new version of computing oracle
Mon, 09 Jul 2007 17:36:25 +0200
changeset 23663 84b5c89b8b49
parent 23662 91d06b04951f
child 23664 9c486517354a
new version of computing oracle
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle.thy	Mon Jul 09 11:44:23 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle.thy	Mon Jul 09 17:36:25 2007 +0200
@@ -5,28 +5,10 @@
 Steven Obua's evaluator.
-theory Compute_Oracle
-imports CPure
-  "am_interpreter.ML"
-  "am_compiler.ML"
-  "am_util.ML"
-  "compute.ML"
+theory Compute_Oracle imports CPure
+uses "am.ML" "am_compiler.ML" "am_interpreter.ML" "am_ghc.ML" "am_sml.ML" "compute.ML" "linker.ML"
-oracle compute_oracle (" * (int -> string) * cterm") =
-  {* Compute.oracle_fn *}
-ML {*
-structure Compute =
-  open Compute
+setup {* Compute.setup; *}
-  fun rewrite_param r n ct =
-    compute_oracle (Thm.theory_of_cterm ct) (r, n, ct)
-  fun rewrite r ct = rewrite_param r default_naming ct
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am.ML	Mon Jul 09 17:36:25 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term
+datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
+datatype guard = Guard of term * term
+type program
+exception Compile of string;
+(* The de-Bruijn index 0 occurring on the right hand side refers to the LAST pattern variable, when traversing the pattern from left to right,
+   1 to the second last, and so on. *)
+val compile : (guard list * pattern * term) list -> program
+val discard : program -> unit
+exception Run of string;
+val run : program -> term -> term
+structure AbstractMachine : ABSTRACT_MACHINE = 
+datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term
+datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
+datatype guard = Guard of term * term
+type program = unit
+exception Compile of string;
+fun compile _ = raise Compile "abstract machine stub"
+fun discard _ = raise Compile "abstract machine stub"
+exception Run of string;
+fun run p t = raise Run "abstract machine stub"
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML	Mon Jul 09 11:44:23 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML	Mon Jul 09 17:36:25 2007 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_compiler.ML
+(*  Title:      Pure/Tools/am_compiler.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Steven Obua
@@ -7,10 +7,7 @@
-  datatype closure = CVar of int | CConst of int
-    | CApp of closure * closure | CAbs of closure | Closure of (closure list) * closure
-  val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> closure) -> unit
+  val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> term) -> unit
   val list_nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
   val list_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
@@ -20,39 +17,14 @@
 val list_nth = List.nth;
 val list_map = map;
-datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term
-datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
+open AbstractMachine;
-datatype closure = CVar of int | CConst of int
-	         | CApp of closure * closure | CAbs of closure
-                 | Closure of (closure list) * closure
-val compiled_rewriter = ref (NONE:(term -> closure)Option.option)
+val compiled_rewriter = ref (NONE:(term -> term)Option.option)
 fun set_compiled_rewriter r = (compiled_rewriter := SOME r)
 type program = (term -> term)
-datatype stack = SEmpty | SAppL of closure * stack | SAppR of closure * stack | SAbs of stack
-exception Compile of string;
-exception Run of string;
-fun clos_of_term (Var x) = CVar x
-  | clos_of_term (Const c) = CConst c
-  | clos_of_term (App (u, v)) = CApp (clos_of_term u, clos_of_term v)
-  | clos_of_term (Abs u) = CAbs (clos_of_term u)
-fun term_of_clos (CVar x) = Var x
-  | term_of_clos (CConst c) = Const c
-  | term_of_clos (CApp (u, v)) = App (term_of_clos u, term_of_clos v)
-  | term_of_clos (CAbs u) = Abs (term_of_clos u)
-  | term_of_clos (Closure (e, u)) =
-      raise (Run "internal error: closure in normalized term found")
-fun strip_closure args (CApp (a,b)) = strip_closure (b::args) a
-  | strip_closure args x = (x, args)
 (*Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore
   check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed*)
@@ -103,7 +75,7 @@
             else "Closure ([], "^term^")"
-	"lookup stack "^pattern^" = weak stack ("^term^")"
+	"  | weak_reduce (false, stack, "^pattern^") = Continue (false, stack, "^term^")"
 fun constants_of PVar = []
@@ -116,7 +88,6 @@
 fun load_rules sname name prog = 
-        (* FIXME consider using more readable/efficient Buffer.empty |> fold Buffer.add etc. *)
 	val buffer = ref ""
 	fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
 	fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
@@ -126,50 +97,62 @@
 	val _ = writelist [
 		"structure "^name^" = struct",
-		"datatype term = App of term * term | Abs of term | Var of int | Const of int | Closure of term list * term"]
+		"datatype term = Dummy | App of term * term | Abs of term | Var of int | Const of int | Closure of term list * term"]
 	val constants = distinct (op =) (maps (fn (p, r) => ((constants_of p)@(constants_of_term r))) prog)
 	val _ = map (fn x => write (" | c"^(str x))) constants
 	val _ = writelist [
 		"datatype stack = SEmpty | SAppL of term * stack | SAppR of term * stack | SAbs of stack",
-		""]
-	val _ = (case prog of
-		    r::rs => (writeln ("fun "^(print_rule r)); 
-			      map (fn r => writeln("  | "^(print_rule r))) rs; 
-			      writeln ("  | lookup stack clos = weak_last stack clos"); ())								
-		  | [] => (writeln "fun lookup stack clos = weak_last stack clos"))
-	val _ = writelist [
-		"and weak stack (Closure (e, App (a, b))) = weak (SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack)) (Closure (e, a))",
-		"  | weak (SAppL (b, stack)) (Closure (e, Abs m)) =  weak stack (Closure (b::e, m))",
-		"  | weak stack (clos as Closure (_, Abs _)) = weak_last stack clos",
-		"  | weak stack (Closure (e, Var n)) = weak stack ("^sname^".list_nth (e, n) handle _ => (Var (n-(length e))))",
-		"  | weak stack (Closure (e, c)) = weak stack c",
-		"  | weak stack clos = lookup stack clos",
-		"and weak_last (SAppR (a, stack)) b = weak stack (App(a, b))",
-		"  | weak_last (SAppL (b, stack)) a = weak (SAppR (a, stack)) b",
-		"  | weak_last stack c = (stack, c)",
+		"",
+		"type state = bool * stack * term",
+		"",
+		"datatype loopstate = Continue of state | Stop of stack * term",
+		"",
+		"fun proj_C (Continue s) = s",
+		"  | proj_C _ = raise Match",
+		"",
+		"fun proj_S (Stop s) = s",
+		"  | proj_S _ = raise Match",
+		"",
+		"fun cont (Continue _) = true",
+		"  | cont _ = false",
-		"fun lift n (v as Var m) = if m < n then v else Var (m+1)",
-		"  | lift n (Abs t) = Abs (lift (n+1) t)",
-		"  | lift n (App (a,b)) = App (lift n a, lift n b)",
-		"  | lift n (Closure (e, a)) = Closure (lift_env n e, lift (n+(length e)) a)",
-		"  | lift n c = c",
-		"and lift_env n e = map (lift n) e",
+		"fun do_reduction reduce p =",
+		"    let",
+		"       val s = ref (Continue p)",
+		"       val _ = while cont (!s) do (s := reduce (proj_C (!s)))",
+		"   in",
+		"       proj_S (!s)",
+		"   end",
+		""]
+	val _ = writelist [
+		"fun weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, App (a, b))) = Continue (false, SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack), Closure (e, a))",
+		"  | weak_reduce (false, SAppL (b, stack), Closure (e, Abs m)) = Continue (false, stack, Closure (b::e, m))",
+		"  | weak_reduce (false, stack, c as Closure (e, Abs m)) = Continue (true, stack, c)",
+		"  | weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, Var n)) = Continue (false, stack, case "^sname^".list_nth (e, n) of Dummy => Var n | r => r)",
+		"  | weak_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, c)) = Continue (false, stack, c)"]
+	val _ = writelist (map print_rule prog)
+        val _ = writelist [
+		"  | weak_reduce (false, stack, clos) = Continue (true, stack, clos)",
+		"  | weak_reduce (true, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (false, stack, App (a,b))",
+		"  | weak_reduce (true, s as (SAppL (b, stack)), a) = Continue (false, SAppR (a, stack), b)",
+		"  | weak_reduce (true, stack, c) = Stop (stack, c)",
-		"fun strong stack (Closure (e, Abs m)) = ",
+		"fun strong_reduce (false, stack, Closure (e, Abs m)) =",
 		"    let",
-		"      val (stack', wnf) = weak SEmpty (Closure ((Var 0)::(lift_env 0 e), m))",
+		"        val (stack', wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, SEmpty, Closure (Dummy::e, m))",
 		"    in",
-		"      case stack' of",
-		"           SEmpty => strong (SAbs stack) wnf",
-		"         | _ => raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in strong: weak failed\")",
-		"    end",
-		"  | strong stack (clos as (App (u, v))) = strong (SAppL (v, stack)) u",
-		"  | strong stack clos = strong_last stack clos",
-		"and strong_last (SAbs stack) m = strong stack (Abs m)",
-		"  | strong_last (SAppL (b, stack)) a = strong (SAppR (a, stack)) b",
-		"  | strong_last (SAppR (a, stack)) b = strong_last stack (App (a, b))",
-		"  | strong_last stack clos = (stack, clos)",
+		"        case stack' of",
+		"            SEmpty => Continue (false, SAbs stack, wnf)",
+		"          | _ => raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in strong: weak failed\")",
+		"    end",		
+		"  | strong_reduce (false, stack, clos as (App (u, v))) = Continue (false, SAppL (v, stack), u)",
+		"  | strong_reduce (false, stack, clos) = Continue (true, stack, clos)",
+		"  | strong_reduce (true, SAbs stack, m) = Continue (false, stack, Abs m)",
+		"  | strong_reduce (true, SAppL (b, stack), a) = Continue (false, SAppR (a, stack), b)",
+		"  | strong_reduce (true, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (true, stack, App (a, b))",
+		"  | strong_reduce (true, stack, clos) = Stop (stack, clos)",
 	val ic = "(case c of "^(implode (map (fn c => (str c)^" => c"^(str c)^" | ") constants))^" _ => Const c)"						  	
@@ -180,23 +163,24 @@
 		"  | importTerm ("^sname^".Abs m) = Abs (importTerm m)",
-	fun ec c = "  | exportTerm c"^(str c)^" = "^sname^".CConst "^(str c)
+	fun ec c = "  | exportTerm c"^(str c)^" = "^sname^".Const "^(str c)
 	val _ = writelist [
-		"fun exportTerm (Var x) = "^sname^".CVar x",
-		"  | exportTerm (Const c) = "^sname^".CConst c",
-		"  | exportTerm (App (a,b)) = "^sname^".CApp (exportTerm a, exportTerm b)",
-		"  | exportTerm (Abs m) = "^sname^".CAbs (exportTerm m)",
-		"  | exportTerm (Closure (closlist, clos)) = "^sname^".Closure ("^sname^".list_map exportTerm closlist, exportTerm clos)"]
+		"fun exportTerm (Var x) = "^sname^".Var x",
+		"  | exportTerm (Const c) = "^sname^".Const c",
+		"  | exportTerm (App (a,b)) = "^sname^".App (exportTerm a, exportTerm b)",
+		"  | exportTerm (Abs m) = "^sname^".Abs (exportTerm m)",
+		"  | exportTerm (Closure (closlist, clos)) = raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error, cannot export Closure\")",
+		"  | exportTerm Dummy = raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error, cannot export Dummy\")"]
 	val _ = writelist (map ec constants)
 	val _ = writelist [
 		"fun rewrite t = ",
 		"    let",
-		"      val (stack, wnf) = weak SEmpty (Closure ([], importTerm t))",
+		"      val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, SEmpty, Closure ([], importTerm t))",
 		"    in",
 		"      case stack of ",
-		"           SEmpty => (case strong SEmpty wnf of",
+		"           SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, SEmpty, wnf) of",
 		"                          (SEmpty, snf) => exportTerm snf",
 		"                        | _ => raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in rewrite: strong failed\"))",
 		"         | _ => (raise ("^sname^".Run \"internal error in rewrite: weak failed\"))",
@@ -206,33 +190,29 @@
-	val _ = 
-	    let
-		(*val fout = TextIO.openOut "gen_code.ML"
-		val _ = TextIO.output (fout, !buffer)
-		val _  = TextIO.closeOut fout*)
-	    in
-		()
-	    end
 	compiled_rewriter := NONE;	
 	use_text "" Output.ml_output false (!buffer);
 	case !compiled_rewriter of 
 	    NONE => raise (Compile "cannot communicate with compiled function")
-	  | SOME r => (compiled_rewriter := NONE; fn t => term_of_clos (r t))
+	  | SOME r => (compiled_rewriter := NONE; r)
 fun compile eqs = 
+	val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
+	val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
+	fun check (p, r) = if check_freevars (count_patternvars p) r then () else raise Compile ("unbound variables in rule") 
 	val _ = map (fn (p, r) => 
-                  (check_freevars (count_patternvars p) r; 
-                   case p of PVar => raise (Compile "pattern reduces to a variable") | _ => ())) eqs
+                  (check (p, r); 
+                   case p of PVar => raise (Compile "pattern is just a variable") | _ => ())) eqs
 	load_rules "AM_Compiler" "AM_compiled_code" eqs
 fun run prog t = (prog t)
+fun discard p = ()
-structure AbstractMachine = AM_Compiler
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML	Mon Jul 09 17:36:25 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Tools/am_ghc.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+structure AM_GHC : ABSTRACT_MACHINE = struct
+open AbstractMachine;
+type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table)
+(*Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore
+  check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed*)
+fun check_freevars free (Var x) = x < free
+  | check_freevars free (Const c) = true
+  | check_freevars free (App (u, v)) = check_freevars free u andalso check_freevars free v
