Thu, 02 Sep 2010 17:02:00 +0200
changeset 39071 928c5a5bdc93
parent 39054 c51e80de9b7e (current diff)
parent 39070 352bcd845998 (diff)
child 39079 bddc3d3f6e53
child 39102 4ae1d212100f
--- a/doc-src/Classes/Thy/document/Classes.tex	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Classes/Thy/document/Classes.tex	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -1134,26 +1134,27 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}module Example where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt}data Nat = Zero{\char95}nat | Suc Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}data Nat = Zero{\char95}nat | Suc Example.Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}nat{\char95}aux ::~Integer -> Nat -> Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}nat{\char95}aux i n = (if i <= 0 then n else nat{\char95}aux (i - 1) (Suc n));\\
+\hspace*{0pt}nat{\char95}aux ::~Integer -> Example.Nat -> Example.Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}nat{\char95}aux i n =\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~(if i <= 0 then n else Example.nat{\char95}aux (i - 1) (Example.Suc n));\\
-\hspace*{0pt}nat ::~Integer -> Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}nat i = nat{\char95}aux i Zero{\char95}nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}nat ::~Integer -> Example.Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}nat i = Example.nat{\char95}aux i Example.Zero{\char95}nat;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}class Semigroup a where {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~mult ::~a -> a -> a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}class (Semigroup a) => Monoidl a where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt}class (Example.Semigroup a) => Monoidl a where {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~neutral ::~a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}class (Monoidl a) => Monoid a where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt}class (Example.Monoidl a) => Monoid a where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt}class (Monoid a) => Group a where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt}class (Example.Monoid a) => Group a where {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~inverse ::~a -> a;\\
@@ -1166,32 +1167,32 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}inverse{\char95}int ::~Integer -> Integer;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}inverse{\char95}int i = negate i;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}instance Semigroup Integer where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~mult = mult{\char95}int;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}instance Example.Semigroup Integer where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~mult = Example.mult{\char95}int;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}instance Monoidl Integer where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~neutral = neutral{\char95}int;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}instance Example.Monoidl Integer where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~neutral = Example.neutral{\char95}int;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}instance Monoid Integer where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt}instance Example.Monoid Integer where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt}instance Group Integer where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~inverse = inverse{\char95}int;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}instance Example.Group Integer where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~inverse = Example.inverse{\char95}int;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat ::~forall a.~(Monoid a) => Nat -> a -> a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat x = neutral;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat (Suc n) x = mult x (pow{\char95}nat n x);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat ::~forall a.~(Example.Monoid a) => Example.Nat -> a -> a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat Example.Zero{\char95}nat x = Example.neutral;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat (Example.Suc n) x = Example.mult x (Example.pow{\char95}nat n x);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}int ::~forall a.~(Group a) => Integer -> a -> a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}int ::~forall a.~(Example.Group a) => Integer -> a -> a;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}int k x =\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~(if 0 <= k then pow{\char95}nat (nat k) x\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~~~else inverse (pow{\char95}nat (nat (negate k)) x));\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~(if 0 <= k then Example.pow{\char95}nat (Example.nat k) x\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~~~else Example.inverse (Example.pow{\char95}nat (Example.nat (negate k)) x));\\
 \hspace*{0pt}example ::~Integer;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}example = pow{\char95}int 10 (-2);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}example = Example.pow{\char95}int 10 (-2);\\
@@ -1232,15 +1233,15 @@
