--- a/src/HOL/Tools/meson.ML Tue Dec 13 10:39:32 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/meson.ML Tue Dec 13 15:27:43 2005 +0100
@@ -104,20 +104,69 @@
(*number of literals in a term*)
val nliterals = length o literals;
-(*to detect, and remove, tautologous clauses*)
-fun taut_lits [] = false
- | taut_lits ((flg,t)::ts) = (not flg,t) mem ts orelse taut_lits ts;
-(*Include False as a literal: an occurrence of ~False is a tautology*)
-fun is_taut th = taut_lits ((true, HOLogic.false_const) ::
- literals (prop_of th));
(*Generation of unique names -- maxidx cannot be relied upon to increase!
Cannot rely on "variant", since variables might coincide when literals
are joined to make a clause...
19 chooses "U" as the first variable name*)
val name_ref = ref 19;
+(*** Tautology Checking ***)
+fun signed_lits_aux (Const ("op |", _) $ P $ Q) (poslits, neglits) =
+ signed_lits_aux Q (signed_lits_aux P (poslits, neglits))
+ | signed_lits_aux (Const("Not",_) $ P) (poslits, neglits) = (poslits, P::neglits)
+ | signed_lits_aux P (poslits, neglits) = (P::poslits, neglits);
+fun signed_lits th = signed_lits_aux (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th)) ([],[]);
+(*Literals like X=X are tautologous*)
+fun taut_poslit (Const("op =",_) $ t $ u) = t aconv u
+ | taut_poslit (Const("True",_)) = true
+ | taut_poslit _ = false;
+fun is_taut th =
+ let val (poslits,neglits) = signed_lits th
+ in exists taut_poslit poslits
+ orelse
+ exists (fn t => mem_term (t, neglits)) (HOLogic.false_const :: poslits)
+ end;
+(*** To remove trivial negated equality literals from clauses ***)
+(*They are typically functional reflexivity axioms and are the converses of
+ injectivity equivalences*)
+val not_refl_disj_D = thm"meson_not_refl_disj_D";
+fun refl_clause_aux 0 th = th
+ | refl_clause_aux n th =
+(debug ("refl_clause_aux " ^ Int.toString n ^ " " ^ string_of_thm th);
+ case HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th) of
+ (Const ("op |", _) $ (Const ("op |", _) $ _ $ _) $ _) =>
+ refl_clause_aux n (th RS disj_assoc) (*isolate an atom as first disjunct*)
+ | (Const ("op |", _) $ (Const("Not",_) $ (Const("op =",_) $ t $ u)) $ _) =>
+ if is_Var t orelse is_Var u then (*Var inequation: delete or ignore*)
+ (refl_clause_aux (n-1) (th RS not_refl_disj_D) (*delete*)
+ handle THM _ => refl_clause_aux (n-1) (th RS disj_comm)) (*ignore*)
+ else refl_clause_aux (n-1) (th RS disj_comm) (*not between Vars: ignore*)
+ | (Const ("op |", _) $ _ $ _) => refl_clause_aux n (th RS disj_comm)
+ | _ => (*not a disjunction*) th);
+fun notequal_lits_count (Const ("op |", _) $ P $ Q) =
+ notequal_lits_count P + notequal_lits_count Q
+ | notequal_lits_count (Const("Not",_) $ (Const("op =",_) $ _ $ _)) = 1
+ | notequal_lits_count _ = 0;
+(*Simplify a clause by applying reflexivity to its negated equality literals*)
+fun refl_clause th =
+ let val neqs = notequal_lits_count (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th))
+ in zero_var_indexes (refl_clause_aux neqs th) end;
+(*** The basic CNF transformation ***)
(*Replaces universally quantified variables by FREE variables -- because
assumptions may not contain scheme variables. Later, call "generalize". *)
fun freeze_spec th =
@@ -131,45 +180,48 @@
presumably to instantiate a Boolean variable.*)
fun resop nf [prem] = resolve_tac (nf prem) 1;
+val has_meta_conn =
+ exists_Const (fn (c,_) => c mem_string ["==", "==>", "all", "prop"]);
(*Conjunctive normal form, adding clauses from th in front of ths (for foldr).
