major simplification: removal of the goalstring argument
Thu, 06 Oct 2005 10:14:22 +0200
changeset 17772 818cec5f82a4
parent 17771 1e07f6ab3118
child 17773 a7258e1020b7
major simplification: removal of the goalstring argument
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/AtpCommunication.ML	Thu Oct 06 10:13:34 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/AtpCommunication.ML	Thu Oct 06 10:14:22 2005 +0200
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
     val reconstruct : bool ref
     val checkEProofFound: 
           TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * * 
-          string * string * (ResClause.clause * thm) Array.array -> bool
+          string * (ResClause.clause * thm) Array.array -> bool
     val checkVampProofFound: 
           TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * * 
-          string * string * (ResClause.clause * thm) Array.array -> bool
+          string * (ResClause.clause * thm) Array.array -> bool
     val checkSpassProofFound:  
           TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * * 
-          string * string * thm * int * (ResClause.clause * thm) Array.array -> bool
+          string * thm * int * (ResClause.clause * thm) Array.array -> bool
 structure AtpCommunication : ATP_COMMUNICATION =
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 (*  and if so, transfer output to the input pipe of the main Isabelle process    *)
-fun startTransfer (endS, fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr) =
+fun startTransfer (endS, fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, clause_arr) =
  let fun transferInput currentString =
       let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
 			  	  then Recon_Transfer.vamp_lemma_list
 			  	  else Recon_Transfer.e_lemma_list
-	       trace ("\nExtracted_prf\n" ^ proofextract); 
-	       lemma_list proofextract goalstring toParent ppid clause_arr
+	       trace ("\nExtracted proof:\n" ^ proofextract); 
+	       lemma_list proofextract probfile toParent ppid clause_arr
 	else transferInput (currentString^thisLine)
@@ -87,34 +87,35 @@
      transferInput "";  true
  end handle EOF => false
-fun signal_parent (toParent, ppid, msg, goalstring) =
+(*The signal handler in watcher.ML must be able to read the output of this.*)
+fun signal_parent (toParent, ppid, msg, probfile) =
  (TextIO.output (toParent, msg);
-  TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring);
+  TextIO.output (toParent, probfile ^ "\n");
   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-  trace ("\nSignalled parent: " ^ msg);
+  trace ("\nSignalled parent: " ^ msg ^ probfile);
   Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2));
 (*Called from watcher. Returns true if the Vampire process has returned a verdict.*)
-fun checkVampProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr) =
+fun checkVampProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, clause_arr) =
  let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild
      trace thisLine;
      if thisLine = "" 
-     then (trace "No proof output seen\n"; false)
+     then (trace "\nNo proof output seen"; false)
      else if String.isPrefix start_V8 thisLine
-     then
-       startTransfer (end_V8, fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr)
+     then startTransfer (end_V8, fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, clause_arr)
      else if (String.isPrefix "Satisfiability detected" thisLine) orelse
              (String.isPrefix "Refutation not found" thisLine)
-     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Failure\n", goalstring);
+     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Failure\n", probfile);
-        checkVampProofFound  (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr)
+        checkVampProofFound  (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, clause_arr)
 (*Called from watcher. Returns true if the E process has returned a verdict.*)
-fun checkEProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid,goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr) = 
+fun checkEProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, clause_arr) = 
  let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild  
      trace thisLine;
@@ -122,15 +123,15 @@
      then (trace "No proof output seen\n"; false)
      else if String.isPrefix start_E thisLine
-       startTransfer (end_E, fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr)
+       startTransfer (end_E, fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, clause_arr)
      else if String.isPrefix "# Problem is satisfiable" thisLine
