added Mirabelle
Fri, 31 Jul 2009 23:31:11 +0200
changeset 32298 8ffc607c345d
parent 32297 3a4081abb3f7
child 32301 2b64fbc54a82
added Mirabelle
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/scripts/mirabelle	Fri Jul 31 23:31:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+# Taken from
+sub trim {
+    my @out = @_;
+    for (@out) {
+        s/^\s+//;
+        s/\s+$//;
+    }
+    return wantarray ? @out : $out[0];
+sub quote {
+    my $str = pop;
+    return "\"" . $str . "\"";
+sub print_usage_and_quit {
+    print STDERR "Usage: mirabelle actions file1.thy...\n" .
+                 "  actions: action1:...:actionN\n" .
+                 "  action: name or name[key1=value1,...,keyM=valueM]\n";
+    exit 1;
+my $num_args = $#ARGV + 1;
+if ($num_args < 2) {
+    print_usage_and_quit();
+my @action_names;
+my @action_settings;
+foreach (split(/:/, $ARGV[0])) {
+    my %settings;
+    $_ =~ /([^[]*)(?:\[(.*)\])?/;
+    my ($name, $settings_str) = ($1, $2 || "");
+    my @setting_strs = split(/,/, $settings_str);
+    foreach (@setting_strs) {
+        $_ =~ /(.*)=(.*)/;
+	    my $key = $1;
+	    my $value = $2;
+	    $settings{trim($key)} = trim($value);
+    }
+    push @action_names, trim($name);
+    push @action_settings, \%settings;
+my $output_path = "/tmp/mirabelle"; # FIXME: generate path
+my $mirabellesetup_thy_name = $output_path . "/MirabelleSetup";
+my $mirabellesetup_file = $mirabellesetup_thy_name . ".thy";
+my $mirabelle_log_file = $output_path . "/mirabelle.log";
+mkdir $output_path, 0755;
+open(FILE, ">$mirabellesetup_file")
+    || die "Could not create file '$mirabellesetup_file'";
+my $invoke_lines;
+for my $i (0 .. $#action_names) { 
+    my $settings_str = "";
+    my $settings = $action_settings[$i];
+    my $key;
+    my $value;
+    while (($key, $value) = each(%$settings)) {
+        $settings_str .= "(" . quote ($key) . ", " . quote ($value) . "), ";
+    }
+    $settings_str =~ s/, $//;
+    $invoke_lines .= "setup {* Mirabelle.invoke \"$action_names[$i]\" ";
+    $invoke_lines .= "[$settings_str] *}\n"
+print FILE <<EOF;
+theory MirabelleSetup
+imports Mirabelle
+setup {* Mirabelle.set_logfile "$mirabelle_log_file" *}
+my $root_text = "";
+my @new_thy_files;
+for my $i (1 .. $num_args - 1) {
+    my $old_thy_file = $ARGV[$i];
+    my ($base, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($old_thy_file, "\.thy");
+    my $new_thy_name = $base . "Mirabelle";
+    my $new_thy_file = $dir . $new_thy_name . $ext;
+    open(OLD_FILE, "<$old_thy_file")
+        || die "Cannot open file $old_thy_file";
+    my @lines = <OLD_FILE>;
+    close(OLD_FILE);
+    my $thy_text = join("", @lines);
+    my $old_len = length($thy_text);
+    $thy_text =~ s/\btheory\b[^\n]*\s*\bimports\s/theory $new_thy_name\nimports "$mirabellesetup_thy_name" /gm;
+    die "No 'imports' found" if length($thy_text) == $old_len;
+    open(NEW_FILE, ">$new_thy_file");
+    print NEW_FILE $thy_text;
+    close(NEW_FILE);
+    $root_text .= "use_thy \"" . $dir . $new_thy_name . "\";\n";
+    push @new_thy_files, $new_thy_file;
+my $root_file = "ROOT_mirabelle.ML";
+open(ROOT_FILE, ">$root_file") || die "Cannot open file $root_file";
+print ROOT_FILE $root_text;
