--- a/src/Pure/Tools/class_package.ML Wed Jun 28 14:35:51 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/class_package.ML Wed Jun 28 14:36:09 2006 +0200
@@ -36,10 +36,7 @@
val operational_sort_of: theory -> sort -> sort
val the_superclasses: theory -> class -> class list
val the_consts_sign: theory -> class -> string * (string * typ) list
- val lookup_const_class: theory -> string -> class option
- val the_instances: theory -> class -> (string * ((sort list) * string)) list
val the_inst_sign: theory -> class * string -> (string * sort) list * (string * typ) list
- val get_classtab: theory -> (string * string) list Symtab.table
val print_classes: theory -> unit
val intro_classes_tac: thm list -> tactic
@@ -57,6 +54,22 @@
+(* auxiliary *)
+fun instantiations_of thy (ty, ty') =
+ let
+ val vartab = typ_tvars ty;
+ fun prep_vartab (v, (_, ty)) =
+ case (the o AList.lookup (op =) vartab) v
+ of [] => NONE
+ | sort => SOME ((v, sort), ty);
+ in case try (Sign.typ_match thy (ty, ty')) Vartab.empty
+ of NONE => NONE
+ | SOME vartab =>
+ SOME ((map_filter prep_vartab o Vartab.dest) vartab)
+ end;
(* theory data *)
datatype class_data = ClassData of {
@@ -64,7 +77,7 @@
name_axclass: string,
var: string,
consts: (string * (string * typ)) list
- (*locale parameter ~> toplevel const*)
+ (*locale parameter ~> toplevel constant*)
fun rep_classdata (ClassData c) = c;
@@ -72,17 +85,12 @@
structure ClassData = TheoryDataFun (
val name = "Pure/classes";
- type T = (class_data Graph.T
- * (string * (sort list * string)) list Symtab.table)
- (*class ~> tyco ~> (arity, thyname)*)
- * class Symtab.table;
- val empty = ((Graph.empty, Symtab.empty), Symtab.empty);
+ type T = class_data Graph.T;
+ val empty = Graph.empty;
val copy = I;
val extend = I;
- fun merge _ (((g1, c1), f1) : T, ((g2, c2), f2)) =
- ((Graph.merge (K true) (g1, g2), Symtab.join (fn _ => AList.merge (op =) (op =)) (c1, c2)),
- Symtab.merge (op =) (f1, f2));
- fun print thy ((gr, _), _) =
+ fun merge _ = Graph.merge (K true);
+ fun print thy gr =
fun pretty_class gr (name, ClassData {name_locale, name_axclass, var, consts}) =
(Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks) [
@@ -112,9 +120,7 @@
(* queries *)
-val lookup_class_data = Option.map rep_classdata oo try o Graph.get_node o fst o fst o ClassData.get;
-val the_instances = these oo Symtab.lookup o snd o fst o ClassData.get;
-val lookup_const_class = Symtab.lookup o snd o ClassData.get;
+val lookup_class_data = Option.map rep_classdata oo try o Graph.get_node o ClassData.get;
fun the_class_data thy class =
case lookup_class_data thy class
@@ -144,13 +150,6 @@
error ("no class: " ^ class);
-fun get_superclass_derivation thy (subclass, superclass) =
- if subclass = superclass
- then SOME [subclass]
- else case Graph.irreducible_paths ((fst o fst o ClassData.get) thy) (subclass, superclass)
- of [] => NONE
- | (p::_) => (SOME o filter (is_operational_class thy)) p;
fun the_ancestry thy classes =
fun ancestry class anc =
@@ -176,7 +175,7 @@
fun the_inst_sign thy (class, tyco) =
val _ = if is_operational_class thy class then () else error ("no operational class: " ^ class);
- val arity = Sign.arity_sorts thy tyco [class];
+ val asorts = Sign.arity_sorts thy tyco [class];
val clsvar = (#var o the_class_data thy) class;
val const_sign = (snd o the_consts_sign thy) class;
fun add_var sort used =
@@ -187,41 +186,23 @@
|> fold (fn (_, ty) => curry (gen_union (op =))
((map (fst o fst) o typ_tvars) ty @ (map fst o typ_tfrees) ty)) const_sign
- |> fold_map add_var arity;
