clarified theory location and imports: avoid surprises due to Pure instead of Main (e.g. simpset operations);
Tue, 01 May 2018 20:40:27 +0200
changeset 68061 81d90f830f99
parent 68060 3931ed905e93
child 68063 539048827fe8
clarified theory location and imports: avoid surprises due to Pure instead of Main (e.g. simpset operations); tuned headers;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/Adhoc_Overloading.thy	Tue May 01 20:40:27 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Library/Adhoc_Overloading.thy
+    Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck
+section \<open>Adhoc overloading of constants based on their types\<close>
+theory Adhoc_Overloading
+  imports Main
+  keywords "adhoc_overloading" "no_adhoc_overloading" :: thy_decl
+ML_file "adhoc_overloading.ML"
--- a/src/HOL/Library/Library.thy	Tue May 01 16:42:14 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/Library.thy	Tue May 01 20:40:27 2018 +0200
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 theory Library
+  Adhoc_Overloading
--- a/src/HOL/Library/Monad_Syntax.thy	Tue May 01 16:42:14 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/Monad_Syntax.thy	Tue May 01 20:40:27 2018 +0200
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-(* Author: Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
-   Author: Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck
+(*  Title:      HOL/Library/Monad_Syntax.thy
+    Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck
 section \<open>Monad notation for arbitrary types\<close>
 theory Monad_Syntax
-imports Main "~~/src/Tools/Adhoc_Overloading"
+  imports Adhoc_Overloading
 text \<open>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/adhoc_overloading.ML	Tue May 01 20:40:27 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+(*  Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck
+Adhoc overloading of constants based on their types.
+  val is_overloaded: Proof.context -> string -> bool
+  val generic_add_overloaded: string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  val generic_remove_overloaded: string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  val generic_add_variant: string -> term -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  (*If the list of variants is empty at the end of "generic_remove_variant", then
+  "generic_remove_overloaded" is called implicitly.*)
+  val generic_remove_variant: string -> term -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  val show_variants: bool Config.T
+structure Adhoc_Overloading: ADHOC_OVERLOADING =
+val show_variants = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding show_variants} (K false);
+(* errors *)
+fun err_duplicate_variant oconst =
+  error ("Duplicate variant of " ^ quote oconst);
+fun err_not_a_variant oconst =
+  error ("Not a variant of " ^  quote oconst);
+fun err_not_overloaded oconst =
+  error ("Constant " ^ quote oconst ^ " is not declared as overloaded");
+fun err_unresolved_overloading ctxt0 (c, T) t instances =
+  let
+    val ctxt = Config.put show_variants true ctxt0
+    val const_space = Proof_Context.const_space ctxt
+    val prt_const =
+      Pretty.block [Name_Space.pretty ctxt const_space c, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1,
+        Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T)]
+  in
+    error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks [
+      Pretty.block [
+        Pretty.str "Unresolved adhoc overloading of constant", Pretty.brk 1,
+        prt_const, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "in term", Pretty.brk 1,
+        Pretty.block [Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)]],
+      Pretty.block (
