--- a/src/HOL/Tools/sat_solver.ML Thu May 01 22:41:03 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/sat_solver.ML Thu May 01 22:56:59 2014 +0200
@@ -503,6 +503,201 @@
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Internal SAT solver, available as 'SatSolver.invoke_solver "dpll_p"' -- *)
+(* a simple, slightly more efficient implementation of the DPLL algorithm *)
+(* (cf. L. Zhang, S. Malik: "The Quest for Efficient Boolean Satisfiability *)
+(* Solvers", July 2002, Fig. 2). In contrast to the other two ML solvers *)
+(* above, this solver produces proof traces. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ type clause = int list * int
+ type value = bool option
+ datatype reason = Decided | Implied of clause | Level0 of int
+ type variable = bool option * reason * int * int
+ type proofs = int * int list Inttab.table
+ type state =
+ int * int list * variable Inttab.table * clause list Inttab.table * proofs
+ exception CONFLICT of clause * state
+ exception UNSAT of clause * state
+ fun neg i = ~i
+ fun lit_value lit value = if lit > 0 then value else Option.map not value
+ fun var_of vars lit: variable = the (Inttab.lookup vars (abs lit))
+ fun value_of vars lit = lit_value lit (#1 (var_of vars lit))
+ fun reason_of vars lit = #2 (var_of vars lit)
+ fun level_of vars lit = #3 (var_of vars lit)
+ fun is_true vars lit = (value_of vars lit = SOME true)
+ fun is_false vars lit = (value_of vars lit = SOME false)
+ fun is_unassigned vars lit = (value_of vars lit = NONE)
+ fun assignment_of vars lit = the_default NONE (try (value_of vars) lit)
+ fun put_var value reason level (_, _, _, rank) = (value, reason, level, rank)
+ fun incr_rank (value, reason, level, rank) = (value, reason, level, rank + 1)
+ fun update_var lit f = Inttab.map_entry (abs lit) f
+ fun add_var lit = Inttab.update (abs lit, (NONE, Decided, ~1, 0))
+ fun assign lit r l = update_var lit (put_var (SOME (lit > 0)) r l)
+ fun unassign lit = update_var lit (put_var NONE Decided ~1)
+ fun add_proof [] (idx, ptab) = (idx, (idx + 1, ptab))
+ | add_proof ps (idx, ptab) = (idx, (idx + 1, Inttab.update (idx, ps) ptab))
+ fun level0_proof_of (Level0 idx) = SOME idx
+ | level0_proof_of _ = NONE
+ fun level0_proofs_of vars = map_filter (level0_proof_of o reason_of vars)
+ fun prems_of vars (lits, p) = p :: level0_proofs_of vars lits
+ fun mk_proof vars cls proofs = add_proof (prems_of vars cls) proofs
+ fun push lit cls (level, trail, vars, clss, proofs) =
+ let
+ val (reason, proofs) =
+ if level = 0 then apfst Level0 (mk_proof vars cls proofs)
+ else (Implied cls, proofs)
+ in (level, lit :: trail, assign lit reason level vars, clss, proofs) end
+ fun push_decided lit (level, trail, vars, clss, proofs) =
+ let val vars' = assign lit Decided (level + 1) vars
+ in (level + 1, lit :: 0 :: trail, vars', clss, proofs) end
+ fun prop (cls as (lits, _)) (cx as (units, state as (level, _, vars, _, _))) =
+ if exists (is_true vars) lits then cx
+ else if forall (is_false vars) lits then
+ if level = 0 then raise UNSAT (cls, state)
+ else raise CONFLICT (cls, state)
+ else
+ (case filter (is_unassigned vars) lits of
+ [lit] => (lit :: units, push lit cls state)
+ | _ => cx)
+ fun propagate units (state as (_, _, _, clss, _)) =
+ (case fold (fold prop o Inttab.lookup_list clss) units ([], state) of
+ ([], state') => (NONE, state')
+ | (units', state') => propagate units' state')
+ handle CONFLICT (cls, state') => (SOME cls, state')
+ fun max_unassigned (v, (NONE, _, _, rank)) (x as (_, r)) =
+ if rank > r then (SOME v, rank) else x
+ | max_unassigned _ x = x
+ fun decide (state as (_, _, vars, _, _)) =
+ (case Inttab.fold max_unassigned vars (NONE, 0) of
+ (SOME lit, _) => SOME (lit, push_decided lit state)
+ | (NONE, _) => NONE)
+ fun mark lit = Inttab.update (abs lit, true)
+ fun marked ms lit = the_default false (Inttab.lookup ms (abs lit))
+ fun ignore l ms lit = ((lit = l) orelse marked ms lit)
+ fun first_lit _ [] = raise Empty
+ | first_lit _ (0 :: _) = raise Empty
+ | first_lit pred (lit :: lits) =
