--- a/lib/Tools/update_cartouches Sun Feb 28 14:48:38 2016 +0100
+++ b/lib/Tools/update_cartouches Sun Feb 28 15:00:17 2016 +0100
@@ -4,62 +4,6 @@
# DESCRIPTION: update theory syntax to use cartouches
-## diagnostics
-PRG="$(basename "$0")"
-function usage()
- echo
- echo "Usage: isabelle $PRG [FILES|DIRS...]"
- echo
- echo " Options are:"
- echo " -c replace comment marker \"--\" by symbol \"\\<comment>\""
- echo " -t replace @{text} antiquotations within text tokens"
- echo
- echo " Recursively find .thy files and update theory syntax to use cartouches"
- echo " instead of old-style {* verbatim *} or \`alt_string\` tokens."
- echo
- echo " Old versions of files are preserved by appending \"~~\"."
- echo
- exit 1
-## process command line
-# options
+isabelle_admin_build jars || exit $?
-while getopts "ct" OPT
- case "$OPT" in
- c)
- COMMENT="true"
- ;;
- t)
- TEXT="true"
- ;;
- \?)
- usage
- ;;
- esac
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-# args
-[ "$#" -eq 0 -o "$1" = "-?" ] && usage
-SPECS="$@"; shift "$#"
-## main
-find $SPECS -name \*.thy -print0 | \
- xargs -0 "$ISABELLE_TOOL" java isabelle.Update_Cartouches "$COMMENT" "$TEXT"
+"$ISABELLE_TOOL" java isabelle.Update_Cartouches "$@"
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/update_cartouches.scala Sun Feb 28 14:48:38 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/update_cartouches.scala Sun Feb 28 15:00:17 2016 +0100
@@ -87,13 +87,31 @@
def main(args: Array[String])
Command_Line.tool0 {
- args.toList match {
- case Properties.Value.Boolean(replace_comment) ::
- Properties.Value.Boolean(replace_text) :: files =>
- files.foreach(file =>
- update_cartouches(replace_comment, replace_text, Path.explode(file)))
- case _ => error("Bad arguments:\n" + cat_lines(args))
- }
+ var replace_comment = false
+ var replace_text = false
+ val getopts = Getopts(() => """
+Usage: isabelle update_cartouches [FILES|DIRS...]
+ Options are:
+ -c replace comment marker "--" by symbol "\<comment>"
+ -t replace @{text} antiquotations within text tokens
+ Recursively find .thy files and update theory syntax to use cartouches
+ instead of old-style {* verbatim *} or `alt_string` tokens.
+ Old versions of files are preserved by appending "~~".
+ "c" -> (_ => replace_comment = true),
+ "t" -> (_ => replace_text = true))
+ val specs = getopts(args)
+ if (specs.isEmpty) getopts.usage()
+ for {
+ spec <- specs
+ file <- File.find_files(Path.explode(spec).file, file => file.getName.endsWith(".thy"))
+ } update_cartouches(replace_comment, replace_text, Path.explode(File.standard_path(file)))