 \hspace*{0pt} ~type 'a group\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val monoid{\char95}group :~'a group -> 'a monoid\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val inverse :~'a group -> 'a -> 'a\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val pow{\char95}nat :~'a monoid -> nat -> 'a -> 'a\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val pow{\char95}int :~'a group -> -> 'a -> 'a\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val mult{\char95}int -> ->\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val semigroup{\char95}int semigroup\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val neutral{\char95}int\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val inverse{\char95}int ->\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val semigroup{\char95}int semigroup\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val monoidl{\char95}int monoidl\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val monoid{\char95}int monoid\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val inverse{\char95}int ->\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val group{\char95}int group\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val pow{\char95}nat :~'a monoid -> nat -> 'a -> 'a\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val pow{\char95}int :~'a group -> -> 'a -> 'a\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val example\\
 \hspace*{0pt}end = struct\\
@@ -1266,23 +1267,6 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}val monoid{\char95}group = {\char35}monoid{\char95}group :~'a group -> 'a monoid;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}val inverse = {\char35}inverse :~'a group -> 'a -> 'a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fun mult{\char95}int i j = IntInf.+ (i,~j);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}val neutral{\char95}int = (0;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fun inverse{\char95}int i = IntInf.{\char126}~i;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}val semigroup{\char95}int = {\char123}mult = mult{\char95}int{\char125} semigroup;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}val monoidl{\char95}int =\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~{\char123}semigroup{\char95}monoidl = semigroup{\char95}int,~neutral = neutral{\char95}int{\char125}~:\\
-\hspace*{0pt} monoidl;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}val monoid{\char95}int = {\char123}monoidl{\char95}monoid = monoidl{\char95}int{\char125} monoid;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}val group{\char95}int = {\char123}monoid{\char95}group = monoid{\char95}int,~inverse = inverse{\char95}int{\char125}~:\\
-\hspace*{0pt} group;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}fun pow{\char95}nat A{\char95}~Zero{\char95}nat x = neutral (monoidl{\char95}monoid A{\char95})\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~| pow{\char95}nat A{\char95}~(Suc n) x =\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~mult ((semigroup{\char95}monoidl o monoidl{\char95}monoid) A{\char95}) x (pow{\char95}nat A{\char95}~n x);\\
@@ -1292,6 +1276,23 @@
 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~then pow{\char95}nat (monoid{\char95}group A{\char95}) (nat k) x\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~else inverse A{\char95}~(pow{\char95}nat (monoid{\char95}group A{\char95}) (nat (IntInf.{\char126}~k)) x));\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fun mult{\char95}int i j = IntInf.+ (i,~j);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}val semigroup{\char95}int = {\char123}mult = mult{\char95}int{\char125} semigroup;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}val neutral{\char95}int = (0;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}val monoidl{\char95}int =\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~{\char123}semigroup{\char95}monoidl = semigroup{\char95}int,~neutral = neutral{\char95}int{\char125}~:\\
+\hspace*{0pt} monoidl;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}val monoid{\char95}int = {\char123}monoidl{\char95}monoid = monoidl{\char95}int{\char125} monoid;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fun inverse{\char95}int i = IntInf.{\char126}~i;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}val group{\char95}int = {\char123}monoid{\char95}group = monoid{\char95}int,~inverse = inverse{\char95}int{\char125}~:\\
+\hspace*{0pt} group;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}val example =\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~pow{\char95}int group{\char95}int (10 ({\char126}2;\\
@@ -1335,9 +1336,6 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}object Example {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt}import /*implicits*/ Example.semigroup{\char95}int,~Example.monoidl{\char95}int,\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~Example.monoid{\char95}int,{\char95}int\\
 \hspace*{0pt}abstract sealed class nat\\
 \hspace*{0pt}final case object Zero{\char95}nat extends nat\\
 \hspace*{0pt}final case class Suc(a:~nat) extends nat\\
@@ -1348,23 +1346,23 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}def nat(i:~BigInt):~nat = nat{\char95}aux(i,~Zero{\char95}nat)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}trait semigroup[A] {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+mult`:~(A,~A) => A\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.mult`:~(A,~A) => A\\
 \hspace*{0pt}def mult[A](a:~A,~b:~A)(implicit A:~semigroup[A]):~A =\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~A.`Example+mult`(a,~b)\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~A.`Example.mult`(a,~b)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}trait monoidl[A] extends semigroup[A] {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+neutral`:~A\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.neutral`:~A\\
