Tried to speed up the rewriter by eta-contracting all patterns beforehand and
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 14:04:35 +0200
changeset 4820 8f6dbbd8d497
parent 4819 ef2e8e2a10e1
child 4821 bfbaea156f43
Tried to speed up the rewriter by eta-contracting all patterns beforehand and by classifying each pattern as to whether it allows first-order matching.
--- a/src/Pure/pattern.ML	Tue Apr 21 17:25:19 1998 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/pattern.ML	Wed Apr 22 14:04:35 1998 +0200
@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@
   val eta_contract_atom : term -> term
   val match             : type_sig -> term * term
                           -> (indexname*typ)list * (indexname*term)list
+  val first_order_match : type_sig -> term * term
+                          -> (indexname*typ)list * (indexname*term)list
   val matches           : type_sig -> term * term -> bool
   val matches_subterm   : type_sig -> term * term -> bool
   val unify             : sg * env * (term * term)list -> env
+  val first_order       : term -> bool
+  val pattern           : term -> bool
   exception Unif
   exception MATCH
   exception Pattern
@@ -279,48 +283,6 @@
   | eta_contract2 t     = eta_contract_atom t;
-(* Pattern matching *)
-exception MATCH;
-(*First-order matching;  term_match tsig (pattern, object)
-    returns a (tyvar,typ)list and (var,term)list.
-  The pattern and object may have variables in common.
-  Instantiation does not affect the object, so matching ?a with ?a+1 works.
-  A Const does not match a Free of the same name! *)
-fun fomatch tsig (pat,obj) =
-  let fun typ_match args = (Type.typ_match tsig args)
-			   handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => raise MATCH;
-      fun mtch (tyinsts,insts) = fn
-	(Var(ixn,T), t)  =>
-	  if loose_bvar(t,0) then raise MATCH
-	  else (case assoc_string_int(insts,ixn) of
-		  None => (typ_match (tyinsts, (T, fastype_of t)), 
-			   (ixn,t)::insts)
-		| Some u => if t aconv u then (tyinsts,insts) else raise MATCH)
-      | (Free (a,T), Free (b,U)) =>
-	  if  a=b  then (typ_match (tyinsts,(T,U)), insts)  else raise MATCH
-      | (Const (a,T), Const (b,U))  =>
-	  if  a=b  then (typ_match (tyinsts,(T,U)), insts)  else raise MATCH
-      | (Bound i, Bound j)  =>
-          if  i=j  then  (tyinsts,insts)  else raise MATCH
-      | (Abs(_,T,t), Abs(_,U,u))  =>
-	  mtch (typ_match (tyinsts,(T,U)),insts) (t,u)
-      | (f$t, g$u) => mtch (mtch (tyinsts,insts) (f,g)) (t, u)
-      | _ => raise MATCH
-  in mtch([],[]) (eta_contract pat, eta_contract obj) end;
-fun match_bind(itms,binders,ixn,is,t) =
-  let val js = loose_bnos t
-  in if null is
-     then if null js then (ixn,t)::itms else raise MATCH
-     else if js subset_int is
-          then let val t' = if downto0(is,length binders - 1) then t
-                            else mapbnd (idx is) t
-               in (ixn, mkabs(binders,is,t')) :: itms end
-          else raise MATCH
-  end;
 (*Tests whether 2 terms are alpha/eta-convertible and have same type.
   Note that Consts and Vars may have more than one type.*)
 fun t aeconv u = aconv_aux (eta_contract_atom t, eta_contract_atom u)
@@ -333,59 +295,106 @@
   | aconv_aux _ =  false;
+(*** Matching ***)
+exception MATCH;
+fun typ_match tsig args = (Type.typ_match tsig args)
+                          handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => raise MATCH;
+(*First-order matching;
+  fomatch tsig (pattern, object) returns a (tyvar,typ)list and (var,term)list.
+  The pattern and object may have variables in common.
+  Instantiation does not affect the object, so matching ?a with ?a+1 works.
+  Object is eta-contracted on the fly (by eta-expanding the pattern).
+  Precondition: the pattern is already eta-contracted!