+  | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
+fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
+  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
+      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
+fun update_arity arity code a = 
+    (case Inttab.lookup arity code of
+	 NONE => Inttab.update_new (code, a) arity
+       | SOME a' => if a > a' then Inttab.update (code, a) arity else arity)
+(* We have to find out the maximal arity of each constant *)
+fun collect_pattern_arity PVar arity = arity
+  | collect_pattern_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = fold collect_pattern_arity args (update_arity arity c (length args))
+fun collect applevel (Var _) arity = arity
+  | collect applevel (Const c) arity = update_arity arity c applevel
+  | collect applevel (Abs m) arity = collect 0 m arity
+  | collect applevel (App (a,b)) arity = collect 0 b (collect (applevel + 1) a arity)
+fun collect_term_arity t arity = collect 0 t arity
+fun nlift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
+  | nlift level n (Const c) = Const c
+  | nlift level n (App (a,b)) = App (nlift level n a, nlift level n b)
+  | nlift level n (Abs b) = Abs (nlift (level+1) n b)
+fun rep n x = if n = 0 then [] else x::(rep (n-1) x)
+fun adjust_rules rules =
+    let
+	val arity = fold (fn (p, t) => fn arity => collect_term_arity t (collect_pattern_arity p arity)) rules Inttab.empty
+	fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
+	fun adjust_pattern PVar = PVar
+	  | adjust_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else C
+	fun adjust_rule (PVar, t) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
+	  | adjust_rule (rule as (p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
+	    let
+		val _ = if not (check_freevars (count_patternvars p) t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side") else () 
+		val args = map adjust_pattern args	        
+		val len = length args
+		val arity = arity_of c
+		fun lift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
+		  | lift level n (Const c) = Const c
+		  | lift level n (App (a,b)) = App (lift level n a, lift level n b)
+		  | lift level n (Abs b) = Abs (lift (level+1) n b)
+		val lift = lift 0
+		fun adjust_term n t = if n=0 then t else adjust_term (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1))) 
+	    in
+		if len = arity then
+		    rule
+		else if arity >= len then  
+		    (PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) (lift (arity-len) t))
+		else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
+	    end
+    in
+	(arity, map adjust_rule rules)
+    end		    
+fun print_term arity_of n =
+    fun str x = string_of_int x
+    fun protect_blank s = if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank s then "(" ^ s ^")" else s
+    fun print_apps d f [] = f
+      | print_apps d f (a::args) = print_apps d ("app "^(protect_blank f)^" "^(protect_blank (print_term d a))) args
+    and print_call d (App (a, b)) args = print_call d a (b::args) 
+      | print_call d (Const c) args = 
+	(case arity_of c of 
+	     NONE => print_apps d ("Const "^(str c)) args 
+	   | SOME a =>
+	     let
+		 val len = length args
+	     in
+		 if a <= len then 
+		     let
+			 val s = "c"^(str c)^(concat (map (fn t => " "^(protect_blank (print_term d t))) (List.take (args, a))))
+		     in
+			 print_apps d s (List.drop (args, a))
+		     end
+		 else 
+		     let
+			 fun mk_apps n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
+			 fun mk_lambdas n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_lambdas (n-1) (Abs t)
+			 fun append_args [] t = t
+			   | append_args (c::cs) t = append_args cs (App (t, c))
+		     in
+			 print_term d (mk_lambdas (a-len) (mk_apps (a-len) (nlift 0 (a-len) (append_args args (Const c)))))
+		     end
+	     end)
+      | print_call d t args = print_apps d (print_term d t) args
+    and print_term d (Var x) = if x < d then "b"^(str (d-x-1)) else "x"^(str (n-(x-d)-1))
+      | print_term d (Abs c) = "Abs (\\b"^(str d)^" -> "^(print_term (d + 1) c)^")"
+      | print_term d t = print_call d t []
+    print_term 0 
+fun print_rule arity_of (p, t) = 
+    let	
+	fun str x = Int.toString x		    
+	fun print_pattern top n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
+	  | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c))
+	  | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, args)) = 
+	    let
+		val (n,s) = print_pattern_list (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)) args
+	    in
+		(n, if top then s else "("^s^")")
+	    end
+	and print_pattern_list r [] = r
+	  | print_pattern_list (n, p) (t::ts) = 
+	    let
+		val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
+	    in
+		print_pattern_list (n, p^" "^t) ts
+	    end
+	val (n, pattern) = print_pattern true 0 p
+    in
+	pattern^" = "^(print_term arity_of n t)	
+    end
+fun group_rules rules =
+    let
+	fun add_rule (r as (PConst (c,_), _)) groups =
+	    let
+		val rs = (case Inttab.lookup groups c of NONE => [] | SOME rs => rs)
+	    in
+		Inttab.update (c, r::rs) groups
+	    end
+	  | add_rule _ _ = raise Compile "internal error group_rules"
+    in
+	fold_rev add_rule rules Inttab.empty
+    end
+fun haskell_prog name rules = 
+    let
+	val buffer = ref ""
+	fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
+	fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
+	fun writelist [] = ()
+	  | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
+	fun str i = Int.toString i
+	val (arity, rules) = adjust_rules rules
+	val rules = group_rules rules
+	val constants = Inttab.keys arity
+	fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c
+	fun rep_str s n = concat (rep n s)
+	fun indexed s n = s^(str n)
+	fun section n = if n = 0 then [] else (section (n-1))@[n-1]
+	fun make_show c = 
+	    let
+		val args = section (the (arity_of c))
+	    in
+		"  show ("^(indexed "C" c)^(concat (map (indexed " a") args))^") = "
+		^"\""^(indexed "C" c)^"\""^(concat (map (fn a => "++(show "^(indexed "a" a)^")") args))
+	    end
+	fun default_case c = 
+	    let
+		val args = concat (map (indexed " x") (section (the (arity_of c))))
+	    in
+		(indexed "c" c)^args^" = "^(indexed "C" c)^args
+	    end
+	val _ = writelist [        
+		"module "^name^" where",
+		"",
+		"data Term = Const Integer | App Term Term | Abs (Term -> Term)",
+		"         "^(concat (map (fn c => " | C"^(str c)^(rep_str " Term" (the (arity_of c)))) constants)),
+		"",
+		"instance Show Term where"]
+	val _ = writelist (map make_show constants)
+	val _ = writelist [
+		"  show (Const c) = \"c\"++(show c)",
+		"  show (App a b) = \"A\"++(show a)++(show b)",
+		"  show (Abs _) = \"L\"",
+		""]
+	val _ = writelist [
+		"app (Abs a) b = a b",
+		"app a b = App a b",
+		"",
+		"calc s c = writeFile s (show c)",
+		""]
+	fun list_group c = (writelist (case Inttab.lookup rules c of 
+					   NONE => [default_case c, ""] 
+					 | SOME (rs as ((PConst (_, []), _)::rs')) => 
+					   if not (null rs') then raise Compile "multiple declaration of constant"
+					   else (map (print_rule arity_of) rs) @ [""]
+					 | SOME rs => (map (print_rule arity_of) rs) @ [default_case c, ""]))
+	val _ = map list_group constants
+    in
+	(arity, !buffer)
+    end
+val guid_counter = ref 0
+fun get_guid () = 
+    let
+	val c = !guid_counter
+	val _ = guid_counter := !guid_counter + 1
+    in
+	(LargeInt.toString (Time.toMicroseconds ( ()))) ^ (string_of_int c)
+    end
+fun tmp_file s = Path.implode (Path.expand (File.tmp_path (Path.make [s])));
+fun wrap s = "\""^s^"\""
+fun writeTextFile name s = File.write (Path.explode name) s
+val ghc = ref (case getenv "GHC_PATH" of "" => "ghc" | s => s)
+fun fileExists name = ((OS.FileSys.fileSize name; true) handle OS.SysErr _ => false)
+fun compile eqs = 
+    let
+	val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
+	val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
+	val guid = get_guid ()
+	val module = "AMGHC_Prog_"^guid
+	val (arity, source) = haskell_prog module eqs
+	val module_file = tmp_file (module^".hs")
+	val object_file = tmp_file (module^".o")
+	val _ = writeTextFile module_file source
+	val _ = system ((!ghc)^" -c "^module_file)
+	val _ = if not (fileExists object_file) then raise Compile ("Failure compiling haskell code (GHC_PATH = '"^(!ghc)^"')") else ()
+    in
+	(guid, module_file, arity)	
+    end
+fun readResultFile name = (Path.explode name) 
+fun parse_result arity_of result =
+    let
+	val result = String.explode result
+	fun shift NONE x = SOME x
+	  | shift (SOME y) x = SOME (y*10 + x)
+	fun parse_int' x (#"0"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 0) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"1"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 1) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"2"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 2) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"3"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 3) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"4"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 4) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"5"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 5) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"6"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 6) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"7"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 7) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"8"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 8) rest
+	  | parse_int' x (#"9"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 9) rest
+	  | parse_int' x rest = (x, rest)
+	fun parse_int rest = parse_int' NONE rest
+	fun parse (#"C"::rest) = 
+	    (case parse_int rest of 
+		 (SOME c, rest) => 
+		 let
+		     val (args, rest) = parse_list (the (arity_of c)) rest
+		     fun app_args [] t = t
+		       | app_args (x::xs) t = app_args xs (App (t, x))
+		 in
+		     (app_args args (Const c), rest)
+		 end		     
+	       | (NONE, rest) => raise Run "parse C")
+	  | parse (#"c"::rest) = 
+	    (case parse_int rest of
+		 (SOME c, rest) => (Const c, rest)
+	       | _ => raise Run "parse c")
+	  | parse (#"A"::rest) = 
+	    let
+		val (a, rest) = parse rest
+		val (b, rest) = parse rest
+	    in
+		(App (a,b), rest)
+	    end
+	  | parse (#"L"::rest) = raise Run "there may be no abstraction in the result"
+	  | parse _ = raise Run "invalid result"
+	and parse_list n rest = 
+	    if n = 0 then 
+		([], rest) 
+	    else 
+		let 
+		    val (x, rest) = parse rest
+		    val (xs, rest) = parse_list (n-1) rest
+		in
+		    (x::xs, rest)
+		end
+	val (parsed, rest) = parse result
+	fun is_blank (#" "::rest) = is_blank rest
+	  | is_blank (#"\n"::rest) = is_blank rest
+	  | is_blank [] = true
+	  | is_blank _ = false
+    in
+	if is_blank rest then parsed else raise Run "non-blank suffix in result file"	
+    end
+fun run (guid, module_file, arity) t = 
+    let
+	val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
+	fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c			 
+	val callguid = get_guid()
+	val module = "AMGHC_Prog_"^guid
+	val call = module^"_Call_"^callguid
+	val result_file = tmp_file (module^"_Result_"^callguid^".txt")
+	val call_file = tmp_file (call^".hs")
+	val term = print_term arity_of 0 t
+	val call_source = "module "^call^" where\n\nimport "^module^"\n\ncall = "^module^".calc \""^result_file^"\" ("^term^")"
+	val _ = writeTextFile call_file call_source
+	val _ = system ((!ghc)^" -e \""^call^".call\" "^module_file^" "^call_file)
+	val result = readResultFile result_file handle IO.Io _ => raise Run ("Failure running haskell compiler (GHC_PATH = '"^(!ghc)^"')")
+	val t' = parse_result arity_of result
+	val _ = OS.FileSys.remove call_file
+	val _ = OS.FileSys.remove result_file
+    in
+	t'
+    end
+fun discard _ = ()
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML	Mon Jul 09 11:44:23 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML	Mon Jul 09 17:36:25 2007 +0200
@@ -1,32 +1,13 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_interpreter.ML
+(*  Title:      Pure/Tools/am_interpreter.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Steven Obua
-datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term
-datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
-type program
-exception Compile of string;
-val compile : (pattern * term) list -> program
-exception Run of string;
-val run : program -> term -> term
 structure AM_Interpreter : ABSTRACT_MACHINE = struct
-datatype term = Var of int | Const of int | App of term * term | Abs of term
+open AbstractMachine;
-datatype pattern = PVar | PConst of int * (pattern list)
-datatype closure = CVar of int | CConst of int
+datatype closure = CDummy | CVar of int | CConst of int
                  | CApp of closure * closure | CAbs of closure
                  | Closure of (closure list) * closure
@@ -36,9 +17,6 @@
 datatype stack = SEmpty | SAppL of closure * stack | SAppR of closure * stack | SAbs of stack
-exception Compile of string;
-exception Run of string;
 fun clos_of_term (Var x) = CVar x
   | clos_of_term (Const c) = CConst c
   | clos_of_term (App (u, v)) = CApp (clos_of_term u, clos_of_term v)
@@ -49,6 +27,7 @@
   | term_of_clos (CApp (u, v)) = App (term_of_clos u, term_of_clos v)
   | term_of_clos (CAbs u) = Abs (term_of_clos u)
   | term_of_clos (Closure (e, u)) = raise (Run "internal error: closure in normalized term found")
+  | term_of_clos CDummy = raise (Run "internal error: dummy in normalized term found")