+        (if null instances then [Pretty.str "no instances"]
+        else Pretty.fbreaks (
+          Pretty.str "multiple instances:" ::
+          map (Pretty.mark Markup.item o Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) instances)))]))
+  end;
+(* generic data *)
+fun variants_eq ((v1, T1), (v2, T2)) =
+  Term.aconv_untyped (v1, v2) andalso T1 = T2;
+structure Overload_Data = Generic_Data
+  type T =
+    {variants : (term * typ) list Symtab.table,
+     oconsts : string Termtab.table};
+  val empty = {variants = Symtab.empty, oconsts = Termtab.empty};
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge
+    ({variants = vtab1, oconsts = otab1},
+     {variants = vtab2, oconsts = otab2}) : T =
+    let
+      fun merge_oconsts _ (oconst1, oconst2) =
+        if oconst1 = oconst2 then oconst1
+        else err_duplicate_variant oconst1;
+    in
+      {variants = Symtab.merge_list variants_eq (vtab1, vtab2),
+       oconsts = Termtab.join merge_oconsts (otab1, otab2)}
+    end;
+fun map_tables f g =
+ (fn {variants = vtab, oconsts = otab} =>
+    {variants = f vtab, oconsts = g otab});
+val is_overloaded = Symtab.defined o #variants o Overload_Data.get o Context.Proof;
+val get_variants = Symtab.lookup o #variants o Overload_Data.get o Context.Proof;
+val get_overloaded = Termtab.lookup o #oconsts o Overload_Data.get o Context.Proof;
+fun generic_add_overloaded oconst context =
+  if is_overloaded (Context.proof_of context) oconst then context
+  else map_tables (Symtab.update (oconst, [])) I context;
+fun generic_remove_overloaded oconst context =
+  let
+    fun remove_oconst_and_variants context oconst =
+      let
+        val remove_variants =
+          (case get_variants (Context.proof_of context) oconst of
+            NONE => I
+          | SOME vs => fold (Termtab.remove (op =) o rpair oconst o fst) vs);
+      in map_tables (Symtab.delete_safe oconst) remove_variants context end;
+  in
+    if is_overloaded (Context.proof_of context) oconst then remove_oconst_and_variants context oconst
+    else err_not_overloaded oconst
+  end;
+  fun generic_variant add oconst t context =
+    let
+      val ctxt = Context.proof_of context;
+      val _ = if is_overloaded ctxt oconst then () else err_not_overloaded oconst;
+      val T = t |> fastype_of;
+      val t' = Term.map_types (K dummyT) t;
+    in
+      if add then
+        let
+          val _ =
+            (case get_overloaded ctxt t' of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME oconst' => err_duplicate_variant oconst');
+        in
+          map_tables (Symtab.cons_list (oconst, (t', T))) (Termtab.update (t', oconst)) context
+        end
+      else
+        let
+          val _ =
+            if member variants_eq (the (get_variants ctxt oconst)) (t', T) then ()
+            else err_not_a_variant oconst;
+        in
+          map_tables (Symtab.map_entry oconst (remove1 variants_eq (t', T)))
+            (Termtab.delete_safe t') context
+          |> (fn context =>
+            (case get_variants (Context.proof_of context) oconst of
+              SOME [] => generic_remove_overloaded oconst context
+            | _ => context))
+        end
+    end;
+  val generic_add_variant = generic_variant true;
+  val generic_remove_variant = generic_variant false;
+(* check / uncheck *)
+fun unifiable_with thy T1 T2 =
+  let
+    val maxidx1 = Term.maxidx_of_typ T1;
+    val T2' = Logic.incr_tvar (maxidx1 + 1) T2;
+    val maxidx2 = Term.maxidx_typ T2' maxidx1;
+  in can (Sign.typ_unify thy (T1, T2')) (Vartab.empty, maxidx2) end;
+fun get_candidates ctxt (c, T) =
+  get_variants ctxt c
+  |> (map_filter (fn (t, T') =>
+    if unifiable_with (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) T T' then SOME t
