--- a/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/decorations.ts Wed Feb 23 10:46:10 2022 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/decorations.ts Wed Feb 23 22:12:00 2022 +0100
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
TextDocument, TextEditor, TextEditorDecorationType, ExtensionContext } from 'vscode'
import { Document_Decorations } from './protocol'
import * as library from './library'
-import { Isabelle_FSP } from './isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_fsp'
+import { Isabelle_Workspace } from './isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_workspace'
/* known decoration types */
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
export function apply_decoration(decorations: Document_Decorations)
- const uri = Isabelle_FSP.get_isabelle(Uri.parse(decorations.uri))
+ const uri = Isabelle_Workspace.get_isabelle(Uri.parse(decorations.uri))
for (const decoration of decorations.entries) {
const typ = types.get(decoration.type)
--- a/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/extension.ts Wed Feb 23 10:46:10 2022 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/extension.ts Wed Feb 23 22:12:00 2022 +0100
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
commands, ProgressLocation } from 'vscode'
import { LanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, ServerOptions } from 'vscode-languageclient/node'
import { register_abbreviations } from './abbreviations'
-import { Isabelle_FSP } from './isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_fsp'
+import { Isabelle_Workspace } from './isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_workspace'
import { Output_View_Provider } from './output_view'
import { register_script_decorations } from './script_decorations'
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
try {
const isabelle_home = library.getenv_strict("ISABELLE_HOME")
- const workspace_dir = await Isabelle_FSP.register(context)
+ const workspace_dir = await Isabelle_Workspace.register(context)
const roots = workspace.workspaceFile === undefined ? await workspace.findFiles("{ROOT,ROOTS}") : []
const isabelle_tool = isabelle_home + "/bin/isabelle"
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@
const language_client_options: LanguageClientOptions = {
documentSelector: [
- { language: "isabelle", scheme: Isabelle_FSP.scheme },
+ { language: "isabelle", scheme: Isabelle_Workspace.scheme },
{ language: "isabelle-ml", scheme: "file" },
{ language: "bibtex", scheme: "file" }
uriConverters: {
- code2Protocol: uri => Isabelle_FSP.get_file(uri).toString(),
- protocol2Code: value => Isabelle_FSP.get_isabelle(Uri.parse(value))
+ code2Protocol: uri => Isabelle_Workspace.get_file(uri).toString(),
+ protocol2Code: value => Isabelle_Workspace.get_isabelle(Uri.parse(value))
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
if (last_caret_update !== caret_update) {
if (caret_update.uri) {
- caret_update.uri = Isabelle_FSP.get_file(Uri.parse(caret_update.uri)).toString()
+ caret_update.uri = Isabelle_Workspace.get_file(Uri.parse(caret_update.uri)).toString()
language_client.sendNotification(protocol.caret_update_type, caret_update)
last_caret_update = caret_update
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
if (caret_update.uri) {
- caret_update.uri = Isabelle_FSP.get_isabelle(Uri.parse(caret_update.uri)).toString()
+ caret_update.uri = Isabelle_Workspace.get_isabelle(Uri.parse(caret_update.uri)).toString()
workspace.openTextDocument(Uri.parse(caret_update.uri)).then(document =>
const editor = library.find_file_editor(document.uri)
@@ -170,13 +170,13 @@
language_client.onReady().then(() =>
- async ({entries}) => await Isabelle_FSP.init_workspace(entries))
+ async ({entries}) => await Isabelle_Workspace.init_workspace(entries))
params =>
//register_abbreviations(params.entries, context)
- Isabelle_FSP.update_symbol_encoder(params.entries)
+ Isabelle_Workspace.update_symbol_encoder(params.entries)
// request theories to load in isabelle file system
// after a valid symbol encoder is loaded
--- a/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_fsp.ts Wed Feb 23 10:46:10 2022 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-import {
- commands,
- Disposable,
- Event,
- EventEmitter,
- ExtensionContext,
- FileChangeEvent,
- FileChangeType,
- FileStat,
- FileSystemError,
- FileSystemProvider,
- FileType,
- languages,
- TextDocument,
- Uri, ViewColumn,
- window,
- workspace
-} from 'vscode';
-import * as path from 'path';
-import {Symbol_Encoder} from './symbol_encoder';
-import {Session_Theories, session_theories_request_type} from '../protocol';
-import {State_Key, Workspace_State} from './workspace_state';
-import * as symbol from '../symbol'
-import * as library from '../library';
-import {Uri_Map} from './uri_map';
-export class File implements FileStat
- type: FileType
- ctime: number
- mtime: number
- size: number
- name: string
- data?: Uint8Array
- constructor(name: string)
- {
- this.type = FileType.File
- this.ctime = Date.now()
- this.mtime = Date.now()
- this.size = 0
- this.name = name
- }
-export class Directory implements FileStat
- type: FileType
- ctime: number
- mtime: number
- size: number
- name: string
- entries: Map<string, File | Directory>
- constructor(name: string)
- {
- this.type = FileType.Directory
- this.ctime = Date.now()
- this.mtime = Date.now()
- this.size = 0
- this.name = name
- this.entries = new Map()
- }
-export type Entry = File | Directory
-export class Isabelle_FSP implements FileSystemProvider
- private static instance: Isabelle_FSP
- private static state: Workspace_State
- private static readonly draft_session = 'Draft'
- private static readonly session_dir = 'Isabelle Sessions'
- //#region public static API
- public static readonly scheme = 'isabelle'
- public static readonly isabelle_lang_id = 'isabelle'
- public static readonly theory_extension = '.thy'
- public static readonly theory_files_glob = '**/*.thy'
- public static register(context: ExtensionContext): Promise<string|undefined>
- {
- this.instance = new Isabelle_FSP()
- this.state = new Workspace_State(context)
- context.subscriptions.push(
- workspace.registerFileSystemProvider(this.scheme, this.instance),
- workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument((doc) =>