-     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Invalid\n", goalstring);
+     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Invalid\n", probfile);
      else if String.isPrefix "# Cannot determine problem status within resource limit" thisLine
-     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Failure\n", goalstring);
+     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Failure\n", probfile);
-	checkEProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr)
+	checkEProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, clause_arr)
@@ -140,18 +141,19 @@
 (*  steps as a string to the input pipe of the main Isabelle process  *)
-fun spass_reconstruct_tac proofextract goalstring toParent ppid sg_num 
-                    clause_arr = 
+fun spass_reconstruct_tac proofextract toParent ppid probfile sg_num clause_arr = 
   (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr, ObjectLogic.atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
 	   METAHYPS(fn negs => 
-  Recon_Transfer.spass_reconstruct proofextract goalstring toParent ppid negs clause_arr)]) sg_num;
+		  Recon_Transfer.spass_reconstruct proofextract probfile 
+				toParent ppid negs clause_arr)]) sg_num;
-fun transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring, 
+fun transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile,
                         currentString, thm, sg_num, clause_arr) = 
  let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild 
+    trace thisLine;
     if thisLine = "" (*end of file?*)
     then (trace ("\nspass_extraction_failed: " ^ currentString);
 	  raise EOF)                    
@@ -161,12 +163,12 @@
 	 trace ("\nextracted spass proof: " ^ proofextract);
 	 if !reconstruct 
-	 then (spass_reconstruct_tac proofextract goalstring toParent ppid sg_num 
+	 then (spass_reconstruct_tac proofextract toParent ppid probfile sg_num 
 		clause_arr thm; ())
-	 else Recon_Transfer.spass_lemma_list proofextract goalstring 
-	        toParent ppid clause_arr 
+	 else Recon_Transfer.spass_lemma_list proofextract probfile toParent
+	        ppid clause_arr 
-    else transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring,
+    else transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile,
 			     (currentString^thisLine), thm, sg_num, clause_arr)
@@ -177,23 +179,22 @@
-fun startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring,childCmd,
+fun startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile,
                         thm, sg_num,clause_arr) = 
    let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild  
       if thisLine = "" then false
       else if String.isPrefix "Here is a proof" thisLine then     
-	 (trace ("\nabout to transfer proof, thm is " ^ string_of_thm thm);
-	  transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring,thisLine, 
+	 (trace ("\nabout to transfer SPASS proof\n:");
+	  transferSpassInput (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, thisLine, 
  	                     thm, sg_num,clause_arr);
 	  true) handle EOF => false
-      else startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring,
-                               childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr)
+      else startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, thm, sg_num,clause_arr)
 (*Called from watcher. Returns true if the SPASS process has returned a verdict.*)
-fun checkSpassProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring, childCmd,
+fun checkSpassProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile,
                           thm, sg_num, clause_arr) = 
  let val thisLine = TextIO.inputLine fromChild  
@@ -201,17 +202,15 @@
      if thisLine = "" then (trace "No proof output seen\n"; false)
      else if thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Proof found.\n"
-        startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring,
-	                    childCmd, thm, sg_num, clause_arr)
+        startSpassTransfer (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, thm, sg_num, clause_arr)
      else if thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Completion found.\n"
-     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Invalid\n", goalstring);
+     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Invalid\n", probfile);
      else if thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time.\n" orelse
              thisLine = "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded.\n"
-     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Failure\n", goalstring);
+     then (signal_parent (toParent, ppid, "Failure\n", probfile);