-\hspace*{0pt}def neutral[A](implicit A:~monoidl[A]):~A = A.`Example+neutral`\\
+\hspace*{0pt}def neutral[A](implicit A:~monoidl[A]):~A = A.`Example.neutral`\\
 \hspace*{0pt}trait monoid[A] extends monoidl[A] {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt}trait group[A] extends monoid[A] {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+inverse`:~A => A\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.inverse`:~A => A\\
-\hspace*{0pt}def inverse[A](a:~A)(implicit A:~group[A]):~A = A.`Example+inverse`(a)\\
+\hspace*{0pt}def inverse[A](a:~A)(implicit A:~group[A]):~A = A.`Example.inverse`(a)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}def pow{\char95}nat[A:~monoid](xa0:~nat,~x:~A):~A = (xa0,~x) match {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~case (Zero{\char95}nat,~x) => neutral[A]\\
@@ -1378,27 +1376,27 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}def mult{\char95}int(i:~BigInt,~j:~BigInt):~BigInt = i + j\\
 \hspace*{0pt}implicit def semigroup{\char95}int:~semigroup[BigInt] = new semigroup[BigInt] {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+mult` = (a:~BigInt,~b:~BigInt) => mult{\char95}int(a,~b)\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.mult` = (a:~BigInt,~b:~BigInt) => mult{\char95}int(a,~b)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}def neutral{\char95}int:~BigInt = BigInt(0)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}implicit def monoidl{\char95}int:~monoidl[BigInt] = new monoidl[BigInt] {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+neutral` = neutral{\char95}int\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+mult` = (a:~BigInt,~b:~BigInt) => mult{\char95}int(a,~b)\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.neutral` = neutral{\char95}int\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.mult` = (a:~BigInt,~b:~BigInt) => mult{\char95}int(a,~b)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}implicit def monoid{\char95}int:~monoid[BigInt] = new monoid[BigInt] {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+neutral` = neutral{\char95}int\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+mult` = (a:~BigInt,~b:~BigInt) => mult{\char95}int(a,~b)\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.neutral` = neutral{\char95}int\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.mult` = (a:~BigInt,~b:~BigInt) => mult{\char95}int(a,~b)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}def inverse{\char95}int(i:~BigInt):~BigInt = (- i)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}implicit def group{\char95}int:~group[BigInt] = new group[BigInt] {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+inverse` = (a:~BigInt) => inverse{\char95}int(a)\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+neutral` = neutral{\char95}int\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example+mult` = (a:~BigInt,~b:~BigInt) => mult{\char95}int(a,~b)\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.inverse` = (a:~BigInt) => inverse{\char95}int(a)\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.neutral` = neutral{\char95}int\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val `Example.mult` = (a:~BigInt,~b:~BigInt) => mult{\char95}int(a,~b)\\
 \hspace*{0pt}def example:~BigInt = pow{\char95}int[BigInt](BigInt(10),~BigInt(- 2))\\
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Adaptation.thy	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Adaptation.thy	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -272,12 +272,12 @@
 text {*
   For convenience, the default @{text HOL} setup for @{text Haskell}
-  maps the @{class eq} class to its counterpart in @{text Haskell},
-  giving custom serialisations for the class @{class eq} (by command
-  @{command_def code_class}) and its operation @{const HOL.eq}
+  maps the @{class equal} class to its counterpart in @{text Haskell},
+  giving custom serialisations for the class @{class equal} (by command
+  @{command_def code_class}) and its operation @{const HOL.equal}
-code_class %quotett eq
+code_class %quotett equal
   (Haskell "Eq")
 code_const %quotett "op ="
@@ -285,19 +285,19 @@
 text {*
   \noindent A problem now occurs whenever a type which is an instance
-  of @{class eq} in @{text HOL} is mapped on a @{text
+  of @{class equal} in @{text HOL} is mapped on a @{text
   Haskell}-built-in type which is also an instance of @{text Haskell}
   @{text Eq}:
 typedecl %quote bar
-instantiation %quote bar :: eq
+instantiation %quote bar :: equal
-definition %quote "eq_class.eq (x\<Colon>bar) y \<longleftrightarrow> x = y"
+definition %quote "HOL.equal (x\<Colon>bar) y \<longleftrightarrow> x = y"
-instance %quote by default (simp add: eq_bar_def)
+instance %quote by default (simp add: equal_bar_def)
 end %quote (*<*)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
   suppress this additional instance, use @{command_def "code_instance"}:
-code_instance %quotett bar :: eq
+code_instance %quotett bar :: equal
   (Haskell -)
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Evaluation.thy	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Evaluation.thy	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
   allows to use pattern matching on constructors stemming from compiled
   @{text "datatypes"}.