+system "isabelle-process -e 'use \"ROOT_mirabelle.ML\";' -f -q HOL";
+# unlink $mirabellesetup_file;
+unlink $root_file;
+unlink @new_thy_files;
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Fri Jul 31 23:30:21 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Fri Jul 31 23:31:11 2009 +0200
@@ -903,7 +903,8 @@
   ex/Sudoku.thy ex/Tarski.thy \
   ex/Termination.thy ex/Unification.thy ex/document/root.bib		\
   ex/document/root.tex ex/set.thy ex/svc_funcs.ML ex/svc_test.thy \
-  ex/Predicate_Compile.thy ex/predicate_compile.ML ex/Predicate_Compile_ex.thy
+  ex/Predicate_Compile.thy ex/predicate_compile.ML ex/Predicate_Compile_ex.thy \
+  ex/Mirabelle.thy ex/mirabelle.ML
 	@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/HOL ex
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/Mirabelle.thy	Fri Jul 31 23:31:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(* Title: Mirabelle.thy
+   Author: Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme
+theory Mirabelle
+imports Main
+uses "mirabelle.ML"
+(* FIXME: use a logfile for each theory file *)
+setup Mirabelle.setup
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/mirabelle.ML	Fri Jul 31 23:31:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+(* Title:  mirabelle.ML
+   Author: Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme
+signature MIRABELLE =
+  type action
+  type settings
+  val register : string -> action -> theory -> theory
+  val invoke : string -> settings -> theory -> theory
+  val timeout : int Config.T
+  val verbose : bool Config.T
+  val set_logfile : string -> theory -> theory
+  val setup : theory -> theory
+  val step_hook : Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.state -> Toplevel.state ->
+    unit
+  val goal_thm_of : Proof.state -> thm
+  val can_apply : (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) -> Proof.state -> bool
+  val theorems_in_proof_term : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm list
+  val theorems_of_sucessful_proof : Toplevel.state -> Thm.thm list
+  val get_setting : settings -> string * string -> string
+  val get_int_setting : settings -> string * int -> int
+(* FIXME  val refute_action : action *)
+  val quickcheck_action : action
+  val arith_action : action
+  val sledgehammer_action : action
+  val metis_action : action
+structure Mirabelle (*: MIRABELLE*) =
+(* Mirabelle core *)
+type settings = (string * string) list
+type invoked = {pre: Proof.state, post: Toplevel.state option} -> string option
+type action = settings -> invoked
+structure Registered = TheoryDataFun
+  type T = action Symtab.table
+  val empty = Symtab.empty
+  val copy = I
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge _ = Symtab.merge (K true)
+fun register name act = (Symtab.update_new (name, act))
+structure Invoked = TheoryDataFun
+  type T = (string * invoked) list
+  val empty = []
+  val copy = I
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge _ = Library.merge (K true)
+fun invoke name sts thy = 
+  let 
+    val act = 
+      (case Symtab.lookup (Registered.get thy) name of
+        SOME act => act
+      | NONE => error ("The invoked action " ^ quote name ^ 
+          " is not registered."))