+    else NONE));
+fun insert_variants ctxt t (oconst as Const (c, T)) =
+      (case get_candidates ctxt (c, T) of
+        SOME [] => err_unresolved_overloading ctxt (c, T) t []
+      | SOME [variant] => variant
+      | _ => oconst)
+  | insert_variants _ _ oconst = oconst;
+fun insert_overloaded ctxt =
+  let
+    fun proc t =
+      Term.map_types (K dummyT) t
+      |> get_overloaded ctxt
+      |> (Const o rpair (Term.type_of t));
+  in
+    Pattern.rewrite_term_top (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) [] [proc]
+  end;
+fun check ctxt =
+  map (fn t => Term.map_aterms (insert_variants ctxt t) t);
+fun uncheck ctxt ts =
+  if Config.get ctxt show_variants orelse exists (is_none o try Term.type_of) ts then ts
+  else map (insert_overloaded ctxt) ts;
+fun reject_unresolved ctxt =
+  let
+    val the_candidates = the o get_candidates ctxt;
+    fun check_unresolved t =
+      (case filter (is_overloaded ctxt o fst) (Term.add_consts t []) of
+        [] => t
+      | (cT :: _) => err_unresolved_overloading ctxt cT t (the_candidates cT));
+  in map check_unresolved end;
+(* setup *)
+val _ = Context.>>
+  (Syntax_Phases.term_check 0 "adhoc_overloading" check
+   #> Syntax_Phases.term_check 1 "adhoc_overloading_unresolved_check" reject_unresolved
+   #> Syntax_Phases.term_uncheck 0 "adhoc_overloading" uncheck);
+(* commands *)
+fun generic_adhoc_overloading_cmd add =
+  if add then
+    fold (fn (oconst, ts) =>
+      generic_add_overloaded oconst
+      #> fold (generic_add_variant oconst) ts)
+  else
+    fold (fn (oconst, ts) =>
+      fold (generic_remove_variant oconst) ts);
+fun adhoc_overloading_cmd' add args phi =
+  let val args' = args
+    |> map (apsnd (map_filter (fn t =>
+         let val t' = Morphism.term phi t;
+         in if Term.aconv_untyped (t, t') then SOME t' else NONE end)));
+  in generic_adhoc_overloading_cmd add args' end;
+fun adhoc_overloading_cmd add raw_args lthy =
+  let
+    fun const_name ctxt =
+      fst o dest_Const o Proof_Context.read_const {proper = false, strict = false} ctxt;  (* FIXME {proper = true, strict = true} (!?) *)
+    fun read_term ctxt = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) o Syntax.read_term ctxt;
+    val args =
+      raw_args
+      |> map (apfst (const_name lthy))
+      |> map (apsnd (map (read_term lthy)));
+  in
+    Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = true, pervasive = false}
+      (adhoc_overloading_cmd' add args) lthy
+  end;
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword adhoc_overloading}
+    "add adhoc overloading for constants / fixed variables"
+    (Parse.and_list1 (Parse.const -- Scan.repeat Parse.term) >> adhoc_overloading_cmd true);
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword no_adhoc_overloading}
+    "delete adhoc overloading for constants / fixed variables"
+    (Parse.and_list1 (Parse.const -- Scan.repeat Parse.term) >> adhoc_overloading_cmd false);
--- a/src/Tools/Adhoc_Overloading.thy	Tue May 01 16:42:14 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-(* Author: Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
-   Author: Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck
-section \<open>Adhoc overloading of constants based on their types\<close>
-theory Adhoc_Overloading
-imports Pure
-  "adhoc_overloading" "no_adhoc_overloading" :: thy_decl
-ML_file "adhoc_overloading.ML"
--- a/src/Tools/adhoc_overloading.ML	Tue May 01 16:42:14 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-(*  Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
-    Author:     Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck
-Adhoc overloading of constants based on their types.
