clarified Graph_Display.graph etc.: sort_graph determines order from structure (and names);
--- a/src/Pure/General/graph_display.ML Wed Dec 31 14:28:04 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/graph_display.ML Wed Dec 31 20:42:45 2014 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@
type node
val content_node: string -> Pretty.T list -> node
val session_node: {name: string, unfold: bool, directory: string, path: string} -> node
- type graph = string list * node Graph.T
+ type entry = (string * node) * string list
+ val eq_entry: entry * entry -> bool
+ type graph = entry list
+ val sort_graph: graph -> graph
val write_graph_browser: Path.T -> graph -> unit
val browserN: string
val graphviewN: string
@@ -20,19 +23,44 @@
structure Graph_Display: GRAPH_DISPLAY =
-(* abstract graph representation *)
+(* type node *)
-type node = {name: string, content: Pretty.T list,
- unfold: bool, directory: string, path: string};
-type graph = string list * node Graph.T;
- (*partial explicit order in left argument*)
+datatype node =
+ Node of {name: string, content: Pretty.T list, unfold: bool, directory: string, path: string};
fun content_node name content =
- {name = name, content = content, unfold = true, directory = "", path = ""};
+ Node {name = name, content = content, unfold = true, directory = "", path = ""};
+fun session_node {name, unfold, directory, path} =
+ Node {name = name, content = [], unfold = unfold, directory = directory, path = path};
+(* type graph *)
+type entry = (string * node) * string list;
+val eq_entry: entry * entry -> bool = op = o apply2 (#1 o #1);
+type graph = entry list;
+structure Aux_Graph =
+ Graph(type key = string * string val ord = prod_ord string_ord string_ord);
-fun session_node {name: string, unfold: bool, directory: string, path: string} =
- {name = name, content = [], unfold = unfold, directory = directory, path = path};
+fun sort_graph (graph: graph) =
+ let
+ val ident_names =
+ fold (fn ((ident, Node {name, ...}), _) => Symtab.update_new (ident, (name, ident)))
+ graph Symtab.empty;
+ val the_key = the o Symtab.lookup ident_names;
+ val G =
+ Aux_Graph.empty
+ |> fold (fn ((ident, node), _) => Aux_Graph.new_node (the_key ident, node)) graph
+ |> fold (fn ((ident, _), parents) =>
+ fold (fn parent => Aux_Graph.add_edge (the_key parent, the_key ident)) parents) graph
+ in
+ Aux_Graph.topological_order G |> map (fn key =>
+ let val (_, (node, (preds, _))) = Aux_Graph.get_entry G key
+ in ((#2 key, node), map #2 (Aux_Graph.Keys.dest preds)) end)
+ end;
(* print modes *)
@@ -49,41 +77,43 @@
(* encode graph *)
-fun encode_browser ((keys, gr) : graph) =
- fold_rev (update (op =)) (Graph.keys gr) keys
- |> map (fn key => case Graph.get_node gr key of {name, unfold, content, directory, path} =>
+val encode_browser =
+ map (fn ((key, Node {name, unfold, content, directory, path}), parents) =>
"\"" ^ name ^ "\" \"" ^ key ^ "\" \"" ^ directory ^ (if unfold then "\" + \"" else "\" \"") ^
- path ^ "\" > " ^ space_implode " " (map quote (Graph.immediate_succs gr key)) ^ " ;")
- |> cat_lines;
+ path ^ "\" > " ^ space_implode " " (map quote parents) ^ " ;")
+ #> cat_lines;
-fun write_graph_browser path graph = File.write path (encode_browser graph);
+fun write_graph_browser path graph =
+ File.write path (encode_browser graph);
-val encode_content = YXML.parse_body o Pretty.symbolic_string_of o Pretty.chunks;
+fun encode_node (Node {name, content, ...}) =
+ (name, content) |>
+ let open XML.Encode
+ in pair string (YXML.parse_body o Pretty.symbolic_string_of o Pretty.chunks) end;
-fun encode_graphview ((_, gr): graph) =
- gr
- |> (fn _ => fn {name, content, ...} => (name, content))
- |> let open XML.Encode in Graph.encode string (pair string encode_content) end;
+val encode_graph =
+ let open XML.Encode in list (pair (pair string encode_node) (list string)) end;
(* display graph *)
-fun display_graph graph =
- if print_mode_active active_graphN then
- let
- val (markup, body) =
- if is_browser () then (Markup.browserN, encode_browser graph)