-    else checkSpassProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, goalstring,
-                          childCmd, thm, sg_num, clause_arr)
+    else checkSpassProofFound (fromChild, toParent, ppid, probfile, thm, sg_num, clause_arr)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_transfer_proof.ML	Thu Oct 06 10:13:34 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_transfer_proof.ML	Thu Oct 06 10:14:22 2005 +0200
@@ -280,18 +280,19 @@
   | rules_to_string xs = "[" ^ space_implode ", " xs ^ "]"
-fun prover_lemma_list_aux getax proofstr goalstring toParent ppid clause_arr = 
+(*The signal handler in watcher.ML must be able to read the output of this.*)
+fun prover_lemma_list_aux getax proofstr probfile toParent ppid clause_arr = 
  let val _ = trace
                ("\nGetting lemma names. proofstr is " ^ proofstr ^
-                "\ngoalstring is " ^ goalstring ^
-                "num of clauses is " ^ string_of_int (Array.length clause_arr))
+                "\nprobfile is " ^ probfile ^
+                "  num of clauses is " ^ string_of_int (Array.length clause_arr))
      val axiom_names = getax proofstr clause_arr
      val ax_str = rules_to_string axiom_names
 	 trace ("\nDone. Lemma list is " ^ ax_str);
          TextIO.output (toParent, "Success. Lemmas used in automatic proof: " ^
                   ax_str ^ "\n");
-	 TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring);
+	 TextIO.output (toParent, probfile ^ "\n");
 	 TextIO.flushOut toParent;
 	 Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2)
@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@
              Toplevel.exn_message exn);
       TextIO.output (toParent, "Translation failed for the proof: " ^ 
                      String.toString proofstr ^ "\n");
-      TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring);
+      TextIO.output (toParent, probfile);
       TextIO.flushOut toParent;
       Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2));
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@
 (**** Full proof reconstruction for SPASS (not really working) ****)
-fun spass_reconstruct proofstr goalstring toParent ppid thms clause_arr = 
+fun spass_reconstruct proofstr probfile toParent ppid thms clause_arr = 
   let val _ = trace ("\nspass_reconstruct. Proofstr is "^proofstr)
       val tokens = #1(lex proofstr)
@@ -362,16 +363,16 @@
       val _ = trace ("\nReconstruction:\n" ^ reconstr)
        TextIO.output (toParent, reconstr^"\n");
-       TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring);
+       TextIO.output (toParent, probfile ^ "\n");
        TextIO.flushOut toParent;
        Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
   handle exn => (*FIXME: exn handler is too general!*)
    (trace ("\nspass_reconstruct. In exception handler: " ^ Toplevel.exn_message exn);
-    TextIO.output (toParent,"Translation failed for the proof:"^
+    TextIO.output (toParent,"Translation failed for SPASS proof:"^
          String.toString proofstr ^"\n");
-    TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring);
+    TextIO.output (toParent, probfile ^ "\n");
     TextIO.flushOut toParent;
     Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2); all_tac)
@@ -484,19 +485,6 @@
                         >>(fn (_,(a,_)) => a)
-fun anytoken_step input  = (word>> (fn (a) => a)  ) input
-                       handle NOPARSE_WORD => (number>> (fn (a) => string_of_int a)  ) input
-                      handle NOPARSE_NUMBER => (other_char >> (fn(a) => a)) input
-fun goalstring_step input= (anytoken_step ++ many (anytoken_step )
-                  >> (fn (a,b) =>  (a^" "^(implode b)))) input
  val linestep = number ++ methodstep ++ term_lists_step ++ term_lists_step
                 >> (fn (a, (b, (c,d))) => (a,(b,c,d)))
@@ -630,7 +618,7 @@
 fun last_isar_line (numb,( step, clstrs,thmstrs)) = "show \"False\"\n"^(by_isar_line step)
-fun to_isar_proof (frees, xs, goalstring) =
+fun to_isar_proof (frees, xs) =
     let val extraaxioms = get_extraaxioms xs
 	val extraax_num = length extraaxioms
 	val origaxioms_and_steps = Library.drop (extraax_num, xs)  
@@ -643,10 +631,9 @@
 	val steps = Library.drop (origax_num, axioms_and_steps)
 	val firststeps = ReconOrderClauses.butlast steps
 	val laststep = List.last steps
-	val goalstring = implode(ReconOrderClauses.butlast(explode goalstring))
 	val isar_proof = 
-		("show \""^goalstring^"\"\n")^
+		("show \"[your goal]\"\n")^
 		("proof (rule ccontr,skolemize, make_clauses) \n")^
 		("fix "^(frees_to_isar_str frees)^"\n")^
 		(assume_isar_extraaxioms extraaxioms)^
@@ -670,13 +657,12 @@