-  val is_overloaded: Proof.context -> string -> bool
-  val generic_add_overloaded: string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
-  val generic_remove_overloaded: string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
-  val generic_add_variant: string -> term -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
-  (*If the list of variants is empty at the end of "generic_remove_variant", then
-  "generic_remove_overloaded" is called implicitly.*)
-  val generic_remove_variant: string -> term -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
-  val show_variants: bool Config.T
-structure Adhoc_Overloading: ADHOC_OVERLOADING =
-val show_variants = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding show_variants} (K false);
-(* errors *)
-fun err_duplicate_variant oconst =
-  error ("Duplicate variant of " ^ quote oconst);
-fun err_not_a_variant oconst =
-  error ("Not a variant of " ^  quote oconst);
-fun err_not_overloaded oconst =
-  error ("Constant " ^ quote oconst ^ " is not declared as overloaded");
-fun err_unresolved_overloading ctxt0 (c, T) t instances =
-  let
-    val ctxt = Config.put show_variants true ctxt0
-    val const_space = Proof_Context.const_space ctxt
-    val prt_const =
-      Pretty.block [Name_Space.pretty ctxt const_space c, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1,
-        Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T)]
-  in
-    error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks [
-      Pretty.block [
-        Pretty.str "Unresolved adhoc overloading of constant", Pretty.brk 1,
-        prt_const, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "in term", Pretty.brk 1,
-        Pretty.block [Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)]],
-      Pretty.block (
-        (if null instances then [Pretty.str "no instances"]
-        else Pretty.fbreaks (
-          Pretty.str "multiple instances:" ::
-          map (Pretty.mark Markup.item o Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) instances)))]))
-  end;
-(* generic data *)
-fun variants_eq ((v1, T1), (v2, T2)) =
-  Term.aconv_untyped (v1, v2) andalso T1 = T2;
-structure Overload_Data = Generic_Data
-  type T =
-    {variants : (term * typ) list Symtab.table,
-     oconsts : string Termtab.table};
-  val empty = {variants = Symtab.empty, oconsts = Termtab.empty};
-  val extend = I;
-  fun merge
-    ({variants = vtab1, oconsts = otab1},
-     {variants = vtab2, oconsts = otab2}) : T =
-    let
-      fun merge_oconsts _ (oconst1, oconst2) =
-        if oconst1 = oconst2 then oconst1
-        else err_duplicate_variant oconst1;
-    in
-      {variants = Symtab.merge_list variants_eq (vtab1, vtab2),
-       oconsts = Termtab.join merge_oconsts (otab1, otab2)}
-    end;
-fun map_tables f g =
- (fn {variants = vtab, oconsts = otab} =>
-    {variants = f vtab, oconsts = g otab});
-val is_overloaded = Symtab.defined o #variants o Overload_Data.get o Context.Proof;
-val get_variants = Symtab.lookup o #variants o Overload_Data.get o Context.Proof;
-val get_overloaded = Termtab.lookup o #oconsts o Overload_Data.get o Context.Proof;
-fun generic_add_overloaded oconst context =
-  if is_overloaded (Context.proof_of context) oconst then context
-  else map_tables (Symtab.update (oconst, [])) I context;
-fun generic_remove_overloaded oconst context =
-  let
-    fun remove_oconst_and_variants context oconst =
-      let
-        val remove_variants =
-          (case get_variants (Context.proof_of context) oconst of
-            NONE => I
-          | SOME vs => fold (Termtab.remove (op =) o rpair oconst o fst) vs);
-      in map_tables (Symtab.delete_safe oconst) remove_variants context end;
-  in
-    if is_overloaded (Context.proof_of context) oconst then remove_oconst_and_variants context oconst
-    else err_not_overloaded oconst
-  end;
-  fun generic_variant add oconst t context =
-    let
-      val ctxt = Context.proof_of context;
-      val _ = if is_overloaded ctxt oconst then () else err_not_overloaded oconst;
-      val T = t |> fastype_of;
-      val t' = Term.map_types (K dummyT) t;
-    in
-      if add then
-        let
-          val _ =
-            (case get_overloaded ctxt t' of
-              NONE => ()