- else (Markup.graphviewN, YXML.string_of_body (encode_graphview graph));
- val ((bg1, bg2), en) =
- YXML.output_markup_elem (Active.make_markup markup {implicit = false, properties = []});
- in writeln ("See " ^ bg1 ^ body ^ bg2 ^ "graph" ^ en) end
- else
- let
- val _ = writeln "Displaying graph ...";
- val path = Isabelle_System.create_tmp_path "graph" "";
- val _ = write_graph_browser path graph;
- val _ = Isabelle_System.isabelle_tool "browser" ("-c " ^ File.shell_path path ^ " &");
- in () end;
+val display_graph =
+ sort_graph #> (fn graph =>
+ if print_mode_active active_graphN then
+ let
+ val (markup, body) =
+ if is_browser () then (Markup.browserN, encode_browser graph)
+ else (Markup.graphviewN, YXML.string_of_body (encode_graph graph));
+ val ((bg1, bg2), en) =
+ YXML.output_markup_elem (Active.make_markup markup {implicit = false, properties = []});
+ in writeln ("See " ^ bg1 ^ body ^ bg2 ^ "graph" ^ en) end
+ else
+ let
+ val _ = writeln "Displaying graph ...";
+ val path = Isabelle_System.create_tmp_path "graph" "";
+ val _ = write_graph_browser path graph;
+ val _ = Isabelle_System.isabelle_tool "browser" ("-c " ^ File.shell_path path ^ " &");
+ in () end);
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML Wed Dec 31 14:28:04 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML Wed Dec 31 20:42:45 2014 +0100
@@ -274,27 +274,29 @@
val thy = Toplevel.theory_of state;
val thy_session = Present.session_name thy;
- val gr_nodes = rev (Theory.nodes_of thy) |> map (fn node =>
- let
- val name = Context.theory_name node;
- val parents = map Context.theory_name (Theory.parents_of node);
- val session = Present.session_name node;
- val unfold = (session = thy_session);
- in
- ((name, Graph_Display.session_node
- {name = name, directory = session, unfold = unfold, path = ""}), parents)
- end);
- in Graph_Display.display_graph (map (fst o fst) gr_nodes, Graph.make gr_nodes) end);
+ in
+ Theory.nodes_of thy
+ |> map (fn thy_node =>
+ let
+ val name = Context.theory_name thy_node;
+ val parents = map Context.theory_name (Theory.parents_of thy_node);
+ val session = Present.session_name thy_node;
+ val node =
+ Graph_Display.session_node
+ {name = name, directory = session, unfold = session = thy_session, path = ""};
+ in ((name, node), parents) end)
+ |> Graph_Display.display_graph
+ end);
val locale_deps = Toplevel.unknown_theory o Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
val thy = Toplevel.theory_of state;
- val gr = Locale.pretty_locale_deps thy
- |> map (fn {name, parents, body} => ((name,
- Graph_Display.content_node (Locale.extern thy name) [body]), parents))
- |> Graph.make;
- in Graph_Display.display_graph ([], gr) end);
+ in
+ Locale.pretty_locale_deps thy
+ |> map (fn {name, parents, body} =>
+ ((name, Graph_Display.content_node (Locale.extern thy name) [body]), parents))
+ |> Graph_Display.display_graph
+ end);
(* print theorems, terms, types etc. *)
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML Wed Dec 31 14:28:04 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML Wed Dec 31 20:42:45 2014 +0100
@@ -75,29 +75,20 @@
else SOME (Path.appends [Path.parent, Path.parent, Path.basic chapter, Path.basic session, link])
-(*retrieve graph data from initial collection of theories*)
-type browser_node = {name: string, ident: string, parents: string list,
- unfold: bool, directory: string, path: string}
-fun init_graph (curr_chapter, curr_session) = rev o map (fn thy =>
+fun init_graph_entry session thy =
- val {chapter, name = session_name} = Browser_Info.get thy;
- val thy_name = Context.theory_name thy;
- val path =
- (case theory_link (curr_chapter, curr_session) thy of
- NONE => ""
- | SOME p => Path.implode p);
- val graph_entry =
- {name = thy_name,
- ident = ident_of [chapter, session_name] thy_name,
- directory = session_name,
- path = path,
- unfold = false,
- parents = map ident_of_thy (Theory.parents_of thy)};
- in (0, graph_entry) end);
-fun ins_graph_entry (i, entry as {ident, ...}) (graph: (int * browser_node) list) =
