--- a/src/HOL/Tools/atp_manager.ML Mon Dec 22 14:40:27 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/atp_manager.ML Mon Dec 22 16:57:11 2008 +0100
@@ -104,39 +104,31 @@
val managing_thread = ref (NONE: Thread.thread option);
-(* unregister thread from thread manager -- move to cancelling *)
+(* unregister thread *)
fun unregister (success, message) thread = Synchronized.change_result state
- (fn State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling, messages} =>
- let
- val info = lookup_thread active thread
- (* get birthtime of unregistering thread if successful - for group-killing*)
- val birthtime = case info of NONE => Time.zeroTime
- | SOME (tb, _, _) => if success then tb else Time.zeroTime
- (* move unregistering thread to cancelling *)
- val active' = delete_thread thread active
- val cancelling' = case info of NONE => cancelling
- | SOME (tb, _, desc) => update_thread (thread, (tb, Time.now (), desc)) cancelling
+ (fn state as State {timeout_heap, oldest_heap, active, cancelling, messages} =>
+ (case lookup_thread active thread of
+ SOME (birthtime, _, description) =>
+ let
+ val (group, active') =
+ if success then List.partition (fn (_, (tb, _, _)) => tb = birthtime) active
+ else List.partition (fn (th, _) => Thread.equal (th, thread)) active
+ val others = delete_thread thread group
- (* move all threads of the same group to cancelling *)
- val group_threads = active |> map_filter (fn (th, (tb, _, desc)) =>
- if tb = birthtime then SOME (th, (tb, Time.now (), desc)) else NONE)
- val active'' = filter_out (fn (_, (tb, _, _)) => tb = birthtime) active'
- val cancelling'' = append group_threads cancelling'
+ val now = Time.now ()
+ val cancelling' =
+ fold (fn (th, (tb, _, desc)) => update_thread (th, (tb, now, desc))) others cancelling
- (* message for user *)
- val message' = case info of NONE => ""
- | SOME (_, _, desc) => "Sledgehammer: " ^ desc ^ "\n" ^ message ^
- (if null group_threads then ""
- else "\nInterrupted " ^ string_of_int (length group_threads - 1) ^ " other group members")
- val messages' = case info of NONE => messages
- | SOME (_, _, desc) => desc ^ "\n" ^ message ::
- (if length messages <= message_store_limit then messages
- else #1 (chop message_store_limit messages))
- in (message', make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap active'' cancelling'' messages') end);
+ val msg = description ^ "\n" ^ message
+ val message' = "Sledgehammer: " ^ msg ^
+ (if null others then ""
+ else "\nInterrupted " ^ string_of_int (length others) ^ " other group members")
+ val messages' = msg ::
+ (if length messages <= message_store_limit then messages
+ else #1 (chop message_store_limit messages))
+ in (message', make_state timeout_heap oldest_heap active' cancelling' messages') end
+ | NONE => ("", state)));
(* kill excessive atp threads *)