+  in (cons (name, act sts)) thy end
+val (logfile, setup1) = Attrib.config_string "mirabelle_logfile" ""
+val (timeout, setup2) = Attrib.config_int "mirabelle_timeout" 30
+val (verbose, setup3) = Attrib.config_bool "mirabelle_verbose" true
+val (start_line, setup4) = Attrib.config_int "mirabelle_start_line" 0
+val (end_line, setup5) = Attrib.config_int "mirabelle_end_line" ~1
+val setup_config = setup1 #> setup2 #> setup3 #> setup4 #> setup5
+fun set_logfile name =
+  let val _ = File.write (Path.explode name) ""   (* erase file content *)
+  in Config.put_thy logfile name end
+fun log thy s =
+  let fun append_to n = if n = "" then K () else File.append (Path.explode n)
+  in append_to (Config.get_thy thy logfile) (s ^ "\n") end
+  (* FIXME: with multithreading and parallel proofs enabled, we might need to
+     encapsulate this inside a critical section *)
+fun verbose_msg verbose msg = if verbose then SOME msg else NONE
+fun with_time_limit (verb, secs) f x = TimeLimit.timeLimit secs f x
+  handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => verbose_msg verb "time out"
+       | ERROR msg => verbose_msg verb ("error: " ^ msg)
+fun capture_exns verb f x =
+  (case try f x of NONE => verbose_msg verb "exception" | SOME msg => msg)
+fun apply_action (c as (verb, _)) st (name, invoked) =
+ (pair name) (capture_exns verb (with_time_limit c invoked) st)
+fun in_range _ _ NONE = true
+  | in_range l r (SOME i) = (l <= i andalso (r < 0 orelse i <= r))
+fun only_within_range thy pos f x =
+  let val l = Config.get_thy thy start_line and r = Config.get_thy thy end_line
+  in if in_range l r (Position.line_of pos) then f x else [] end
+fun pretty_print verbose pos name msgs =
+  let
+    val file = the_default "unknown file" (Position.file_of pos)
+    val str0 = string_of_int o the_default 0
+    val loc = str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ ":" ^ str0 (Position.column_of pos)
+    val full_loc = if verbose then file ^ ":" ^ loc else "at " ^ loc
+    val head = full_loc ^ " (" ^ name ^ "):"
+    fun pretty_msg (name, msg) = Pretty.block (map Pretty.str [name, ": ", msg])
+  in
+    Pretty.string_of (Pretty.big_list head (map pretty_msg msgs))
+  end
+fun basic_hook tr pre post =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof.theory_of pre
+    val pos = Toplevel.pos_of tr
+    val name = Toplevel.name_of tr
+    val verb = Config.get_thy thy verbose
+    val secs = Time.fromSeconds (Config.get_thy thy timeout)
+    val st = {pre=pre, post=post}
+  in
+    Invoked.get thy
+    |> only_within_range thy pos (map_filter (apply_action (verb, secs) st))
+    |> (fn [] => () | msgs => log thy (pretty_print verb pos name msgs))
+  end
+fun step_hook tr pre post =
+ (* FIXME: might require wrapping into "interruptible" *)
+  if can (Proof.assert_backward o Toplevel.proof_of) pre andalso
+     not (member (op =) ["disable_pr", "enable_pr"] (Toplevel.name_of tr))
+  then basic_hook tr (Toplevel.proof_of pre) (SOME post)
+  else ()   (* FIXME: add theory_hook here *)
+(* Mirabelle utility functions *)
+val goal_thm_of = snd o snd o Proof.get_goal
+fun can_apply tac st =
+  let val (ctxt, (facts, goal)) = Proof.get_goal st
+  in
+    (case Seq.pull (HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac facts THEN' tac ctxt) goal) of
+      SOME (thm, _) => true
+    | NONE => false)
+  end
+fun fold_body_thms f =
+  let
+    fun app n (PBody {thms, ...}) = thms |> fold (fn (i, (name, prop, body)) =>
+      fn (x, seen) =>
+        if Inttab.defined seen i then (x, seen)
+        else
+          let
+            val body' = Future.join body
+            val (x', seen') = app (n + (if name = "" then 0 else 1)) body'
+              (x, Inttab.update (i, ()) seen)
+        in (x' |> n = 0 ? f (name, prop, body'), seen') end)
+  in fn bodies => fn x => #1 (fold (app 0) bodies (x, Inttab.empty)) end
+fun theorems_in_proof_term thm =
