--- a/src/HOL/Tools/reconstruction.ML Thu Jun 29 13:53:05 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/reconstruction.ML Thu Jun 29 18:10:59 2006 +0200
@@ -9,18 +9,6 @@
structure Reconstruction =
-(* extra functions necessary for factoring and paramodulation *)
-fun mksubstlist [] sublist = sublist
- | mksubstlist ((a, (_, b)) :: rest) sublist =
- let val vartype = type_of b
- val avar = Var(a,vartype)
- val newlist = ((avar,b)::sublist)
- in mksubstlist rest newlist end;
(**** attributes ****)
(** Binary resolution **)
@@ -34,21 +22,26 @@
>> (fn ((i, B), j) => Thm.rule_attribute (fn _ => fn A => binary_rule ((A, i), (B, j)))));
-fun inst_single sign t1 t2 cl =
- let val ct1 = cterm_of sign t1 and ct2 = cterm_of sign t2
- in hd (Seq.list_of(distinct_subgoals_tac
- (cterm_instantiate [(ct1,ct2)] cl)))
- end;
+(** Factoring **)
+(*NB this code did not work at all before 29/6/2006. Even now its behaviour may
+ not be as expected. It unifies the designated literals
+ and then deletes ALL duplicates of literals (not just those designated)*)
+fun mksubstlist [] sublist = sublist
+ | mksubstlist ((a, (T, b)) :: rest) sublist =
+ mksubstlist rest ((Var(a,T), b)::sublist);
-fun inst_subst sign substs cl =
- if (is_Var (fst(hd(substs))))
- then inst_single sign (fst (hd substs)) (snd (hd substs)) cl
- else if (is_Var (snd(hd(substs))))
- then inst_single sign (snd (hd substs)) (fst (hd substs)) cl
- else raise THM ("inst_subst", 0, [cl]);
+fun reorient (x,y) =
+ if is_Var x then (x,y)
+ else if is_Var y then (y,x)
+ else error "Reconstruction.reorient: neither term is a Var";
-(** Factoring **)
+fun inst_subst sign subst cl =
+ let val subst' = map (pairself (cterm_of sign) o reorient) subst
+ in
+ Seq.hd(distinct_subgoals_tac (cterm_instantiate subst' cl))
+ end;
fun factor_rule (cl, lit1, lit2) =