 (* be passed over to the watcher, e.g.  numcls25       *)
-fun apply_res_thm str goalstring  = 
+fun apply_res_thm str  = 
   let val tokens = #1 (lex str);
-      val _ = trace ("\napply_res_thm. str is: "^str^
-                     "\ngoalstring is: \n"^goalstring^"\n")	
+      val _ = trace ("\napply_res_thm. str is: "^str^"\n")	
       val (frees,recon_steps) = parse_step tokens 
-      to_isar_proof (frees, recon_steps, goalstring)
+      to_isar_proof (frees, recon_steps)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Thu Oct 06 10:13:34 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Thu Oct 06 10:14:22 2005 +0200
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
 (* callResProvers (outstreamtoWatcher, prover name,prover-command, (settings,file) list *)
 val callResProvers :
-    TextIO.outstream * (string*string*string*string*string) list 
-    -> unit
+    TextIO.outstream * (string*string*string*string) list -> unit
 (* Send message to watcher to kill resolution provers *)
 val callSlayer : TextIO.outstream -> unit
@@ -50,31 +49,18 @@
               else ();
 (*  The result of calling createWatcher  *)
-datatype proc = PROC of {
-        pid :,
-        instr : TextIO.instream,
-        outstr : TextIO.outstream
-      };
+datatype proc = PROC of {pid :,
+			 instr : TextIO.instream,
+			 outstr : TextIO.outstream};
 (*  The result of calling executeToList  *)
 datatype cmdproc = CMDPROC of {
         prover: string,       (* Name of the resolution prover used, e.g. Vampire*)
         cmd:  string,         (* The file containing the goal for res prover to prove *)     
-        goalstring: string,   (* string representation of subgoal*) 
         proc_handle : (TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc,
         instr : TextIO.instream,   (*  Input stream to child process *)
         outstr : TextIO.outstream};  (*  Output stream from child process *)
-type signal = Posix.Signal.signal
-datatype exit_status = datatype Posix.Process.exit_status
-val fromStatus = Posix.Process.fromStatus
-fun reap(pid, instr, outstr) =
-  let val u = TextIO.closeIn instr;
-      val u = TextIO.closeOut outstr;
-      val (_, status) = Posix.Process.waitpid(Posix.Process.W_CHILD pid, [])
-  in status end
 fun fdReader (name : string, fd : Posix.IO.file_desc) =
 	  Posix.IO.mkTextReader {initBlkMode = true,name = name,fd = fd };
@@ -103,17 +89,13 @@
 fun cmdInStream (CMDPROC{instr,outstr,...}) = instr;
-fun cmdchildInfo (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,proc_handle,goalstring,instr,outstr}) = 
+fun cmdchildInfo (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,proc_handle,instr,outstr}) = 
   (prover,(cmd, (instr,outstr)));
-fun cmdchildHandle (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,goalstring,proc_handle,instr,outstr})  = 
+fun cmdchildHandle (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,proc_handle,instr,outstr})  = 
-fun cmdProver (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,goalstring,proc_handle,instr,outstr})  =
-  prover;
-fun cmdGoal (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,goalstring,proc_handle,instr,outstr})  =
-  goalstring;
+fun cmdProver (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,proc_handle,instr,outstr}) = prover;
 (*    gets individual args from instream and concatenates them into a list      *)
@@ -136,17 +118,13 @@
 fun callResProvers (toWatcherStr,  []) = 
       (TextIO.output (toWatcherStr, "End of calls\n");  TextIO.flushOut toWatcherStr)
 |   callResProvers (toWatcherStr,
-                    (prover,goalstring, proverCmd,settings, 
-                     probfile)  ::  args) =
-      let val _ = trace (space_implode "\n" 
-		         (["\ncallResProvers:",prover,goalstring,proverCmd,settings,
-			  probfile]))
+                    (prover,proverCmd,settings,probfile)  ::  args) =
+      let val _ = trace (space_implode ", " 
+		         (["\ncallResProvers:", prover, proverCmd, probfile]))
       in TextIO.output (toWatcherStr,
                         (*Uses a special character to separate items sent to watcher*)
       	                space_implode (str command_sep)
-                          [prover, proverCmd, settings, probfile,
-                           String.toString goalstring ^ "\n"]);
-              (*goalstring is a single string literal, with all specials escaped.*)
+                          [prover, proverCmd, settings, probfile, "\n"]);
          goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) + 1;
 	 TextIO.flushOut toWatcherStr;
 	 callResProvers (toWatcherStr,args)
@@ -172,17 +150,16 @@
      else if thisLine = "Kill children\n"
      then (TextIO.output (toParentStr,thisLine); 