- this.instance.open_workspace_document(doc)),
- window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(({ document}) =>
- this.instance.active_document_dialogue(document)),
- this.instance.sync_subscription(),
- commands.registerTextEditorCommand('isabelle.reload-file',
- ({document}) => this.instance.reload_document(document.uri))
- )
- return this.instance.setup_workspace()
- }
- public static async update_symbol_encoder(entries: symbol.Entry[])
- {
- this.instance.symbol_encoder = new Symbol_Encoder(entries)
- await this.state.set(State_Key.symbol_entries, entries)
- }
- public static async init_workspace(sessions: Session_Theories[])
- {
- await this.instance.init_filesystem(sessions)
- for (const doc of workspace.textDocuments) {
- await this.instance.open_workspace_document(doc)
- }
- if (window.activeTextEditor) {
- await this.instance.active_document_dialogue(window.activeTextEditor.document)
- }
- }
- public static get_isabelle(file_uri: Uri): Uri
- {
- return this.instance.file_to_isabelle.get_to(file_uri) || file_uri
- }
- public static get_file(isabelle_uri: Uri): Uri
- {
- return this.instance.file_to_isabelle.get_from(isabelle_uri) || isabelle_uri
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region subscriptions
- public async open_workspace_document(doc: TextDocument)
- {
- if (doc.uri.scheme === Isabelle_FSP.scheme) {
- if (doc.languageId !== Isabelle_FSP.isabelle_lang_id) {
- languages.setTextDocumentLanguage(doc, Isabelle_FSP.isabelle_lang_id)
- }
- } else {
- if (doc.languageId === Isabelle_FSP.isabelle_lang_id) {
- const isabelle_uri = this.file_to_isabelle.get_to(doc.uri)
- if (!isabelle_uri) {
- await this.create_mapping_load_theory(doc.uri)
- } else if (!this.is_open_theory(isabelle_uri)) {
- await this.load_theory(doc.uri, isabelle_uri)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public async active_document_dialogue(doc: TextDocument)
- {
- if (doc.uri.scheme === Isabelle_FSP.scheme) {
- if (!await this.is_workspace_theory(doc.uri)) {
- Isabelle_FSP.warn_not_synchronized(doc.fileName)
- }
- } else if (doc.fileName.endsWith(Isabelle_FSP.theory_extension)) {
- const isabelle_uri = this.file_to_isabelle.get_to(doc.uri)
- if (!isabelle_uri || !this.is_open_theory(isabelle_uri)) {
- await this.open_theory_dialogue(doc.uri)
- }
- }
- }
- public sync_subscription(): Disposable
- {
- const watcher = workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(Isabelle_FSP.theory_files_glob)
- watcher.onDidChange(file => this.reload_file_theory(file))
- watcher.onDidDelete(file => this._delete(this.file_to_isabelle.get_to(file)))
- return watcher
- }
- public async reload_document(doc: Uri)
- {
- if (doc.scheme === Isabelle_FSP.scheme) {
- const file_uri = this.file_to_isabelle.get_from(doc)
- await this.reload_theory(file_uri, doc)
- }
- }
- public async reload_file_theory(file_uri: Uri)
- {
- const isabelle_uri = this.file_to_isabelle.get_to(file_uri)
- await this.reload_theory(file_uri, isabelle_uri)
- }
- //#endregion
- private symbol_encoder: Symbol_Encoder
- private root = new Directory('')
- private file_to_isabelle = new Uri_Map()
- private session_theories: Session_Theories[] = []
- //#region util
- private static get_dir_uri(session: string): Uri
- {
- return Uri.parse(`${Isabelle_FSP.scheme}:/${session}`)
- }
- private static get_uri(session: string, rel_path: String): Uri
- {
- return Uri.parse(`${Isabelle_FSP.scheme}:/${session}/${rel_path}`)
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region initialization
- private async setup_workspace(): Promise<string|undefined>
- {
- const { state } = Isabelle_FSP
- let { sessions, workspace_dir, symbol_entries } = state.get_setup_data()
- const workspace_folders = workspace.workspaceFolders || []
- const isabelle_folder = workspace_folders.find(folder =>
- folder.name === Isabelle_FSP.session_dir && folder.uri.scheme === Isabelle_FSP.scheme)
- if (isabelle_folder === undefined) {
- workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(0, 0,
- { uri: Isabelle_FSP.get_dir_uri(''), name: Isabelle_FSP.session_dir })
- }
- if (sessions && workspace_dir && symbol_entries) {
- await Isabelle_FSP.update_symbol_encoder(symbol_entries)
- await this.init_filesystem(sessions)
- } else {
- const default_folder = workspace_folders.find(folder => folder.uri.scheme !== Isabelle_FSP.scheme)
- if (default_folder !== undefined) workspace_dir = default_folder.uri.fsPath
- }
- await state.set(State_Key.workspace_dir, workspace_dir)
- await this.save_tree_state()
- this.onDidChangeFile(events => {
- for (const e of events) {
- if (e.type === FileChangeType.Changed) continue
- this.save_tree_state()
- return
- }
- })
- return workspace_dir
- }
- private async init_filesystem(sessions: Session_Theories[])
- {
- const all_theory_uris = sessions
- .map(s => s.theories)
- .reduce((acc,x) => acc.concat(x), [])
- const root_entries = Array.from(this.root.entries.keys())
- // clean old files
- for (const key of root_entries) {
- if (key === Isabelle_FSP.draft_session) {
- const draft = this.root.entries.get(key)
- if (draft instanceof Directory) {
- for (const draft_thy of draft.entries.keys()) {
- const isabelle_uri = Isabelle_FSP.get_uri(Isabelle_FSP.draft_session, draft_thy)
- const file_uri = this.file_to_isabelle.get_from(isabelle_uri)
- if (file_uri && all_theory_uris.includes(file_uri.toString())) {
- this._delete(isabelle_uri)
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- this._delete(Isabelle_FSP.get_dir_uri(key), true)
- }
- }
- // create new
- for (const { session_name, theories: theories_uri } of sessions) {
- if (!session_name) continue
- if (session_name !== Isabelle_FSP.draft_session) {
- this.session_theories.push({
- session_name,
- theories: theories_uri.map(t => Uri.parse(t).toString())
- })
- }
- if (!root_entries.includes(session_name)) {
- this._create_directory(Isabelle_FSP.get_dir_uri(session_name))
- }
- for (const theory_uri of theories_uri) {
- await this.create_mapping_load_theory(Uri.parse(theory_uri))
- }
- }
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region fsp implementation
- private _emitter = new EventEmitter<FileChangeEvent[]>()
- readonly onDidChangeFile: Event<FileChangeEvent[]> = this._emitter.event
- watch(_resource: Uri): Disposable
- {
- // ignore, fires for all changes...