- (i, entry) :: filter_out (fn (_, entry') => #ident entry' = ident) graph;
+ val ident = ident_of_thy thy;
+ val parents = map ident_of_thy (Theory.parents_of thy);
+ val node =
+ Graph_Display.session_node
+ {name = Context.theory_name thy,
+ unfold = false,
+ directory = session_name thy,
+ path =
+ (case theory_link session thy of
+ NONE => ""
+ | SOME p => Path.implode p)};
+ in ((ident, node), parents) end;
@@ -120,7 +111,7 @@
{theories: theory_info Symtab.table,
tex_index: (int * string) list,
html_index: (int * string) list,
- graph: (int * browser_node) list};
+ graph: Graph_Display.graph};
fun make_browser_info (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph) : browser_info =
{theories = theories, tex_index = tex_index, html_index = html_index, graph = graph};
@@ -128,7 +119,7 @@
val empty_browser_info = make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], [], []);
fun init_browser_info session thys =
- make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], [], init_graph session thys);
+ make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], [], map (init_graph_entry session) thys);
fun map_browser_info f {theories, tex_index, html_index, graph} =
make_browser_info (f (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph));
@@ -161,7 +152,7 @@
fun add_graph_entry entry =
change_browser_info (fn (theories, tex_index, html_index, graph) =>
- (theories, tex_index, html_index, ins_graph_entry entry graph));
+ (theories, tex_index, html_index, update Graph_Display.eq_entry entry graph));
@@ -278,14 +269,6 @@
(* finish session -- output all generated text *)
-fun finalize_graph (nodes : (int * browser_node) list) =
- nodes
- |> map (fn (_, {ident, parents, name, unfold, directory, path}) =>
- ((ident, Graph_Display.session_node
- {name = name, unfold = unfold, directory = directory, path = path}), parents))
- |> Graph.make
- |> pair (map (#ident o snd) (sort (int_ord o apply2 fst) (rev nodes)));
fun sorted_index index = map snd (sort (int_ord o apply2 fst) (rev index));
fun index_buffer index = Buffer.add (implode (sorted_index index)) Buffer.empty;
@@ -308,10 +291,10 @@
fun finish_html (a, {html_source, ...}: theory_info) =
File.write (Path.append session_prefix (html_path a)) html_source;
- val graph' = finalize_graph graph;
+ val sorted_graph = Graph_Display.sort_graph graph;
val opt_graphs =
if doc_graph andalso not (null documents) then
- SOME (isabelle_browser graph')
+ SOME (isabelle_browser sorted_graph)
else NONE;
val _ =
@@ -320,7 +303,7 @@
File.write_buffer (Path.append session_prefix index_path)
(index_buffer html_index |> Buffer.add HTML.end_document);
(case readme of NONE => () | SOME path => Isabelle_System.copy_file path session_prefix);
- Graph_Display.write_graph_browser (Path.append session_prefix graph_path) graph';
+ Graph_Display.write_graph_browser (Path.append session_prefix graph_path) sorted_graph;
Isabelle_System.isabelle_tool "browser" "-b";
Isabelle_System.copy_file (Path.explode "~~/lib/browser/GraphBrowser.jar") session_prefix; (fn (a, txt) => File.write (Path.append session_prefix (Path.basic a)) txt)
@@ -392,15 +375,16 @@
val html_source = HTML.theory name parent_specs (mk_text ());
val graph_entry =
- {name = name,
- ident = ident_of [chapter, session_name] name,
- directory = session_name,
- unfold = true,
- path = Path.implode (html_path name),
- parents = map ident_of_thy parents};
+ ((ident_of [chapter, session_name] name,
+ Graph_Display.session_node
+ {name = name,
+ directory = session_name,
+ unfold = true,
+ path = Path.implode (html_path name)}),
+ map ident_of_thy parents);
init_theory_info name (make_theory_info ("", html_source));
- add_graph_entry (update_time, graph_entry);
+ add_graph_entry graph_entry;
add_html_index (update_time, HTML.theory_entry (Url.File (html_path name), name));
add_tex_index (update_time, Latex.theory_entry name);
Browser_Info.put {chapter = chapter, name = session_name} thy
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/class_deps.ML Wed Dec 31 14:28:04 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/class_deps.ML Wed Dec 31 20:42:45 2014 +0100