 	   TextIO.flushOut toParentStr;
-	   [("","","Kill children",[],"")])
+	   [("","Kill children",[],"")])
-       let val [prover,proverCmd,settingstr,probfile,goalstring] = 
+       let val [prover,proverCmd,settingstr,probfile,_] = 
                    String.tokens (fn c => c = command_sep) thisLine
            val settings = String.tokens (fn c => c = setting_sep) settingstr
-           trace ("\nprover: " ^ prover ^ "  prover path: " ^ proverCmd^
-                  "  problem file: " ^ probfile ^ 
-		  "\ngoalstring:  "^goalstring);
+           trace ("\nprover: " ^ prover ^ "  prover path: " ^ proverCmd ^
+                  "\n  problem file: " ^ probfile);
            getCmds (toParentStr, fromParentStr, 
-                    (prover, goalstring, proverCmd, settings, probfile)::cmdList) 
+                    (prover, proverCmd, settings, probfile)::cmdList) 
        handle Bind => 
           (trace "getCmds: command parsing failed!";
@@ -215,8 +192,7 @@
 (* for tracing: encloses each string element in brackets. *)
 val concat_with_and = space_implode " & " o map (enclose "(" ")");
-fun prems_string_of th =
-  concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of_thm th)) (prems_of th))
+fun prems_string_of th = concat_with_and (map string_of_cterm (cprems_of th))
 fun killChild proc = (Unix.kill(proc, Posix.Signal.kill); Unix.reap proc);
@@ -239,13 +215,14 @@
 (*get the number of the subgoal from the filename: the last digit string*)
 fun number_from_filename s =
   case String.tokens (not o Char.isDigit) s of
-      [] => (trace "\nWatcher could not read subgoal nunber!!"; raise ERROR)
+      [] => (trace ("\nWatcher could not read subgoal nunber! " ^ s); 
+             raise ERROR)
     | numbers => valOf (Int.fromString (List.last numbers));
 fun setupWatcher (thm,clause_arr) = 
-    val p1 = Posix.IO.pipe ()   (** pipes for communication between parent and watcher **)
-    val p2 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
+    val p1 = Posix.IO.pipe()   (*pipes for communication between parent and watcher*)
+    val p2 = Posix.IO.pipe()
     fun closep () = 
 	 (Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1); Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
 	  Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2); Posix.IO.close (#infd p2))
@@ -264,7 +241,7 @@
 	  val pid = Posix.ProcEnv.getpid()
 	  val () = Posix.ProcEnv.setpgid {pid = SOME pid, pgid = SOME pid}
                    (*set process group id: allows killing all children*)
-	  val () = debug ("subgoals forked to startWatcher: "^ prems_string_of thm);
+	  val () = trace "\nsubgoals forked to startWatcher"
 	  fun pollChildInput fromStr = 
 	     case getInIoDesc fromStr of
@@ -292,18 +269,16 @@
 		   val childIncoming = pollChildInput childInput
 		   val parentID = Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()
 		   val prover = cmdProver childProc
-		   val prems_string = prems_string_of thm
-		   val goalstring = cmdGoal childProc							
-		 trace("\nsubgoals forked to checkChildren: " ^ goalstring);
 		 if childIncoming
 		 then (* check here for prover label on child*)
 		   let val _ = trace ("\nInput available from child: " ^ childCmd ^ 
-				      "\ngoalstring is " ^ goalstring)
+				      "\nprover is " ^ prover)
 		       val childDone = (case prover of
-			   "vampire" => AtpCommunication.checkVampProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID,goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr)  
-			    | "E" => AtpCommunication.checkEProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID,goalstring, childCmd, clause_arr)             
-			  |"spass" => AtpCommunication.checkSpassProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID,goalstring, childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr)  )
+			   "vampire" => AtpCommunication.checkVampProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID, childCmd, clause_arr)  
+		         | "E" => AtpCommunication.checkEProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID, childCmd, clause_arr)             
+			 | "spass" => AtpCommunication.checkSpassProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID, childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr)  
+			 | _ => (trace "\nBad prover!"; true) )
 		     if childDone
 		     then (* child has found a proof and transferred it *)
@@ -323,117 +298,89 @@
 	(* settings should be a list of strings  ["-t 300", "-m 100000"]    *)
 	(* takes list of (string, string, string list, string)list proclist *)
 	fun execCmds [] procList = procList
-	|   execCmds ((prover, goalstring,proverCmd,settings,file)::cmds) procList  =