- return new Disposable(() => { })
- }
- stat(uri: Uri): FileStat
- {
- return this._lookup(uri, false)
- }
- readDirectory(uri: Uri): [string, FileType][]
- {
- const entry = this._lookup_directory(uri, false)
- const result: [string, FileType][] = []
- for (const [name, child] of entry.entries) {
- result.push([name, child.type])
- }
- return result
- }
- createDirectory(uri: Uri): void
- {
- throw FileSystemError.NoPermissions('No permission to create on Isabelle File System')
- }
- readFile(uri: Uri): Uint8Array
- {
- const data = this._lookup_file(uri, false).data
- if (data) {
- return data
- }
- throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound()
- }
- async writeFile(isabelle_uri: Uri, content: Uint8Array, options: { create: boolean, overwrite: boolean }): Promise<void>
- {
- if (!this.symbol_encoder) return
- if (!this.file_to_isabelle.get_from(isabelle_uri)) {
- throw FileSystemError.NoPermissions('No permission to create on Isabelle File System')
- }
- const basename = path.posix.basename(isabelle_uri.path)
- const [parent, parent_uri] = this._get_parent_data(isabelle_uri)
- let entry = parent.entries.get(basename)
- if (entry instanceof Directory) {
- throw FileSystemError.FileIsADirectory(isabelle_uri)
- }
- if (!entry && !options.create) {
- throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound(isabelle_uri)
- }
- if (entry && options.create && !options.overwrite) {
- throw FileSystemError.FileExists(isabelle_uri)
- }
- if (entry) {
- if (options.create) {
- return this.sync_original(isabelle_uri, content)
- }
- entry.mtime = Date.now()
- entry.size = content.byteLength
- entry.data = content
- this._fire_soon({ type: FileChangeType.Changed, uri: isabelle_uri })
- return
- }
- entry = new File(basename)
- entry.mtime = Date.now()
- entry.size = content.byteLength
- entry.data = content
- parent.entries.set(basename, entry)
- parent.mtime = Date.now()
- parent.size++
- this._fire_soon(
- { type: FileChangeType.Changed, uri: parent_uri },
- { type: FileChangeType.Created, uri: isabelle_uri }
- )
- }
- delete(uri: Uri): void
- {
- const [parent, parent_uri] = this._get_parent_data(uri)
- if (parent && parent.name === Isabelle_FSP.draft_session) {
- if (parent.size === 1) {
- this._delete(parent_uri)
- return
- }
- this._delete(uri)
- return
- }
- throw FileSystemError.NoPermissions('No permission to delete on Isabelle File System')
- }
- rename(oldUri: Uri, newUri: Uri, options: { overwrite: boolean }): void
- {
- throw FileSystemError.NoPermissions('No permission to rename on Isabelle File System')
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region implementation
- private is_open_theory(isabelle_uri: Uri): boolean
- {
- const open_files = workspace.textDocuments
- return !!(open_files.find((doc) => doc.uri.toString() === isabelle_uri.toString()))
- }
- private async load_theory(file_uri: Uri, isabelle_uri: Uri)
- {
- if (!this.symbol_encoder) return
- const data = await workspace.fs.readFile(file_uri)
- const encoded_data = this.symbol_encoder.encode(data)
- await this.writeFile(isabelle_uri, encoded_data, { create: true, overwrite: true })
- }
- private async create_mapping_load_theory(file_uri: Uri): Promise<Uri>
- {
- const session = this.get_session(file_uri)
- const isabelle_uri = this.create_new_uri(file_uri, session)
- this.file_to_isabelle.add(file_uri, isabelle_uri)
- await this.load_theory(file_uri, isabelle_uri)
- return isabelle_uri
- }
- private async is_workspace_theory(isabelle_uri: Uri): Promise<boolean>
- {
- const file_uri = this.file_to_isabelle.get_from(isabelle_uri)
- const files = await workspace.findFiles(Isabelle_FSP.theory_files_glob)
- return !!(files.find(uri => uri.toString() === file_uri.toString()))
- }
- private static warn_not_synchronized(file_name: string)
- {
- window.showWarningMessage(`Theory ${file_name} not in workspace.