-  For a less simplistic example, theory @{theory Ferrack} is
+  For a less simplistic example, theory @{text Ferrack} is
   a good reference.
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Further.thy	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Further.thy	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
   specific application, you should consider \emph{Imperative
   Functional Programming with Isabelle/HOL}
   \cite{bulwahn-et-al:2008:imperative}; the framework described there
-  is available in session @{theory Imperative_HOL}.
+  is available in session @{text Imperative_HOL}.
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Inductive_Predicate.thy	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Inductive_Predicate.thy	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@
   "values"} and the number of elements.
-values %quote [mode: i \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> bool] 20 "{n. tranclp succ 10 n}"
-values %quote [mode: o \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> bool] 10 "{n. tranclp succ n 10}"
+values %quote [mode: i \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> bool] 1 "{n. tranclp succ 10 n}" (*FIMXE does not terminate for n\<ge>1*)
+values %quote [mode: o \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> bool] 1 "{n. tranclp succ n 10}"
 subsection {* Embedding into functional code within Isabelle/HOL *}
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Setup.thy	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Setup.thy	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
 theory Setup
-imports Complex_Main More_List RBT Dlist Mapping
+  Complex_Main
+  More_List RBT Dlist Mapping
-ML {* no_document use_thys
-  ["Efficient_Nat", "Code_Char_chr", "Product_ord",
-   "~~/src/HOL/Imperative_HOL/Imperative_HOL",
-   "~~/src/HOL/Decision_Procs/Ferrack"] *}
 setup {*
   val typ = Simple_Syntax.read_typ;
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Adaptation.tex	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Adaptation.tex	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -499,9 +499,9 @@
 For convenience, the default \isa{HOL} setup for \isa{Haskell}
-  maps the \isa{eq} class to its counterpart in \isa{Haskell},
-  giving custom serialisations for the class \isa{eq} (by command
-  \indexdef{}{command}{code\_class}\hypertarget{command.code-class}{\hyperlink{command.code-class}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}class}}}}}) and its operation \isa{eq{\isacharunderscore}class{\isachardot}eq}%
+  maps the \isa{equal} class to its counterpart in \isa{Haskell},
+  giving custom serialisations for the class \isa{equal} (by command
+  \indexdef{}{command}{code\_class}\hypertarget{command.code-class}{\hyperlink{command.code-class}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{code{\isacharunderscore}class}}}}}) and its operation \isa{equal{\isacharunderscore}class{\isachardot}equal}%
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
-\ eq\isanewline
+\ equal\isanewline
 \ \ {\isacharparenleft}Haskell\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}Eq{\isachardoublequoteclose}{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
 \noindent A problem now occurs whenever a type which is an instance
-  of \isa{eq} in \isa{HOL} is mapped on a \isa{Haskell}-built-in type which is also an instance of \isa{Haskell}
+  of \isa{equal} in \isa{HOL} is mapped on a \isa{Haskell}-built-in type which is also an instance of \isa{Haskell}
@@ -540,15 +540,15 @@
 \ bar\isanewline
-\ bar\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ eq\isanewline
+\ bar\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ equal\isanewline
-\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}eq{\isacharunderscore}class{\isachardot}eq\ {\isacharparenleft}x{\isasymColon}bar{\isacharparenright}\ y\ {\isasymlongleftrightarrow}\ x\ {\isacharequal}\ y{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
+\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}HOL{\isachardot}equal\ {\isacharparenleft}x{\isasymColon}bar{\isacharparenright}\ y\ {\isasymlongleftrightarrow}\ x\ {\isacharequal}\ y{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
 \ \isacommand{by}\isamarkupfalse%
-\ default\ {\isacharparenleft}simp\ add{\isacharcolon}\ eq{\isacharunderscore}bar{\isacharunderscore}def{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
+\ default\ {\isacharparenleft}simp\ add{\isacharcolon}\ equal{\isacharunderscore}bar{\isacharunderscore}def{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
-\ bar\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ eq\isanewline
+\ bar\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ equal\isanewline
 \ \ {\isacharparenleft}Haskell\ {\isacharminus}{\isacharparenright}%
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Evaluation.tex	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Evaluation.tex	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
   allows to use pattern matching on constructors stemming from compiled
-  For a less simplistic example, theory \hyperlink{theory.Ferrack}{\mbox{\isa{Ferrack}}} is
+  For a less simplistic example, theory \isa{Ferrack} is
   a good reference.%
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Foundations.tex	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Foundations.tex	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -247,11 +247,11 @@