 fun strip_closure args (CApp (a,b)) = strip_closure (b::args) a
   | strip_closure args x = (x, args)
@@ -78,24 +57,29 @@
       | SOME args => pattern_match_list args ps cs)
   | pattern_match_list _ _ _ = NONE
-(* Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed *)
-fun check_freevars free (Var x) = x < free
-  | check_freevars free (Const c) = true
-  | check_freevars free (App (u, v)) = check_freevars free u andalso check_freevars free v
-  | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
 fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
   | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) = List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
 fun pattern_key (PConst (c, ps)) = (c, length ps)
   | pattern_key _ = raise (Compile "pattern reduces to variable")
+(*Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore
+  check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed*)
+fun check_freevars free (Var x) = x < free
+  | check_freevars free (Const c) = true
+  | check_freevars free (App (u, v)) = check_freevars free u andalso check_freevars free v
+  | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
 fun compile eqs =
-        val eqs = map (fn (p, r) => (check_freevars (count_patternvars p) r;
-                                     (pattern_key p, (p, clos_of_term r)))) eqs
+	val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
+	val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
+	fun check (p, r) = if check_freevars (count_patternvars p) r then () else raise Compile ("unbound variables in rule") 
+        val eqs = map (fn (p, r) => (check (p,r); (pattern_key p, (p, clos_of_term r)))) eqs
+	fun merge (k, a) table = prog_struct.update (k, case prog_struct.lookup table k of NONE => [a] | SOME l => a::l) table
+	val p = fold merge eqs prog_struct.empty 
-        Program (prog_struct.make (map (fn (k, a) => (k, [a])) eqs))
+        Program p
 fun match_rules n [] clos = NONE
@@ -112,51 +96,66 @@
           | SOME rules => match_rules 0 rules clos)
       | _ => NONE
-fun lift n (c as (CConst _)) = c
-  | lift n (v as CVar m) = if m < n then v else CVar (m+1)
-  | lift n (CAbs t) = CAbs (lift (n+1) t)
-  | lift n (CApp (a,b)) = CApp (lift n a, lift n b)
-  | lift n (Closure (e, a)) = Closure (lift_env n e, lift (n+(length e)) a)
-and lift_env n e = map (lift n) e
+type state = bool * program * stack * closure
+datatype loopstate = Continue of state | Stop of stack * closure
+fun proj_C (Continue s) = s
+  | proj_C _ = raise Match
+fun proj_S (Stop s) = s
+  | proj_S _ = raise Match
+fun cont (Continue _) = true
+  | cont _ = false
-fun weak prog stack (Closure (e, CApp (a, b))) = weak prog (SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack)) (Closure (e, a))
-  | weak prog (SAppL (b, stack)) (Closure (e, CAbs m)) = weak prog stack (Closure (b::e, m))
-  | weak prog stack (Closure (e, CVar n)) = weak prog stack (List.nth (e, n) handle Subscript => (CVar (n-(length e))))
-  | weak prog stack (Closure (e, c as CConst _)) = weak prog stack c
-  | weak prog stack clos =
-    case match_closure prog clos of
-        NONE => weak_last prog stack clos
-      | SOME r => weak prog stack r
-and weak_last prog (SAppR (a, stack)) b = weak prog stack (CApp (a,b))
-  | weak_last prog (s as (SAppL (b, stack))) a = weak prog (SAppR (a, stack)) b
-  | weak_last prog stack c = (stack, c)
+fun do_reduction reduce p =
+    let
+	val s = ref (Continue p)
+	val _ = while cont (!s) do (s := reduce (proj_C (!s)))
+    in
+	proj_S (!s)
+    end
-fun strong prog stack (Closure (e, CAbs m)) =
+fun weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CApp (a, b))) = Continue (false, prog, SAppL (Closure (e, b), stack), Closure (e, a))
+  | weak_reduce (false, prog, SAppL (b, stack), Closure (e, CAbs m)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, Closure (b::e, m))
+  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CVar n)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, case List.nth (e, n) of CDummy => CVar n | r => r)
+  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, c as CConst _)) = Continue (false, prog, stack, c)
+  | weak_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos) =
+    (case match_closure prog clos of
+         NONE => Continue (true, prog, stack, clos)
+       | SOME r => Continue (false, prog, stack, r))
+  | weak_reduce (true, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (false, prog, stack, CApp (a,b))
+  | weak_reduce (true, prog, s as (SAppL (b, stack)), a) = Continue (false, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b)
+  | weak_reduce (true, prog, stack, c) = Stop (stack, c)
+fun strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, Closure (e, CAbs m)) =
-        val (stack', wnf) = weak prog SEmpty (Closure ((CVar 0)::(lift_env 0 e), m))
+        val (stack', wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, Closure (CDummy::e, m))
         case stack' of
-            SEmpty => strong prog (SAbs stack) wnf
+            SEmpty => Continue (false, prog, SAbs stack, wnf)
           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in strong: weak failed")
-  | strong prog stack (clos as (CApp (u, v))) = strong prog (SAppL (v, stack)) u
-  | strong prog stack clos = strong_last prog stack clos
-and strong_last prog (SAbs stack) m = strong prog stack (CAbs m)
-  | strong_last prog (SAppL (b, stack)) a = strong prog (SAppR (a, stack)) b
-  | strong_last prog (SAppR (a, stack)) b = strong_last prog stack (CApp (a, b))
-  | strong_last prog stack clos = (stack, clos)
+  | strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos as (CApp (u, v))) = Continue (false, prog, SAppL (v, stack), u)
+  | strong_reduce (false, prog, stack, clos) = Continue (true, prog, stack, clos)
+  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAbs stack, m) = Continue (false, prog, stack, CAbs m)
+  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAppL (b, stack), a) = Continue (false, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b)
+  | strong_reduce (true, prog, SAppR (a, stack), b) = Continue (true, prog, stack, CApp (a, b))
+  | strong_reduce (true, prog, stack, clos) = Stop (stack, clos)
 fun run prog t =
-        val (stack, wnf) = weak prog SEmpty (Closure ([], clos_of_term t))
+        val (stack, wnf) = do_reduction weak_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, Closure ([], clos_of_term t))
         case stack of
-            SEmpty => (case strong prog SEmpty wnf of
+            SEmpty => (case do_reduction strong_reduce (false, prog, SEmpty, wnf) of
                            (SEmpty, snf) => term_of_clos snf
                          | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: strong failed"))
           | _ => raise (Run "internal error in run: weak failed")
+fun discard p = ()
-structure AbstractMachine = AM_Interpreter
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML	Mon Jul 09 17:36:25 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Tools/am_sml.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+    ToDO: "parameterless rewrite cannot be used in pattern": In a lot of cases it CAN be used, and these cases should be handled properly; 
+          right now, all cases throw an exception.
+signature AM_SML = 
+  val save_result : (string * term) -> unit
+  val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> term) -> unit				       
+  val list_nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
+structure AM_SML : AM_SML = struct
+open AbstractMachine;
+type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table) * (int Inttab.table) * (term Inttab.table) * (term -> term)
+val saved_result = ref (NONE:(string*term)option)
+fun save_result r = (saved_result := SOME r)
+fun clear_result () = (saved_result := NONE)
+val list_nth = List.nth
+(*fun list_nth (l,n) = (writeln (makestring ("list_nth", (length l,n))); List.nth (l,n))*)
+val compiled_rewriter = ref (NONE:(term -> term)Option.option)
+fun set_compiled_rewriter r = (compiled_rewriter := SOME r)
+fun importable (Var _) = false
+  | importable (Const _) = true			   
+  | importable (App (a, b)) = importable a andalso importable b
+  | importable (Abs _) = false
+(*Returns true iff at most 0 .. (free-1) occur unbound. therefore
+  check_freevars 0 t iff t is closed*)
+fun check_freevars free (Var x) = x < free
+  | check_freevars free (Const c) = true
+  | check_freevars free (App (u, v)) = check_freevars free u andalso check_freevars free v
+  | check_freevars free (Abs m) = check_freevars (free+1) m
+fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
+  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
+      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
+fun update_arity arity code a = 
+    (case Inttab.lookup arity code of
+	 NONE => Inttab.update_new (code, a) arity
+       | SOME a' => if a > a' then Inttab.update (code, a) arity else arity)
+(* We have to find out the maximal arity of each constant *)
+fun collect_pattern_arity PVar arity = arity
+  | collect_pattern_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = fold collect_pattern_arity args (update_arity arity c (length args))
+(* We also need to find out the maximal toplevel arity of each function constant *)
+fun collect_pattern_toplevel_arity PVar arity = raise Compile "internal error: collect_pattern_toplevel_arity"
+  | collect_pattern_toplevel_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = update_arity arity c (length args)
+fun collect applevel (Var _) arity = arity
+  | collect applevel (Const c) arity = update_arity arity c applevel
+  | collect applevel (Abs m) arity = collect 0 m arity
+  | collect applevel (App (a,b)) arity = collect 0 b (collect (applevel + 1) a arity)
+fun collect_term_arity t arity = collect 0 t arity
+fun collect_guard_arity (Guard (a,b)) arity  = collect_term_arity b (collect_term_arity a arity)
+fun rep n x = if n < 0 then raise Compile "internal error: rep" else if n = 0 then [] else x::(rep (n-1) x)
+fun beta (Const c) = Const c
+  | beta (Var i) = Var i
+  | beta (App (Abs m, b)) = beta (unlift 0 (subst 0 m (lift 0 b)))
+  | beta (App (a, b)) = 
+    (case beta a of
+	 Abs m => beta (App (Abs m, b))
+       | a => App (a, beta b))
+  | beta (Abs m) = Abs (beta m)
+and subst x (Const c) t = Const c
+  | subst x (Var i) t = if i = x then t else Var i
+  | subst x (App (a,b)) t = App (subst x a t, subst x b t)
+  | subst x (Abs m) t = Abs (subst (x+1) m (lift 0 t))
+and lift level (Const c) = Const c
+  | lift level (App (a,b)) = App (lift level a, lift level b)
+  | lift level (Var i) = if i < level then Var i else Var (i+1)
+  | lift level (Abs m) = Abs (lift (level + 1) m)
+and unlift level (Const c) = Const c
+  | unlift level (App (a, b)) = App (unlift level a, unlift level b)
+  | unlift level (Abs m) = Abs (unlift (level+1) m)
+  | unlift level (Var i) = if i < level then Var i else Var (i-1)
+fun nlift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
+  | nlift level n (Const c) = Const c
+  | nlift level n (App (a,b)) = App (nlift level n a, nlift level n b)
+  | nlift level n (Abs b) = Abs (nlift (level+1) n b)
+fun subst_const (c, t) (Const c') = if c = c' then t else Const c'
+  | subst_const _ (Var i) = Var i
+  | subst_const ct (App (a, b)) = App (subst_const ct a, subst_const ct b)
+  | subst_const ct (Abs m) = Abs (subst_const ct m)
+(* Remove all rules that are just parameterless rewrites. This is necessary because SML does not allow functions with no parameters. *)
+fun inline_rules rules =
+    let
+	fun term_contains_const c (App (a, b)) = term_contains_const c a orelse term_contains_const c b
+	  | term_contains_const c (Abs m) = term_contains_const c m
+	  | term_contains_const c (Var i) = false
+	  | term_contains_const c (Const c') = (c = c')
+	fun find_rewrite [] = NONE
+	  | find_rewrite ((prems, PConst (c, []), r) :: _) = 
+	    if check_freevars 0 r then 
+		if term_contains_const c r then 
+		    raise Compile "parameterless rewrite is caught in cycle"
+		else if not (null prems) then
+		    raise Compile "parameterless rewrite may not be guarded"
+		else
+		    SOME (c, r) 
+	    else raise Compile "unbound variable on right hand side or guards of rule"
+	  | find_rewrite (_ :: rules) = find_rewrite rules
+	fun remove_rewrite (c,r) [] = []
+	  | remove_rewrite (cr as (c,r)) ((rule as (prems', PConst (c', args), r'))::rules) = 
+	    (if c = c' then 
+		 if null args andalso r = r' andalso null (prems') then 
+		     remove_rewrite cr rules 
+		 else raise Compile "incompatible parameterless rewrites found"
+	     else
+		 rule :: (remove_rewrite cr rules))
+	  | remove_rewrite cr (r::rs) = r::(remove_rewrite cr rs)
+	fun pattern_contains_const c (PConst (c', args)) = (c = c' orelse exists (pattern_contains_const c) args)
+	  | pattern_contains_const c (PVar) = false
+	fun inline_rewrite (ct as (c, _)) (prems, p, r) = 
+	    if pattern_contains_const c p then 
+		raise Compile "parameterless rewrite cannot be used in pattern"
+	    else (map (fn (Guard (a,b)) => Guard (subst_const ct a, subst_const ct b)) prems, p, subst_const ct r)
+	fun inline inlined rules =
+	    (case find_rewrite rules of 
+		 NONE => (Inttab.make inlined, rules)
+	       | SOME ct => 
+		 let
+		     val rules = map (inline_rewrite ct) (remove_rewrite ct rules)
+		     val inlined =  ct :: (map (fn (c', r) => (c', subst_const ct r)) inlined)
+		 in
+		     inline inlined rules
+		 end)		
+    in
+	inline [] rules		
+    end
+   Calculate the arity, the toplevel_arity, and adjust rules so that all toplevel pattern constants have maximal arity.