- Changes to underlying theory file will be overwritten.`)
- }
- private async open_theory_dialogue(file_uri: Uri)
- {
- if (!this.symbol_encoder) return
- const always_open = library.get_configuration<boolean>('always_open_thys')
- if (!always_open) {
- const answer = await window.showInformationMessage(
- 'Would you like to open the Isabelle theory associated with this file?',
- 'Yes',
- 'Always yes'
- )
- if (answer === 'Always yes') {
- library.set_configuration('always_open_thys', true)
- } else if (answer !== 'Yes') {
- return
- }
- }
- const isabelle_uri = await this.create_mapping_load_theory(file_uri)
- await commands.executeCommand('vscode.open', isabelle_uri, ViewColumn.Active)
- }
- private async reload_theory(file_uri: Uri, isabelle_uri: Uri)
- {
- if (!this.symbol_encoder) return
- const data = await workspace.fs.readFile(file_uri)
- const encoded_data = this.symbol_encoder.encode(data)
- await this.writeFile(isabelle_uri, encoded_data, { create: false, overwrite: true })
- }
- public get_session(file_uri: Uri): string
- {
- let session = this.session_theories.find((s) => s.theories.includes(file_uri.toString()))
- if (!session) {
- if (!this.root.entries.get(Isabelle_FSP.draft_session)) {
- this._create_directory(Isabelle_FSP.get_uri(Isabelle_FSP.draft_session, ''))
- }
- return Isabelle_FSP.draft_session
- }
- return session.session_name
- }
- private create_new_uri(file_uri: Uri, session_name: string): Uri
- {
- const file_name = path.basename(file_uri.fsPath, Isabelle_FSP.theory_extension)
- let new_uri: Uri
- let extra = ''
- let fs_path = file_uri.fsPath
- while (true) {
- const discriminator = extra ? ` (${extra})` : ''
- new_uri = Isabelle_FSP.get_uri(session_name, file_name + discriminator)
- const old_uri = this.file_to_isabelle.get_from(new_uri)
- if (!old_uri || old_uri.toString() === file_uri.toString()) {
- return new_uri
- }
- if (fs_path === '/') {
- throw FileSystemError.FileExists(new_uri)
- }
- fs_path = path.posix.dirname(fs_path)
- extra = path.posix.join(path.posix.basename(fs_path), extra)
- }
- }
- private async save_tree_state()
- {
- const sessions: Session_Theories[] = []
- for (const [session_name, val] of this.root.entries) {
- if (!(val instanceof Directory)) return
- const theories: string[] = []
- for (const fileName of val.entries.keys()) {
- const file = this.file_to_isabelle.get_from(Isabelle_FSP.get_uri(session_name, fileName))
- theories.push(file.toString())
- }
- sessions.push({session_name, theories})
- }
- await Isabelle_FSP.state.set(State_Key.sessions, sessions)
- }
- private sync_deletion(isabelle_uri: Uri, silent: boolean)
- {
- const dir = this._lookup(isabelle_uri, silent)
- if (!dir) {
- if (silent)
- return
- else
- throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound(isabelle_uri)
- }
- const uri_string = isabelle_uri.toString()
- if (dir instanceof Directory) {
- for (const key of dir.entries.keys()) {
- this.remove_mapping(Uri.parse(uri_string + `/${key}`))
- }
- }
- this.remove_mapping(isabelle_uri)
- }
- private remove_mapping(isabelle_uri: Uri)
- {
- const file = this.file_to_isabelle.get_from(isabelle_uri)
- if (file) {
- this.file_to_isabelle.delete(file, isabelle_uri)
- }
- }
- private async sync_original(uri: Uri, content: Uint8Array)
- {
- if (!this.symbol_encoder) return
- const origin_uri = this.file_to_isabelle.get_from(uri)
- const decoded_content = this.symbol_encoder.decode(content)
- workspace.fs.writeFile(origin_uri, decoded_content)
- }
- private _delete(uri: Uri, silent: boolean = false): void
- {
- const dirname = uri.with({ path: path.posix.dirname(uri.path) })
- const basename = path.posix.basename(uri.path)
- const parent = this._lookup_directory(dirname, silent)
- if (!parent) return
- if (!parent.entries.has(basename)) {
- if (!silent)
- throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound(uri)
- else
- return
- }
- this.sync_deletion(uri, silent)
- parent.entries.delete(basename)
- parent.mtime = Date.now()
- parent.size -= 1
- this._fire_soon({ type: FileChangeType.Changed, uri: dirname }, { uri, type: FileChangeType.Deleted })
- }
- private _create_directory(uri: Uri): void
- {
- const basename = path.posix.basename(uri.path)
- const [parent, parent_uri] = this._get_parent_data(uri)
- const entry = new Directory(basename)
- parent.entries.set(entry.name, entry)
- parent.mtime = Date.now()
- parent.size += 1
- this._fire_soon(
- { type: FileChangeType.Changed, uri: parent_uri },
- { type: FileChangeType.Created, uri }
- )
- }
- private _get_parent_data(uri: Uri): [Directory, Uri]
- {
- const parent_uri = uri.with({ path: path.posix.dirname(uri.path) })
- const parent = this._lookup_directory(parent_uri, false)
- return [parent, parent_uri]
- }
- // --- lookup
- private _lookup(uri: Uri, silent: false): Entry
- private _lookup(uri: Uri, silent: boolean): Entry | undefined
- private _lookup(uri: Uri, silent: boolean): Entry | undefined {
- const parts = uri.path.split('/')
- let entry: Entry = this.root
- for (const part of parts) {
- if (!part) {
- continue
- }
- let child: Entry | undefined
- if (entry instanceof Directory) {
- child = entry.entries.get(part)
- }
- if (!child) {
- if (!silent) {
- throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound(uri)
- } else {
- return undefined
- }
- }
- entry = child
- }
- return entry
- }
- private _lookup_directory(uri: Uri, silent: boolean): Directory
- {
- const entry = this._lookup(uri, silent)
- if (entry instanceof Directory) {
- return entry
- }
- throw FileSystemError.FileNotADirectory(uri)