-	      let val _ = trace (space_implode "\n" 
-				 (["\nAbout to execute command for goal:",
-				   goalstring, proverCmd] @ settings @
-				  [file, Date.toString(Date.fromTimeLocal(]))
+	|   execCmds ((prover,proverCmd,settings,file)::cmds) procList  =
+	      let val _ = trace ("\nAbout to execute command: " ^ proverCmd ^ " " ^ 
+	                         file)
 	          val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc  = 
 		       Unix.execute(proverCmd, settings@[file])
 		  val (instr, outstr) = Unix.streamsOf childhandle
 		  val newProcList = CMDPROC{prover = prover,
 					    cmd = file,
-					    goalstring = goalstring,
 					    proc_handle = childhandle,
 					    instr = instr,
 					    outstr = outstr} :: procList
-		  val _ = trace ("\nFinished at " ^
+     		  val _ = trace ("\nFinished at " ^
 	      in execCmds cmds newProcList end
          (******** Watcher Loop ********)
-         val limit = ref 500;  (*don't let it run forever*)
+         val limit = ref 200;  (*don't let it run forever*)
 	 fun keepWatching (procList) = 
 	   let fun loop procList =  
-	      let val _ = trace ("\nCalling pollParentInput: " ^ Int.toString (!limit));
+	      let val _ = trace ("\npollParentInput. Limit = " ^ Int.toString (!limit) ^ 
+	                         "  length(procList) = " ^ Int.toString (length procList));
 		  val cmdsFromIsa = pollParentInput 
 				     (fromParentIOD, fromParentStr, toParentStr)
-		 OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromMilliseconds 100);
-		 limit := !limit - 1;
-		 if !limit = 0 
-		 then 
-		  (trace "\nTimeout: Killing proof processes";
-		   TextIO.output(toParentStr, "Timeout: Killing proof processes!\n");
-		   TextIO.flushOut toParentStr;
-		   killChildren (map cmdchildHandle procList);
-		   exit 0)
-		 else case cmdsFromIsa of
-		     SOME [(_,_,"Kill children",_,_)] => 
-		       let val child_handles = map cmdchildHandle procList 
-		       in  killChildren child_handles; loop []  end
-		   | SOME cmds => (*  deal with commands from Isabelle process *)
-		       if length procList < 40
-		       then                        (* Execute locally  *)
-			 let 
-			   val newProcList = execCmds cmds procList
-			   val newProcList' = checkChildren (newProcList, toParentStr) 
-			 in
-			   trace "\nJust execed a child"; loop newProcList'
-			 end
-		       else  (* Execute remotely [FIXME: NOT REALLY]  *)
-			 let 
-			   val newProcList = execCmds cmds procList
-			   val newProcList' = checkChildren (newProcList, toParentStr) 
-			 in loop newProcList' end
-		   | NONE => (* No new input from Isabelle *)
-		       let val newProcList = checkChildren (procList, toParentStr)
-		       in
-			 trace "\nNo new input, still watching"; loop newProcList
-		       end
+		OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromMilliseconds 100);
+		limit := !limit - 1;
+		if !limit = 0 
+		then 
+		 (trace "\nTimeout: Killing proof processes";
+		  TextIO.output(toParentStr, "Timeout: Killing proof processes!\n");
+		  TextIO.flushOut toParentStr;
+		  killChildren (map cmdchildHandle procList);
+		  Posix.Process.exit 0w0)
+		else case cmdsFromIsa of
+		    SOME [(_,"Kill children",_,_)] => 
+		      let val child_handles = map cmdchildHandle procList 
+		      in  trace "\nReceived command to kill children";
+			  killChildren child_handles; loop [] 
+		      end
+		  | SOME cmds => (*  deal with commands from Isabelle process *)
+		      if length procList < 40
+		      then                        (* Execute locally  *)
+			let 
+			  val _ = trace ("\nCommands from parent: " ^ Int.toString(length cmds))
+			  val newProcList = execCmds cmds procList
+			  val newProcList' = checkChildren (newProcList, toParentStr) 
+			in
+			  trace "\nCommands executed"; loop newProcList'
+			end
+		      else  (* Execute remotely [FIXME: NOT REALLY]  *)
+			let 
+			  val newProcList = execCmds cmds procList
+			  val newProcList' = checkChildren (newProcList, toParentStr) 
+			in loop newProcList' end
+		  | NONE => (* No new input from Isabelle *)
+		      let val newProcList = checkChildren (procList, toParentStr)
+		      in
+			trace "\nNothing from parent, still watching"; loop newProcList
+		      end
-	   in  
-	       loop procList
-	   end
+	   in  loop procList   end
-	  (*** Sort out pipes ********)
-	   Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1);
-	   Posix.IO.close (#infd p2);
+	   (*** Sort out pipes ********)
+	   Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1);  Posix.IO.close (#infd p2);
 	   Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildin, new = fromParent};