- Detects tautologies early, with "seen" holding the other literals of a clause.
Strips universal quantifiers and breaks up conjunctions.
Eliminates existential quantifiers using skoths: Skolemization theorems.*)
fun cnf skoths (th,ths) =
- let fun cnf_aux seen (th,ths) =
- if taut_lits (literals(prop_of th) @ seen)
- then ths (*tautology ignored*)
- else if not (has_consts ["All","Ex","op &"] (prop_of th))
+ let fun cnf_aux (th,ths) =
+ if has_meta_conn (prop_of th) then ths (*meta-level: ignore*)
+ else if not (has_consts ["All","Ex","op &"] (prop_of th))
then th::ths (*no work to do, terminate*)
else case head_of (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th)) of
Const ("op &", _) => (*conjunction*)
- cnf_aux seen (th RS conjunct1,
- cnf_aux seen (th RS conjunct2, ths))
+ cnf_aux (th RS conjunct1,
+ cnf_aux (th RS conjunct2, ths))
| Const ("All", _) => (*universal quantifier*)
- cnf_aux seen (freeze_spec th, ths)
+ cnf_aux (freeze_spec th, ths)
| Const ("Ex", _) =>
(*existential quantifier: Insert Skolem functions*)
- cnf_aux seen (tryres (th,skoths), ths)
+ cnf_aux (tryres (th,skoths), ths)
| Const ("op |", _) => (*disjunction*)
let val tac =
- (METAHYPS (resop (cnf_nil seen)) 1) THEN
+ (METAHYPS (resop cnf_nil) 1) THEN
(fn st' => st' |>
- (resop (cnf_nil (literals (concl_of st') @ seen))) 1)
+ (resop cnf_nil) 1)
in Seq.list_of (tac (th RS disj_forward)) @ ths end
| _ => (*no work to do*) th::ths
- and cnf_nil seen th = (cnf_aux seen (th,[]))
+ and cnf_nil th = (cnf_aux (th,[]))
name_ref := 19; (*It's safe to reset this in a top-level call to cnf*)
(cnf skoths (th RS conjunct1, cnf skoths (th RS conjunct2, ths))
- handle THM _ => (*not a conjunction*) cnf_aux [] (th, ths))
+ handle THM _ => (*not a conjunction*) cnf_aux (th, ths))
(*Convert all suitable free variables to schematic variables,
but don't discharge assumptions.*)
fun generalize th = Thm.varifyT (forall_elim_vars 0 (forall_intr_frees th));
-fun make_cnf skoths th = map generalize (cnf skoths (th, []));
+fun make_cnf skoths th =
+ filter (not o is_taut)
+ (map (refl_clause o generalize) (cnf skoths (th, [])));
(**** Removal of duplicate literals ****)
@@ -217,9 +269,7 @@
(*Sort clauses by number of literals*)
fun fewerlits(th1,th2) = nliterals(prop_of th1) < nliterals(prop_of th2);
-fun sort_clauses ths =
- sort (make_ord fewerlits) (List.filter (not o is_taut) ths);
+fun sort_clauses ths = sort (make_ord fewerlits) ths;
(*True if the given type contains bool anywhere*)
fun has_bool (Type("bool",_)) = true
@@ -239,9 +289,6 @@
(fn (c,T) => not(is_conn c) andalso exists (has_bool) (binder_types T));
-val has_meta_conn =
- exists_Const (fn (c,_) => c mem_string ["==", "==>", "all", "prop"]);
(*Raises an exception if any Vars in the theorem mention type bool; they
could cause make_horn to loop! Also rejects functions whose arguments are
Booleans or other functions.*)