+  Note: types are matched on the fly *)
+fun fomatch tsig =
+  let
+    fun mtch (instsp as (tyinsts,insts)) = fn
+        (Var(ixn,T), t)  =>
+	  if loose_bvar(t,0) then raise MATCH
+	  else (case assoc_string_int(insts,ixn) of
+		  None => (typ_match tsig (tyinsts, (T, fastype_of t)), 
+			   (ixn,t)::insts)
+		| Some u => if t aeconv u then instsp else raise MATCH)
+      | (Free (a,T), Free (b,U)) =>
+	  if a=b then (typ_match tsig (tyinsts,(T,U)), insts) else raise MATCH
+      | (Const (a,T), Const (b,U))  =>
+	  if a=b then (typ_match tsig (tyinsts,(T,U)), insts) else raise MATCH
+      | (Bound i, Bound j)  =>  if  i=j  then  instsp  else raise MATCH
+      | (Abs(_,T,t), Abs(_,U,u))  =>
+	  mtch (typ_match tsig (tyinsts,(T,U)),insts) (t,u)
+      | (f$t, g$u) => mtch (mtch instsp (f,g)) (t, u)
+      | (t, Abs(_,U,u))  =>  mtch instsp ((incr t)$(Bound 0), u)
+      | _ => raise MATCH
+  in mtch end;
+fun first_order_match tsig = fomatch tsig ([],[]);
+(* Matching of higher-order patterns *)
+fun match_bind(itms,binders,ixn,is,t) =
+  let val js = loose_bnos t
+  in if null is
+     then if null js then (ixn,t)::itms else raise MATCH
+     else if js subset_int is
+          then let val t' = if downto0(is,length binders - 1) then t
+                            else mapbnd (idx is) t
+               in (ixn, mkabs(binders,is,t')) :: itms end
+          else raise MATCH
+  end;
 fun match tsg (po as (pat,obj)) =
-fun typ_match args = Type.typ_match tsg args
-                     handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => raise MATCH;
-(* Pre: pat and obj have same type *)
-fun mtch binders (env as (iTs,itms),(pat,obj)) =
-      case pat of
-        Abs(ns,Ts,ts) =>
-          (case obj of
-             Abs(nt,Tt,tt) => mtch ((nt,Tt)::binders) (env,(ts,tt))
-           | _ => let val Tt = typ_subst_TVars iTs Ts
-                  in mtch((ns,Tt)::binders)(env,(ts,(incr obj)$Bound(0))) end)
-      | _ => (case obj of
-                Abs(nt,Tt,tt) =>
-                  mtch((nt,Tt)::binders)(env,((incr pat)$Bound(0),tt))
-              | _ => cases(binders,env,pat,obj))
+  (* Pre: pat and obj have same type *)
+  fun mtch binders (env as (iTs,itms),(pat,obj)) =
+    case pat of
+      Abs(ns,Ts,ts) =>
+        (case obj of
+           Abs(nt,Tt,tt) => mtch ((nt,Tt)::binders) (env,(ts,tt))
+         | _ => let val Tt = typ_subst_TVars iTs Ts
+                in mtch((ns,Tt)::binders)(env,(ts,(incr obj)$Bound(0))) end)
+    | _ => (case obj of
+              Abs(nt,Tt,tt) =>
+                mtch((nt,Tt)::binders)(env,((incr pat)$Bound(0),tt))
+            | _ => cases(binders,env,pat,obj))
-and cases(binders,env as (iTs,itms),pat,obj) =
-      let val (ph,pargs) = strip_comb pat
-          fun rigrig1(iTs,oargs) =
-                foldl (mtch binders) ((iTs,itms), pargs~~oargs)
-          fun rigrig2((a,Ta),(b,Tb),oargs) =
-                if a<> b then raise MATCH
-                else rigrig1(typ_match(iTs,(Ta,Tb)), oargs)
-      in case ph of
-           Var(ixn,_) =>
-             let val is = ints_of pargs
-             in case assoc_string_int(itms,ixn) of
-                  None => (iTs,match_bind(itms,binders,ixn,is,obj))
-                | Some u => if obj aeconv (red u is []) then env
-                            else raise MATCH
-             end
-         | _ =>
-             let val (oh,oargs) = strip_comb obj
-             in case (ph,oh) of
-                  (Const c,Const d) => rigrig2(c,d,oargs)
-                | (Free f,Free g)   => rigrig2(f,g,oargs)
-                | (Bound i,Bound j) => if i<>j then raise MATCH
-                                       else rigrig1(iTs,oargs)
-                | (Abs _, _)        => raise Pattern
-                | (_, Abs _)        => raise Pattern
