--- a/src/Pure/term.ML Wed Dec 01 13:09:08 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/term.ML Wed Dec 01 13:37:31 2010 +0100
@@ -284,24 +284,24 @@
| dest_comb t = raise TERM("dest_comb", [t]);
-fun domain_type (Type("fun", [T,_])) = T
-and range_type (Type("fun", [_,T])) = T;
+fun domain_type (Type ("fun", [T, _])) = T;
+fun range_type (Type ("fun", [_, U])) = U;
fun dest_funT (Type ("fun", [T, U])) = (T, U)
| dest_funT T = raise TYPE ("dest_funT", [T], []);
(* maps [T1,...,Tn]--->T to the list [T1,T2,...,Tn]*)
-fun binder_types (Type("fun",[S,T])) = S :: binder_types T
- | binder_types _ = [];
+fun binder_types (Type ("fun", [T, U])) = T :: binder_types U
+ | binder_types _ = [];
(* maps [T1,...,Tn]--->T to T*)
-fun body_type (Type("fun",[S,T])) = body_type T
- | body_type T = T;
+fun body_type (Type ("fun", [_, U])) = body_type U
+ | body_type T = T;
(* maps [T1,...,Tn]--->T to ([T1,T2,...,Tn], T) *)
-fun strip_type T : typ list * typ =
- (binder_types T, body_type T);
+fun strip_type T = (binder_types T, body_type T);
(*Compute the type of the term, checking that combinations are well-typed
@@ -1007,5 +1007,5 @@
-structure BasicTerm: BASIC_TERM = Term;
-open BasicTerm;
+structure Basic_Term: BASIC_TERM = Term;
+open Basic_Term;