--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Fri Jul 14 13:51:30 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Fri Jul 14 14:19:48 2006 +0200
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
val skip_proofs: bool ref
exception TERMINATE
exception RESTART
+ val exn_message: exn -> string
+ val program: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val checkpoint: state -> state
val copy: state -> state
type transition
@@ -64,9 +66,9 @@
val init: (bool -> node) -> (node -> unit) -> (node -> unit) -> transition -> transition
val exit: transition -> transition
val kill: transition -> transition
+ val history: (node History.T -> node History.T) -> transition -> transition
val keep: (state -> unit) -> transition -> transition
val keep': (bool -> state -> unit) -> transition -> transition
- val history: (node History.T -> node History.T) -> transition -> transition
val imperative: (unit -> unit) -> transition -> transition
val init_theory: (bool -> theory) -> (theory -> unit) -> (theory -> unit)
-> transition -> transition
@@ -93,11 +95,9 @@
val unknown_theory: transition -> transition
val unknown_proof: transition -> transition
val unknown_context: transition -> transition
- val exn_message: exn -> string
val apply: bool -> transition -> state -> (state * (exn * string) option) option
val present_excursion: (transition * (state -> state -> 'a -> 'a)) list -> 'a -> 'a
val excursion: transition list -> unit
- val program: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val set_state: state -> unit
val get_state: unit -> state
val exn: unit -> (exn * string) option
@@ -247,12 +247,91 @@
exception EXCURSION_FAIL of exn * string;
exception FAILURE of state * exn;
+(* print exceptions *)
+fun with_context f xs =
+ (case Context.get_context () of NONE => []
+ | SOME thy => map (f thy) xs);
+fun raised name [] = "exception " ^ name ^ " raised"
+ | raised name [msg] = "exception " ^ name ^ " raised: " ^ msg
+ | raised name msgs = cat_lines (("exception " ^ name ^ " raised:") :: msgs);
+fun exn_msg _ TERMINATE = "Exit."
+ | exn_msg _ RESTART = "Restart."
+ | exn_msg _ Interrupt = "Interrupt."
+ | exn_msg _ Output.TOPLEVEL_ERROR = "Error."
+ | exn_msg _ (SYS_ERROR msg) = "## SYSTEM ERROR ##\n" ^ msg
+ | exn_msg _ (ERROR msg) = msg
+ | exn_msg detailed (EXCEPTION (exn, msg)) = cat_lines [exn_msg detailed exn, msg]
+ | exn_msg detailed (EXCURSION_FAIL (exn, msg)) = cat_lines [exn_msg detailed exn, msg]
+ | exn_msg false (THEORY (msg, _)) = msg
+ | exn_msg true (THEORY (msg, thys)) = raised "THEORY" (msg :: map Context.str_of_thy thys)
+ | exn_msg detailed (MetaSimplifier.SIMPROC_FAIL (name, exn)) =
+ fail_msg detailed "simproc" ((name, Position.none), exn)
+ | exn_msg detailed (Attrib.ATTRIB_FAIL info) = fail_msg detailed "attribute" info
+ | exn_msg detailed (Method.METHOD_FAIL info) = fail_msg detailed "method" info
+ | exn_msg detailed (Antiquote.ANTIQUOTE_FAIL info) = fail_msg detailed "antiquotation" info
+ | exn_msg false (Syntax.AST (msg, _)) = raised "AST" [msg]
+ | exn_msg true (Syntax.AST (msg, asts)) =
+ raised "AST" (msg :: map (Pretty.string_of o Syntax.pretty_ast) asts)
+ | exn_msg false (TYPE (msg, _, _)) = raised "TYPE" [msg]
+ | exn_msg true (TYPE (msg, Ts, ts)) = raised "TYPE" (msg ::
+ with_context Sign.string_of_typ Ts @ with_context Sign.string_of_term ts)
+ | exn_msg false (TERM (msg, _)) = raised "TERM" [msg]
+ | exn_msg true (TERM (msg, ts)) = raised "TERM" (msg :: with_context Sign.string_of_term ts)
+ | exn_msg false (THM (msg, _, _)) = raised "THM" [msg]
+ | exn_msg true (THM (msg, i, thms)) =
+ raised ("THM " ^ string_of_int i) (msg :: map Display.string_of_thm thms)
+ | exn_msg _ Option.Option = raised "Option" []
+ | exn_msg _ Library.UnequalLengths = raised "UnequalLengths" []
+ | exn_msg _ Empty = raised "Empty" []
+ | exn_msg _ Subscript = raised "Subscript" []
+ | exn_msg _ (Fail msg) = raised "Fail" [msg]
+ | exn_msg _ exn = General.exnMessage exn
+and fail_msg detailed kind ((name, pos), exn) =
+ "Error in " ^ kind ^ " " ^ quote name ^ Position.str_of pos ^ ":\n" ^ exn_msg detailed exn;
+fun exn_message exn = exn_msg (! debug) exn;
+fun print_exn NONE = ()
+ | print_exn (SOME (exn, s)) = Output.error_msg (cat_lines [exn_message exn, s]);
+(* controlled execution *)