 	   Posix.IO.close oldchildin;
 	   Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildout, new = toParent};
 	   Posix.IO.close oldchildout;
-	   (* start the watcher loop  *)
-	   keepWatching (procList);
-	   (* fake return value - actually want the watcher to loop until killed *)
-	   Posix.Process.wordToPid 0w0
-	 end);
-     (* end case *)
+	   keepWatching (procList)
+	 end);   (* end case *)
     val _ = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
-    (*******************************)
-    (***  set watcher going ********)
-    (*******************************)
-    val procList = []
-    val pid = startWatcher procList
-    (**************************************************)
-    (* communication streams to watcher               *)
-    (**************************************************)
+    val pid = startWatcher []
+    (* communication streams to watcher*)
     val instr = openInFD ("_exec_in", #infd p2)
     val outstr = openOutFD ("_exec_out", #outfd p1)
-   (*******************************)
-   (* close the child-side fds    *)
-   (*******************************)
-    Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2);
-    Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
+   (* close the child-side fds*)
+    Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2);  Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
     (* set the fds close on exec *)
     Posix.IO.setfd (#infd p2, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
     Posix.IO.setfd (#outfd p1, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-   (*******************************)
-   (* return value                *)
-   (*******************************)
     PROC{pid = pid, instr = instr, outstr = outstr}
@@ -445,12 +392,17 @@
 fun killWatcher pid = Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_GROUP pid, Posix.Signal.kill);
-fun reapWatcher(pid, instr, outstr) =
+fun reapWatcher(pid, instr, outstr) = ignore
   (TextIO.closeIn instr; TextIO.closeOut outstr;
-   Posix.Process.waitpid(Posix.Process.W_CHILD pid, []); ())
+   Posix.Process.waitpid(Posix.Process.W_CHILD pid, []))
+  handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
-fun createWatcher (thm, clause_arr) =
- let val (childpid,(childin,childout)) = childInfo (setupWatcher(thm,clause_arr))
+fun string_of_subgoal th i =
+    string_of_cterm (List.nth(cprems_of th, i-1))
+    handle Subscript => "Subgoal number out of range!"
+fun createWatcher (th, clause_arr) =
+ let val (childpid,(childin,childout)) = childInfo (setupWatcher(th,clause_arr))
      fun decr_watched() =
 	  (goals_being_watched := !goals_being_watched - 1;
 	   if !goals_being_watched = 0
@@ -459,30 +411,32 @@
 		     LargeWord.toString (Posix.Process.pidToWord childpid));
 	      killWatcher childpid; reapWatcher (childpid,childin, childout))
 	    else ())
-     val _ = debug ("subgoals forked to createWatcher: "^ prems_string_of thm);
+     val _ = debug ("subgoals forked to createWatcher: "^ prems_string_of th);
      fun proofHandler n = 
        let val outcome = TextIO.inputLine childin
-	   val goalstring = valOf (String.fromString (TextIO.inputLine childin))
+	   val probfile = TextIO.inputLine childin
+	   val sg_num = number_from_filename probfile
+	   val text = string_of_subgoal th sg_num
 	   val _ = debug ("In signal handler. outcome = \"" ^ outcome ^ 
-		        "\"\ngoalstring = " ^ goalstring ^
+		        "\"\nprobfile = " ^ probfile ^
 		        "\ngoals_being_watched: "^  Int.toString (!goals_being_watched))
 	 if String.isPrefix "[" outcome (*indicates a proof reconstruction*)
-	 then (priority (Recon_Transfer.apply_res_thm outcome goalstring);
+	 then (priority (Recon_Transfer.apply_res_thm outcome);
 	 else if String.isPrefix "Invalid" outcome
-	 then (priority ("Subgoal is not provable:\n" ^ goalstring);
+	 then (priority ("Subgoal is not provable:\n" ^ text);
 	 else if String.isPrefix "Failure" outcome
-	 then (priority ("Proof attempt failed:\n" ^ goalstring);
+	 then (priority ("Proof attempt failed:\n" ^ text);
 	(* print out a list of rules used from clasimpset*)
 	 else if String.isPrefix "Success" outcome
-	 then (priority (outcome ^ goalstring);
+	 then (priority (outcome ^ text);
 	  (* if proof translation failed *)
 	 else if String.isPrefix "Translation failed" outcome
-	 then (priority (outcome ^ goalstring);
+	 then (priority (outcome ^ text);
 	 else (priority "System error in proof handler";
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Thu Oct 06 10:13:34 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Thu Oct 06 10:14:22 2005 +0200
@@ -89,11 +89,9 @@
     fun make_atp_list [] n = []
