refined recover_spans: take visible range into account, reparse and trim results -- to improve editing experience wrt. unbalanced quotations etc.;
tuned signature;
--- a/src/Pure/General/linear_set.scala Thu Aug 09 19:51:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/linear_set.scala Thu Aug 09 21:09:24 2012 +0200
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@
+ def append_after(hook: Option[A], elems: Seq[A]): Linear_Set[A] =
+ ((hook, this) /: elems) {
+ case ((last, set), elem) => (Some(elem), set.insert_after(last, elem))
+ }._2
def delete_after(hook: Option[A]): Linear_Set[A] =
hook match {
case None =>
@@ -105,24 +110,6 @@
- def append_after(hook: Option[A], elems: Seq[A]): Linear_Set[A] =
- ((hook, this) /: elems) {
- case ((last_elem, set), elem) => (Some(elem), set.insert_after(last_elem, elem))
- }._2
- def delete_between(from: Option[A], to: Option[A]): Linear_Set[A] =
- {
- if (isEmpty) this
- else {
- val next =
- if (from == end) None
- else if (from == None) start
- else
- if (next == to) this
- else delete_after(from).delete_between(from, to)
- }
- }
/* Set methods */
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_syntax.scala Thu Aug 09 19:51:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_syntax.scala Thu Aug 09 21:09:24 2012 +0200
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@
/** parse spans **/
- def parse_spans(toks: List[Token]): List[List[Token]] =
+ def parse_spans(toks: List[Token]): List[Command.Span] =
- val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[List[Token]]
+ val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[Command.Span]
val span = new mutable.ListBuffer[Token]
def flush() { if (!span.isEmpty) { result += span.toList; span.clear } }
@@ -196,36 +196,53 @@
/* phase 2: recover command spans */
+ @tailrec private def chop_common(
+ cmds: List[Command], spans: List[Command.Span]): (List[Command], List[Command.Span]) =
+ (cmds, spans) match {
+ case (c :: cs, s :: ss) if c.span == s => chop_common(cs, ss)
+ case _ => (cmds, spans)
+ }
+ private def trim_common(
+ cmds: List[Command], spans: List[Command.Span]): (List[Command], List[Command.Span]) =
+ {
+ val (cmds1, spans1) = chop_common(cmds, spans)
+ val (rev_cmds2, rev_spans2) = chop_common(cmds1.reverse, spans1.reverse)
+ (rev_cmds2.reverse, rev_spans2.reverse)
+ }
private def recover_spans(
syntax: Outer_Syntax,
node_name: Document.Node.Name,
+ perspective: Command.Perspective,
old_commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
- def bound(commands: Linear_Set[Command], cmd: Command): Command =
- commands.iterator(cmd).dropWhile(_.newlines == 0).find(_.is_command) getOrElse commands.last
+ val visible = perspective.commands.iterator.filter(_.is_defined).toSet
+ def next_invisible_command(commands: Linear_Set[Command], from: Command): Command =
+ commands.iterator(from).dropWhile(cmd => !cmd.is_command || visible(cmd))
+ .find(_.is_command) getOrElse commands.last
@tailrec def recover(commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
commands.iterator.find(cmd => !cmd.is_defined) match {
case Some(first_undefined) =>
- val first = bound(commands.reverse, first_undefined)
- val last = bound(commands, first_undefined)
- val range = commands.iterator(first, last).toList
+ val first = next_invisible_command(commands.reverse, first_undefined)
+ val last = next_invisible_command(commands, first_undefined)
- val spans0 = parse_spans(syntax.scan(
+ val cmds0 = commands.iterator(first, last).toList
+ val spans0 = parse_spans(syntax.scan(
- val (before_edit, spans1) =
- if (!spans0.isEmpty && first.is_command && first.span == spans0.head)
- (Some(first), spans0.tail)
- else (commands.prev(first), spans0)
- val (after_edit, spans2) =
- if (!spans1.isEmpty && last.is_command && last.span == spans1.last)
- (Some(last), spans1.take(spans1.length - 1))
- else (, spans1)
- val inserted = => Command(Document.new_id(), node_name, span))
+ val (cmds, spans) = trim_common(cmds0, spans0)
val new_commands =
- commands.delete_between(before_edit, after_edit).append_after(before_edit, inserted)
+ cmds match {
+ case Nil =>
+ assert(spans.isEmpty)
+ commands
+ case cmd :: _ =>
+ val hook = commands.prev(cmd)
+ val inserted = => Command(Document.new_id(), node_name, span))
+ (commands /: cmds)(_ - _).append_after(hook, inserted)
+ }
case None => commands
@@ -271,7 +288,7 @@
val node = nodes(name)
val commands0 = node.commands
val commands1 = edit_text(text_edits, commands0)
- val commands2 = recover_spans(syntax, name, commands1) // FIXME somewhat slow
+ val commands2 = recover_spans(syntax, name, node.perspective, commands1) // FIXME somewhat slow
val commands3 =
if (reparse_set.contains(name)) reparse_spans(syntax, name, commands2) // slow
else commands2