--- a/src/Pure/proofterm.ML Sun Nov 16 20:03:42 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/proofterm.ML Sun Nov 16 22:12:41 2008 +0100
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
| PThm of serial * ((string * term * typ list option) * proof_body Lazy.T)
and proof_body = PBody of
{oracles: (string * term) OrdList.T,
- thms: (serial * ((string * term * typ list option) * proof_body Lazy.T)) OrdList.T,
+ thms: (serial * (string * term * proof_body Lazy.T)) OrdList.T,
proof: proof}
val %> : proof * term -> proof
@@ -35,19 +35,16 @@
- val proof_of: proof_body -> proof
+ type oracle = string * term
+ type pthm = serial * (string * term * proof_body Lazy.T)
val force_body: proof_body Lazy.T ->
- {oracles: (string * term) OrdList.T,
- thms: (serial * ((string * term * typ list option) * proof_body Lazy.T)) OrdList.T,
- proof: proof}
+ {oracles: oracle OrdList.T, thms: pthm OrdList.T, proof: proof}
val force_proof: proof_body Lazy.T -> proof
- val fold_body_thms: ((string * term * typ list option) * proof_body -> 'a -> 'a) ->
- proof_body list -> 'a -> 'a
+ val proof_of: proof_body -> proof
+ val fold_body_thms: (string * term * proof_body -> 'a -> 'a) -> proof_body list -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_proof_atoms: bool -> (proof -> 'a -> 'a) -> proof list -> 'a -> 'a
- type oracle = string * term
val oracle_ord: oracle * oracle -> order
- type pthm = serial * ((string * term * typ list option) * proof_body Lazy.T)
val thm_ord: pthm * pthm -> order
val make_proof_body: proof -> proof_body
val merge_oracles: oracle OrdList.T -> oracle OrdList.T -> oracle OrdList.T
@@ -149,9 +146,12 @@
| PThm of serial * ((string * term * typ list option) * proof_body Lazy.T)
and proof_body = PBody of
{oracles: (string * term) OrdList.T,
- thms: (serial * ((string * term * typ list option) * proof_body Lazy.T)) OrdList.T,
+ thms: (serial * (string * term * proof_body Lazy.T)) OrdList.T,
proof: proof};
+type oracle = string * term;
+type pthm = serial * (string * term * proof_body Lazy.T);
val force_body = Lazy.force #> (fn PBody args => args);
val force_proof = #proof o force_body;
@@ -162,13 +162,13 @@
fun fold_body_thms f =
- fun app (PBody {thms, ...}) = thms |> fold (fn (i, (stmt, body)) => fn (x, seen) =>
+ fun app (PBody {thms, ...}) = thms |> fold (fn (i, (name, prop, body)) => fn (x, seen) =>
if Inttab.defined seen i then (x, seen)
val body' = Lazy.force body;
val (x', seen') = app body' (x, Inttab.update (i, ()) seen);
- in (f (stmt, body') x', seen') end);
+ in (f (name, prop, body') x', seen') end);
in fn bodies => fn x => #1 (fold app bodies (x, Inttab.empty)) end;
fun fold_proof_atoms all f =
@@ -180,29 +180,23 @@
| app (prf as PThm (i, (_, body))) = (fn (x, seen) =>
if Inttab.defined seen i then (x, seen)
- let val res = (f prf x, Inttab.update (i, ()) seen)
- in if all then app (force_proof body) res else res
- end)
+ let val (x', seen') =
+ (if all then app (force_proof body) else I) (x, Inttab.update (i, ()) seen)
+ in (f prf x', seen') end)
| app prf = (fn (x, seen) => (f prf x, seen));
in fn prfs => fn x => #1 (fold app prfs (x, Inttab.empty)) end;
-(* atom kinds *)
-type oracle = string * term;
-val oracle_ord = prod_ord fast_string_ord Term.fast_term_ord;
+(* proof body *)
-type pthm = serial * ((string * term * typ list option) * proof_body Lazy.T);
+val oracle_ord = prod_ord fast_string_ord Term.fast_term_ord;
fun thm_ord ((i, _): pthm, (j, _)) = int_ord (j, i);
-(* proof body *)
fun make_body prf =
val (oracles, thms) = fold_proof_atoms false
(fn Oracle (s, prop, _) => apfst (cons (s, prop))
- | PThm thm => apsnd (cons thm)
+ | PThm (i, ((name, prop, _), body)) => apsnd (cons (i, (name, prop, body)))
| _ => I) [prf] ([], []);
in (OrdList.make oracle_ord oracles, OrdList.make thm_ord thms) end;
@@ -217,7 +211,7 @@
val merge_thms = OrdList.union thm_ord;
fun merge_body (oracles1, thms1) (oracles2, thms2) =
- (merge_oracles oracles1 oracles2, merge_thms thms1 thms2);
+ (merge_oracles oracles1 oracles2, merge_thms thms1 thms2);
(***** proof objects with different levels of detail *****)
@@ -1226,20 +1220,19 @@
#4 (shrink_proof thy [] 0 (rew_proof thy (fold_rev implies_intr_proof hyps prf)))
else MinProof;
- fun new_prf () = (serial (), ((name, prop, NONE),
- Lazy.lazy (fn () =>
- fulfill_proof promises (PBody {oracles = oracles0, thms = thms0, proof = proof0}))));
+ fun new_prf () = (serial (), name, prop, Lazy.lazy (fn () =>
+ fulfill_proof promises (PBody {oracles = oracles0, thms = thms0, proof = proof0})));
- val head =
+ val (i, name, prop, body') =
(case strip_combt (fst (strip_combP prf)) of
(PThm (i, ((old_name, prop', NONE), body')), args') =>
- if (old_name = "" orelse old_name = name) andalso
- prop = prop' andalso args = args'
- then (i, ((name, prop, NONE), body'))
+ if (old_name = "" orelse old_name = name) andalso prop = prop' andalso args = args'
+ then (i, name, prop, body')
else new_prf ()
- | _ => new_prf ())
+ | _ => new_prf ());
+ val head = PThm (i, ((name, prop, NONE), body'));
- (head, proof_combP (proof_combt' (PThm head, args), map Hyp hyps))
+ ((i, (name, prop, body')), proof_combP (proof_combt' (head, args), map Hyp hyps))
fun get_name hyps prop prf =