fun debugging f x =
if ! debug then
setmp Library.do_transform_failure false
exception_trace (fn () => f x)
else f x;
+fun interruptible f x =
+ let val y = ref x
+ in raise_interrupt (fn () => y := f x) (); ! y end;
+fun controlled_execution f =
+ f
+ |> debugging
+ |> interruptible
+ |> setmp Output.do_toplevel_errors false;
+fun program f =
+ Output.ML_errors (fn () => debugging f () handle exn => error (exn_message exn)) ();
(* node transactions and recovery from stale theories *)
@@ -273,35 +352,28 @@
fun return (result, NONE) = result
| return (result, SOME exn) = raise FAILURE (result, exn);
-fun interruptible f x =
- let val y = ref x
- in raise_interrupt (fn () => y := f x) (); ! y end;
-fun transaction _ _ (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
- | transaction hist f (State (SOME (node, term))) =
- let
- val cont_node = History.map checkpoint_node node;
- val back_node = History.map copy_node cont_node;
- fun state nd = State (SOME (nd, term));
- fun normal_state nd = (state nd, NONE);
- fun error_state nd exn = (state nd, SOME exn);
+fun transaction hist f (node, term) =
+ let
+ val cont_node = History.map checkpoint_node node;
+ val back_node = History.map copy_node cont_node;
+ fun state nd = State (SOME (nd, term));
+ fun normal_state nd = (state nd, NONE);
+ fun error_state nd exn = (state nd, SOME exn);
- val (result, err) =
- cont_node
- |> (f
- |> (if hist then History.apply_copy copy_node else History.map)
- |> debugging
- |> interruptible
- |> setmp Output.do_toplevel_errors false)
- |> normal_state
- handle exn => error_state cont_node exn;
- in
- if is_stale result
- then return (error_state back_node (the_default stale_theory err))
- else return (result, err)
- end;
+ val (result, err) =
+ cont_node
+ |> (f
+ |> (if hist then History.apply_copy copy_node else History.map)
+ |> controlled_execution)
+ |> normal_state
+ handle exn => error_state cont_node exn;
+ in
+ if is_stale result
+ then return (error_state back_node (the_default stale_theory err))
+ else return (result, err)
+ end;
fun mapping f (State (SOME (node, term))) = State (SOME (History.map f node, term))
| mapping _ state = state;
@@ -325,8 +397,8 @@
(*init node; with exit/kill operation*)
Exit | (*conclude node*)
Kill | (*abort node*)
+ History of node History.T -> node History.T | (*history operation (undo etc.)*)
Keep of bool -> state -> unit | (*peek at state*)
- History of node History.T -> node History.T | (*history operation (undo etc.)*)
Transaction of bool * (bool -> node -> node); (*node transaction*)
fun undo_limit int = if int then NONE else SOME 0;
@@ -343,11 +415,13 @@
| apply_tr _ Kill (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
| apply_tr _ Kill (State (SOME (node, (_, kill)))) =
(kill (History.current node); State NONE)
- | apply_tr int (Keep f) state =
- (setmp Output.do_toplevel_errors false (raise_interrupt (f int)) state; state)
| apply_tr _ (History _) (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
| apply_tr _ (History f) (State (SOME (node, term))) = State (SOME (f node, term))
- | apply_tr int (Transaction (hist, f)) state = transaction hist (fn x => f int x) state;
+ | apply_tr int (Keep f) state =
+ controlled_execution (fn x => tap (f int) x) state
+ | apply_tr _ (Transaction _) (State NONE) = raise UNDEF
+ | apply_tr int (Transaction (hist, f)) (State (SOME state)) =
+ transaction hist (fn x => f int x) state;
fun apply_union _ [] state = raise FAILURE (state, UNDEF)
| apply_union int (tr :: trs) state =
@@ -435,8 +509,8 @@
fun init f exit kill = add_trans (Init (f, (exit, kill)));
val exit = add_trans Exit;
val kill = add_trans Kill;
+val history = add_trans o History;
val keep' = add_trans o Keep;
-val history = add_trans o History;
fun map_current f = add_trans (Transaction (false, f));
fun app_current f = add_trans (Transaction (true, f));
@@ -527,63 +601,6 @@
(** toplevel transactions **)
-(* print exceptions *)
-fun with_context f xs =
- (case Context.get_context () of NONE => []
- | SOME thy => map (f thy) xs);
-fun raised name [] = "exception " ^ name ^ " raised"
- | raised name [msg] = "exception " ^ name ^ " raised: " ^ msg
- | raised name msgs = cat_lines (("exception " ^ name ^ " raised:") :: msgs);
-fun exn_msg _ TERMINATE = "Exit."