-            | SOME oconst' => err_duplicate_variant oconst');
-        in
-          map_tables (Symtab.cons_list (oconst, (t', T))) (Termtab.update (t', oconst)) context
-        end
-      else
-        let
-          val _ =
-            if member variants_eq (the (get_variants ctxt oconst)) (t', T) then ()
-            else err_not_a_variant oconst;
-        in
-          map_tables (Symtab.map_entry oconst (remove1 variants_eq (t', T)))
-            (Termtab.delete_safe t') context
-          |> (fn context =>
-            (case get_variants (Context.proof_of context) oconst of
-              SOME [] => generic_remove_overloaded oconst context
-            | _ => context))
-        end
-    end;
-  val generic_add_variant = generic_variant true;
-  val generic_remove_variant = generic_variant false;
-(* check / uncheck *)
-fun unifiable_with thy T1 T2 =
-  let
-    val maxidx1 = Term.maxidx_of_typ T1;
-    val T2' = Logic.incr_tvar (maxidx1 + 1) T2;
-    val maxidx2 = Term.maxidx_typ T2' maxidx1;
-  in can (Sign.typ_unify thy (T1, T2')) (Vartab.empty, maxidx2) end;
-fun get_candidates ctxt (c, T) =
-  get_variants ctxt c
-  |> (map_filter (fn (t, T') =>
-    if unifiable_with (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) T T' then SOME t
-    else NONE));
-fun insert_variants ctxt t (oconst as Const (c, T)) =
-      (case get_candidates ctxt (c, T) of
-        SOME [] => err_unresolved_overloading ctxt (c, T) t []
-      | SOME [variant] => variant
-      | _ => oconst)
-  | insert_variants _ _ oconst = oconst;
-fun insert_overloaded ctxt =
-  let
-    fun proc t =
-      Term.map_types (K dummyT) t
-      |> get_overloaded ctxt
-      |> (Const o rpair (Term.type_of t));
-  in
-    Pattern.rewrite_term_top (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) [] [proc]
-  end;
-fun check ctxt =
-  map (fn t => Term.map_aterms (insert_variants ctxt t) t);
-fun uncheck ctxt ts =
-  if Config.get ctxt show_variants orelse exists (is_none o try Term.type_of) ts then ts
-  else map (insert_overloaded ctxt) ts;
-fun reject_unresolved ctxt =
-  let
-    val the_candidates = the o get_candidates ctxt;
-    fun check_unresolved t =
-      (case filter (is_overloaded ctxt o fst) (Term.add_consts t []) of
-        [] => t
-      | (cT :: _) => err_unresolved_overloading ctxt cT t (the_candidates cT));
-  in map check_unresolved end;
-(* setup *)
-val _ = Context.>>
-  (Syntax_Phases.term_check 0 "adhoc_overloading" check
-   #> Syntax_Phases.term_check 1 "adhoc_overloading_unresolved_check" reject_unresolved
-   #> Syntax_Phases.term_uncheck 0 "adhoc_overloading" uncheck);
-(* commands *)
-fun generic_adhoc_overloading_cmd add =
-  if add then
-    fold (fn (oconst, ts) =>
-      generic_add_overloaded oconst
-      #> fold (generic_add_variant oconst) ts)
-  else
-    fold (fn (oconst, ts) =>
-      fold (generic_remove_variant oconst) ts);
-fun adhoc_overloading_cmd' add args phi =
-  let val args' = args
-    |> map (apsnd (map_filter (fn t =>
-         let val t' = Morphism.term phi t;
-         in if Term.aconv_untyped (t, t') then SOME t' else NONE end)));
-  in generic_adhoc_overloading_cmd add args' end;
-fun adhoc_overloading_cmd add raw_args lthy =
-  let
-    fun const_name ctxt =
-      fst o dest_Const o Proof_Context.read_const {proper = false, strict = false} ctxt;  (* FIXME {proper = true, strict = true} (!?) *)
-    fun read_term ctxt = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) o Syntax.read_term ctxt;
-    val args =
-      raw_args
-      |> map (apfst (const_name lthy))
-      |> map (apsnd (map (read_term lthy)));
-  in
-    Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = true, pervasive = false}
-      (adhoc_overloading_cmd' add args) lthy
-  end;
-val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword adhoc_overloading}
-    "add adhoc overloading for constants / fixed variables"
-    (Parse.and_list1 (Parse.const -- Scan.repeat Parse.term) >> adhoc_overloading_cmd true);
-val _ =
-  Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword no_adhoc_overloading}
-    "delete adhoc overloading for constants / fixed variables"
-    (Parse.and_list1 (Parse.const -- Scan.repeat Parse.term) >> adhoc_overloading_cmd false);