+   Also beta reduce the adjusted right hand side of a rule.   
+fun adjust_rules rules = 
+    let
+	val arity = fold (fn (prems, p, t) => fn arity => fold collect_guard_arity prems (collect_term_arity t (collect_pattern_arity p arity))) rules Inttab.empty
+	val toplevel_arity = fold (fn (_, p, t) => fn arity => collect_pattern_toplevel_arity p arity) rules Inttab.empty
+	fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
+	fun toplevel_arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c)
+	fun adjust_pattern PVar = PVar
+	  | adjust_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else C
+	fun adjust_rule (_, PVar, _) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
+	  | adjust_rule (_, PConst (_, []), _) = raise Compile ("cannot deal with rewrites that take no parameters")
+	  | adjust_rule (rule as (prems, p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
+	    let
+		val patternvars_counted = count_patternvars p
+		fun check_fv t = check_freevars patternvars_counted t
+		val _ = if not (check_fv t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side of rule") else () 
+		val _ = if not (forall (fn (Guard (a,b)) => check_fv a andalso check_fv b) prems) then raise Compile ("unbound variables in guards") else () 
+		val args = map adjust_pattern args	        
+		val len = length args
+		val arity = arity_of c
+		val lift = nlift 0
+		fun adjust_tm n t = if n=0 then t else adjust_tm (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
+		fun adjust_term n t = adjust_tm n (lift n t)
+		fun adjust_guard n (Guard (a,b)) = Guard (adjust_term n a, adjust_term n b)
+	    in
+		if len = arity then
+		    rule
+		else if arity >= len then  
+		    (map (adjust_guard (arity-len)) prems, PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) t)
+		else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
+	    end
+	fun beta_guard (Guard (a,b)) = Guard (beta a, beta b)
+	fun beta_rule (prems, p, t) = ((map beta_guard prems, p, beta t) handle Match => raise Compile "beta_rule")
+    in
+	(arity, toplevel_arity, map (beta_rule o adjust_rule) rules)
+    end		    
+fun print_term module arity_of toplevel_arity_of pattern_var_count pattern_lazy_var_count =
+    fun str x = string_of_int x
+    fun protect_blank s = if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank s then "(" ^ s ^")" else s
+    val module_prefix = (case module of NONE => "" | SOME s => s^".")											  
+    fun print_apps d f [] = f
+      | print_apps d f (a::args) = print_apps d (module_prefix^"app "^(protect_blank f)^" "^(protect_blank (print_term d a))) args
+    and print_call d (App (a, b)) args = print_call d a (b::args) 
+      | print_call d (Const c) args = 
+	(case arity_of c of 
+	     NONE => print_apps d (module_prefix^"Const "^(str c)) args 
+	   | SOME 0 => module_prefix^"C"^(str c)
+	   | SOME a =>
+	     let
+		 val len = length args
+	     in
+		 if a <= len then 
+		     let
+			 val strict_a = (case toplevel_arity_of c of SOME sa => sa | NONE => a)
+			 val _ = if strict_a > a then raise Compile "strict" else ()
+			 val s = module_prefix^"c"^(str c)^(concat (map (fn t => " "^(protect_blank (print_term d t))) (List.take (args, strict_a))))
+			 val s = s^(concat (map (fn t => " (fn () => "^print_term d t^")") (List.drop (List.take (args, a), strict_a))))
+		     in
+			 print_apps d s (List.drop (args, a))
+		     end
+		 else 
+		     let
+			 fun mk_apps n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps (n-1) (App (t, Var (n - 1)))
+			 fun mk_lambdas n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_lambdas (n-1) (Abs t)
+			 fun append_args [] t = t
+			   | append_args (c::cs) t = append_args cs (App (t, c))
+		     in
+			 print_term d (mk_lambdas (a-len) (mk_apps (a-len) (nlift 0 (a-len) (append_args args (Const c)))))
+		     end
+	     end)
+      | print_call d t args = print_apps d (print_term d t) args
+    and print_term d (Var x) = 
+	if x < d then 
+	    "b"^(str (d-x-1)) 
+	else 
+	    let
+		val n = pattern_var_count - (x-d) - 1
+		val x = "x"^(str n)
+	    in
+		if n < pattern_var_count - pattern_lazy_var_count then 
+		    x
+		else 
+		    "("^x^" ())"
+	    end								
+      | print_term d (Abs c) = module_prefix^"Abs (fn b"^(str d)^" => "^(print_term (d + 1) c)^")"
+      | print_term d t = print_call d t []
+    print_term 0 
+fun section n = if n = 0 then [] else (section (n-1))@[n-1]
+fun print_rule gnum arity_of toplevel_arity_of (guards, p, t) = 
+    let	
+	fun str x = Int.toString x		    
+	fun print_pattern top n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
+	  | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)^(if top andalso gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else ""))
+	  | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, args)) = 
+	    let
+		val f = (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)^(if top andalso gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else "")
+		val (n, s) = print_pattern_list 0 top (n, f) args
+	    in
+		(n, s)
+	    end
+	and print_pattern_list' counter top (n,p) [] = if top then (n,p) else (n,p^")")
+	  | print_pattern_list' counter top (n, p) (t::ts) = 
+	    let
+		val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
+	    in
+		print_pattern_list' (counter + 1) top (n, if top then p^" (a"^(str counter)^" as ("^t^"))" else p^", "^t) ts
+	    end	
+	and print_pattern_list counter top (n, p) (t::ts) = 
+	    let
+		val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
+	    in
+		print_pattern_list' (counter + 1) top (n, if top then p^" (a"^(str counter)^" as ("^t^"))" else p^" ("^t) ts
+	    end
+	val c = (case p of PConst (c, _) => c | _ => raise Match)
+	val (n, pattern) = print_pattern true 0 p
+	val lazy_vars = the (arity_of c) - the (toplevel_arity_of c)
+	fun print_tm tm = print_term NONE arity_of toplevel_arity_of n lazy_vars tm
+        fun print_guard (Guard (a,b)) = "term_eq ("^(print_tm a)^") ("^(print_tm b)^")"
+	val else_branch = "c"^(str c)^"_"^(str (gnum+1))^(concat (map (fn i => " a"^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c)))))
+	fun print_guards t [] = print_tm t
+	  | print_guards t (g::gs) = "if ("^(print_guard g)^")"^(concat (map (fn g => " andalso ("^(print_guard g)^")") gs))^" then ("^(print_tm t)^") else "^else_branch
+    in
+	(if null guards then gnum else gnum+1, pattern^" = "^(print_guards t guards))
+    end
+fun group_rules rules =
+    let
+	fun add_rule (r as (_, PConst (c,_), _)) groups =
+	    let
+		val rs = (case Inttab.lookup groups c of NONE => [] | SOME rs => rs)
+	    in
+		Inttab.update (c, r::rs) groups
+	    end
+	  | add_rule _ _ = raise Compile "internal error group_rules"
+    in
+	fold_rev add_rule rules Inttab.empty
+    end
+fun sml_prog name code rules = 
+    let
+	val buffer = ref ""
+	fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
+	fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
+	fun writelist [] = ()
+	  | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
+	fun str i = Int.toString i
+	val (inlinetab, rules) = inline_rules rules
+	val (arity, toplevel_arity, rules) = adjust_rules rules
+	val rules = group_rules rules
+	val constants = Inttab.keys arity
+	fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c
+	fun toplevel_arity_of c = Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c
+	fun rep_str s n = concat (rep n s)
+	fun indexed s n = s^(str n)
+        fun string_of_tuple [] = ""
+	  | string_of_tuple (x::xs) = "("^x^(concat (map (fn s => ", "^s) xs))^")"
+        fun string_of_args [] = ""
+	  | string_of_args (x::xs) = x^(concat (map (fn s => " "^s) xs))
+	fun default_case gnum c = 
+	    let
+		val leftargs = concat (map (indexed " x") (section (the (arity_of c))))
+		val rightargs = section (the (arity_of c))
+		val strict_args = (case toplevel_arity_of c of NONE => the (arity_of c) | SOME sa => sa)
+		val xs = map (fn n => if n < strict_args then "x"^(str n) else "x"^(str n)^"()") rightargs
+		val right = (indexed "C" c)^" "^(string_of_tuple xs)
+		val debug_lazy = "(print x"^(string_of_int (strict_args - 1))^";"
+		val right = if strict_args < the (arity_of c) then debug_lazy^"raise AM_SML.Run \"unresolved lazy call: "^(string_of_int c)^"\")" else right		
+	    in
+		(indexed "c" c)^(if gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else "")^leftargs^" = "^right
+	    end
+	fun eval_rules c = 
+	    let
+		val arity = the (arity_of c)
+		val strict_arity = (case toplevel_arity_of c of NONE => arity | SOME sa => sa)
+		fun eval_rule n = 
+		    let
+			val sc = string_of_int c
+			val left = fold (fn i => fn s => "AbstractMachine.App ("^s^(indexed ", x" i)^")") (section n) ("AbstractMachine.Const "^sc)
+                        fun arg i = 
+			    let
+				val x = indexed "x" i
+				val x = if i < n then "(eval bounds "^x^")" else x
+				val x = if i < strict_arity then x else "(fn () => "^x^")"
+			    in
+				x
+			    end
+			val right = "c"^sc^" "^(string_of_args (map arg (section arity)))
+			val right = fold_rev (fn i => fn s => "Abs (fn "^(indexed "x" i)^" => "^s^")") (List.drop (section arity, n)) right		
+			val right = if arity > 0 then right else "C"^sc
+		    in
+			"  | eval bounds ("^left^") = "^right
+		    end
+	    in
+		map eval_rule (rev (section (arity + 1)))
+	    end
+	fun mk_constr_type_args n = if n > 0 then " of Term "^(rep_str " * Term" (n-1)) else ""
+	val _ = writelist [        
+		"structure "^name^" = struct",
+		"",
+		"datatype Term = Const of int | App of Term * Term | Abs of (Term -> Term)",
+		"         "^(concat (map (fn c => " | C"^(str c)^(mk_constr_type_args (the (arity_of c)))) constants)),
+		""]
+	fun make_constr c argprefix = "(C"^(str c)^" "^(string_of_tuple (map (fn i => argprefix^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c)))))^")"
+	fun make_term_eq c = "  | term_eq "^(make_constr c "a")^" "^(make_constr c "b")^" = "^
+                             (case the (arity_of c) of 
+				  0 => "true"
+				| n => 
+				  let 
+				      val eqs = map (fn i => "term_eq a"^(str i)^" b"^(str i)) (section n)
+				      val (eq, eqs) = (List.hd eqs, map (fn s => " andalso "^s) ( eqs))
+				  in
+				      eq^(concat eqs)
+				  end)
+	val _ = writelist [
+		"fun term_eq (Const c1) (Const c2) = (c1 = c2)",
+		"  | term_eq (App (a1,a2)) (App (b1,b2)) = term_eq a1 b1 andalso term_eq a2 b2"]
+	val _ = writelist (map make_term_eq constants)		
+	val _ = writelist [
+		"  | term_eq _ _ = false",
+                "" 
+		] 
+	val _ = writelist [
+		"fun app (Abs a) b = a b",
+		"  | app a b = App (a, b)",
+		""]	
+	fun defcase gnum c = (case arity_of c of NONE => [] | SOME a => if a > 0 then [default_case gnum c] else [])
+	fun writefundecl [] = () 
+	  | writefundecl (x::xs) = writelist ((("and "^x)::(map (fn s => "  | "^s) xs)))
+	fun list_group c = (case Inttab.lookup rules c of 
+				NONE => [defcase 0 c]
+			      | SOME rs => 
+				let
+				    val rs = 
+					fold
+					    (fn r => 
+					     fn rs =>
+						let 
+						    val (gnum, l, rs) = 
+							(case rs of 
+							     [] => (0, [], []) 
+							   | (gnum, l)::rs => (gnum, l, rs))
+						    val (gnum', r) = print_rule gnum arity_of toplevel_arity_of r 
+						in 
+						    if gnum' = gnum then 
+							(gnum, r::l)::rs
+						    else
+							let
+							    val args = concat (map (fn i => " a"^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c))))
+							    fun gnumc g = if g > 0 then "c"^(str c)^"_"^(str g)^args else "c"^(str c)^args
+							    val s = gnumc (gnum) ^ " = " ^ gnumc (gnum') 
+							in
+							    (gnum', [])::(gnum, s::r::l)::rs
+							end
+						end)
+					rs []
+				    val rs = (case rs of [] => [(0,defcase 0 c)] | (gnum,l)::rs => (gnum, (defcase gnum c)@l)::rs)
+				in
+				    rev (map (fn z => rev (snd z)) rs)
+				end)
+	val _ = map (fn z => (map writefundecl z; writeln "")) (map list_group constants)
+	val _ = writelist [
+		"fun convert (Const i) = AM_SML.Const i",
+		"  | convert (App (a, b)) = AM_SML.App (convert a, convert b)",
+                "  | convert (Abs _) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no abstraction in result allowed\""]	
+	fun make_convert c = 
+	    let
+		val args = map (indexed "a") (section (the (arity_of c)))
+		val leftargs = 
+		    case args of
+			[] => ""
+		      | (x::xs) => "("^x^(concat (map (fn s => ", "^s) xs))^")"
+		val args = map (indexed "convert a") (section (the (arity_of c)))
+		val right = fold (fn x => fn s => "AM_SML.App ("^s^", "^x^")") args ("AM_SML.Const "^(str c))
+	    in
+		"  | convert (C"^(str c)^" "^leftargs^") = "^right
+	    end 		
+	val _ = writelist (map make_convert constants)
+	val _ = writelist [
+		"",
+		"fun eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Abs m) = Abs (fn b => eval (b::bounds) m)",
+		"  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Var i) = AM_SML.list_nth (bounds, i)"]
+	val _ = map (writelist o eval_rules) constants
+	val _ = writelist [