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
signature CLASS_DEPS =
- val visualize: Proof.context -> sort -> sort option -> unit
- val visualize_cmd: Proof.context -> string -> string option -> unit
+ val class_deps: Proof.context -> sort -> sort option -> unit
+ val class_deps_cmd: Proof.context -> string -> string option -> unit
-structure Class_deps: CLASS_DEPS =
+structure Class_Deps: CLASS_DEPS =
fun gen_visualize prep_sort ctxt raw_super raw_sub =
@@ -19,23 +19,28 @@
val sub = (prep_sort ctxt) raw_sub;
val {classes = (space, original_algebra), ...} = Type.rep_tsig (Proof_Context.tsig_of ctxt);
fun le_super class = Sorts.sort_le original_algebra ([class], super);
- val sub_le = case sub of
- NONE => K true |
- SOME sub => fn class => Sorts.sort_le original_algebra (sub, [class]);
- val (_, algebra) = Sorts.subalgebra (Context.pretty ctxt)
- (le_super andf sub_le) (K NONE) original_algebra;
- val gr =
- Sorts.classes_of algebra
- |> (fn c => fn _ =>
- Graph_Display.content_node (Name_Space.extern ctxt space c) [])
- in Graph_Display.display_graph ([], gr) end;
+ val sub_le =
+ (case sub of
+ NONE => K true
+ | SOME sub => fn class => Sorts.sort_le original_algebra (sub, [class]));
+ val (_, algebra) =
+ Sorts.subalgebra (Context.pretty ctxt)
+ (le_super andf sub_le) (K NONE) original_algebra;
+ in
+ Sorts.classes_of algebra
+ |> Graph.dest
+ |> map (fn ((c, _), ds) =>
+ ((c, Graph_Display.content_node (Name_Space.extern ctxt space c) []), ds))
+ |> Graph_Display.display_graph
+ end;
-val visualize = gen_visualize (Type.cert_sort o Proof_Context.tsig_of);
-val visualize_cmd = gen_visualize Syntax.read_sort;
+val class_deps = gen_visualize (Type.cert_sort o Proof_Context.tsig_of);
+val class_deps_cmd = gen_visualize Syntax.read_sort;
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "class_deps"} "visualize class dependencies"
- ((Scan.optional Parse.sort "{}" -- Scan.option Parse.sort) >> (fn (raw_super, raw_sub) =>
- ((Toplevel.unknown_theory oo Toplevel.keep) (fn st => visualize_cmd (Toplevel.context_of st) raw_super raw_sub))));
+ ((Scan.optional Parse.sort "{}" -- Scan.option Parse.sort) >> (fn (super, sub) =>
+ (Toplevel.unknown_theory o
+ Toplevel.keep (fn st => class_deps_cmd (Toplevel.context_of st) super sub))));
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/thm_deps.ML Wed Dec 31 14:28:04 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/thm_deps.ML Wed Dec 31 20:42:45 2014 +0100
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@
{name = Long_Name.base_name name, directory = directory,
unfold = false, path = ""}), parents)
- val gr = Proofterm.fold_body_thms add_dep (Thm.proof_bodies_of thms) [];
- in Graph_Display.display_graph (sort_wrt I (map (fst o fst) gr), Graph.make gr) end;
+ in
+ Proofterm.fold_body_thms add_dep (Thm.proof_bodies_of thms) []
+ |> Graph_Display.display_graph
+ end;
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "thm_deps"} "visualize theorem dependencies"
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML Wed Dec 31 14:28:04 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML Wed Dec 31 20:42:45 2014 +0100
@@ -927,12 +927,14 @@
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val namify = commas o map (Code.string_of_const thy);
- val gr =
- code_depgr ctxt consts
- |> (fn c => fn _ => c)
- |> join_strong_conn
- |> (fn _ => fn cs => Graph_Display.content_node (namify cs) [])
- in Graph_Display.display_graph ([], gr) end;
+ in
+ code_depgr ctxt consts
+ |> (fn c => fn _ => c)
+ |> join_strong_conn
+ |> Graph.dest
+ |> map (fn ((c, cs), ds) => ((c, Graph_Display.content_node (namify cs) []), ds))
+ |> Graph_Display.display_graph
+ end;
@@ -953,7 +955,7 @@
"visualize dependencies of code equations for code"
(Scan.repeat1 Parse.term >> (fn cs =>
Toplevel.unknown_context o
- Toplevel.keep (fn state => code_deps_cmd (Toplevel.context_of state) cs)));
+ Toplevel.keep (fn st => code_deps_cmd (Toplevel.context_of st) cs)));