more robust TimeLimit: make double sure that watchdog has terminated and interrupts received during uninterruptible state are propagated (NB: Thread.testInterrupt requires InterruptSynch in Poly/ML 5.4.0 or earlier);
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/time_limit.ML Sat Feb 05 20:38:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/time_limit.ML Mon Feb 07 23:57:03 2011 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* Title: Pure/Concurrent/time_limit.ML
Author: Makarius
-Execution with time limit.
+Execution with time limit (considerable overhead due to fork of watchdog thread).
signature TIME_LIMIT =
@@ -15,18 +15,29 @@
exception TimeOut;
-fun timeLimit time f x = uninterruptible (fn restore_attributes => fn () =>
- let
- val worker = Thread.self ();
- val timeout = Unsynchronized.ref false;
- val watchdog = Thread.fork (fn () =>
- (OS.Process.sleep time; timeout := true; Thread.interrupt worker), []);
+fun timeLimit time f x =
+ Multithreading.with_attributes Multithreading.no_interrupts (fn orig_atts =>
+ let
+ val main = Thread.self ();
+ val timeout = Unsynchronized.ref false;
+ val watchdog = Simple_Thread.fork true (fn () =>
+ (OS.Process.sleep time; timeout := true; Thread.interrupt main));
+ val result = Exn.capture (fn () => Multithreading.with_attributes orig_atts (fn _ => f x)) ();
- val result = Exn.capture (restore_attributes f) x;
- val was_timeout = Exn.is_interrupt_exn result andalso ! timeout;
+ val _ = Thread.interrupt watchdog handle Thread _ => ();
+ val _ = while Thread.isActive watchdog do OS.Process.sleep (seconds 0.0001);
- val _ = Thread.interrupt watchdog handle Thread _ => ();
- in if was_timeout then raise TimeOut else Exn.release result end) ();
+ val test =
+ Exn.capture (fn () =>
+ Multithreading.with_attributes (Multithreading.sync_interrupts orig_atts)
+ (fn _ => Thread.testInterrupt ())) ();
+ in
+ if ! timeout andalso (Exn.is_interrupt_exn result orelse Exn.is_interrupt_exn test)
+ then raise TimeOut
+ else if Exn.is_interrupt_exn test then Exn.interrupt ()
+ else Exn.release result
+ end);