+                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = app (eval bounds a) (eval bounds b)",
+                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Const c) = Const c"]                
+	val _ = writelist [		
+		"",
+		"fun export term = AM_SML.save_result (\""^code^"\", convert term)",
+		"",
+                "val _ = AM_SML.set_compiled_rewriter (fn t => convert (eval [] t))",
+                "",
+		"end"]
+    in
+	(arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, !buffer)
+    end
+val guid_counter = ref 0
+fun get_guid () = 
+    let
+	val c = !guid_counter
+	val _ = guid_counter := !guid_counter + 1
+    in
+	(LargeInt.toString (Time.toMicroseconds ( ()))) ^ (string_of_int c)
+    end
+fun writeTextFile name s = File.write (Path.explode name) s
+fun use_source src = use_text "" Output.ml_output false src
+fun compile eqs = 
+    let
+	val guid = get_guid ()
+	val code = Real.toString (random ())
+	val module = "AMSML_"^guid
+	val (arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, source) = sml_prog module code eqs
+(*	val _ = writeTextFile "Gencode.ML" source*)
+	val _ = compiled_rewriter := NONE
+	val _ = use_source source
+    in
+	case !compiled_rewriter of 
+	    NONE => raise Compile "broken link to compiled function"
+	  | SOME f => (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, f)
+    end
+fun run' (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, compiled_fun) t = 
+    let	
+	val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
+	fun inline (Const c) = (case Inttab.lookup inlinetab c of NONE => Const c | SOME t => t)
+	  | inline (Var i) = Var i
+	  | inline (App (a, b)) = App (inline a, inline b)
+	  | inline (Abs m) = Abs (inline m)
+	val t = beta (inline t)
+	fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c		 	 
+	fun toplevel_arity_of c = Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c
+	val term = print_term NONE arity_of toplevel_arity_of 0 0 t 
+        val source = "local open "^module^" in val _ = export ("^term^") end"
+	val _ = writeTextFile "Gencode_call.ML" source
+	val _ = clear_result ()
+	val _ = use_source source
+    in
+	case !saved_result of 
+	    NONE => raise Run "broken link to compiled code"
+	  | SOME (code', t) => (clear_result (); if code' = code then t else raise Run "link to compiled code was hijacked")
+    end		
+fun run (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, compiled_fun) t = 
+    let	
+	val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
+	fun inline (Const c) = (case Inttab.lookup inlinetab c of NONE => Const c | SOME t => t)
+	  | inline (Var i) = Var i
+	  | inline (App (a, b)) = App (inline a, inline b)
+	  | inline (Abs m) = Abs (inline m)
+    in
+	compiled_fun (beta (inline t))
+    end	
+fun discard p = ()
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_util.ML	Mon Jul 09 11:44:23 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_util.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-signature AM_UTIL = sig
-    type naming (* = string -> int *)
-    exception Parse of string
-    exception Tokenize
-    (* takes a naming for the constants *)
-    val read_rule : naming -> string -> AbstractMachine.pattern * AbstractMachine.term
-    (* takes a naming for the constants and one for the free variables *)
-    val read_term : naming -> naming -> string -> AbstractMachine.term
-    val term_ord : AbstractMachine.term * AbstractMachine.term -> order
-structure AM_Util : AM_UTIL =
-fun term_ord (AbstractMachine.Var x, AbstractMachine.Var y) = int_ord (x,y)
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.Const c1, AbstractMachine.Const c2) = int_ord (c1, c2)
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.App a1, AbstractMachine.App a2) =
-      prod_ord term_ord term_ord (a1, a2)
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.Abs m1, AbstractMachine.Abs m2) = term_ord (m1, m2)
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.Const _, _) = LESS
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.Var _, AbstractMachine.Const _ ) = GREATER
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.Var _, _) = LESS
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.App _, AbstractMachine.Abs _) = LESS
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.App _, _) = GREATER
-  | term_ord (AbstractMachine.Abs _, _) = LESS
-type naming = string -> int
-datatype token =
-  TokenConst of string | TokenLeft | TokenRight | TokenVar of string |
-  TokenLambda | TokenDot | TokenNone | TokenEq
-exception Tokenize;
-fun tokenize s =
-    let
-      fun is_lower c = "a" <= c andalso c <= "z";
-      val is_alphanum = Symbol.is_ascii_letter orf Symbol.is_ascii_digit;
-      fun tz TokenNone [] = []
-        | tz x [] = [x]
-        | tz TokenNone (c::cs) =
-          if Symbol.is_ascii_blank c then tz TokenNone cs
-          else if is_lower c then (tz (TokenVar c) cs)
-          else if is_alphanum c then (tz (TokenConst c) cs)
-          else if c = "%" then (TokenLambda :: (tz TokenNone cs))
-          else if c = "." then (TokenDot :: (tz TokenNone cs))
-          else if c = "(" then (TokenLeft :: (tz TokenNone cs))
-          else if c = ")" then (TokenRight :: (tz TokenNone cs))
-          else if c = "=" then (TokenEq :: (tz TokenNone cs))
-          else raise Tokenize
-        | tz (TokenConst s) (c::cs) =
-          if is_alphanum c then (tz (TokenConst (s ^ c)) cs)
-          else (TokenConst s)::(tz TokenNone (c::cs))
-        | tz (TokenVar s) (c::cs) =
-          if is_alphanum c then (tz (TokenVar (s ^ c)) cs)
-          else (TokenVar s)::(tz TokenNone (c::cs))
-        | tz _ _ = raise Tokenize
-    in tz TokenNone (explode s) end
-exception Parse of string;
-fun cons x xs =
-  if List.exists (fn y => x = y) xs then raise (Parse ("variable occurs twice: "^x))
-  else (x::xs)
-fun parse_pattern f pvars ((TokenConst c)::ts) =
-    let
-        val (pvars, ts, plist) = parse_pattern_list f pvars ts
-    in
-        (pvars, ts, AbstractMachine.PConst (f c, plist))
-    end
-  | parse_pattern _ _ _ = raise (Parse "parse_pattern: constant expected")
-and parse_pattern_single f pvars ((TokenVar x)::ts) = (cons x pvars, ts, AbstractMachine.PVar)
-  | parse_pattern_single f pvars ((TokenConst c)::ts) = (pvars, ts, AbstractMachine.PConst (f c, []))
-  | parse_pattern_single f pvars (TokenLeft::ts) =
-    let
-        val (pvars, ts, p) = parse_pattern f pvars ts
-    in
-        case ts of
-            TokenRight::ts => (pvars, ts, p)
-          | _ => raise (Parse "parse_pattern_single: closing bracket expected")
-    end
-  | parse_pattern_single _ _ _ = raise (Parse "parse_pattern_single: got stuck")
-and parse_pattern_list f pvars (TokenEq::ts) = (pvars, TokenEq::ts, [])
-  | parse_pattern_list f pvars (TokenRight::ts) = (pvars, TokenRight::ts, [])
-  | parse_pattern_list f pvars ts =
-    let
-        val (pvars, ts, p) = parse_pattern_single f pvars ts
-        val (pvars, ts, ps) = parse_pattern_list f pvars ts
-    in
-        (pvars, ts, p::ps)
-    end
-fun app_terms x (t::ts) = app_terms (AbstractMachine.App (x, t)) ts
-  | app_terms x [] = x
-fun parse_term_single f vars ((TokenConst c)::ts) = (ts, AbstractMachine.Const (f c))
-  | parse_term_single f vars ((TokenVar v)::ts) = (ts, AbstractMachine.Var (vars v))
-  | parse_term_single f vars (TokenLeft::ts) =
-    let
-        val (ts, term) = parse_term f vars ts
-    in
-        case ts of
-            TokenRight::ts => (ts, term)
-          | _ => raise Parse ("parse_term_single: closing bracket expected")
-    end
-  | parse_term_single f vars (TokenLambda::(TokenVar x)::TokenDot::ts) =
-    let
-        val (ts, term) = parse_term f (fn s => if s=x then 0 else (vars s)+1) ts
-    in
-        (ts, AbstractMachine.Abs term)
-    end
-  | parse_term_single _ _ _ = raise Parse ("parse_term_single: got stuck")
-and parse_term_list f vars [] = ([], [])
-  | parse_term_list f vars (TokenRight::ts) = (TokenRight::ts, [])
-  | parse_term_list f vars ts =
-    let
-        val (ts, term) = parse_term_single f vars ts
-        val (ts, terms) = parse_term_list f vars ts
-    in
-        (ts, term::terms)
-    end
-and parse_term f vars ts =
-    let
-        val (ts, terms) = parse_term_list f vars ts
-    in
-        case terms of
-            [] => raise (Parse "parse_term: no term found")
-          | (t::terms) => (ts, app_terms t terms)
-    end
-fun read_rule f s =
-    let
-        val t = tokenize s
-        val (v, ts, pattern) = parse_pattern f [] t
-        fun vars [] (x:string) = raise (Parse "read_rule.vars: variable not found")
-          | vars (v::vs) x = if v = x then 0 else (vars vs x)+1
-    in
-        case ts of
-            TokenEq::ts =>
-            let
-                val (ts, term) = parse_term f (vars v) ts
-            in
-                case ts of
-                    [] => (pattern, term)
-                  | _ => raise (Parse "read_rule: still tokens left, end expected")
-            end
-          | _ => raise (Parse ("read_rule: = expected"))
-    end
-fun read_term f g s =
-    let
-        val t = tokenize s
-        val (ts, term) = parse_term f g t
-    in
-        case ts of
-            [] => term
-          | _ => raise (Parse ("read_term: still tokens left, end expected"))
-    end
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML	Mon Jul 09 11:44:23 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML	Mon Jul 09 17:36:25 2007 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML
+(*  Title:      Pure/Tools/compute.ML
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Steven Obua
@@ -7,272 +7,356 @@
     type computer
-    exception Make of string
+    datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML
-    val basic_make : theory -> thm list -> computer
-    val make : theory -> thm list -> computer
+    exception Make of string
+    val make : machine -> theory -> thm list -> computer
+    exception Compute of string
     val compute : computer -> (int -> string) -> cterm -> term
     val theory_of : computer -> theory
+    val hyps_of : computer -> term list
+    val shyps_of : computer -> sort list
-    val default_naming: int -> string
-    val oracle_fn: theory -> computer * (int -> string) * cterm -> term
+    val rewrite_param : computer -> (int -> string) -> cterm -> thm
+    val rewrite : computer -> cterm -> thm
+    val discard : computer -> unit
+    val setup : theory -> theory
-structure Compute: COMPUTE = struct
+structure Compute :> COMPUTE = struct
+datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML	 
+(* Terms are mapped to integer codes *)
+structure Encode :> 
+    type encoding
+    val empty : encoding
+    val insert : term -> encoding -> int * encoding
+    val lookup_code : term -> encoding -> int option
+    val lookup_term : int -> encoding -> term option					
+    val remove_code : int -> encoding -> encoding
+    val remove_term : term -> encoding -> encoding
+    val fold : ((term * int) -> 'a -> 'a) -> encoding -> 'a -> 'a    
+type encoding = int * (int Termtab.table) * (term Inttab.table)
+val empty = (0, Termtab.empty, Inttab.empty)
+fun insert t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
+    (case Termtab.lookup term2int t of
+	 NONE => (count, (count+1, Termtab.update_new (t, count) term2int, Inttab.update_new (count, t) int2term))
+       | SOME code => (code, e))
+fun lookup_code t (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.lookup term2int t
+fun lookup_term c (_, _, int2term) = Inttab.lookup int2term c
+fun remove_code c (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
+    (case lookup_term c e of NONE => e | SOME t => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
+fun remove_term t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
+    (case lookup_code t e of NONE => e | SOME c => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
+fun fold f (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.fold f term2int 
 exception Make of string;
-fun is_mono_typ (Type (_, list)) = forall is_mono_typ list
-  | is_mono_typ _ = false
-fun is_mono_term (Const (_, t)) = is_mono_typ t
-  | is_mono_term (Var (_, t)) = is_mono_typ t
-  | is_mono_term (Free (_, t)) = is_mono_typ t
-  | is_mono_term (Bound _) = true
-  | is_mono_term (a $ b) = is_mono_term a andalso is_mono_term b
-  | is_mono_term (Abs (_, ty, t)) = is_mono_typ ty andalso is_mono_term t
-structure AMTermTab = TableFun (type key = AbstractMachine.term val ord = AM_Util.term_ord)
-fun add x y = x + y : int;
-fun inc x = x + 1;
-exception Mono of term;
+exception Compute of string;
-val remove_types =
-    let
-        fun remove_types_var table invtable ccount vcount ldepth t =
-            (case Termtab.lookup table t of
-                 NONE =>
-                 let
-                     val a = AbstractMachine.Var vcount
-                 in
-                     (Termtab.update (t, a) table,