- }
- private _lookup_file(uri: Uri, silent: boolean): File
- {
- const entry = this._lookup(uri, silent)
- if (entry instanceof File) {
- return entry
- }
- throw FileSystemError.FileIsADirectory(uri)
- }
- // --- manage file events
- private _buffered_events: FileChangeEvent[] = []
- private _fire_soon_handle?: NodeJS.Timer
- private _fire_soon(...events: FileChangeEvent[]): void
- {
- this._buffered_events.push(...events)
- if (this._fire_soon_handle) {
- clearTimeout(this._fire_soon_handle)
- }
- this._fire_soon_handle = setTimeout(() => {
- this._emitter.fire(this._buffered_events)
- this._buffered_events.length = 0
- }, 5)
- }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_workspace.ts Wed Feb 23 22:12:00 2022 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+'use strict';
+import * as path from 'path';
+import {
+ commands,
+ Disposable, ExtensionContext, FileChangeType, FileSystemError, languages,
+ TextDocument,
+ Uri, ViewColumn,
+ window,
+ workspace
+} from 'vscode';
+import * as library from '../library';
+import { Session_Theories } from '../protocol';
+import * as symbol from '../symbol';
+import { Mapping_FSP } from './mapping_fsp';
+import { Symbol_Encoder } from './symbol_encoder';
+import { State_Key, Workspace_State } from './workspace_state';
+export class Isabelle_Workspace
+ private static instance: Isabelle_Workspace
+ private static state: Workspace_State
+ public static readonly draft_session = 'Draft'
+ private static readonly session_dir = 'Isabelle Sessions'
+ private fs: Mapping_FSP
+ private session_theories: Session_Theories[] = []
+ public static readonly scheme = 'isabelle'
+ public static readonly isabelle_lang_id = 'isabelle'
+ public static readonly theory_extension = '.thy'
+ public static readonly theory_files_glob = '**/*.thy'
+ public static register(context: ExtensionContext): Promise<string|undefined>
+ {
+ this.state = new Workspace_State(context)
+ const encoder = new Symbol_Encoder(this.state.get(State_Key.symbol_entries) || [])
+ this.instance = new Isabelle_Workspace()
+ this.instance.fs = new Mapping_FSP(Isabelle_Workspace.theory_files_glob, Isabelle_Workspace.scheme, encoder)
+ context.subscriptions.push(
+ workspace.registerFileSystemProvider(this.scheme, this.instance.fs),
+ workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument((doc) =>
+ this.instance.open_workspace_document(doc)),
+ window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(({ document}) =>
+ this.instance.active_document_dialogue(document)),
+ this.instance.fs.sync_subscription(),
+ commands.registerTextEditorCommand('isabelle.reload-file',
+ ({document}) => this.instance.reload(document.uri))
+ )
+ return this.instance.setup_workspace()
+ }
+ public get_dir_uri(session: string): Uri
+ {
+ return Uri.parse(`${Isabelle_Workspace.scheme}:/${session}`)
+ }
+ public get_uri(session: string, rel_path: String): Uri
+ {
+ return Uri.parse(`${Isabelle_Workspace.scheme}:/${session}/${rel_path}`)
+ }
+ public static async update_symbol_encoder(entries: symbol.Entry[])
+ {
+ this.instance.fs.update_symbol_encoder(new Symbol_Encoder(entries))
+ await this.state.set(State_Key.symbol_entries, entries)
+ }
+ public static async init_workspace(sessions: Session_Theories[])
+ {
+ await this.instance.init_filesystem(sessions)
+ for (const doc of workspace.textDocuments) {
+ await this.instance.open_workspace_document(doc)
+ }
+ if (window.activeTextEditor) {
+ await this.instance.active_document_dialogue(window.activeTextEditor.document)
+ }
+ }
+ public static get_isabelle(file_uri: Uri): Uri
+ {
+ return this.instance.fs.file_to_entry.get_to(file_uri) || file_uri
+ }
+ public static get_file(isabelle_uri: Uri): Uri
+ {
+ return this.instance.fs.file_to_entry.get_from(isabelle_uri) || isabelle_uri
+ }
+ public async open_workspace_document(doc: TextDocument)
+ {
+ if (doc.uri.scheme === Isabelle_Workspace.scheme) {
+ if (doc.languageId !== Isabelle_Workspace.isabelle_lang_id) {
+ languages.setTextDocumentLanguage(doc, Isabelle_Workspace.isabelle_lang_id)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (doc.languageId === Isabelle_Workspace.isabelle_lang_id) {
+ const isabelle_uri = this.fs.file_to_entry.get_to(doc.uri)
+ if (!isabelle_uri) {
+ await this.create_mapping_load_theory(doc.uri)
+ } else if (!this.is_open_theory(isabelle_uri)) {
+ await this.fs.load(doc.uri, isabelle_uri)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public async active_document_dialogue(doc: TextDocument)
+ {
+ if (doc.uri.scheme === Isabelle_Workspace.scheme) {
+ if (!await this.is_workspace_theory(doc.uri)) {
+ Isabelle_Workspace.warn_not_synchronized(doc.fileName)
+ }
+ } else if (doc.fileName.endsWith(Isabelle_Workspace.theory_extension)) {
+ const isabelle_uri = this.fs.file_to_entry.get_to(doc.uri)
+ if (!isabelle_uri || !this.is_open_theory(isabelle_uri)) {
+ await this.open_theory_dialogue(doc.uri)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public async reload(doc: Uri)
+ {
+ if (doc.scheme === Isabelle_Workspace.scheme) {
+ const file_uri = this.fs.file_to_entry.get_from(doc)
+ await this.fs.reload(file_uri, doc)
+ }
+ }
+ private async setup_workspace(): Promise<string|undefined>
+ {
+ const { state } = Isabelle_Workspace
+ let { sessions, workspace_dir, symbol_entries } = state.get_setup_data()
+ const workspace_folders = workspace.workspaceFolders || []
+ const isabelle_folder = workspace_folders.find(folder =>
+ folder.name === Isabelle_Workspace.session_dir && folder.uri.scheme === Isabelle_Workspace.scheme)