-                | _                 => raise MATCH
-             end
-      end;
+  and cases(binders,env as (iTs,itms),pat,obj) =
+    let val (ph,pargs) = strip_comb pat
+        fun rigrig1(iTs,oargs) =
+              foldl (mtch binders) ((iTs,itms), pargs~~oargs)
+        fun rigrig2((a,Ta),(b,Tb),oargs) =
+              if a<> b then raise MATCH
+              else rigrig1(typ_match tsg (iTs,(Ta,Tb)), oargs)
+    in case ph of
+         Var(ixn,_) =>
+           let val is = ints_of pargs
+           in case assoc_string_int(itms,ixn) of
+                None => (iTs,match_bind(itms,binders,ixn,is,obj))
+              | Some u => if obj aeconv (red u is []) then env
+                          else raise MATCH
+           end
+       | _ =>
+           let val (oh,oargs) = strip_comb obj
+           in case (ph,oh) of
+                (Const c,Const d) => rigrig2(c,d,oargs)
+              | (Free f,Free g)   => rigrig2(f,g,oargs)
+              | (Bound i,Bound j) => if i<>j then raise MATCH
+                                     else rigrig1(iTs,oargs)
+              | (Abs _, _)        => raise Pattern
+              | (_, Abs _)        => raise Pattern
+              | _                 => raise MATCH
+           end
+    end;
-val pT = fastype_of pat
-and oT = fastype_of obj
-val iTs = typ_match ([],(pT,oT))
+  val pT = fastype_of pat
+  and oT = fastype_of obj
+  val iTs = typ_match tsg ([],(pT,oT))
+  val insts2 = (iTs,[])
-in mtch [] ((iTs,[]), po)
-   handle Pattern => fomatch tsg po
+in mtch [] (insts2, po)
+   handle Pattern => fomatch tsg insts2 po
 (*Predicate: does the pattern match the object?*)
@@ -402,4 +411,17 @@
             | _ => false
   in msub([],obj) end;
+fun first_order(Abs(_,_,t)) = first_order t
+  | first_order(t $ u) = first_order t andalso first_order u andalso
+                         not(is_Var t)
+  | first_order _ = true;
+fun pattern(Abs(_,_,t)) = pattern t
+  | pattern(t) = let val (head,args) = strip_comb t
+                 in if is_Var head
+                    then let val _ = ints_of args in true end
+                         handle Pattern => false
+                    else forall pattern args
+                 end;
--- a/src/Pure/thm.ML	Tue Apr 21 17:25:19 1998 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/thm.ML	Wed Apr 22 14:04:35 1998 +0200
@@ -1479,7 +1479,7 @@
 (* basic components *)
-type rrule = {thm: thm, lhs: term, perm: bool};
+type rrule = {thm: thm, lhs: term, elhs: term, fo: bool, perm: bool};
 type cong = {thm: thm, lhs: term};
 type simproc =
  {name: string, proc: -> thm list -> term -> thm option, lhs: cterm, id: stamp};
@@ -1570,10 +1570,16 @@
 (* add_simps *)
+fun mk_rrule2{thm,lhs,perm} =
+  let val elhs = Pattern.eta_contract lhs
+      val fo = Pattern.first_order elhs orelse not(Pattern.pattern elhs)
+  in {thm=thm,lhs=lhs,elhs=elhs,fo=fo,perm=perm} end
 fun insert_rrule(mss as Mss {rules,...},
-                 rrule as {thm = thm, lhs = lhs, perm = perm}) =
+                 rrule as {thm,lhs,perm}) =
   (trace_thm false "Adding rewrite rule:" thm;
-   let val rules' = Net.insert_term ((lhs, rrule), rules, eq_rrule)
+   let val rrule2 as {elhs,...} = mk_rrule2 rrule
+       val rules' = Net.insert_term ((elhs, rrule2), rules, eq_rrule)
    in upd_rules(mss,rules') end
    handle Net.INSERT =>
      (prthm true "Ignoring duplicate rewrite rule:" thm; mss));
@@ -1660,7 +1666,9 @@
                else let val Mss{mk_rews={mk_sym,...},...} = mss
                     in case mk_sym thm of
                          None => []
-                       | Some thm' => rrule_eq_True(thm',rhs,lhs,mss,thm)
+                       | Some thm' =>
+                           let val (_,_,lhs',rhs',_) = decomp_simp thm'