-                      AMTermTab.update (a, t) invtable,
-                      ccount,
-                      inc vcount,
-                      AbstractMachine.Var (add vcount ldepth))
-                 end
-               | SOME (AbstractMachine.Var v) =>
-                 (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, AbstractMachine.Var (add v ldepth))
-               | SOME _ => sys_error "remove_types_var: lookup should be a var")
-        fun remove_types_const table invtable ccount vcount ldepth t =
-            (case Termtab.lookup table t of
-                 NONE =>
-                 let
-                     val a = AbstractMachine.Const ccount
-                 in
-                     (Termtab.update (t, a) table,
-                      AMTermTab.update (a, t) invtable,
-                      inc ccount,
-                      vcount,
-                      a)
-                 end
-               | SOME (c as AbstractMachine.Const _) =>
-                 (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, c)
-               | SOME _ => sys_error "remove_types_const: lookup should be a const")
+    fun make_constant t ty encoding = 
+	let 
+	    val (code, encoding) = Encode.insert t encoding 
+	in 
+	    (encoding, AbstractMachine.Const code)
+	end
-        fun remove_types table invtable ccount vcount ldepth t =
-            case t of
-                Var (_, ty) =>
-                  if is_mono_typ ty then remove_types_var table invtable ccount vcount ldepth t
-                  else raise (Mono t)
-              | Free (_, ty) =>
-                  if is_mono_typ ty then remove_types_var table invtable ccount vcount ldepth t
-                  else raise (Mono t)
-              | Const (_, ty) =>
-                  if is_mono_typ ty then remove_types_const table invtable ccount vcount ldepth t
-                  else raise (Mono t)
-              | Abs (_, ty, t') =>
-                if is_mono_typ ty then
-                    let
-                        val (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, t') =
-                            remove_types table invtable ccount vcount (inc ldepth) t'
-                    in
-                        (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, AbstractMachine.Abs t')
-                    end
-                else
-                    raise (Mono t)
-              | a $ b =>
-                let
-                    val (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, a) =
-                        remove_types table invtable ccount vcount ldepth a
-                    val (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, b) =
-                        remove_types table invtable ccount vcount ldepth b
-                in
-                    (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, AbstractMachine.App (a,b))
-                end
-              | Bound b => (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, AbstractMachine.Var b)
-    in
-     fn (table, invtable, ccount, vcount) => remove_types table invtable ccount vcount 0
-    end
-fun infer_types naming =
+fun remove_types encoding t =
+    case t of 
+	Var (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
+      | Free (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
+      | Const (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
+      | Abs (_, ty, t') => 
+	let val (encoding, t'') = remove_types encoding t' in
+	    (encoding, AbstractMachine.Abs t'')
+	end
+      | a $ b => 
+	let
+	    val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding a
+	    val (encoding, b) = remove_types encoding b
+	in
+	    (encoding, AbstractMachine.App (a,b))
+	end
+      | Bound b => (encoding, AbstractMachine.Var b)
+    fun type_of (Free (_, ty)) = ty
+      | type_of (Const (_, ty)) = ty
+      | type_of (Var (_, ty)) = ty
+      | type_of _ = sys_error "infer_types: type_of error"
+fun infer_types naming encoding =
-        fun infer_types invtable ldepth bounds ty (AbstractMachine.Var v) =
-            if v < ldepth then (Bound v, List.nth (bounds, v)) else
-            (case AMTermTab.lookup invtable (AbstractMachine.Var (v-ldepth)) of
-                 SOME (t as Var (_, ty)) => (t, ty)
-               | SOME (t as Free (_, ty)) => (t, ty)
-               | _ => sys_error "infer_types: lookup should deliver Var or Free")
-          | infer_types invtable ldepth _ ty (c as AbstractMachine.Const _) =
-            (case AMTermTab.lookup invtable c of
-                 SOME (c as Const (_, ty)) => (c, ty)
-               | _ => sys_error "infer_types: lookup should deliver Const")
-          | infer_types invtable ldepth bounds (n,ty) (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-            let
-                val (a, aty) = infer_types invtable ldepth bounds (n+1, ty) a
-                val (adom, arange) =
+        fun infer_types _ bounds _ (AbstractMachine.Var v) = (Bound v, List.nth (bounds, v))
+	  | infer_types _ bounds _ (AbstractMachine.Const code) = 
+	    let
+		val c = the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding)
+	    in
+		(c, type_of c)
+	    end
+	  | infer_types level bounds _ (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = 
+	    let
+		val (a, aty) = infer_types level bounds NONE a
+		val (adom, arange) =
                     case aty of
                         Type ("fun", [dom, range]) => (dom, range)
                       | _ => sys_error "infer_types: function type expected"
-                val (b, bty) = infer_types invtable ldepth bounds (0, adom) b
-            in
-                (a $ b, arange)
-            end
-          | infer_types invtable ldepth bounds (0, ty as Type ("fun", [dom, range]))
-              (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
+                val (b, bty) = infer_types level bounds (SOME adom) b
+	    in
+		(a $ b, arange)
+	    end
+          | infer_types level bounds (SOME (ty as Type ("fun", [dom, range]))) (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
-                val (m, _) = infer_types invtable (ldepth+1) (dom::bounds) (0, range) m
+                val (m, _) = infer_types (level+1) (dom::bounds) (SOME range) m
-                (Abs (naming ldepth, dom, m), ty)
+                (Abs (naming level, dom, m), ty)
-          | infer_types invtable ldepth bounds ty (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
-            sys_error "infer_types: cannot infer type of abstraction"
+          | infer_types _ _ NONE (AbstractMachine.Abs m) = sys_error "infer_types: cannot infer type of abstraction"
-        fun infer invtable ty term =
+        fun infer ty term =
-                val (term', _) = infer_types invtable 0 [] (0, ty) term
+                val (term', _) = infer_types 0 [] (SOME ty) term
-datatype computer =
-  Computer of theory_ref *
-    (AbstractMachine.term Termtab.table * term AMTermTab.table * int * AbstractMachine.program)
+datatype prog = 
+	 ProgBarras of AM_Interpreter.program 
+       | ProgBarrasC of AM_Compiler.program
+       | ProgHaskell of AM_GHC.program
+       | ProgSML of AM_SML.program
-fun basic_make thy raw_ths =
+structure Sorttab = TableFun(type key = sort val ord = Term.sort_ord)
+datatype computer = Computer of theory_ref * Encode.encoding * term list * unit Sorttab.table * prog
+datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
+fun thm2cthm th = 
-        val ths = map (Thm.transfer thy) raw_ths;
+	val {hyps, prop, tpairs, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
+	val _ = if not (null tpairs) then raise Make "theorems may not contain tpairs" else ()
+    in
+	ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
+    end
-        fun thm2rule table invtable ccount th =
-            let
-                val prop = Thm.plain_prop_of th
-                  handle THM _ => raise (Make "theorems must be plain propositions")
-                val (a, b) = Logic.dest_equals prop
-                  handle TERM _ => raise (Make "theorems must be meta-level equations")
+fun make machine thy raw_ths =
+    let
+	fun transfer (x:thm) = Thm.transfer thy x
+	val ths = map (thm2cthm o Thm.strip_shyps o transfer) raw_ths
-                val (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, prop) =
-                    remove_types (table, invtable, ccount, 0) (a$b)
-                    handle Mono _ => raise (Make "no type variables allowed")
-                val (left, right) =
-                    (case prop of AbstractMachine.App x => x | _ =>
-                      sys_error "make: remove_types should deliver application")
+        fun thm2rule (encoding, hyptable, shyptable) th =
+            let
+		val (ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)) = th
+		val hyptable = fold (fn h => Termtab.update (h, ())) hyps hyptable
+		val shyptable = fold (fn sh => Sorttab.update (sh, ())) shyps shyptable
+		val (prems, prop) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems prop, Logic.strip_imp_concl prop)
+                val (a, b) = Logic.dest_equals prop
+                  handle TERM _ => raise (Make "theorems must be meta-level equations (with optional guards)")
+		val a = Envir.eta_contract a
+		val b = Envir.eta_contract b
+		val prems = map Envir.eta_contract prems
-                fun make_pattern table invtable n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var v) =
+                val (encoding, left) = remove_types encoding a     
+		val (encoding, right) = remove_types encoding b  
+                fun remove_types_of_guard encoding g = 
+		    (let
+			 val (t1, t2) = Logic.dest_equals g 
+			 val (encoding, t1) = remove_types encoding t1
+			 val (encoding, t2) = remove_types encoding t2
+		     in
+			 (encoding, AbstractMachine.Guard (t1, t2))
+		     end handle TERM _ => raise (Make "guards must be meta-level equations"))
+                val (encoding, prems) = fold_rev (fn p => fn (encoding, ps) => let val (e, p) = remove_types_of_guard encoding p in (e, p::ps) end) prems (encoding, [])
+                fun make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Abs _) =
+		    raise (Make "no lambda abstractions allowed in pattern")
+		  | make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) =
+		    raise (Make "no bound variables allowed in pattern")
+		  | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.Const code) =
+		    (case the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding) of
+			 Var _ => ((n+1, Inttab.update_new (code, n) vars, AbstractMachine.PVar)
+				   handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise (Make "no duplicate variable in pattern allowed"))
+		       | _ => (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (code, [])))
+                  | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-                        val var' = the (AMTermTab.lookup invtable var)
-                        val table = Termtab.delete var' table
-                        val invtable = AMTermTab.delete var invtable
-                        val vars = Inttab.update_new (v, n) vars handle Inttab.DUP _ =>
-                          raise (Make "no duplicate variable in pattern allowed")
-                    in
-                        (table, invtable, n+1, vars, AbstractMachine.PVar)
-                    end
-                  | make_pattern table invtable n vars (AbstractMachine.Abs _) =
-                      raise (Make "no lambda abstractions allowed in pattern")
-                  | make_pattern table invtable n vars (AbstractMachine.Const c) =
-                    (table, invtable, n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (c, []))
-                  | make_pattern table invtable n vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-                    let
-                        val (table, invtable, n, vars, pa) =
-                            make_pattern table invtable n vars a
-                        val (table, invtable, n, vars, pb) =
-                            make_pattern table invtable n vars b
+                        val (n, vars, pa) = make_pattern encoding n vars a
+                        val (n, vars, pb) = make_pattern encoding n vars b
                         case pa of
                             AbstractMachine.PVar =>
                               raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
                           | AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args) =>
-                              (table, invtable, n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args@[pb]))
+                              (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args@[pb]))
-                val (table, invtable, vcount, vars, pattern) =
-                    make_pattern table invtable 0 Inttab.empty left
+                (* Principally, a check should be made here to see if the (meta-) hyps contain any of the variables of the rule.