+ if (isabelle_folder === undefined) {
+ workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(0, 0,
+ { uri: Isabelle_Workspace.instance.fs.get_dir_uri(''), name: Isabelle_Workspace.session_dir })
+ }
+ if (sessions && workspace_dir && symbol_entries) {
+ await Isabelle_Workspace.update_symbol_encoder(symbol_entries)
+ await this.init_filesystem(sessions)
+ } else {
+ const default_folder = workspace_folders.find(folder => folder.uri.scheme !== Isabelle_Workspace.scheme)
+ if (default_folder !== undefined) workspace_dir = default_folder.uri.fsPath
+ }
+ await state.set(State_Key.workspace_dir, workspace_dir)
+ await this.save_tree_state()
+ this.fs.onDidChangeFile(events => {
+ for (const e of events) {
+ if (e.type === FileChangeType.Changed) continue
+ this.save_tree_state()
+ return
+ }
+ })
+ return workspace_dir
+ }
+ private async init_filesystem(sessions: Session_Theories[])
+ {
+ const all_theory_uris = sessions
+ .map(s => s.theories)
+ .reduce((acc,x) => acc.concat(x), [])
+ // clean old files
+ this.fs.clear(all_theory_uris)
+ // create new
+ for (const { session_name, theories: theories_uri } of sessions) {
+ if (!session_name) continue
+ if (session_name !== Isabelle_Workspace.draft_session) {
+ this.session_theories.push({
+ session_name,
+ theories: theories_uri.map(t => Uri.parse(t).toString())
+ })
+ }
+ this.fs.make_dir(session_name)
+ for (const theory_uri of theories_uri) {
+ await this.create_mapping_load_theory(Uri.parse(theory_uri))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private is_open_theory(isabelle_uri: Uri): boolean
+ {
+ const open_files = workspace.textDocuments
+ return !!(open_files.find((doc) => doc.uri.toString() === isabelle_uri.toString()))
+ }
+ private async create_mapping_load_theory(file_uri: Uri): Promise<Uri>
+ {
+ const session = this.get_session(file_uri)
+ const isabelle_uri = this.create_new_uri(file_uri, session)
+ this.fs.file_to_entry.add(file_uri, isabelle_uri)
+ await this.fs.load(file_uri, isabelle_uri)
+ return isabelle_uri
+ }
+ private async is_workspace_theory(isabelle_uri: Uri): Promise<boolean>
+ {
+ const file_uri = this.fs.file_to_entry.get_from(isabelle_uri)
+ const files = await workspace.findFiles(Isabelle_Workspace.theory_files_glob)
+ return !!(files.find(uri => uri.toString() === file_uri.toString()))
+ }
+ private static warn_not_synchronized(file_name: string)
+ {
+ window.showWarningMessage(`Theory ${file_name} not in workspace.
+ Changes to underlying theory file will be overwritten.`)
+ }
+ private async open_theory_dialogue(file_uri: Uri)
+ {
+ const always_open = library.get_configuration<boolean>('always_open_thys')
+ if (!always_open) {
+ const answer = await window.showInformationMessage(
+ 'Would you like to open the Isabelle theory associated with this file?',
+ 'Yes',
+ 'Always yes'
+ )
+ if (answer === 'Always yes') {
+ library.set_configuration('always_open_thys', true)
+ } else if (answer !== 'Yes') {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ const isabelle_uri = await this.create_mapping_load_theory(file_uri)
+ await commands.executeCommand('vscode.open', isabelle_uri, ViewColumn.Active)
+ }
+ public get_session(file_uri: Uri): string
+ {
+ let session = this.session_theories.find((s) => s.theories.includes(file_uri.toString()))
+ if (!session) {
+ this.fs.make_dir(Isabelle_Workspace.draft_session)
+ return Isabelle_Workspace.draft_session
+ }
+ return session.session_name
+ }
+ private create_new_uri(file_uri: Uri, session_name: string): Uri
+ {
+ const file_name = path.basename(file_uri.fsPath, Isabelle_Workspace.theory_extension)
+ let new_uri: Uri
+ let extra = ''
+ let fs_path = file_uri.fsPath
+ while (true) {
+ const discriminator = extra ? ` (${extra})` : ''
+ new_uri = this.fs.get_uri(session_name, file_name + discriminator)
+ const old_uri = this.fs.file_to_entry.get_from(new_uri)
+ if (!old_uri || old_uri.toString() === file_uri.toString()) {
+ return new_uri
+ }
+ if (fs_path === '/') {
+ throw FileSystemError.FileExists(new_uri)
+ }
+ fs_path = path.posix.dirname(fs_path)
+ extra = path.posix.join(path.posix.basename(fs_path), extra)
+ }
+ }
+ private async save_tree_state()
+ {
+ await Isabelle_Workspace.state.set(State_Key.sessions, this.fs.get_tree_state())
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/mapping_fsp.ts Wed Feb 23 22:12:00 2022 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+'use strict';
+import * as path from 'path';
+import {
+ Disposable,
+ Event,
+ EventEmitter, FileChangeEvent,
+ FileChangeType,
+ FileStat,
+ FileSystemError,
+ FileSystemProvider,
+ FileType, GlobPattern, Uri, workspace
+} from 'vscode';
+import { Session_Theories } from '../protocol';
+import { Symbol_Encoder } from './symbol_encoder';
+import { Uri_Map } from './uri_map';
+export class File implements FileStat
+ type: FileType
+ ctime: number
+ mtime: number
+ size: number
+ name: string
+ data?: Uint8Array
+ constructor(name: string)
+ {
+ this.type = FileType.File
+ this.ctime = Date.now()
+ this.mtime = Date.now()
+ this.size = 0
+ this.name = name
+ }
+export class Directory implements FileStat
+ type: FileType
+ ctime: number
+ mtime: number
+ size: number
+ name: string
+ entries: Map<string, File | Directory>
+ constructor(name: string)
+ {
+ this.type = FileType.Directory
+ this.ctime = Date.now()
+ this.mtime = Date.now()
+ this.size = 0
+ this.name = name
+ this.entries = new Map()
+ }
+export type Entry = File | Directory
+export class Mapping_FSP implements FileSystemProvider
+ private root = new Directory('')