+                           in rrule_eq_True(thm',lhs',rhs',mss,thm) end
           else rrule_eq_True(thm,lhs,rhs,mss,thm)
@@ -1688,13 +1696,13 @@
 (* del_simps *)
 fun del_rrule(mss as Mss {rules,...},
-              rrule as {thm = thm, lhs = lhs, perm = perm}) =
-  (upd_rules(mss, Net.delete_term ((lhs, rrule), rules, eq_rrule))
+              rrule as {thm, elhs, ...}) =
+  (upd_rules(mss, Net.delete_term ((elhs, rrule), rules, eq_rrule))
    handle Net.DELETE =>
      (prthm true "Rewrite rule not in simpset:" thm; mss));
 fun del_simps(mss,thms) =
-  orient_comb_simps del_rrule (mk_rrule mss) (mss,thms);
+  orient_comb_simps del_rrule (map mk_rrule2 o mk_rrule mss) (mss,thms);
 (* add_congs *)
@@ -1834,6 +1842,10 @@
         | renAbs(t) = t
   in subst_vars insts (if null(ren) then prop else renAbs(prop)) end;
+fun incr_insts i (in1:(indexname*typ)list,in2:(indexname*term)list) =
+  let fun incr ((a,n),x) = ((a,n+i),x)
+  in (map incr in1, map incr in2) end;
 fun add_insts_sorts ((iTs, is), Ss) =
   add_typs_sorts (map snd iTs, add_terms_sorts (map snd is, Ss));
@@ -1844,7 +1856,7 @@
   let val (_,prems,lhs,rhs,_) = decomp_simp thm
   in if rewrite_rule_extra_vars prems lhs rhs
      then (prthm true "Extra vars on rhs:" thm; [])
-     else [{thm = thm, lhs = lhs, perm = false}]
+     else [mk_rrule2{thm = thm, lhs = lhs, perm = false}]
@@ -1867,17 +1879,18 @@
     val signt = Sign.deref sign_reft;
     val tsigt = Sign.tsig_of signt;
-    fun rew{thm as Thm{sign_ref,der,shyps,hyps,prop,maxidx,...}, lhs, perm} =
+    fun rew{thm as Thm{sign_ref,der,shyps,hyps,prop,maxidx,...},
+            lhs, elhs, fo, perm} =
         val _ = if Sign.subsig (Sign.deref sign_ref, signt) then ()
                 else (trace_thm true "Rewrite rule from different theory:" thm;
                       raise Pattern.MATCH);
         val rprop = if maxt = ~1 then prop
                     else Logic.incr_indexes([],maxt+1) prop;
-        val rlhs = if maxt = ~1 then lhs
-                   else fst(Logic.dest_equals(Logic.strip_imp_concl rprop))
-        val insts = Pattern.match tsigt (rlhs,t);
-        val prop' = ren_inst(insts,rprop,rlhs,t);
+        val insts = if fo then Pattern.first_order_match tsigt (elhs,t)
+                          else Pattern.match             tsigt (elhs,t);
+        val insts = if maxt = ~1 then insts else incr_insts (maxt+1) insts
+        val prop' = ren_inst(insts,rprop,lhs,t);
         val hyps' = union_term(hyps,hypst);
         val shyps' = add_insts_sorts (insts, union_sort(shyps,shypst));
         val unconditional = (Logic.count_prems(prop',0) = 0);
@@ -1906,7 +1919,7 @@
           in case opt of None => rews rrules | some => some end;
     fun sort_rrules rrs = let
-      fun is_simple {thm as Thm{prop,...}, lhs, perm} = case prop of 
+      fun is_simple({thm as Thm{prop,...}, ...}:rrule) = case prop of 
                                       Const("==",_) $ _ $ _ => true
                                       | _                   => false 
       fun sort []        (re1,re2) = re1 @ re2
@@ -1928,8 +1941,7 @@
                   | some => some)))
           else proc_rews eta_t ps;
   in case t of
-       Abs (_, _, body) $ u =>
-         Some (subst_bound (u, body), etc)
+       Abs (_, _, body) $ u => Some (subst_bound (u, body), etc)
      | _ => (case rews (sort_rrules (Net.match_term rules t)) of
                None => proc_rews (Pattern.eta_contract t)
                                  (Net.match_term procs t)
@@ -2045,7 +2057,7 @@
     and mut_impc1(prems, prem1, conc, mss, etc1 as (_,hyps1,_)) =
-        fun uncond({thm,lhs,...}:rrule) =
+        fun uncond({thm,lhs,perm}) =
           if nprems_of thm = 0 then Some lhs else None
         val (lhss1,mss1) =