-\hspace*{0pt}dequeue ::~forall a.~Queue a -> (Maybe a,~Queue a);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (Just y,~AQueue xs ys);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (AQueue xs []) =\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~(if null xs then (Nothing,~AQueue [] [])\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~~~else dequeue (AQueue [] (reverse xs)));%
+\hspace*{0pt}dequeue ::~forall a.~Example.Queue a -> (Maybe a,~Example.Queue a);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (Example.AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (Just y,~Example.AQueue xs ys);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (Example.AQueue xs []) =\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~(if null xs then (Nothing,~Example.AQueue [] [])\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~~~else Example.dequeue (Example.AQueue [] (reverse xs)));%
@@ -350,21 +350,21 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}structure Example :~sig\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~type 'a eq\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val eq :~'a eq -> 'a -> 'a -> bool\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val eqa :~'a eq -> 'a -> 'a -> bool\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val member :~'a eq -> 'a list -> 'a -> bool\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~type 'a equal\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val equal :~'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val eq :~'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val member :~'a equal -> 'a list -> 'a -> bool\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val collect{\char95}duplicates :\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~~~'a eq -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~~~'a equal -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list\\
 \hspace*{0pt}end = struct\\
-\hspace*{0pt}type 'a eq = {\char123}eq :~'a -> 'a -> bool{\char125};\\
-\hspace*{0pt}val eq = {\char35}eq :~'a eq -> 'a -> 'a -> bool;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}type 'a equal = {\char123}equal :~'a -> 'a -> bool{\char125};\\
+\hspace*{0pt}val equal = {\char35}equal :~'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fun eqa A{\char95}~a b = eq A{\char95}~a b;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fun eq A{\char95}~a b = equal A{\char95}~a b;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}fun member A{\char95}~[] y = false\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~| member A{\char95}~(x ::~xs) y = eqa A{\char95}~x y orelse member A{\char95}~xs y;\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~| member A{\char95}~(x ::~xs) y = eq A{\char95}~x y orelse member A{\char95}~xs y;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}fun collect{\char95}duplicates A{\char95}~xs ys [] = xs\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~| collect{\char95}duplicates A{\char95}~xs ys (z ::~zs) =\\
@@ -387,11 +387,11 @@
 \noindent Obviously, polymorphic equality is implemented the Haskell
   way using a type class.  How is this achieved?  HOL introduces an
-  explicit class \isa{eq} with a corresponding operation \isa{eq{\isacharunderscore}class{\isachardot}eq} such that \isa{eq{\isacharunderscore}class{\isachardot}eq\ {\isacharequal}\ op\ {\isacharequal}}.  The preprocessing
-  framework does the rest by propagating the \isa{eq} constraints
+  explicit class \isa{equal} with a corresponding operation \isa{equal{\isacharunderscore}class{\isachardot}equal} such that \isa{equal{\isacharunderscore}class{\isachardot}equal\ {\isacharequal}\ op\ {\isacharequal}}.  The preprocessing
+  framework does the rest by propagating the \isa{equal} constraints
   through all dependent code equations.  For datatypes, instances of
-  \isa{eq} are implicitly derived when possible.  For other types,
-  you may instantiate \isa{eq} manually like any other type class.%
+  \isa{equal} are implicitly derived when possible.  For other types,
+  you may instantiate \isa{equal} manually like any other type class.%
@@ -444,12 +444,12 @@
-\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue ::~forall a.~Queue a -> (a,~Queue a);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (AQueue xs []) =\\
+\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue ::~forall a.~Example.Queue a -> (a,~Example.Queue a);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (Example.AQueue xs []) =\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~let {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~(y :~ys) = reverse xs;\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~{\char125}~in (y,~AQueue [] ys);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (y,~AQueue xs ys);%
+\hspace*{0pt} ~{\char125}~in (y,~Example.AQueue [] ys);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (Example.AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (y,~Example.AQueue xs ys);%
@@ -538,11 +538,11 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}empty{\char95}queue ::~forall a.~a;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}empty{\char95}queue = error {\char34}empty{\char95}queue{\char34};\\
