--- a/src/Pure/General/seq.ML Fri Feb 13 21:14:30 2009 +1100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/seq.ML Fri Feb 13 13:28:14 2009 +0100
@@ -89,17 +89,17 @@
(*the list of the first n elements, paired with rest of sequence;
if length of list is less than n, then sequence had less than n elements*)
fun chop n xq =
- if n <= (0: int) then ([], xq)
+ if n <= (0 : int) then ([], xq)
(case pull xq of
NONE => ([], xq)
| SOME (x, xq') => apfst (Basics.cons x) (chop (n - 1) xq'));
-(* truncate the sequence after n elements *)
-fun take n s = let
- fun f 0 _ () = NONE
- | f n ss () = Option.map (apsnd (make o f (n - 1))) (pull ss);
- in make (f n s) end;
+(*truncate the sequence after n elements*)
+fun take n xq =
+ if n <= (0 : int) then empty
+ else make (fn () =>
+ (Option.map o apsnd) (take (n - 1)) (pull xq));
(*conversion from sequence to list*)
fun list_of xq =