+ if pred lit then (lit, lits) else first_lit pred lits
+ fun reason_cls_of vars lit =
+ (case reason_of vars lit of
+ Implied cls => cls
+ | _ => raise Option)
+ fun analyze conflicting_cls (level, trail, vars, _, _) =
+ let
+ fun back i lit (lits, p) trail ms ls ps =
+ let
+ val (lits0, lits') = List.partition (equal 0 o level_of vars) lits
+ val lits1 = filter_out (ignore lit ms) lits'
+ val lits2 = filter_out (equal level o level_of vars) lits1
+ val i' = length lits1 - length lits2 + i
+ val ms' = fold mark lits1 ms
+ val ls' = lits2 @ ls
+ val ps' = level0_proofs_of vars lits0 @ (p :: ps)
+ val (lit', trail') = first_lit (marked ms') trail
+ in
+ if i' = 1 then (neg lit', ls', rev ps')
+ else back (i' - 1) lit' (reason_cls_of vars lit') trail' ms' ls' ps'
+ end
+ in back 0 0 conflicting_cls trail Inttab.empty [] [] end
+ fun keep_clause (cls as (lits, _)) (level, trail, vars, clss, proofs) =
+ let
+ val vars' = fold (fn lit => update_var lit incr_rank) lits vars
+ val clss' = fold (fn lit => Inttab.cons_list (neg lit, cls)) lits clss
+ in (level, trail, vars', clss', proofs) end
+ fun learn (cls as (lits, _)) = (length lits <= 2) ? keep_clause cls
+ fun backjump _ (state as (_, [], _, _, _)) = state
+ | backjump i (level, 0 :: trail, vars, clss, proofs) =
+ (level - 1, trail, vars, clss, proofs) |> (i > 1) ? backjump (i - 1)
+ | backjump i (level, lit :: trail, vars, clss, proofs) =
+ backjump i (level, trail, unassign lit vars, clss, proofs)
+ fun search units state =
+ (case propagate units state of
+ (NONE, state' as (_, _, vars, _, _)) =>
+ (case decide state' of
+ NONE => SatSolver.SATISFIABLE (assignment_of vars)
+ | SOME (lit, state'') => search [lit] state'')
+ | (SOME conflicting_cls, state' as (level, trail, vars, clss, proofs)) =>
+ let
+ val (lit, lits, ps) = analyze conflicting_cls state'
+ val (idx, proofs') = add_proof ps proofs
+ val cls = (lit :: lits, idx)
+ in
+ (level, trail, vars, clss, proofs')
+ |> backjump (level - fold (Integer.max o level_of vars) lits 0)
+ |> learn cls
+ |> push lit cls
+ |> search [lit]
+ end)
+ fun has_opposing_lits [] = false
+ | has_opposing_lits (lit :: lits) =
+ member (op =) lits (neg lit) orelse has_opposing_lits lits
+ fun add_clause (cls as ([_], _)) (units, state) =
+ let val (units', state') = prop cls (units, state)
+ in (units', state') end
+ | add_clause (cls as (lits, _)) (cx as (units, state)) =
+ if has_opposing_lits lits then cx
+ else (units, keep_clause cls state)
+ fun mk_clause lits proofs =
+ apfst (pair (distinct (op =) lits)) (add_proof [] proofs)
+ fun solve litss =
+ let
+ val (clss, proofs) = fold_map mk_clause litss (0, Inttab.empty)
+ val vars = fold (fold add_var) litss Inttab.empty
+ val state = (0, [], vars, Inttab.empty, proofs)
+ in uncurry search (fold add_clause clss ([], state)) end
+ handle UNSAT (conflicting_cls, (_, _, vars, _, proofs)) =>
+ let val (idx, (_, ptab)) = mk_proof vars conflicting_cls proofs
+ in SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE (SOME (ptab, idx)) end
+ fun variable_of (Prop_Logic.BoolVar 0) = error "bad propositional variable"
+ | variable_of (Prop_Logic.BoolVar i) = i
+ | variable_of _ = error "expected formula in CNF"
+ fun literal_of (Prop_Logic.Not fm) = neg (variable_of fm)
+ | literal_of fm = variable_of fm
+ fun clause_of (Prop_Logic.Or (fm1, fm2)) = clause_of fm1 @ clause_of fm2
+ | clause_of fm = [literal_of fm]
+ fun clauses_of (Prop_Logic.And (fm1, fm2)) = clauses_of fm1 @ clauses_of fm2
+ | clauses_of Prop_Logic.True = [[1, ~1]]
+ | clauses_of Prop_Logic.False = [[1], [~1]]
+ | clauses_of fm = [clause_of fm]
+ fun dpll_solver fm =
+ let val fm' = if Prop_Logic.is_cnf fm then fm else Prop_Logic.defcnf fm
+ in solve (clauses_of fm') end
+ SatSolver.add_solver ("dpll_p", dpll_solver)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Internal SAT solver, available as 'SatSolver.invoke_solver "auto"': uses *)
(* the last installed solver (other than "auto" itself) that does not raise *)
(* 'NOT_CONFIGURED'. (However, the solver may return 'UNKNOWN'.) *)