-\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue ::~forall a.~Queue a -> (a,~Queue a);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (y,~AQueue xs ys);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (AQueue xs []) =\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~(if null xs then empty{\char95}queue\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~~~else strict{\char95}dequeue (AQueue [] (reverse xs)));%
+\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue ::~forall a.~Example.Queue a -> (a,~Example.Queue a);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (Example.AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (y,~Example.AQueue xs ys);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (Example.AQueue xs []) =\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~(if null xs then Example.empty{\char95}queue\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~~~else Example.strict{\char95}dequeue (Example.AQueue [] (reverse xs)));%
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Further.tex	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Further.tex	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -216,13 +216,13 @@
-\hspace*{0pt}funpow ::~forall a.~Nat -> (a -> a) -> a -> a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}funpow Zero{\char95}nat f = id;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}funpow (Suc n) f = f .~funpow n f;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}funpow ::~forall a.~Example.Nat -> (a -> a) -> a -> a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}funpow Example.Zero{\char95}nat f = id;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}funpow (Example.Suc n) f = f .~Example.funpow n f;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}funpows ::~forall a.~[Nat] -> (a -> a) -> a -> a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}funpows ::~forall a.~[Example.Nat] -> (a -> a) -> a -> a;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}funpows [] = id;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}funpows (x :~xs) = funpow x .~funpows xs;%
+\hspace*{0pt}funpows (x :~xs) = Example.funpow x .~Example.funpows xs;%
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
   specific application, you should consider \emph{Imperative
   Functional Programming with Isabelle/HOL}
   \cite{bulwahn-et-al:2008:imperative}; the framework described there
-  is available in session \hyperlink{theory.Imperative-HOL}{\mbox{\isa{Imperative{\isacharunderscore}HOL}}}.%
+  is available in session \isa{Imperative{\isacharunderscore}HOL}.%
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Inductive_Predicate.tex	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Inductive_Predicate.tex	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -422,9 +422,9 @@
-\ {\isacharbrackleft}mode{\isacharcolon}\ i\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ o\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ bool{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isadigit{2}}{\isadigit{0}}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharbraceleft}n{\isachardot}\ tranclp\ succ\ {\isadigit{1}}{\isadigit{0}}\ n{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
+\ {\isacharbrackleft}mode{\isacharcolon}\ i\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ o\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ bool{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharbraceleft}n{\isachardot}\ tranclp\ succ\ {\isadigit{1}}{\isadigit{0}}\ n{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ \isanewline
-\ {\isacharbrackleft}mode{\isacharcolon}\ o\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ i\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ bool{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isadigit{1}}{\isadigit{0}}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharbraceleft}n{\isachardot}\ tranclp\ succ\ n\ {\isadigit{1}}{\isadigit{0}}{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}%
+\ {\isacharbrackleft}mode{\isacharcolon}\ o\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ i\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ bool{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharbraceleft}n{\isachardot}\ tranclp\ succ\ n\ {\isadigit{1}}{\isadigit{0}}{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}%
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Introduction.tex	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Introduction.tex	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -231,19 +231,19 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}data Queue a = AQueue [a] [a];\\
-\hspace*{0pt}empty ::~forall a.~Queue a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}empty = AQueue [] [];\\
+\hspace*{0pt}empty ::~forall a.~Example.Queue a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}empty = Example.AQueue [] [];\\
-\hspace*{0pt}dequeue ::~forall a.~Queue a -> (Maybe a,~Queue a);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (AQueue [] []) = (Nothing,~AQueue [] []);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (Just y,~AQueue xs ys);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (AQueue (v :~va) []) =\\
