ | XML.Elem (e, _, _) => warning ("Unrecognized PGIP command: " ^ e)
+ | XML.Text t => warning ("Unrecognized PGIP command:\n" ^ t));
+fun process_pgip s = (case XML.tree_of_string s of
+ XML.Elem ("pgip", _, pgips) => seq process_pgip_element pgips
+ | _ => warning ("Invalid PGIP packet received\n" ^ s));
(* misc commands for ProofGeneral/isa *)
fun thms_containing ss =