+ file_to_entry = new Uri_Map()
+ private symbol_encoder: Symbol_Encoder
+ private readonly scheme: string
+ private readonly glob: GlobPattern
+ constructor(glob: GlobPattern, scheme: string, encoder: Symbol_Encoder)
+ {
+ this.scheme = scheme
+ this.symbol_encoder = encoder
+ }
+ public update_symbol_encoder(encoder: Symbol_Encoder)
+ {
+ this.symbol_encoder = encoder
+ }
+ public sync_subscription(): Disposable
+ {
+ const watcher = workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(this.glob)
+ watcher.onDidChange(file => {
+ const entry = this.file_to_entry.get_to(file)
+ if (entry) this.reload(file, entry)
+ })
+ watcher.onDidDelete(file => this._delete(this.file_to_entry.get_to(file)))
+ return watcher
+ }
+ private async sync_original(uri: Uri, content: Uint8Array)
+ {
+ const origin_uri = this.file_to_entry.get_from(uri)
+ const decoded_content = this.symbol_encoder.decode(content)
+ workspace.fs.writeFile(origin_uri, decoded_content)
+ }
+ public get_dir_uri(session: string): Uri
+ {
+ return Uri.parse(`${this.scheme}:/${session}`)
+ }
+ public get_uri(session: string, rel_path: String): Uri
+ {
+ return Uri.parse(`${this.scheme}:/${session}/${rel_path}`)
+ }
+ // #region create
+ private _create_directory(uri: Uri): void
+ {
+ const basename = path.posix.basename(uri.path)
+ const [parent, parent_uri] = this._get_parent_data(uri)
+ const entry = new Directory(basename)
+ parent.entries.set(entry.name, entry)
+ parent.mtime = Date.now()
+ parent.size += 1
+ this._fire_soon(
+ { type: FileChangeType.Changed, uri: parent_uri },
+ { type: FileChangeType.Created, uri }
+ )
+ }
+ public make_dir(name: string)
+ {
+ const root_entries = Array.from(this.root.entries.keys())
+ if (!root_entries.includes(name)) {
+ this._create_directory(this.get_dir_uri(name))
+ }
+ }
+ // #endregion
+ // #region read
+ public async load(file_uri: Uri, isabelle_uri: Uri)
+ {
+ const data = await workspace.fs.readFile(file_uri)
+ const encoded_data = this.symbol_encoder.encode(data)
+ await this.writeFile(isabelle_uri, encoded_data, { create: true, overwrite: true })
+ }
+ public async reload(file_uri: Uri, isabelle_uri: Uri)
+ {
+ const data = await workspace.fs.readFile(file_uri)
+ const encoded_data = this.symbol_encoder.encode(data)
+ await this.writeFile(isabelle_uri, encoded_data, { create: false, overwrite: true })
+ }
+ // #endregion
+ // #region delete
+ _delete(uri: Uri, silent: boolean = false): void
+ {
+ const dirname = uri.with({ path: path.posix.dirname(uri.path) })
+ const basename = path.posix.basename(uri.path)
+ const parent = this._lookup_directory(dirname, silent)
+ if (!parent) return
+ if (!parent.entries.has(basename)) {
+ if (!silent)
+ throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound(uri)
+ else
+ return
+ }
+ this.sync_deletion(uri, silent)
+ parent.entries.delete(basename)
+ parent.mtime = Date.now()
+ parent.size -= 1
+ this._fire_soon({ type: FileChangeType.Changed, uri: dirname }, { uri, type: FileChangeType.Deleted })
+ }
+ private sync_deletion(isabelle_uri: Uri, silent: boolean)
+ {
+ const dir = this._lookup(isabelle_uri, silent)
+ if (!dir) {
+ if (silent)
+ return
+ else
+ throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound(isabelle_uri)
+ }
+ const uri_string = isabelle_uri.toString()
+ if (dir instanceof Directory) {
+ for (const key of dir.entries.keys()) {
+ this.remove_mapping(Uri.parse(uri_string + `/${key}`))
+ }
+ }
+ this.remove_mapping(isabelle_uri)
+ }
+ private remove_mapping(isabelle_uri: Uri)
+ {
+ const file = this.file_to_entry.get_from(isabelle_uri)
+ if (file) {
+ this.file_to_entry.delete(file, isabelle_uri)
+ }
+ }
+ public clear(all_theory_uris: string[])
+ {
+ const root_entries = Array.from(this.root.entries.keys())
+ for (const key of root_entries) {
+ if (key === 'Draft') {
+ const draft = this.root.entries.get(key)
+ if (draft instanceof Directory) {
+ for (const draft_thy of draft.entries.keys()) {
+ const isabelle_uri = this.get_uri('Draft', draft_thy)
+ const file_uri = this.file_to_entry.get_from(isabelle_uri)
+ if (file_uri && all_theory_uris.includes(file_uri.toString())) {
+ this._delete(isabelle_uri)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._delete(this.get_dir_uri(key), true)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // #endregion
+ private _get_parent_data(uri: Uri): [Directory, Uri]
+ {
+ const parent_uri = uri.with({ path: path.posix.dirname(uri.path) })
+ const parent = this._lookup_directory(parent_uri, false)
+ return [parent, parent_uri]
+ }
+ private _lookup(uri: Uri, silent: false): Entry
+ private _lookup(uri: Uri, silent: boolean): Entry | undefined
+ private _lookup(uri: Uri, silent: boolean): Entry | undefined {
+ const parts = uri.path.split('/')
+ let entry: Entry = this.root
+ for (const part of parts) {
+ if (!part) {
+ continue
+ }
+ let child: Entry | undefined
+ if (entry instanceof Directory) {
+ child = entry.entries.get(part)
+ }
+ if (!child) {
+ if (!silent) {
+ throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound(uri)
+ } else {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ }
+ entry = child
+ }
+ return entry
+ }
+ private _lookup_directory(uri: Uri, silent: boolean): Directory
+ {
+ const entry = this._lookup(uri, silent)
+ if (entry instanceof Directory) {
+ return entry
+ }
+ throw FileSystemError.FileNotADirectory(uri)
+ }
+ private _lookup_file(uri: Uri, silent: boolean): File
+ {
+ const entry = this._lookup(uri, silent)
+ if (entry instanceof File) {
+ return entry
+ }
+ throw FileSystemError.FileIsADirectory(uri)