       | make_atp_list (sg_term::xs) n =
-            val goalstring = Sign.string_of_term sign sg_term
             val probfile = prob_pathname n
             val time = Int.toString (!time_limit)
-            debug ("goalstring in make_atp_lists is\n" ^ goalstring);
             debug ("problem file in watcher_call_provers is " ^ probfile);
             (*Avoid command arguments containing spaces: Poly/ML and SML/NJ
               versions of Unix.execute treat them differently!*)
@@ -111,7 +109,7 @@
                   val _ = ResLib.helper_path "SPASS_HOME" "SPASS"
                     (*We've checked that SPASS is there for ATP/spassshell to run.*)
-                  ([("spass", goalstring,
+                  ([("spass", 
                      getenv "ISABELLE_HOME" ^ "/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/spassshell",
                      optionline, probfile)] @ 
                   (make_atp_list xs (n+1)))
@@ -120,14 +118,14 @@
               let val vampire = ResLib.helper_path "VAMPIRE_HOME" "vampire"
-                ([("vampire", goalstring, vampire, "-m 100000%-t " ^ time, probfile)] @
+                ([("vampire", vampire, "-m 100000%-t " ^ time, probfile)] @
                  (make_atp_list xs (n+1)))       (*BEWARE! spaces in options!*)
       	     else if !prover = "E"
 	       let val Eprover = ResLib.helper_path "E_HOME" "eproof"
-		  ([("E", goalstring, Eprover, 
+		  ([("E", Eprover, 
 		     "--tptp-in%-l5%-xAuto%-tAuto%--cpu-limit=" ^ time,
 		     probfile)] @
 		   (make_atp_list xs (n+1)))
@@ -156,21 +154,20 @@
       val _ = debug ("arity clauses = " ^ Int.toString (length arity_clauses))
       val write = if !prover = "spass" then dfg_inputs_tfrees else tptp_inputs_tfrees
       fun writenext n =
-	if n=0 then ()
+	if n=0 then []
 	    (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr, ObjectLogic.atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
 	      METAHYPS(fn negs => 
 		(write (make_clauses negs) pf n 
-		 writenext (n-1); 
 		 all_tac))]) n th;
-	    ())
-      in writenext (length prems); clause_arr end;
+	    pf n :: writenext (n-1))
+      in (writenext (length prems), clause_arr) end;
 val last_watcher_pid =
-  ref (NONE : (TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * option);
+  ref (NONE : (TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream * 
+      * string list) option);
 (*writes out the current clasimpset to a tptp file;
   turns off xsymbol at start of function, restoring it at end    *)
@@ -179,22 +176,24 @@
   if Thm.no_prems th then ()
-      val _ = (*Set up signal handler to tidy away dead processes*)
-	      IsaSignal.signal (IsaSignal.chld, 
-	        IsaSignal.SIG_HANDLE (fn _ =>
-		  (Posix.Process.waitpid_nh(Posix.Process.W_ANY_CHILD, []);
-		   debug "Child signal received\n")));  
+      fun reap s = (*Signal handler to tidy away dead processes*)
+	   (case Posix.Process.waitpid_nh(Posix.Process.W_ANY_CHILD, []) of
+		SOME _ => reap s | NONE => ()) 
+           handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
+      val _ = 
+	      IsaSignal.signal (IsaSignal.chld, IsaSignal.SIG_HANDLE reap)
       val _ = (case !last_watcher_pid of NONE => ()
-               | SOME (_, childout, pid) => 
+               | SOME (_, childout, pid, files) => 
                   (debug ("Killing old watcher, pid = " ^ 
                           Int.toString (ResLib.intOfPid pid));
-                   Watcher.killWatcher pid))
+                   Watcher.killWatcher pid;
+                   ignore (map (try OS.FileSys.remove) files)))
               handle OS.SysErr _ => debug "Attempt to kill watcher failed";
-      val clause_arr = write_problem_files prob_pathname (ctxt,th)
+      val (files,clause_arr) = write_problem_files prob_pathname (ctxt,th)
       val (childin, childout, pid) = Watcher.createWatcher (th, clause_arr)
-      last_watcher_pid := SOME (childin, childout, pid);
-      debug ("proof state: " ^ string_of_thm th);
+      last_watcher_pid := SOME (childin, childout, pid, files);
+      debug ("problem files: " ^ space_implode ", " files); 
       debug ("pid: " ^ Int.toString (ResLib.intOfPid pid));
       watcher_call_provers (sign_of_thm th) (Thm.prems_of th) (childin, childout, pid)
@@ -217,8 +216,6 @@
         handle Proof.STATE _ => error "No goal present";
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    debug ("initial thm in isar_atp:\n" ^ 
-           Pretty.string_of (ProofContext.pretty_thm ctxt goal));
     debug ("subgoals in isar_atp:\n" ^ 
            Pretty.string_of (ProofContext.pretty_term ctxt
              (Logic.mk_conjunction_list (Thm.prems_of goal))));