+                   As it is, all variables of the rule are schematic, and there are no schematic variables in meta-hyps, therefore
+                   this check can be left out. *)
+                val (vcount, vars, pattern) = make_pattern encoding 0 Inttab.empty left
                 val _ = (case pattern of
-                           AbstractMachine.PVar =>
+                             AbstractMachine.PVar =>
                              raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
-                         | _ => ())
-                (* at this point, there shouldn't be any variables
-                  left in table or invtable, only constants *)
+                         (*  | AbstractMachine.PConst (_, []) => 
+			     (print th; raise (Make "no parameter rewrite found"))*)
+			   | _ => ())
                 (* finally, provide a function for renaming the
-                  pattern bound variables on the right hand side *)
+                   pattern bound variables on the right hand side *)
-                fun rename ldepth vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var v) =
-                    if v < ldepth then var
-                    else (case Inttab.lookup vars (v - ldepth) of
-                              NONE => raise (Make "new variable on right hand side")
-                            | SOME n => AbstractMachine.Var ((vcount-n-1)+ldepth))
-                  | rename ldepth vars (c as AbstractMachine.Const _) = c
-                  | rename ldepth vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-                    AbstractMachine.App (rename ldepth vars a, rename ldepth vars b)
-                  | rename ldepth vars (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
-                    AbstractMachine.Abs (rename (ldepth+1) vars m)
+                fun rename level vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) = var
+		  | rename level vars (c as AbstractMachine.Const code) =
+		    (case Inttab.lookup vars code of 
+			 NONE => c 
+		       | SOME n => AbstractMachine.Var (vcount-n-1+level))
+                  | rename level vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
+                    AbstractMachine.App (rename level vars a, rename level vars b)
+                  | rename level vars (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
+                    AbstractMachine.Abs (rename (level+1) vars m)
+		fun rename_guard (AbstractMachine.Guard (a,b)) = 
+		    AbstractMachine.Guard (rename 0 vars a, rename 0 vars b)
-                (table, invtable, ccount, (pattern, rename 0 vars right))
+                ((encoding, hyptable, shyptable), (map rename_guard prems, pattern, rename 0 vars right))
-        val (table, invtable, ccount, rules) =
-          fold_rev (fn th => fn (table, invtable, ccount, rules) =>
+        val ((encoding, hyptable, shyptable), rules) =
+          fold_rev (fn th => fn (encoding_hyptable, rules) =>
-              val (table, invtable, ccount, rule) =
-                  thm2rule table invtable ccount th
-            in (table, invtable, ccount, rule::rules) end)
-          ths (Termtab.empty, AMTermTab.empty, 0, [])
+              val (encoding_hyptable, rule) = thm2rule encoding_hyptable th
+            in (encoding_hyptable, rule::rules) end)
+          ths ((Encode.empty, Termtab.empty, Sorttab.empty), [])
-        val prog = AbstractMachine.compile rules
+        val prog = 
+	    case machine of 
+		BARRAS => ProgBarras (AM_Interpreter.compile rules)
+	      | BARRAS_COMPILED => ProgBarrasC (AM_Compiler.compile rules)
+	      | HASKELL => ProgHaskell (AM_GHC.compile rules)
+	      | SML => ProgSML (AM_SML.compile rules)
-    in Computer (Theory.self_ref thy, (table, invtable, ccount, prog)) end
+(*	val _ = print (Encode.fold (fn x => fn s => x::s) encoding [])*)
+        fun has_witness s = not (null (Sign.witness_sorts thy [] [s]))
-fun make thy ths =
+	val shyptable = fold Sorttab.delete (filter has_witness (Sorttab.keys (shyptable))) shyptable
+    in Computer (Theory.self_ref thy, encoding, Termtab.keys hyptable, shyptable, prog) end
+(*fun timeit f =
-      val (_, {mk_rews={mk=mk,mk_eq_True=emk, ...},...}) = rep_ss (simpset_of thy)
-      fun mk_eq_True th = (case emk th of NONE => [th] | SOME th' => [th, th'])
+	val t1 = Time.toMicroseconds ( ())
+	val x = f ()
+	val t2 = Time.toMicroseconds ( ())
+	val _ = writeln ("### time = "^(Real.toString ((Real.fromLargeInt t2 - Real.fromLargeInt t1)/(1000000.0)))^"s")
-      basic_make thy (maps mk (maps mk_eq_True ths))
-    end
+	x
+    end*)
+fun report s f = f () (*writeln s; timeit f*)
-fun compute (Computer r) naming ct =
+fun compute (Computer (rthy, encoding, hyps, shyptable, prog)) naming ct =
+	fun run (ProgBarras p) = p
+	  | run (ProgBarrasC p) = p
+	  | run (ProgHaskell p) = p
+	  | run (ProgSML p) = p	    
         val {t=t, T=ty, thy=ctthy, ...} = rep_cterm ct
-        val (rthy, (table, invtable, ccount, prog)) = r
         val thy = Theory.merge (Theory.deref rthy, ctthy)
-        val (table, invtable, ccount, vcount, t) = remove_types (table, invtable, ccount, 0) t
-        val t = prog t
-        val t = infer_types naming invtable ty t
+        val (encoding, t) = report "remove_types" (fn () => remove_types encoding t)
+        val t = report "run" (fn () => run prog t)
+        val t = report "infer_types" (fn () => infer_types naming encoding ty t)
-fun theory_of (Computer (rthy, _)) = Theory.deref rthy
+fun discard (Computer (rthy, encoding, hyps, shyptable, prog)) = 
+    (case prog of
+	 ProgBarras p => AM_Interpreter.discard p
+       | ProgBarrasC p => AM_Compiler.discard p
+       | ProgHaskell p => AM_GHC.discard p
+       | ProgSML p => AM_SML.discard p)
+fun theory_of (Computer (rthy, _, _,_,_)) = Theory.deref rthy
+fun hyps_of (Computer (_, _, hyps, _, _)) = hyps
+fun shyps_of (Computer (_, _, _, shyptable, _)) = Sorttab.keys (shyptable)
+fun shyptab_of (Computer (_, _, _, shyptable, _)) = shyptable
 fun default_naming i = "v_" ^ Int.toString i
+exception Param of computer * (int -> string) * cterm;
-fun oracle_fn thy (r, naming, ct) =
+fun rewrite_param r n ct =
+    let 
+	val thy = theory_of_cterm ct 
+	val th = timeit (fn () => invoke_oracle_i thy "Compute_Oracle.compute" (thy, Param (r, n, ct)))
+	val hyps = map (fn h => assume (cterm_of thy h)) (hyps_of r)
+    in
+	fold (fn h => fn p => implies_elim p h) hyps th 
+    end
+(*fun rewrite_param r n ct =
+    let	
+	val hyps = hyps_of r
+	val shyps = shyps_of r
+	val thy = theory_of_cterm ct
+	val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of r) thy
+	val t' = timeit (fn () => compute r n ct)
+	val eq = Logic.mk_equals (term_of ct, t')
+    in
+	Thm.unchecked_oracle thy "Compute.compute" (eq, hyps, shyps)
+    end*)
+fun rewrite r ct = rewrite_param r default_naming ct
+(* theory setup *)
+fun compute_oracle (thy, Param (r, naming, ct)) =
         val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of r) thy
         val t' = compute r naming ct
+	val eq = Logic.mk_equals (term_of ct, t')
+	val hyps = hyps_of r
+	val shyptab = shyptab_of r
+	fun delete s shyptab = Sorttab.delete s shyptab handle Sorttab.UNDEF _ => shyptab
+	fun delete_term t shyptab = fold delete (Sorts.insert_term t []) shyptab
+	val shyps = if Sorttab.is_empty shyptab then [] else Sorttab.keys (fold delete_term (eq::hyps) shyptab)
+	val _ = if not (null shyps) then raise Compute ("dangling sort hypotheses: "^(makestring shyps)) else ()
-        Logic.mk_equals (term_of ct, t')
+        fold_rev (fn hyp => fn p => Logic.mk_implies (hyp, p)) hyps eq
+  | compute_oracle _ = raise Match
+val setup = (fn thy => (writeln "install oracle"; Theory.add_oracle ("compute", compute_oracle) thy))
+(*val _ = Context.add_setup (Theory.add_oracle ("compute", compute_oracle))*)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML	Mon Jul 09 17:36:25 2007 +0200
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+(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/Linker.ML
+    ID:         $$
+    Author:     Steven Obua
+    Linker.ML solves the problem that the computing oracle does not instantiate polymorphic rules.
+    By going through the PCompute interface, all possible instantiations are resolved by compiling new programs, if necessary.
+    The obvious disadvantage of this approach is that in the worst case for each new term to be rewritten, a new program may be compiled.