+ |> fold_map add_var asorts;
val ty_inst = Type (tyco, map TFree vsorts);
val inst_signs = map (apsnd (subst_clsvar clsvar ty_inst)) const_sign;
in (vsorts, inst_signs) end;
-fun get_classtab thy =
- (Symtab.map o map)
- (fn (tyco, (_, thyname)) => (tyco, thyname)) ((snd o fst o ClassData.get) thy);
(* updaters *)
fun add_class_data (class, (superclasses, name_locale, name_axclass, var, consts)) =
- ClassData.map (fn ((gr, tab), consttab) => ((
- gr
- |> Graph.new_node (class, ClassData {
- name_locale = name_locale,
- name_axclass = name_axclass,
- var = var,
- consts = consts
- })
- |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge_acyclic class) superclasses,
- tab
- |> Symtab.update (class, [])),
- consttab
- |> fold (fn (_, (c, _)) => Symtab.update (c, class)) consts
- ));
-fun add_inst_data (class, inst) =
- ClassData.map (fn ((gr, tab), consttab) =>
- let
- val undef_supclasses = class :: (filter (Symtab.defined tab) (Graph.all_succs gr [class]));
- in
- ((gr, tab |> fold (fn class => Symtab.map_entry class (AList.update (op =) inst)) undef_supclasses), consttab)
- end);
+ ClassData.map (
+ Graph.new_node (class, ClassData {
+ name_locale = name_locale,
+ name_axclass = name_axclass,
+ var = var,
+ consts = consts })
+ #> fold (curry Graph.add_edge_acyclic class) superclasses
+ );
(* name handling *)
@@ -233,7 +214,7 @@
map (fn class => (the_class_data thy class; class)) (Sign.certify_sort thy sort);
fun intern_class thy =
-certify_class thy o Sign.intern_class thy;
+ certify_class thy o Sign.intern_class thy;
fun intern_sort thy =
certify_sort thy o Sign.intern_sort thy;
@@ -295,10 +276,10 @@
-fun add_axclass_i (name, supsort) axs thy =
+fun add_axclass_i (name, supsort) params axs thy =
val (c, thy') = thy
- |> AxClass.define_class_i (name, supsort) [] axs;
+ |> AxClass.define_class_i (name, supsort) params axs;
val {intro, axioms, ...} = AxClass.get_definition thy' c;
in ((c, (intro, axioms)), thy') end;
@@ -309,13 +290,11 @@
val p = setmp show_types true (setmp show_sorts true (setmp print_mode [] (Sign.pretty_typ thy))) ty;
val s = c ^ "::" ^ Pretty.output p;
- val _ = writeln s;
in SOME s end
| ad_hoc_term (SOME t) =
val p = setmp show_types true (setmp show_sorts true (setmp print_mode [] (Sign.pretty_term thy))) t;
val s = Pretty.output p;
- val _ = writeln s;
in SOME s end;
@@ -368,7 +347,7 @@
map_aterms (fn Free (c, ty) => Const ((fst o the o AList.lookup (op =) cs_mapp) c, ty)
| t => t)
fun prep_asm ((name, atts), ts) =
- ((NameSpace.base name |> print, map (Attrib.attribute thy) atts), map subst_assume ts)
+ ((NameSpace.base name, map (Attrib.attribute thy) atts), map subst_assume ts)
(map prep_asm o Locale.local_asms_of thy) name_locale
@@ -387,7 +366,7 @@
#-> (fn mapp_this =>
`(fn thy => extract_assumes thy name_locale (mapp_sup @ mapp_this))
#-> (fn loc_axioms =>
- add_axclass_i (bname, supsort) loc_axioms
+ add_axclass_i (bname, supsort) (map (fst o snd) mapp_this) loc_axioms
#-> (fn (name_axclass, (_, ax_axioms)) =>
fold (add_global_constraint v name_axclass) mapp_this
#> add_class_data (name_locale, (supclasses, name_locale, name_axclass, v, mapp_this))
@@ -407,30 +386,20 @@
-fun gen_add_defs_overloaded prep_att tap_def add_defs tyco raw_defs thy =
+fun gen_read_def thy prep_att read_def tyco ((raw_name, raw_atts), raw_t) =
- fun invent_name raw_t =
- let
- val t = tap_def thy raw_t;
- val c = (fst o dest_Const o fst o strip_comb o fst o Logic.dest_equals) t;
- in
- Thm.def_name (NameSpace.base c ^ "_" ^ NameSpace.base tyco)
- end;
- fun prep_def (_, (("", a), t)) =