+  let
+    val all_thms = PureThy.all_thms_of (Thm.theory_of_thm thm)
+    fun collect (s, _, _) = if s <> "" then insert (op =) s else I
+    fun member_of xs (x, y) = if member (op =) xs x then SOME y else NONE
+    fun resolve_thms names = map_filter (member_of names) all_thms
+  in
+    resolve_thms (fold_body_thms collect [Thm.proof_body_of thm] [])
+  end
+fun theorems_of_sucessful_proof state =
+  (case state of
+    NONE => []
+  | SOME st =>
+      if not (Toplevel.is_proof st) then []
+      else theorems_in_proof_term (goal_thm_of (Toplevel.proof_of st)))
+fun get_setting settings (key, default) =
+  the_default default (AList.lookup (op =) settings key)
+fun get_int_setting settings (key, default) =
+  (case Int.fromString (AList.lookup (op =) settings key) of
+    SOME (SOME i) => i
+  | SOME NONE => error ("bad option: " ^ key)
+  | NONE => default)
+(* Mirabelle actions *)
+fun refute_action settings {pre=st, ...} = 
+  let
+    val params   = [("minsize", "2") (*"maxsize", "2"*)]
+    val subgoal = 0
+    val thy     = Proof.theory_of st
+    val thm = goal_thm_of st
+    val _ = Refute.refute_subgoal thy parms thm subgoal
+  in
+    val writ_log = Substring.full (the (Symtab.lookup tab "writeln"))
+    val warn_log = Substring.full (the (Symtab.lookup tab "warning"))
+    val r =
+      if Substring.isSubstring "model found" writ_log
+      then
+        if Substring.isSubstring "spurious" warn_log
+        then SOME "potential counterexample"
+        else SOME "real counterexample (bug?)"
+      else
+        if Substring.isSubstring "time limit" writ_log
+        then SOME "no counterexample (time out)"
+        else if Substring.isSubstring "Search terminated" writ_log
+        then SOME "no counterexample (normal termination)"
+        else SOME "no counterexample (unknown)"
+  in r end
+fun quickcheck_action settings {pre=st, ...} =
+  let
+    val has_valid_key = member (op =) ["iterations", "size", "generator"] o fst
+    val args = filter has_valid_key settings
+  in
+    (case Quickcheck.quickcheck args 1 st of
+      NONE => SOME "no counterexample"
+    | SOME _ => SOME "counterexample found")
+  end
+fun arith_action _ {pre=st, ...} = 
+  if can_apply Arith_Data.arith_tac st
+  then SOME "succeeded"
+  else NONE
+fun sledgehammer_action settings {pre=st, ...} =
+  let
+    val prover_name = hd (space_explode " " (AtpManager.get_atps ()))
+    val thy = Proof.theory_of st
+    val prover = the (AtpManager.get_prover prover_name thy)
+    val timeout = AtpManager.get_timeout () 
+    val (success, message) =
+      let
+        val (success, message, _, _, _) =
+          prover timeout NONE NONE prover_name 1 (Proof.get_goal st)
+      in (success, message) end
+      handle ResHolClause.TOO_TRIVIAL => (true, "trivial")
+           | ERROR msg => (false, "error: " ^ msg)
+  in
+    if success
+    then SOME ("success (" ^ prover_name ^ ": " ^ message ^ ")")
+    else NONE
+  end
+fun metis_action settings {pre, post} =
+  let
+    val thms = theorems_of_sucessful_proof post
+    val names = map Thm.get_name thms
+    val facts = Facts.props (ProofContext.facts_of (Proof.context_of pre))
+    fun metis ctxt = MetisTools.metis_tac ctxt (thms @ facts)
+  in
+    (if can_apply metis pre then "succeeded" else "failed")
+    |> suffix (" (" ^ commas names ^ ")")
+    |> SOME
+  end
+(* Mirabelle setup *)
+val setup =
+  setup_config #>
+(* FIXME  register "refute" refute_action #> *)
+  register "quickcheck" quickcheck_action #>
+  register "arith" arith_action #>
+  register "sledgehammer" sledgehammer_action #>
+  register "metis" metis_action (* #> FIXME:
+  Context.theory_map (Specification.add_theorem_hook theorem_hook) *)
+val _ = Toplevel.add_hook Mirabelle.step_hook
+(* no multithreading, no parallel proofs *)
+val _ = Multithreading.max_threads := 1
+val _ = Goal.parallel_proofs := 0