+   Given constants/frees c_1::t_1, c_2::t_2, ...., c_n::t_n,
+   and constants/frees d_1::d_1, d_2::s_2, ..., d_m::s_m
+   Find all substitutions S such that
+   a) the domain of S is tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)   
+   b) there are indices i_1, ..., i_k, and j_1, ..., j_k with
+      1. S (c_i_1::t_i_1) = d_j_1::s_j_1, ..., S (c_i_k::t_i_k) = d_j_k::s_j_k
+      2. tvars (t_i_1, ..., t_i_k) = tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
+signature LINKER = 
+    exception Link of string
+    datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
+    val constant_of : term -> constant
+    type instances
+    type subst = Type.tyenv
+    val empty : constant list -> instances
+    val typ_of_constant : constant -> typ
+    val add_instances : Type.tsig -> instances -> constant list -> subst list * instances
+    val substs_of : instances -> subst list
+    val is_polymorphic : constant -> bool
+    val distinct_constants : constant list -> constant list
+    val collect_consts : term list -> constant list
+structure Linker : LINKER = struct
+exception Link of string;
+type subst = Type.tyenv
+datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
+fun constant_of (Const (name, ty)) = Constant (false, name, ty)
+  | constant_of (Free (name, ty)) = Constant (true, name, ty)
+  | constant_of _ = raise Link "constant_of"
+fun bool_ord (x,y) = if x then (if y then EQUAL else GREATER) else (if y then LESS else EQUAL)
+fun constant_ord (Constant (x1,x2,x3), Constant (y1,y2,y3)) = (prod_ord (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) Term.typ_ord) (((x1,x2),x3), ((y1,y2),y3))
+fun constant_modty_ord (Constant (x1,x2,_), Constant (y1,y2,_)) = (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) ((x1,x2), (y1,y2))
+structure Consttab = TableFun(type key = constant val ord = constant_ord);
+structure ConsttabModTy = TableFun(type key = constant val ord = constant_modty_ord);
+fun typ_of_constant (Constant (_, _, ty)) = ty
+val empty_subst = (Vartab.empty : Type.tyenv)
+fun merge_subst (A:Type.tyenv) (B:Type.tyenv) = 
+    SOME (Vartab.fold (fn (v, t) => 
+		       fn tab => 
+			  (case Vartab.lookup tab v of 
+			       NONE => Vartab.update (v, t) tab 
+			     | SOME t' => if t = t' then tab else raise Type.TYPE_MATCH)) A B)
+    handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
+fun subst_ord (A:Type.tyenv, B:Type.tyenv) = 
+    (list_ord (prod_ord Term.fast_indexname_ord (prod_ord Term.sort_ord Term.typ_ord))) (Vartab.dest A, Vartab.dest B)
+structure Substtab = TableFun(type key = Type.tyenv val ord = subst_ord);
+val substtab_union = Substtab.fold Substtab.update
+fun substtab_unions [] = Substtab.empty
+  | substtab_unions [c] = c
+  | substtab_unions (c::cs) = substtab_union c (substtab_unions cs)
+datatype instances = Instances of unit ConsttabModTy.table * Type.tyenv Consttab.table Consttab.table * constant list list * unit Substtab.table
+fun is_polymorphic (Constant (_, _, ty)) = not (null (typ_tvars ty))		
+fun distinct_constants cs =
+    Consttab.keys (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ())) cs Consttab.empty)
+fun empty cs = 
+    let				   
+	val cs = distinct_constants (filter is_polymorphic cs)
+	val old_cs = cs
+(*	fun collect_tvars ty tab = fold (fn v => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar v, ()) tab) (typ_tvars ty) tab
+	val tvars_count = length (Typtab.keys (fold (fn c => fn tab => collect_tvars (typ_of_constant c) tab) cs Typtab.empty))
+	fun tvars_of ty = collect_tvars ty Typtab.empty
+	val cs = map (fn c => (c, tvars_of (typ_of_constant c))) cs
+	fun tyunion A B = 
+	    Typtab.fold 
+		(fn (v,()) => fn tab => Typtab.update (v, case Typtab.lookup tab v of NONE => 1 | SOME n => n+1) tab)
+		A B
+        fun is_essential A B =
+	    Typtab.fold
+	    (fn (v, ()) => fn essential => essential orelse (case Typtab.lookup B v of NONE => raise Link "is_essential" | SOME n => n=1))
+	    A false
+	fun add_minimal (c', tvs') (tvs, cs) =
+	    let
+		val tvs = tyunion tvs' tvs
+		val cs = (c', tvs')::cs
+	    in
+		if forall (fn (c',tvs') => is_essential tvs' tvs) cs then
+		    SOME (tvs, cs)
+		else 
+		    NONE
+	    end
+	fun is_spanning (tvs, _) = (length (Typtab.keys tvs) = tvars_count)
+	fun generate_minimal_subsets subsets [] = subsets
+	  | generate_minimal_subsets subsets (c::cs) = 
+	    let
+		val subsets' = map_filter (add_minimal c) subsets
+	    in
+		generate_minimal_subsets (subsets@subsets') cs
+	    end*)
+	val minimal_subsets = [old_cs] (*map (fn (tvs, cs) => map fst cs) (filter is_spanning (generate_minimal_subsets [(Typtab.empty, [])] cs))*)
+	val constants = Consttab.keys (fold (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ()))) minimal_subsets Consttab.empty)
+    in
+	Instances (
+	fold (fn c => fn tab => ConsttabModTy.update (c, ()) tab) constants ConsttabModTy.empty,
+	Consttab.make (map (fn c => (c, Consttab.empty : Type.tyenv Consttab.table)) constants), 
+	minimal_subsets, Substtab.empty)
+    end
+fun calc ctab substtab [] = substtab
+  | calc ctab substtab (c::cs) = 
+    let
+	val csubsts = map snd (Consttab.dest (the (Consttab.lookup ctab c)))
+	fun merge_substs substtab subst = 
+	    Substtab.fold (fn (s,_) => 
+			   fn tab => 
+			      (case merge_subst subst s of NONE => tab | SOME s => Substtab.update (s, ()) tab))
+			  substtab Substtab.empty
+	val substtab = substtab_unions (map (merge_substs substtab) csubsts)
+    in
+	calc ctab substtab cs
+    end
+fun calc_substs ctab (cs:constant list) = calc ctab (Substtab.update (empty_subst, ()) Substtab.empty) cs
+fun add_instances tsig (Instances (cfilter, ctab,minsets,substs)) cs = 
+    let	
+(*	val _ = writeln (makestring ("add_instances: ", length_cs, length cs, length (Consttab.keys ctab)))*)
+	fun calc_instantiations (constant as Constant (free, name, ty)) instantiations = 
+	    Consttab.fold (fn (constant' as Constant (free', name', ty'), insttab) =>  
+			   fn instantiations =>
+			      if free <> free' orelse name <> name' then
+				  instantiations
+			      else case Consttab.lookup insttab constant of
+				       SOME _ => instantiations
+				     | NONE => ((constant', (constant, Type.typ_match tsig (ty', ty) empty_subst))::instantiations
+						handle TYPE_MATCH => instantiations))
+			  ctab instantiations
+	val instantiations = fold calc_instantiations cs []
+	(*val _ = writeln ("instantiations = "^(makestring (length instantiations)))*)
+	fun update_ctab (constant', entry) ctab = 
+	    (case Consttab.lookup ctab constant' of
+		 NONE => raise Link "internal error: update_ctab"
+	       | SOME tab => Consttab.update (constant', Consttab.update entry tab) ctab)
+	val ctab = fold update_ctab instantiations ctab	
+	val new_substs = fold (fn minset => fn substs => substtab_union (calc_substs ctab minset) substs) 
+			      minsets Substtab.empty
+	val (added_substs, substs) = 
+	    Substtab.fold (fn (ns, _) => 
+			   fn (added, substtab) => 
+			      (case Substtab.lookup substs ns of
+				   NONE => (ns::added, Substtab.update (ns, ()) substtab)
+				 | SOME () => (added, substtab)))
+			  new_substs ([], substs)
+    in
+	(added_substs, Instances (cfilter, ctab, minsets, substs))
+    end
+fun substs_of (Instances (_,_,_,substs)) = Substtab.keys substs
+    fun get_thm thmname = PureThy.get_thm (theory "Main") (Name thmname)
+    val eq_th = get_thm "HOL.eq_reflection"
+  fun eq_to_meta th = (eq_th OF [th] handle _ => th)
+fun collect (Var x) tab = tab
+  | collect (Bound _) tab = tab
+  | collect (a $ b) tab = collect b (collect a tab)
+  | collect (Abs (_, _, body)) tab = collect body tab
+  | collect t tab = Consttab.update (constant_of t, ()) tab
+  fun collect_consts tms = Consttab.keys (fold collect tms Consttab.empty)
+signature PCOMPUTE =
+    type pcomputer
+    val make : Compute.machine -> theory -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
+(*    val add_thms : pcomputer -> thm list -> bool*)
+    val add_instances : pcomputer -> Linker.constant list -> bool 
+    val rewrite : pcomputer -> cterm list -> thm list
+structure PCompute : PCOMPUTE = struct
+exception PCompute of string
+datatype theorem = MonoThm of thm | PolyThm of thm * Linker.instances * thm list
+datatype pcomputer = PComputer of Compute.machine * theory_ref * ref * theorem list ref
+(*fun collect_consts (Var x) = []
+  | collect_consts (Bound _) = []
+  | collect_consts (a $ b) = (collect_consts a)@(collect_consts b)
+  | collect_consts (Abs (_, _, body)) = collect_consts body
+  | collect_consts t = [Linker.constant_of t]*)
+fun collect_consts_of_thm th = 
+    let
+	val th = prop_of th
+	val (prems, th) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems th, Logic.strip_imp_concl th)
+	val (left, right) = Logic.dest_equals th
+    in
+	(Linker.collect_consts [left], Linker.collect_consts (right::prems))
+    end 
+fun create_theorem th =
+    val (left, right) = collect_consts_of_thm th
+    val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic left
+    val tytab = fold (fn p => fn tab => fold (fn n => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar n, ()) tab) (typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant p)) tab) polycs Typtab.empty
+    fun check_const (c::cs) cs' = 
+	let
+	    val tvars = typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant c)
+	    val wrong = fold (fn n => fn wrong => wrong orelse is_none (Typtab.lookup tytab (TVar n))) tvars false
+	in
+	    if wrong then raise PCompute "right hand side of theorem contains type variables which do not occur on the left hand side"
+	    else 
+		if null (tvars) then
+		    check_const cs (c::cs')
+		else
+		    check_const cs cs'
+	end
+      | check_const [] cs' = cs'
+    val monocs = check_const right [] 
+    if null (polycs) then 
+	(monocs, MonoThm th)
+    else
+	(monocs, PolyThm (th, Linker.empty polycs, []))
+fun create_computer machine thy ths = 
+    let
+	fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
+	  | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
+	val ths = fold_rev add ths []
+    in
+	Compute.make machine thy ths
+    end
+fun conv_subst thy (subst : Type.tyenv) =
+    map (fn (iname, (sort, ty)) => (ctyp_of thy (TVar (iname, sort)), ctyp_of thy ty)) (Vartab.dest subst)
+fun add_monos thy monocs ths = 
+    let
+	val tsig = Sign.tsig_of thy
+	val changed = ref false
+	fun add monocs (th as (MonoThm _)) = ([], th)
+	  | add monocs (PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths)) = 
+	    let
+		val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances tsig instances monocs
+		val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
+		val newths = map (fn subst => Thm.instantiate (conv_subst thy subst, []) th) newsubsts
+(*		val _ = if not (null newths) then (print ("added new theorems: ", newths); ()) else ()*)
+		val newmonos = fold (fn th => fn monos => (snd (collect_consts_of_thm th))@monos) newths []
+	    in
+		(newmonos, PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths@newths))
+	    end
+	fun step monocs ths = 
+	    fold_rev (fn th => 
+		      fn (newmonos, ths) => 
+			 let val (newmonos', th') = add monocs th in
+			     (newmonos'@newmonos, th'::ths)
+			 end)
+		     ths ([], [])
+	fun loop monocs ths = 
+	    let val (monocs', ths') = step monocs ths in
+		if null (monocs') then 
+		    ths' 
+		else 
+		    loop monocs' ths'
+	    end
+	val result = loop monocs ths
+    in
+	(!changed, result)
+    end	    
+datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
+fun thm2cthm th = 
+    let
+	val {hyps, prop, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
+    in
+	ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
+    end
+val cthm_ord' = prod_ord (prod_ord (list_ord Term.term_ord) (list_ord Term.sort_ord)) Term.term_ord
+fun cthm_ord (ComputeThm (h1, sh1, p1), ComputeThm (h2, sh2, p2)) = cthm_ord' (((h1,sh1), p1), ((h2, sh2), p2))
+structure CThmtab = TableFun (type key = cthm val ord = cthm_ord)
+fun remove_duplicates ths =
+    let
+	val counter = ref 0 
+	val tab = ref (CThmtab.empty : unit CThmtab.table)
+	val thstab = ref (Inttab.empty : thm Inttab.table)
+	fun update th = 
+	    let
+		val key = thm2cthm th
+	    in
+		case CThmtab.lookup (!tab) key of
+		    NONE => ((tab := CThmtab.update_new (key, ()) (!tab)); thstab := Inttab.update_new (!counter, th) (!thstab); counter := !counter + 1)
+		  | _ => ()
+	    end
+	val _ = map update ths
+    in
+	map snd (Inttab.dest (!thstab))
+    end
+fun make machine thy ths cs =
+    let
+	val ths = remove_duplicates ths
+	val (monocs, ths) = fold_rev (fn th => 
+				      fn (monocs, ths) => 
+					 let val (m, t) = create_theorem th in 
+					     (m@monocs, t::ths)
+					 end)
+				     ths (cs, [])
+	val (_, ths) = add_monos thy monocs ths
+    in
+	PComputer (machine, Theory.self_ref thy, ref (create_computer machine thy ths), ref ths)
+    end
+fun add_instances (PComputer (machine, thyref, rcomputer, rths)) cs = 
+    let
+	val thy = Theory.deref thyref
+	val (changed, ths) = add_monos thy cs (!rths)
+    in
+	if changed then 
+	    (rcomputer := create_computer machine thy ths;
+	     rths := ths;
+	     true)
+	else
+	    false
+    end
+fun rewrite (pc as PComputer (_, _, rcomputer, _)) cts =
+    let
+	val _ = map (fn ct => add_instances pc (Linker.collect_consts [term_of ct])) cts
+    in
+	map (fn ct => Compute.rewrite (!rcomputer) ct) cts
+    end
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