ML pretty printer for proof terms, with specifica treatment of infix application (similar to terms);
Sun, 23 Jun 2013 18:11:38 +0200
changeset 52426 81e27230a8b7
parent 52425 de8a85aad216
child 52427 9d1cc9a22177
ML pretty printer for proof terms, with specifica treatment of infix application (similar to terms);
--- a/src/Pure/ML/install_pp_polyml.ML	Sun Jun 23 17:14:20 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/install_pp_polyml.ML	Sun Jun 23 18:11:38 2013 +0200
@@ -25,29 +25,86 @@
   | SOME (Exn.Exn _) => PolyML.PrettyString "<failed>"
   | SOME (Exn.Res y) => pretty (y, depth)));
-PolyML.addPrettyPrinter (fn depth => fn _ => fn tm =>
+open PolyML;
+val from_ML = Pretty.from_ML o pretty_ml;
+fun prt_app name prt = Pretty.block [Pretty.str (name ^ " "), prt];
+fun prt_apps name = Pretty.enum "," (name ^ " (") ")";
+fun prt_term parens dp t =
+  if dp <= 0 then Pretty.str "..."
+  else
+    (case t of
+      _ $ _ =>
+        op :: (strip_comb t)
+        |> map_index (fn (i, u) => prt_term true (dp - i - 1) u)
+        |> Pretty.separate " $"
+        |> (if parens then Pretty.enclose "(" ")" else Pretty.block)
+    | Abs (a, T, b) =>
+        prt_apps "Abs"
+         [from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)),
+          from_ML (prettyRepresentation (T, dp - 2)),
+          prt_term false (dp - 3) b]
+    | Const a => prt_app "Const" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)))
+    | Free a => prt_app "Free" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)))
+    | Var a => prt_app "Var" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)))
+    | Bound a => prt_app "Bound" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1))));
+val _ =
+  PolyML.addPrettyPrinter (fn depth => fn _ => fn t =>
+    ml_pretty (Pretty.to_ML (prt_term false depth t)));
+fun prt_proof parens dp prf =
+  if dp <= 0 then Pretty.str "..."
+  else
+    (case prf of
+      _ % _ => prt_proofs parens dp prf
+    | _ %% _ => prt_proofs parens dp prf
+    | Abst (a, T, b) =>
+        prt_apps "Abst"
+         [from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)),
+          from_ML (prettyRepresentation (T, dp - 2)),
+          prt_proof false (dp - 3) b]
+    | AbsP (a, t, b) =>
+        prt_apps "AbsP"
+         [from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)),
+          from_ML (prettyRepresentation (t, dp - 2)),
+          prt_proof false (dp - 3) b]
+    | Hyp t => prt_app "Hyp" (prt_term true (dp - 1) t)
+    | MinProof => Pretty.str "MinProof"
+    | PBound a => prt_app "PBound" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)))
+    | PAxm a => prt_app "PAxm" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)))
+    | OfClass a => prt_app "OfClass" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)))
+    | Oracle a => prt_app "Oracle" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)))
+    | Promise a => prt_app "Promise" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)))
+    | PThm a => prt_app "PThm" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1))))
+and prt_proofs parens dp prf =
-    open PolyML;
-    val from_ML = Pretty.from_ML o pretty_ml;
-    fun prt_app name prt = Pretty.block [Pretty.str (name ^ " "), prt];
-    fun prt_apps name = Pretty.enum "," (name ^ " (") ")";
-    fun prt_term parens dp t =
-      if dp <= 0 then Pretty.str "..."
-      else
-        (case t of
-          _ $ _ =>
-            op :: (strip_comb t)
-            |> map_index (fn (i, u) => prt_term true (dp - i - 1) u)
-            |> Pretty.separate " $"
-            |> (if parens then Pretty.enclose "(" ")" else Pretty.block)
-        | Abs (a, T, b) =>
-            prt_apps "Abs"
-             [from_ML (prettyRepresentation (a, dp - 1)),
-              from_ML (prettyRepresentation (T, dp - 2)),
-              prt_term false (dp - 3) b]
-        | Const const => prt_app "Const" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (const, dp - 1)))
-        | Free free => prt_app "Free" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (free, dp - 1)))
-        | Var var => prt_app "Var" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (var, dp - 1)))
-        | Bound i => prt_app "Bound" (from_ML (prettyRepresentation (i, dp - 1))));
-  in ml_pretty (Pretty.to_ML (prt_term false depth tm)) end);
+    val (head, args) = strip_proof prf [];
+    val prts = head (dp - 1) :: flat (map_index (fn (i, prt) => prt (dp - i - 2)) args);
+  in if parens then Pretty.enclose "(" ")" prts else Pretty.block prts end
+and strip_proof (p % t) res =
+      strip_proof p
+        ((fn d => [Pretty.str " %", Pretty.brk 1, from_ML (prettyRepresentation (t, d))]) :: res)
+  | strip_proof (p %% q) res =
+      strip_proof p ((fn d => [Pretty.str " %%", Pretty.brk 1, prt_proof true d q]) :: res)
+  | strip_proof p res = (fn d => prt_proof true d p, res);
+val _ =
+  PolyML.addPrettyPrinter (fn depth => fn _ => fn prf =>
+    ml_pretty (Pretty.to_ML (prt_proof false depth prf)));