- Installed specific code generator for equality enforcing that
Fri, 11 Jul 2003 14:55:17 +0200
changeset 14102 8af7334af4b3
parent 14101 d25c23e46173
child 14103 afd168fdcd3a
- Installed specific code generator for equality enforcing that arguments do not have function types, which would result in an error message during compilation. - Added test case generators for basic types.
--- a/src/HOL/Main.thy	Fri Jul 11 14:12:41 2003 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Main.thy	Fri Jul 11 14:55:17 2003 +0200
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
   "list"  ("_ list")
-  "op ="    ("(_ =/ _)")
   "True"    ("true")
   "False"   ("false")
   "Not"     ("not")
@@ -39,15 +37,57 @@
   "wfrec"   ("wf'_rec?")
+quickcheck_params [default_type = int]
 ML {*
 fun wf_rec f x = f (wf_rec f) x;
+fun term_of_bool b = if b then HOLogic.true_const else HOLogic.false_const;
 val term_of_list = HOLogic.mk_list;
 val term_of_int = HOLogic.mk_int;
 fun term_of_id_42 f T g U (x, y) = HOLogic.pair_const T U $ f x $ g y;
+fun term_of_fun_type _ T _ U _ = Free ("<function>", T --> U);
+val eq_codegen_setup = [Codegen.add_codegen "eq_codegen"
+  (fn thy => fn gr => fn dep => fn b => fn t =>
+    (case strip_comb t of
+       (Const ("op =", Type (_, [Type ("fun", _), _])), _) => None
+     | (Const ("op =", _), [t, u]) =>
+          let
+            val (gr', pt) = Codegen.invoke_codegen thy dep false (gr, t);
+            val (gr'', pu) = Codegen.invoke_codegen thy dep false (gr', u)
+          in
+            Some (gr'', Codegen.parens
+              (Pretty.block [pt, Pretty.str " =", Pretty.brk 1, pu]))
+          end
+     | (t as Const ("op =", _), ts) => Some (Codegen.invoke_codegen
+         thy dep b (gr, Codegen.eta_expand t ts 2))
+     | _ => None))];
+fun gen_bool i = one_of [false, true];
+fun gen_list' aG i j = frequency
+  [(i, fn () => aG j :: gen_list' aG (i-1) j), (1, fn () => [])] ()
+and gen_list aG i = gen_list' aG i i;
+fun gen_int i = one_of [~1, 1] * random_range 0 i;
+fun gen_id_42 aG bG i = (aG i, bG i);
+fun gen_fun_type _ G i =
+  let
+    val f = ref (fn x => raise ERROR);
+    val _ = (f := (fn x =>
+      let
+        val y = G i;
+        val f' = !f
+      in (f := (fn x' => if x = x' then y else f' x'); y) end))
+  in (fn x => !f x) end;
+setup eq_codegen_setup
 lemma [code]: "((n::nat) < 0) = False" by simp
-declare less_Suc_eq [code]
+lemmas [code] = less_Suc_eq imp_conv_disj