Lexical syntax for SML.
Sat, 15 Sep 2007 19:25:43 +0200
changeset 24579 852fc50927b1
parent 24578 b6613902b656
child 24580 916259859344
Lexical syntax for SML.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_lex.ML	Sat Sep 15 19:25:43 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/ML/ml_lex.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Makarius
+Lexical syntax for SML.
+signature ML_LEX =
+  datatype token_kind =
+    Keyword | Ident | LongIdent | TypeVar | Selector | Word | Int | Real | Char | String |
+    Space | Comment | Error of string | EOF
+  eqtype token
+  val str_of_kind: token_kind -> string
+  val stopper: token * (token -> bool)
+  val not_eof: token -> bool
+  val kind_of: token -> token_kind
+  val is_kind: token_kind -> token -> bool
+  val is_proper: token -> bool
+  val val_of: token -> string
+  val !!! : string -> (int * 'a -> 'b) -> int * 'a -> 'b
+  val keywords: string list
+  val scan: int * string list -> token * (int * string list)
+  val source: bool option -> (string, 'a) Source.source ->
+    (token, int * (string, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
+  val source_proper: (token, 'a) Source.source ->
+    (token, (token, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
+structure ML_Lex: ML_LEX =
+(** tokens **)
+(* datatype token *)
+datatype token_kind =
+  Keyword | Ident | LongIdent | TypeVar | Selector | Word | Int | Real | Char | String |
+  Space | Comment | Error of string | EOF;
+datatype token = Token of int * (token_kind * string);
+val str_of_kind =
+ fn Keyword => "keyword"
+  | Ident => "identifier"
+  | LongIdent => "long identifier"
+  | TypeVar => "type variable"
+  | Selector => "record selector"
+  | Word => "word"
+  | Int => "integer"
+  | Real => "real"
+  | Char => "character"
+  | String => "string"
+  | Space => "white space"
+  | Comment => "comment"
+  | Error _ => "bad input"
+  | EOF => "end-of-file";
+(* end-of-file *)
+val eof = Token (0, (EOF, ""));
+fun is_eof (Token (_, (EOF, _))) = true
+  | is_eof _ = false;
+val stopper = (eof, is_eof);
+val not_eof = not o is_eof;
+(* token kind *)
+fun kind_of (Token (_, (k, _))) = k;
+fun is_kind k (Token (_, (k', _))) = k = k';
+fun is_proper (Token (_, (Space, _))) = false
+  | is_proper (Token (_, (Comment, _))) = false
+  | is_proper _ = true;
+(* token value *)
+fun val_of (Token (_, (_, x))) = x;
+fun token_leq (Token (_, (_, x)), Token (_, (_, x'))) = x <= x';
+(** scanners **)
+(* diagnostics *)
+fun lex_err msg ((n, cs), _) = "SML lexical error (line " ^ string_of_int n ^ "): " ^ msg cs;
+fun !!! msg scan = Scan.!! (lex_err (K msg)) scan;
+(* line numbering *)
+fun incr_line scan = Scan.depend (fn n => scan >> pair (n + 1));
+val keep_line = Scan.lift;
+val scan_blank =
+  incr_line ($$ "\n") ||
+  keep_line (Scan.one Symbol.is_ascii_blank);
+val scan_blanks = Scan.repeat scan_blank >> implode;
+val scan_blanks1 = Scan.repeat1 scan_blank >> implode;
+(* keywords *)
+val keywords = ["#", "(", ")", ",", "->", "...", ":", ":>", ";", "=",
+  "=>", "[", "]", "_", "{", "|", "}", "abstype", "and", "andalso", "as",
+  "case", "datatype", "do", "else", "end", "eqtype", "exception", "fn",
+  "fun", "functor", "handle", "if", "in", "include", "infix", "infixr",
+  "let", "local", "nonfix", "of", "op", "open", "orelse", "raise", "rec",
+  "sharing", "sig", "signature", "struct", "structure", "then", "type",
+  "val", "where", "while", "with", "withtype"];
+val scan_keyword = Scan.literal (Scan.make_lexicon (map explode keywords)) >> implode;
+(* identifiers *)
+val scan_letdigs =
+  Scan.many (Symbol.is_ascii_letter orf Symbol.is_ascii_digit orf Symbol.is_ascii_quasi) >> implode;