- | exn_msg _ RESTART = "Restart."
- | exn_msg _ Interrupt = "Interrupt."
- | exn_msg _ Output.TOPLEVEL_ERROR = "Error."
- | exn_msg _ (SYS_ERROR msg) = "## SYSTEM ERROR ##\n" ^ msg
- | exn_msg _ (ERROR msg) = msg
- | exn_msg detailed (EXCEPTION (exn, msg)) = cat_lines [exn_msg detailed exn, msg]
- | exn_msg detailed (EXCURSION_FAIL (exn, msg)) = cat_lines [exn_msg detailed exn, msg]
- | exn_msg false (THEORY (msg, _)) = msg
- | exn_msg true (THEORY (msg, thys)) = raised "THEORY" (msg :: map Context.str_of_thy thys)
- | exn_msg detailed (MetaSimplifier.SIMPROC_FAIL (name, exn)) =
- fail_msg detailed "simproc" ((name, Position.none), exn)
- | exn_msg detailed (Attrib.ATTRIB_FAIL info) = fail_msg detailed "attribute" info
- | exn_msg detailed (Method.METHOD_FAIL info) = fail_msg detailed "method" info
- | exn_msg detailed (Antiquote.ANTIQUOTE_FAIL info) = fail_msg detailed "antiquotation" info
- | exn_msg false (Syntax.AST (msg, _)) = raised "AST" [msg]
- | exn_msg true (Syntax.AST (msg, asts)) =
- raised "AST" (msg :: map (Pretty.string_of o Syntax.pretty_ast) asts)
- | exn_msg false (TYPE (msg, _, _)) = raised "TYPE" [msg]
- | exn_msg true (TYPE (msg, Ts, ts)) = raised "TYPE" (msg ::
- with_context Sign.string_of_typ Ts @ with_context Sign.string_of_term ts)
- | exn_msg false (TERM (msg, _)) = raised "TERM" [msg]
- | exn_msg true (TERM (msg, ts)) = raised "TERM" (msg :: with_context Sign.string_of_term ts)
- | exn_msg false (THM (msg, _, _)) = raised "THM" [msg]
- | exn_msg true (THM (msg, i, thms)) =
- raised ("THM " ^ string_of_int i) (msg :: map Display.string_of_thm thms)
- | exn_msg _ Option.Option = raised "Option" []
- | exn_msg _ Library.UnequalLengths = raised "UnequalLengths" []
- | exn_msg _ Empty = raised "Empty" []
- | exn_msg _ Subscript = raised "Subscript" []
- | exn_msg _ (Fail msg) = raised "Fail" [msg]
- | exn_msg _ exn = General.exnMessage exn
-and fail_msg detailed kind ((name, pos), exn) =
- "Error in " ^ kind ^ " " ^ quote name ^ Position.str_of pos ^ ":\n" ^ exn_msg detailed exn;
-fun exn_message exn = exn_msg (! debug) exn;
-fun print_exn NONE = ()
- | print_exn (SOME (exn, s)) = Output.error_msg (cat_lines [exn_message exn, s]);
(* apply transitions *)
@@ -646,12 +663,6 @@
-(* toplevel program: independent of state *)
-fun program f =
- Output.ML_errors (fn () => debugging f () handle exn => error (exn_message exn)) ();
(** interactive transformations **)