+\hspace*{0pt}dequeue ::~forall a.~Example.Queue a -> (Maybe a,~Example.Queue a);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (Example.AQueue [] []) = (Nothing,~Example.AQueue [] []);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (Example.AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (Just y,~Example.AQueue xs ys);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}dequeue (Example.AQueue (v :~va) []) =\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~let {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~(y :~ys) = reverse (v :~va);\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~{\char125}~in (Just y,~AQueue [] ys);\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~{\char125}~in (Just y,~Example.AQueue [] ys);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}enqueue ::~forall a.~a -> Queue a -> Queue a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}enqueue x (AQueue xs ys) = AQueue (x :~xs) ys;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}enqueue ::~forall a.~a -> Example.Queue a -> Example.Queue a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}enqueue x (Example.AQueue xs ys) = Example.AQueue (x :~xs) ys;\\
@@ -397,41 +397,41 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}module Example where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt}data Nat = Zero{\char95}nat | Suc Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}data Nat = Zero{\char95}nat | Suc Example.Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat ::~Nat -> Nat -> Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat m (Suc n);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = n;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat ::~Example.Nat -> Example.Nat -> Example.Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat (Example.Suc m) n ={\char95}nat m (Example.Suc n);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat Example.Zero{\char95}nat n = n;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}class Semigroup a where {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~mult ::~a -> a -> a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}class (Semigroup a) => Monoid a where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt}class (Example.Semigroup a) => Monoid a where {\char123}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~neutral ::~a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}pow ::~forall a.~(Monoid a) => Nat -> a -> a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}pow Zero{\char95}nat a = neutral;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}pow (Suc n) a = mult a (pow n a);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}pow ::~forall a.~(Example.Monoid a) => Example.Nat -> a -> a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}pow Example.Zero{\char95}nat a = Example.neutral;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}pow (Example.Suc n) a = Example.mult a (Example.pow n a);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat ::~Nat -> Nat -> Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = Zero{\char95}nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat n (mult{\char95}nat m n);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat ::~Example.Nat -> Example.Nat -> Example.Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat Example.Zero{\char95}nat n = Example.Zero{\char95}nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat (Example.Suc m) n ={\char95}nat n (Example.mult{\char95}nat m n);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}neutral{\char95}nat ::~Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}neutral{\char95}nat = Suc Zero{\char95}nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}neutral{\char95}nat ::~Example.Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}neutral{\char95}nat = Example.Suc Example.Zero{\char95}nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}instance Semigroup Nat where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~mult = mult{\char95}nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}instance Example.Semigroup Example.Nat where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~mult = Example.mult{\char95}nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}instance Monoid Nat where {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~neutral = neutral{\char95}nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}instance Example.Monoid Example.Nat where {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~neutral = Example.neutral{\char95}nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}bexp ::~Nat -> Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}bexp n = pow n (Suc (Suc Zero{\char95}nat));\\
+\hspace*{0pt}bexp ::~Example.Nat -> Example.Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}bexp n = Example.pow n (Example.Suc (Example.Suc Example.Zero{\char95}nat));\\
@@ -470,8 +470,8 @@
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val neutral :~'a monoid -> 'a\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val pow :~'a monoid -> nat -> 'a -> 'a\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val mult{\char95}nat :~nat -> nat -> nat\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~val semigroup{\char95}nat :~nat semigroup\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val neutral{\char95}nat :~nat\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~val semigroup{\char95}nat :~nat semigroup\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val monoid{\char95}nat :~nat monoid\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~val bexp :~nat -> nat\\
 \hspace*{0pt}end = struct\\
