continuously clean frontier of already committed theories: much less resource requirements;
Fri, 07 Sep 2018 23:47:26 +0200
changeset 68936 90c08c7bab9c
parent 68935 7a420bee1eea
child 68937 cbf5475a0f66
continuously clean frontier of already committed theories: much less resource requirements;
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_resources.scala	Fri Sep 07 20:35:18 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_resources.scala	Fri Sep 07 23:47:26 2018 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 import{File => JFile}
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
 object Thy_Resources
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@
   val default_check_delay: Double = 0.5
   val default_nodes_status_delay: Double = -1.0
+  val default_commit_clean_delay: Double = 60.0
   class Session private[Thy_Resources](
@@ -135,6 +138,7 @@
       def cancel_result { result.cancel }
+      def finished_result: Boolean = result.is_finished
       def await_result { result.join_result }
       def join_result: Theories_Result = result.join
       def check_result(
@@ -197,6 +201,7 @@
       id: UUID = UUID(),
       // commit: must not block, must not fail
       commit: Option[(Document.Snapshot, Document_Status.Node_Status) => Unit] = None,
+      commit_clean_delay: Time = Time.seconds(default_commit_clean_delay),
       progress: Progress = No_Progress): Theories_Result =
       val dep_theories =
@@ -241,6 +246,12 @@
+        val delay_commit_clean =
+          Standard_Thread.delay_first(commit_clean_delay max {
+            val clean = use_theories_state.value.already_committed.keySet
+            resources.clean_theories(session, id, clean)
+          }
         Session.Consumer[Session.Commands_Changed](getClass.getName) {
           case changed =>
             if (changed.nodes.exists(dep_theories_set)) {
@@ -291,6 +302,12 @@
                 progress.theory_percentage("", theory, percentage)
+              if (commit.isDefined && commit_clean_delay >= {
+                if (use_theories_state.value.finished_result)
+                  delay_commit_clean.revoke
+                else delay_commit_clean.invoke
+              }
@@ -363,6 +380,14 @@
     required: Multi_Map[Document.Node.Name, UUID] = Multi_Map.empty,
     theories: Map[Document.Node.Name, Theory] = Map.empty)
+    lazy val theory_graph: Graph[Document.Node.Name, Unit] =
+    {
+      val entries =
+        for ((name, theory) <- theories.toList)
+        yield ((name, ()),
+      Graph.make(entries, symmetric = true)(Document.Node.Name.Ordering)
+    }
     def is_required(name: Document.Node.Name): Boolean = required.isDefinedAt(name)
     def insert_required(id: UUID, names: List[Document.Node.Name]): State =
@@ -386,12 +411,52 @@
       copy(theories = theories -- remove)
-    lazy val theory_graph: Graph[Document.Node.Name, Unit] =
+    def unload_theories(session: Session, id: UUID, dep_theories: List[Document.Node.Name]): State =
+    {
+      val st1 = remove_required(id, dep_theories)
+      val theory_edits =
+        for {
+          node_name <- dep_theories
+          theory <- st1.theories.get(node_name)
+        }
+        yield {
+          val theory1 = theory.required(st1.is_required(node_name))
+          val edits = theory1.node_edits(Some(theory))
+          (edits, (node_name, theory1))
+        }
+      session.update(Document.Blobs.empty, theory_edits.flatMap(_._1))
+      st1.update_theories(
+    }
+    def purge_theories(session: Session, nodes: List[Document.Node.Name])
+      : ((List[Document.Node.Name], List[Document.Node.Name]), State) =
-      val entries =
-        for ((name, theory) <- theories.toList)
-        yield ((name, ()),
-      Graph.make(entries, symmetric = true)(Document.Node.Name.Ordering)
+      val all_nodes = theory_graph.topological_order
+      val purge = nodes.filterNot(is_required(_)).toSet
+      val retain = theory_graph.all_preds(all_nodes.filterNot(purge)).toSet
+      val (retained, purged) = all_nodes.partition(retain)
+      val purge_edits = purged.flatMap(name => theories(name).purge_edits)
+      session.update(Document.Blobs.empty, purge_edits)
+      ((purged, retained), remove_theories(purged))
+    }
+    def frontier_theories(clean: Set[Document.Node.Name]): Set[Document.Node.Name] =
+    {
+      @tailrec def frontier(base: List[Document.Node.Name], front: Set[Document.Node.Name])
+        : Set[Document.Node.Name] =
+      {
+        val add = base.filter(b => theory_graph.imm_succs(b).forall(front))
+        if (add.isEmpty) front
+        else {
+          val pre_add =
+          val base1 = (pre_add.head /: pre_add.tail)(_ ++ _).toList.filter(clean)
+          frontier(base1, front ++ add)
+        }
+      }
+      frontier(theory_graph.maximals.filter(clean), Set.empty)
@@ -438,45 +503,29 @@
-  def unload_theories(session: Session, id: UUID, dep_theories: List[Document.Node.Name])
+  def unload_theories(
+    session: Thy_Resources.Session, id: UUID, dep_theories: List[Document.Node.Name])
+  {