+ }
+ public get_tree_state(): Session_Theories[]
+ {
+ const sessions: Session_Theories[] = []
+ for (const [session_name, val] of this.root.entries) {
+ if (!(val instanceof Directory)) return
+ const theories: string[] = []
+ for (const fileName of val.entries.keys()) {
+ const file = this.file_to_entry.get_from(this.get_uri(session_name, fileName))
+ theories.push(file.toString())
+ }
+ sessions.push({session_name, theories})
+ }
+ return sessions
+ }
+ //#region events
+ private _buffered_events: FileChangeEvent[] = []
+ private _fire_soon_handle?: NodeJS.Timer
+ private _fire_soon(...events: FileChangeEvent[]): void
+ {
+ this._buffered_events.push(...events)
+ if (this._fire_soon_handle) {
+ clearTimeout(this._fire_soon_handle)
+ }
+ this._fire_soon_handle = setTimeout(() => {
+ this._emitter.fire(this._buffered_events)
+ this._buffered_events.length = 0
+ }, 5)
+ }
+ private _emitter = new EventEmitter<FileChangeEvent[]>()
+ //#endregion
+ //#region fsp implementation
+ readonly onDidChangeFile: Event<FileChangeEvent[]> = this._emitter.event
+ watch(_resource: Uri): Disposable
+ {
+ return new Disposable(() => { })
+ }
+ stat(uri: Uri): FileStat
+ {
+ return this._lookup(uri, false)
+ }
+ readDirectory(uri: Uri): [string, FileType][]
+ {
+ const entry = this._lookup_directory(uri, false)
+ const result: [string, FileType][] = []
+ for (const [name, child] of entry.entries) {
+ result.push([name, child.type])
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ createDirectory(uri: Uri): void
+ {
+ throw FileSystemError.NoPermissions('No permission to create on Isabelle File System')
+ }
+ readFile(uri: Uri): Uint8Array
+ {
+ const data = this._lookup_file(uri, false).data
+ if (data) {
+ return data
+ }
+ throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound()
+ }
+ async writeFile(isabelle_uri: Uri, content: Uint8Array, options: { create: boolean, overwrite: boolean }): Promise<void>
+ {
+ if (!this.file_to_entry.get_from(isabelle_uri)) {
+ throw FileSystemError.NoPermissions('No permission to create on Isabelle File System')
+ }
+ const basename = path.posix.basename(isabelle_uri.path)
+ const [parent, parent_uri] = this._get_parent_data(isabelle_uri)
+ let entry = parent.entries.get(basename)
+ if (entry instanceof Directory) {
+ throw FileSystemError.FileIsADirectory(isabelle_uri)
+ }
+ if (!entry && !options.create) {
+ throw FileSystemError.FileNotFound(isabelle_uri)
+ }
+ if (entry && options.create && !options.overwrite) {
+ throw FileSystemError.FileExists(isabelle_uri)
+ }
+ if (entry) {
+ if (options.create) {
+ return this.sync_original(isabelle_uri, content)
+ }
+ entry.mtime = Date.now()
+ entry.size = content.byteLength
+ entry.data = content
+ this._fire_soon({ type: FileChangeType.Changed, uri: isabelle_uri })
+ return
+ }
+ entry = new File(basename)
+ entry.mtime = Date.now()
+ entry.size = content.byteLength
+ entry.data = content
+ parent.entries.set(basename, entry)
+ parent.mtime = Date.now()
+ parent.size++
+ this._fire_soon(
+ { type: FileChangeType.Changed, uri: parent_uri },
+ { type: FileChangeType.Created, uri: isabelle_uri }
+ )
+ }
+ delete(uri: Uri): void
+ {
+ const [parent, parent_uri] = this._get_parent_data(uri)
+ if (parent && parent.name === 'Draft') {
+ if (parent.size === 1) {
+ this._delete(parent_uri)
+ return
+ }
+ this._delete(uri)
+ return
+ }
+ throw FileSystemError.NoPermissions('No permission to delete on Isabelle File System')
+ }
+ rename(oldUri: Uri, newUri: Uri, options: { overwrite: boolean }): void
+ {
+ throw FileSystemError.NoPermissions('No permission to rename on Isabelle File System')
+ }
+ // #endregion
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/library.ts Wed Feb 23 10:46:10 2022 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/library.ts Wed Feb 23 22:12:00 2022 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import * as os from 'os'
import {TextEditor, Uri, ViewColumn, window, workspace} from 'vscode'
-import {Isabelle_FSP} from './isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_fsp'
+import {Isabelle_Workspace} from './isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_workspace'
/* regular expressions */
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
export function is_file(uri: Uri): boolean
- return uri.scheme === "file" || uri.scheme === Isabelle_FSP.scheme
+ return uri.scheme === "file" || uri.scheme === Isabelle_Workspace.scheme
export function find_file_editor(uri: Uri): TextEditor | undefined
--- a/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/output_view.ts Wed Feb 23 10:46:10 2022 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/output_view.ts Wed Feb 23 22:12:00 2022 +0100
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import { text_colors } from './decorations'
import * as library from './library'
import * as path from 'path'
-import { Isabelle_FSP } from './isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_fsp'
+import { Isabelle_Workspace } from './isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_workspace'
class Output_View_Provider implements WebviewViewProvider
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
const line = Number(uri.fragment) || 0
const pos = new Position(line, 0)
const uri_no_fragment = uri.with({ fragment: '' })
- const isabelle_uri = Isabelle_FSP.get_isabelle(uri_no_fragment)
+ const isabelle_uri = Isabelle_Workspace.get_isabelle(uri_no_fragment)
window.showTextDocument(isabelle_uri, {
preserveFocus: false,
selection: new Selection(pos, pos)