tuned white space;
Tue, 15 Sep 2009 18:13:30 +0200
changeset 34730 819862460a12
parent 34729 5bf8f8200762
child 34731 c0cb6bd10eec
tuned white space;
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/prover/Prover.scala	Tue Sep 15 17:00:21 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/prover/Prover.scala	Tue Sep 15 18:13:30 2009 +0200
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 class Prover(system: Isabelle_System, logic: String) extends Actor
   /* incoming messages */
   private var prover_ready = false
   def act() {
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   /* outgoing messages */
   val command_change = new Event_Bus[Command]
   val document_change = new Event_Bus[ProofDocument]
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
   /* prover process */
   private val process =
-    new Isabelle_Process(system, this, "-m", "xsymbols", logic) with Isar_Document
+  new Isabelle_Process(system, this, "-m", "xsymbols", logic) with Isar_Document
   def stop() { process.kill }
   /* outer syntax keywords and completion */
   @volatile private var _command_decls = Map[String, String]()
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@
   @volatile private var states = Map[Isar_Document.State_ID, Command_State]()
   @volatile private var commands = Map[Isar_Document.Command_ID, Command]()
   val document_0 =
-    ProofDocument.empty.
-      set_command_keyword((s: String) => command_decls().contains(s))
+  ProofDocument.empty.
+  set_command_keyword((s: String) => command_decls().contains(s))
   @volatile private var document_versions = List(document_0)
   def command(id: Isar_Document.Command_ID): Option[Command] = commands.get(id)
   def document(id: Isar_Document.Document_ID): Option[ProofDocument] =
-    document_versions.find(_.id == id)
+  document_versions.find(_.id == id)
   /* prover results */
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@
     val message = Isabelle_Process.parse_message(system, result)
     val state =
-      result.props.find(p => p._1 == Markup.ID) match {
-        case None => None
-        case Some((_, id)) =>
-          if (commands.contains(id)) Some(commands(id))
-          else if (states.contains(id)) Some(states(id))
-          else None
-      }
+    result.props.find(p => p._1 == Markup.ID) match {
+      case None => None
+      case Some((_, id)) =>
+        if (commands.contains(id)) Some(commands(id))
+        else if (states.contains(id)) Some(states(id))
+        else None
+    }
     if (state.isDefined) state.get ! (this, message)
     else if (result.kind == Isabelle_Process.Kind.STATUS) {
       //{{{ global status message
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
             elem match {
               // document edits
               case XML.Elem(Markup.EDITS, (Markup.ID, doc_id) :: _, edits)
-              if document_versions.exists(_.id == doc_id) =>
+                if document_versions.exists(_.id == doc_id) =>
                 val doc = document_versions.find(_.id == doc_id).get
                 for {
                   XML.Elem(Markup.EDIT, (Markup.ID, cmd_id) :: (Markup.STATE, state_id) :: _, _)
-                    <- edits
+                  <- edits
                 } {
                   if (commands.contains(cmd_id)) {
                     val cmd = commands(cmd_id)
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
-              // command and keyword declarations
+                // command and keyword declarations
               case XML.Elem(Markup.COMMAND_DECL,
-                  (Markup.NAME, name) :: (Markup.KIND, kind) :: _, _) =>
+                            (Markup.NAME, name) :: (Markup.KIND, kind) :: _, _) =>
                 _command_decls += (name -> kind)
                 _completion += name
               case XML.Elem(Markup.KEYWORD_DECL, (Markup.NAME, name) :: _, _) =>
                 _keyword_decls += name
                 _completion += name
-              // process ready (after initialization)
+                // process ready (after initialization)
               case XML.Elem(Markup.READY, _, _) => prover_ready = true
               case _ =>
@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@
     document_versions ::= doc
     val id_changes = changes map { case (c1, c2) =>
-      (c1.map(_.id).getOrElse(document_0.id),
-      c2 match {
-        case None => None
-        case Some(command) =>
-          commands += (command.id -> command)
-          process.define_command(command.id, system.symbols.encode(command.content))
-          Some(command.id)
-      })
+        (c1.map(_.id).getOrElse(document_0.id),
+         c2 match {
+            case None => None
+            case Some(command) =>
+              commands += (command.id -> command)
+              process.define_command(command.id, system.symbols.encode(command.content))
+              Some(command.id)
+          })
     process.edit_document(old.id, doc.id, id_changes)