- let
- val n = invent_name t
- in ((n, t), map (prep_att thy) a) end
- | prep_def (_, ((n, a), t)) =
- ((n, t), map (prep_att thy) a);
- in
- thy
- |> add_defs true (map prep_def raw_defs)
- end;
+ val (_, t) = read_def thy (raw_name, raw_t);
+ val ((c, ty), _) = Sign.cert_def (Sign.pp thy) t;
+ val atts = map (prep_att thy) raw_atts;
+ val name = case raw_name
+ of "" => Thm.def_name (NameSpace.base c ^ "_" ^ NameSpace.base tyco)
+ | _ => raw_name;
+ in (c, (Logic.varifyT ty, ((name, t), atts))) end;
-val add_defs_overloaded = gen_add_defs_overloaded Attrib.attribute Sign.read_term PureThy.add_defs;
-val add_defs_overloaded_i = gen_add_defs_overloaded (K I) (K I) PureThy.add_defs_i;
+fun read_def thy = gen_read_def thy Attrib.attribute read_axm;
+fun read_def_i thy = gen_read_def thy (K I) (K I);
-fun gen_instance_arity prep_arity prep_att add_defs tap_def do_proof raw_arity (raw_name, raw_atts) raw_defs theory =
+fun gen_instance_arity prep_arity prep_att read_def do_proof raw_arity (raw_name, raw_atts) raw_defs theory =
val pp = Sign.pp theory;
val arity as (tyco, asorts, sort) = prep_arity theory ((fn ((x, y), z) => (x, y, z)) raw_arity);
@@ -439,24 +408,37 @@
of "" => Thm.def_name ((space_implode "_" o map NameSpace.base) sort ^ "_" ^ NameSpace.base tyco)
| _ => raw_name;
val atts = map (prep_att theory) raw_atts;
- fun get_classes thy tyco sort =
- let
- fun get class classes =
- if AList.defined (op =) ((the_instances thy) class) tyco
- then classes
- else classes
- |> cons class
- |> fold get (the_superclasses thy class)
- in fold get sort [] end;
- val classes = get_classes theory tyco sort;
- val _ = if null classes then error ("already instantiated") else ();
fun get_consts class =
val data = the_class_data theory class;
- val subst_ty = map_type_tfree (fn (var as (v, _)) =>
- if #var data = v then ty_inst else TFree var)
- in (map (apsnd subst_ty o snd) o #consts) data end;
- val cs = (flat o map get_consts) classes;
+ fun defined c =
+ is_some (find_first (fn (_, { lhs = [ty], ...}) =>
+ Sign.typ_instance theory (ty, ty_inst) orelse Sign.typ_instance theory (ty_inst, ty))
+ (Defs.specifications_of (Theory.defs_of theory) c))
+ val subst_ty = map_type_tfree (fn (v, sort) =>
+ if #var data = v then ty_inst else TVar ((v, 0), sort));
+ in
+ (map_filter (fn (_, (c, ty)) =>
+ if defined c then NONE else SOME (c, subst_ty ty)) o #consts) data
+ end;
+ val cs = (maps get_consts o the_ancestry theory) sort;
+ fun read_defs defs cs =
+ let
+ val thy_read = (Sign.primitive_arity (tyco, asorts, sort) o Theory.copy) theory;
+ fun read raw_def cs =
+ let
+ val (c, (ty, def)) = read_def thy_read tyco raw_def;
+ val def' = case AList.lookup (op =) cs c
+ of NONE => error ("superfluous definition for constant " ^ quote c)
+ | SOME ty' => case instantiations_of thy_read (ty, ty')
+ of NONE => error ("superfluous definition for constant " ^
+ quote c ^ "::" ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy_read ty)
+ | SOME insttab =>
+ (apfst o apsnd o map_term_types)
+ (Logic.unvarifyT o Term.instantiateT insttab o Logic.varifyT) def
+ in (def', AList.delete (op =) c cs) end;
+ in fold_map read defs cs end;
+ val (defs, _) = read_defs raw_defs cs;
fun get_remove_contraint c thy =
val ty = Sign.the_const_constraint thy c;
@@ -465,65 +447,31 @@
|> Sign.add_const_constraint_i (c, NONE)
|> pair (c, Logic.legacy_unvarifyT ty)
- fun check_defs0 thy raw_defs c_req =
- let
- fun get_c raw_def =
- (fst o Sign.cert_def pp o tap_def thy o snd) raw_def;
- val c_given = map get_c raw_defs;
