--- a/src/Pure/Isar/ROOT.ML Mon Dec 03 16:04:16 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/ROOT.ML Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
(*local theories and target primitives*)
use "local_theory.ML";
+use "overloading.ML";
use "locale.ML";
use "class.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML Mon Dec 03 16:04:16 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
Toplevel.print o Toplevel.local_theory_to_proof loc (Subclass.subclass_cmd class)));
val _ =
- OuterSyntax.command "instantiation" "prove type arity" K.thy_decl
+ OuterSyntax.command "instantiation" "instantiate and prove type arity" K.thy_decl
(P.and_list1 P.arity --| P.begin
>> (fn arities => Toplevel.print o
Toplevel.begin_local_theory true (Instance.instantiation_cmd arities)));
@@ -459,6 +459,17 @@
|| Scan.succeed (Toplevel.print o Toplevel.local_theory_to_proof NONE (Class.instantiation_instance I)));
+(* arbitrary overloading *)
+val _ =
+ OuterSyntax.command "overloading" "overloaded definitions" K.thy_decl
+ (Scan.repeat1 (P.xname --| P.$$$ "::" -- P.typ --| P.$$$ "is" -- P.name --
+ Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- (P.$$$ "unchecked" >> K false) --| P.$$$ ")") true)
+ --| P.begin
+ >> (fn operations => Toplevel.print o
+ Toplevel.begin_local_theory true (TheoryTarget.overloading_cmd operations)));
(* code generation *)
val _ =
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/overloading.ML Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(* Title: Pure/Isar/overloading.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
+Overloaded definitions without any discipline.
+signature OVERLOADING =
+ val init: ((string * typ) * (string * bool)) list -> theory -> local_theory
+ val conclude: local_theory -> local_theory
+ val declare: string * typ -> theory -> term * theory
+ val confirm: string -> local_theory -> local_theory
+ val define: bool -> string -> string * term -> theory -> thm * theory
+ val operation: Proof.context -> string -> (string * bool) option
+structure Overloading: OVERLOADING =
+(* bookkeeping *)
+structure OverloadingData = ProofDataFun
+ type T = ((string * typ) * (string * bool)) list;
+ fun init _ = [];
+val get_overloading = OverloadingData.get o LocalTheory.target_of;
+val map_overloading = LocalTheory.target o OverloadingData.map;
+fun operation lthy v = get_overloading lthy
+ |> get_first (fn ((c, _), (v', checked)) => if v = v' then SOME (c, checked) else NONE);
+fun confirm c = map_overloading (filter_out (fn (_, (c', _)) => c' = c));
+(* overloaded declarations and definitions *)
+fun declare c_ty = pair (Const c_ty);
+fun define checked name (c, t) =
+ Thm.add_def (not checked) true (name, Logic.mk_equals (Const (c, Term.fastype_of t), t));
+(* syntax *)
+fun term_check ts lthy =
+ let
+ val overloading = get_overloading lthy;
+ fun subst (t as Const (c, ty)) = (case AList.lookup (op =) overloading (c, ty)
+ of SOME (v, _) => Free (v, ty)
+ | NONE => t)
+ | subst t = t;
+ val ts' = (map o map_aterms) subst ts;
+ in if eq_list (op aconv) (ts, ts') then NONE else SOME (ts', lthy) end;
+fun term_uncheck ts lthy =
+ let
+ val overloading = get_overloading lthy;
+ fun subst (t as Free (v, ty)) = (case get_first (fn ((c, _), (v', _)) => if v = v' then SOME c else NONE) overloading
+ of SOME c => Const (c, ty)
+ | NONE => t)
+ | subst t = t;
+ val ts' = (map o map_aterms) subst ts;
+ in if eq_list (op aconv) (ts, ts') then NONE else SOME (ts', lthy) end;
+(* target *)
+fun init overloading thy =
+ let
+ val _ = if null overloading then error "At least one parameter must be given" else ();
+ in
+ thy
+ |> ProofContext.init
+ |> OverloadingData.put overloading
+ |> fold (Variable.declare_term o Logic.mk_type o snd o fst) overloading
+ |> Context.proof_map (
+ Syntax.add_term_check 0 "overloading" term_check
+ #> Syntax.add_term_uncheck 0 "overloading" term_uncheck)
+ end;
+fun conclude lthy =
+ let
+ val overloading = get_overloading lthy;
+ val _ = if null overloading then () else
+ error ("Missing definition(s) for parameters " ^ commas (map (quote
+ o Syntax.string_of_term lthy o Const o fst) overloading));
+ in
+ lthy
+ end;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/theory_target.ML Mon Dec 03 16:04:16 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/theory_target.ML Mon Dec 03 16:04:17 2007 +0100
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
signature THEORY_TARGET =
val peek: local_theory -> {target: string, is_locale: bool,
- is_class: bool, instantiation: arity list}
+ is_class: bool, instantiation: arity list,
+ overloading: ((string * typ) * (string * bool)) list}
val init: string option -> theory -> local_theory
val begin: string -> Proof.context -> local_theory