+val scan_alphanumeric = Scan.one Symbol.is_ascii_letter ^^ scan_letdigs;
+val scan_symbolic = Scan.many1 (member (op =) (explode "!#$%&*+-/:<=>?@\\^`|~")) >> implode;
+val scan_ident = scan_alphanumeric || scan_symbolic;
+val scan_longident =
+  (Scan.repeat1 (scan_alphanumeric ^^ $$ ".") >> implode) ^^ (scan_ident || $$ "=");
+val scan_typevar = $$ "'" ^^ scan_letdigs;
+(* selectors -- not fully standard conformant *)
+val scan_numeric =
+  Scan.one (member (op =) (explode "123456789")) ^^ (Scan.many Symbol.is_ascii_digit >> implode);
+val scan_selector =
+  keep_line ($$ "#") ^^ scan_blanks ^^
+  !!! "malformed record selector" (keep_line (scan_numeric || scan_alphanumeric || scan_symbolic));
+(* numerals *)
+val scan_dec = Scan.many1 Symbol.is_ascii_digit >> implode;
+val scan_hex = Scan.many1 Symbol.is_ascii_hex >> implode;
+val scan_sign = Scan.optional ($$ "~") "";
+val scan_decint = scan_sign ^^ scan_dec;
+val scan_word = Scan.this_string "0wx" ^^ scan_hex || Scan.this_string "0w" ^^ scan_dec;
+val scan_int = scan_sign ^^ (Scan.this_string "0x" ^^ scan_hex || scan_dec);
+val scan_exp = ($$ "E" || $$ "e") ^^ scan_decint;
+val scan_real =
+  scan_decint ^^ $$ "." ^^ scan_dec ^^ Scan.optional scan_exp "" ||
+  scan_decint ^^ scan_exp;
+(* chars and strings *)
+val scan_gap = keep_line ($$ "\\") ^^ scan_blanks1 ^^ keep_line ($$ "\\");
+val scan_gaps = Scan.repeat scan_gap >> implode;
+val scan_str =
+  scan_blank ||
+  scan_gap ||
+  keep_line ($$ "\\") |-- !!! "bad escape character in string"
+      (scan_blank || keep_line ($$ "\"" || $$ "\\")) ||
+  keep_line (Scan.one (fn s => s <> "\"" andalso s <> "\\" andalso Symbol.is_regular s));
+val scan_char =
+  keep_line ($$ "#" ^^ $$ "\"") ^^ scan_gaps ^^ scan_str ^^ scan_gaps ^^ keep_line ($$ "\"");
+val scan_string =
+  keep_line ($$ "\"") ^^
+    !!! "missing quote at end of string" ((Scan.repeat scan_str >> implode) ^^ keep_line ($$ "\""));
+(* scan nested comments *)
+val scan_cmt =
+  Scan.lift scan_blank ||
+  Scan.depend (fn d => keep_line ($$ "(" ^^ $$ "*") >> pair (d + 1)) ||
+  Scan.depend (fn 0 => Scan.fail | d => keep_line ($$ "*" ^^ $$ ")") >> pair (d - 1)) ||
+  Scan.lift (keep_line ($$ "*" --| Scan.ahead (~$$ ")"))) ||
+  Scan.lift (keep_line (Scan.one (fn s => s <> "*" andalso Symbol.is_regular s)));
+val scan_comment =
+  keep_line ($$ "(" ^^ $$ "*") ^^
+    !!! "missing end of comment"
+      (Scan.pass 0 (Scan.repeat scan_cmt >> implode) ^^ keep_line ($$ "*" ^^ $$ ")"));
+(* scan token *)
+val scan =
+  let
+    val scanner = Scan.state :|-- (fn n =>
+      let
+        fun token k x = Token (n, (k, x));
+      in
+        scan_char >> token Char ||
+        scan_selector >> token Selector ||
+        scan_string >> token String ||
+        scan_blanks1 >> token Space ||
+        scan_comment >> token Comment ||
+        keep_line (Scan.max token_leq
+          (scan_keyword >> token Keyword)
+          (scan_longident >> token LongIdent ||
+            scan_ident >> token Ident ||
+            scan_typevar >> token TypeVar ||
+            scan_real >> token Real ||
+            scan_word >> token Word ||
+            scan_int >> token Int))
+      end);
+  in !! (lex_err (fn cs => "bad input " ^ quote (Symbol.beginning 10 cs))) scanner end;
+(* token sources *)
+val is_junk = (not o Symbol.is_blank) andf Symbol.is_regular;
+fun recover msg = Scan.state :|-- (fn n =>
+  keep_line (Scan.many is_junk) >> (fn cs => [Token (n, (Error msg, implode cs))]));
+fun source do_recover src =
+  Source.source' 1 Symbol.stopper (Scan.bulk scan) (Option.map (rpair recover) do_recover) src;
+fun source_proper src = src |> Source.filter is_proper;