- fun eq_c ((c1 : string, ty1), (c2, ty2)) =
- let
- val ty1' = Logic.legacy_varifyT ty1;
- val ty2' = Logic.legacy_varifyT ty2;
- in
- c1 = c2
- andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (ty1', ty2')
- andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (ty2', ty1')
- end;
- val _ = case subtract eq_c c_req c_given
- of [] => ()
- | cs => error ("superfluous definition(s) given for "
- ^ (commas o map (fn (c, ty) => quote (c ^ "::" ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy ty))) cs);
- (*val _ = case subtract eq_c c_given c_req
- of [] => ()
- | cs => error ("no definition(s) given for "
- ^ (commas o map (fn (c, ty) => quote (c ^ "::" ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy ty))) cs);*)
- in () end;
- fun check_defs1 raw_defs c_req thy =
- let
- val thy' = (Sign.primitive_arity (tyco, asorts, sort) o Theory.copy) thy
- in (check_defs0 thy' raw_defs c_req; thy) end;
- fun mangle_alldef_name tyco sort =
- Thm.def_name ((space_implode "_" o map NameSpace.base) sort ^ "_" ^ NameSpace.base tyco);
- fun note_all tyco sort thms thy =
+ fun note_all thms thy =
|> PureThy.note_thmss_i PureThy.internalK [((name, atts), [(thms, [])])]
|> snd;
fun after_qed cs thy =
- |> fold (fn class =>
- add_inst_data (class, (tyco,
- (map (operational_sort_of thy) asorts, Context.theory_name thy)))) sort
|> fold Sign.add_const_constraint_i (map (apsnd SOME) cs);
- |> check_defs1 raw_defs cs
|> fold_map get_remove_contraint (map fst cs)
- ||>> add_defs tyco (map (pair NONE) raw_defs)
- |-> (fn (cs, defnames) => note_all tyco sort defnames #> pair cs)
+ ||>> PureThy.add_defs_i true defs
+ |-> (fn (cs, thms) => note_all thms #> pair cs)
|-> (fn cs => do_proof (after_qed cs) arity)
-fun instance_arity' do_proof = gen_instance_arity Sign.read_arity Attrib.attribute add_defs_overloaded
- (fn thy => fn t => (snd o read_axm thy) ("", t)) do_proof;
-fun instance_arity_i' do_proof = gen_instance_arity Sign.cert_arity (K I) add_defs_overloaded_i
- (K I) do_proof;
-val setup_proof = axclass_instance_arity_i;
+fun instance_arity' do_proof = gen_instance_arity Sign.read_arity Attrib.attribute
+ read_def do_proof;
+fun instance_arity_i' do_proof = gen_instance_arity Sign.cert_arity (K I)
+ read_def_i do_proof;
fun tactic_proof tac after_qed arity = AxClass.prove_arity arity tac #> after_qed;
-val instance_arity = instance_arity' setup_proof;
-val instance_arity_i = instance_arity_i' setup_proof;
+val instance_arity = instance_arity' axclass_instance_arity_i;
+val instance_arity_i = instance_arity_i' axclass_instance_arity_i;
val prove_instance_arity = instance_arity_i' o tactic_proof;
end; (* local *)
@@ -590,6 +538,7 @@
end; (* local *)
(* extracting dictionary obligations from types *)
type sortcontext = (string * sort) list;
@@ -635,22 +584,15 @@
fun sortlookups_const thy (c, typ_ctxt) =
- val typ_decl = case lookup_const_class thy c
+ val typ_decl = case AxClass.class_of thy c
of NONE => Sign.the_const_type thy c
| SOME class => case the_consts_sign thy class of (v, cs) =>
(Logic.legacy_varifyT o subst_clsvar v (TFree (v, [class])))
((the o AList.lookup (op =) cs) c)
- val vartab = typ_tvars typ_decl;
- fun prep_vartab (v, (_, ty)) =
- case (the o AList.lookup (op =) vartab) v
- of [] => NONE
- | sort => SOME (sort, ty);
- Vartab.empty
- |> Sign.typ_match thy (typ_decl, typ_ctxt)
- |> Vartab.dest
- |> map_filter prep_vartab
- |> map (sortlookup thy)
+ instantiations_of thy (typ_decl, typ_ctxt)
+ |> the
+ |> map (fn ((_, sort), ty) => sortlookup thy (sort, ty))
|> filter_out null