+    state.change(_.unload_theories(session, id, dep_theories))
+  }
+  def clean_theories(session: Thy_Resources.Session, id: UUID, clean: Set[Document.Node.Name])
     state.change(st =>
-        val st1 = st.remove_required(id, dep_theories)
-        val theory_edits =
-          for {
-            node_name <- dep_theories
-            theory <- st1.theories.get(node_name)
-          }
-          yield {
-            val theory1 = theory.required(st1.is_required(node_name))
-            val edits = theory1.node_edits(Some(theory))
-            (edits, (node_name, theory1))
-          }
-        session.update(Document.Blobs.empty, theory_edits.flatMap(_._1))
-        st1.update_theories(
+        val frontier = st.frontier_theories(clean).toList
+        if (frontier.isEmpty) st
+        else {
+          val st1 = st.unload_theories(session, id, frontier)
+          val (_, st2) = st1.purge_theories(session, frontier)
+          st2
+        }
-  def purge_theories(session: Session, nodes: Option[List[Document.Node.Name]])
+  def purge_theories(session: Thy_Resources.Session, nodes: Option[List[Document.Node.Name]])
     : (List[Document.Node.Name], List[Document.Node.Name]) =
-    state.change_result(st =>
-      {
-        val graph = st.theory_graph
-        val all_nodes = graph.topological_order
-        val purge =
-          (if (nodes.isEmpty) all_nodes else nodes.get.filter(graph.defined(_))).
-            filterNot(st.is_required(_)).toSet
-        val retain = graph.all_preds(all_nodes.filterNot(purge)).toSet
-        val (retained, purged) = all_nodes.partition(retain)
-        val purge_edits = purged.flatMap(name => st.theories(name).purge_edits)
-        session.update(Document.Blobs.empty, purge_edits)
-        ((purged, retained), st.remove_theories(purged))
-      })
+    state.change_result(st => st.purge_theories(session, nodes getOrElse st.theory_graph.keys))
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/dump.scala	Fri Sep 07 20:35:18 2018 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/dump.scala	Fri Sep 07 23:47:26 2018 +0200
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
   /* dump */
   val default_output_dir = Path.explode("dump")
+  val default_commit_clean_delay = Time.seconds(-1.0)
   def make_options(options: Options, aspects: List[Aspect]): Options =
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@
     select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
     output_dir: Path = default_output_dir,
     verbose: Boolean = false,
+    commit_clean_delay: Time = default_commit_clean_delay,
     system_mode: Boolean = false,
     selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty): Process_Result =
@@ -158,7 +160,10 @@
         include_sessions = include_sessions, progress = progress, log = log)
     val theories_result =
-      session.use_theories(use_theories, progress = progress, commit = Some(Consumer.apply _))
+      session.use_theories(use_theories,
+        progress = progress,
+        commit = Some(Consumer.apply _),
+        commit_clean_delay = commit_clean_delay)
     val session_result = session.stop()
@@ -176,6 +181,7 @@
       var aspects: List[Aspect] = known_aspects
       var base_sessions: List[String] = Nil
+      var commit_clean_delay = default_commit_clean_delay
       var select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil
       var output_dir = default_output_dir
       var requirements = false
@@ -195,6 +201,8 @@
   Options are:
     -A NAMES     dump named aspects (default: """ + known_aspects.mkString("\"", ",", "\"") + """)
     -B NAME      include session NAME and all descendants
+    -C SECONDS   delay for cleaning of already dumped theories (disabled for < 0, default: """ +
+      default_commit_clean_delay.seconds.toInt + """)
     -D DIR       include session directory and select its sessions
     -O DIR       output directory for dumped files (default: """ + default_output_dir + """)
     -R           operate on requirements of selected sessions
@@ -213,6 +221,7 @@
 """ + Library.prefix_lines("    ", show_aspects) + "\n",
       "A:" -> (arg => aspects = Library.distinct(space_explode(',', arg)).map(the_aspect(_))),
       "B:" -> (arg => base_sessions = base_sessions ::: List(arg)),
+      "C:" -> (arg => commit_clean_delay = Time.seconds(Value.Double.parse(arg))),
       "D:" -> (arg => select_dirs = select_dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
       "O:" -> (arg => output_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
       "R" -> (_ => requirements = true),
@@ -241,9 +250,11 @@
           dump(options, logic,
             aspects = aspects,
             progress = progress,
+            log = new File_Logger(Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/dump.log")),
             dirs = dirs,
             select_dirs = select_dirs,
             output_dir = output_dir,
+            commit_clean_delay = commit_clean_delay,
             verbose = verbose,
             selection = Sessions.Selection(
               requirements = requirements,