val context: xstring -> theory -> local_theory
val instantiation: arity list -> theory -> local_theory
+ val overloading: ((string * typ) * (string * bool)) list -> theory -> local_theory
+ val overloading_cmd: (((xstring * xstring) * string) * bool) list -> theory -> local_theory
structure TheoryTarget: THEORY_TARGET =
@@ -21,13 +24,13 @@
(* context data *)
datatype target = Target of {target: string, is_locale: bool,
- is_class: bool, instantiation: arity list};
+ is_class: bool, instantiation: arity list, overloading: ((string * typ) * (string * bool)) list};
-fun make_target target is_locale is_class instantiation =
+fun make_target target is_locale is_class instantiation overloading =
Target {target = target, is_locale = is_locale,
- is_class = is_class, instantiation = instantiation};
+ is_class = is_class, instantiation = instantiation, overloading = overloading};
-val global_target = make_target "" false false [];
+val global_target = make_target "" false false [] [];
structure Data = ProofDataFun
@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@
(* pretty *)
-fun pretty (Target {target, is_locale, is_class, instantiation}) ctxt =
+fun pretty (Target {target, is_locale, is_class, instantiation, overloading}) ctxt =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val target_name = (if is_class then "class " else "locale ") ^ Locale.extern thy target;
@@ -196,10 +199,16 @@
val xs = filter depends (#1 (ProofContext.inferred_fixes (LocalTheory.target_of lthy)));
val U = map #2 xs ---> T;
val (mx1, mx2, mx3) = fork_mixfix ta mx;
+ fun syntax_error c = error ("Illegal mixfix syntax for overloaded constant " ^ quote c);
val declare_const = case Class.instantiation_param lthy c
- of SOME c' => LocalTheory.theory_result (Class.overloaded_const (c', U, mx3))
+ of SOME c' => if mx3 <> NoSyn then syntax_error c'
+ else LocalTheory.theory_result (Class.overloaded_const (c', U))
##> Class.confirm_declaration c
- | NONE => LocalTheory.theory_result (Sign.declare_const pos (c, U, mx3));
+ | NONE => (case Overloading.operation lthy c
+ of SOME (c', _) => if mx3 <> NoSyn then syntax_error c'
+ else LocalTheory.theory_result (Overloading.declare (c', U))
+ ##> Overloading.confirm c
+ | NONE => LocalTheory.theory_result (Sign.declare_const pos (c, U, mx3)));
val (const, lthy') = lthy |> declare_const;
val t = Term.list_comb (const, map Free xs);
@@ -261,9 +270,12 @@
val (_, lhs') = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.prop_of local_def);
- val define_const = if is_none (Class.instantiation_param lthy c)
- then (fn name => fn eq => Thm.add_def false (name, Logic.mk_equals eq))
- else (fn name => fn (Const (c, _), rhs) => Class.overloaded_def name (c, rhs));
+ val define_const = case Overloading.operation lthy c
+ of SOME (_, checked) =>
+ (fn name => fn (Const (c, _), rhs) => Overloading.define checked name (c, rhs))
+ | NONE => if is_none (Class.instantiation_param lthy c)
+ then (fn name => fn eq => Thm.add_def false false (name, Logic.mk_equals eq))
+ else (fn name => fn (Const (c, _), rhs) => Class.overloaded_def name (c, rhs));
val (global_def, lthy3) = lthy2
|> LocalTheory.theory_result (define_const name' (lhs', rhs'));
val def = LocalDefs.trans_terms lthy3
@@ -309,12 +321,15 @@
fun init_target _ NONE = global_target
- | init_target thy (SOME target) = make_target target true (Class.is_class thy target) [];
+ | init_target thy (SOME target) = make_target target true (Class.is_class thy target) [] [];
+fun init_instantiation arities = make_target "" false false arities [];
-fun init_instantiaton arities = make_target "" false false arities
+fun init_overloading operations = make_target "" false false [] operations;
-fun init_ctxt (Target {target, is_locale, is_class, instantiation}) =
+fun init_ctxt (Target {target, is_locale, is_class, instantiation, overloading}) =
if not (null instantiation) then Class.init_instantiation instantiation
+ else if not (null overloading) then Overloading.init overloading
else if not is_locale then ProofContext.init
else if not is_class then Locale.init target
else Class.init target;
@@ -343,8 +358,15 @@
fun context "-" thy = init NONE thy
| context target thy = init (SOME (Locale.intern thy target)) thy;
-fun instantiation arities thy =
- init_lthy_ctxt (init_instantiaton arities) thy;
+val instantiation = init_lthy_ctxt o init_instantiation;
+fun gen_overloading prep_operation operations thy =
+ thy
+ |> init_lthy_ctxt (init_overloading (map (prep_operation thy) operations));
+val overloading = gen_overloading (K I);
+val overloading_cmd = gen_overloading (fn thy => fn (((raw_c, rawT), v), checked) =>
+ ((Sign.intern_const thy raw_c, Sign.read_typ thy rawT), (v, checked)));