@@ -494,9 +494,9 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}fun mult{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = Zero{\char95}nat\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~| mult{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat n (mult{\char95}nat m n);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}val neutral{\char95}nat :~nat = Suc Zero{\char95}nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}val semigroup{\char95}nat = {\char123}mult = mult{\char95}nat{\char125}~:~nat semigroup;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}val semigroup{\char95}nat = {\char123}mult = mult{\char95}nat{\char125}~:~nat semigroup;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}val neutral{\char95}nat :~nat = Suc Zero{\char95}nat;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}val monoid{\char95}nat = {\char123}semigroup{\char95}monoid = semigroup{\char95}nat,~neutral = neutral{\char95}nat{\char125}\\
 \hspace*{0pt} ~:~nat monoid;\\
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Refinement.tex	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Refinement.tex	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@
-\hspace*{0pt}fib ::~Nat -> Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fib Zero{\char95}nat = Zero{\char95}nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fib (Suc Zero{\char95}nat) = Suc Zero{\char95}nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fib (Suc (Suc n)) = plus{\char95}nat (fib n) (fib (Suc n));%
+\hspace*{0pt}fib ::~Example.Nat -> Example.Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fib Example.Zero{\char95}nat = Example.Zero{\char95}nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fib (Example.Suc Example.Zero{\char95}nat) = Example.Suc Example.Zero{\char95}nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fib (Example.Suc (Example.Suc n)) =\\
+\hspace*{0pt}{\char95}nat (Example.fib n) (Example.fib (Example.Suc n));%
@@ -172,15 +173,17 @@
-\hspace*{0pt}fib{\char95}step ::~Nat -> (Nat,~Nat);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fib{\char95}step (Suc n) = let {\char123}\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(m,~q) = fib{\char95}step n;\\
-\hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{\char125}~in (plus{\char95}nat m q,~m);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fib{\char95}step Zero{\char95}nat = (Suc Zero{\char95}nat,~Zero{\char95}nat);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fib{\char95}step ::~Example.Nat -> (Example.Nat,~Example.Nat);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fib{\char95}step (Example.Suc n) =\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~let {\char123}\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~~~(m,~q) = Example.fib{\char95}step n;\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~{\char125}~in ({\char95}nat m q,~m);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fib{\char95}step Example.Zero{\char95}nat =\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~(Example.Suc Example.Zero{\char95}nat,~Example.Zero{\char95}nat);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fib ::~Nat -> Nat;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fib (Suc n) = fst (fib{\char95}step n);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}fib Zero{\char95}nat = Zero{\char95}nat;%
+\hspace*{0pt}fib ::~Example.Nat -> Example.Nat;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fib (Example.Suc n) = fst (Example.fib{\char95}step n);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}fib Example.Zero{\char95}nat = Example.Zero{\char95}nat;%
@@ -590,28 +593,30 @@
 \hspace*{0pt}newtype Dlist a = Dlist [a];\\
-\hspace*{0pt}empty ::~forall a.~Dlist a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}empty = Dlist [];\\
+\hspace*{0pt}empty ::~forall a.~Example.Dlist a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}empty = Example.Dlist [];\\
 \hspace*{0pt}member ::~forall a.~(Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}member [] y = False;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}member (x :~xs) y = x == y || member xs y;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}member (x :~xs) y = x == y || Example.member xs y;\\
 \hspace*{0pt}inserta ::~forall a.~(Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a];\\
-\hspace*{0pt}inserta x xs = (if member xs x then xs else x :~xs);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}inserta x xs = (if Example.member xs x then xs else x :~xs);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}list{\char95}of{\char95}dlist ::~forall a.~Dlist a -> [a];\\
-\hspace*{0pt}list{\char95}of{\char95}dlist (Dlist x) = x;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}list{\char95}of{\char95}dlist ::~forall a.~Example.Dlist a -> [a];\\
+\hspace*{0pt}list{\char95}of{\char95}dlist (Example.Dlist x) = x;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}insert ::~forall a.~(Eq a) => a -> Dlist a -> Dlist a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}insert x dxs = Dlist (inserta x (list{\char95}of{\char95}dlist dxs));\\
+\hspace*{0pt}insert ::~forall a.~(Eq a) => a -> Example.Dlist a -> Example.Dlist a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}insert x dxs =\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~Example.Dlist (Example.inserta x (Example.list{\char95}of{\char95}dlist dxs));\\
 \hspace*{0pt}remove1 ::~forall a.~(Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a];\\
 \hspace*{0pt}remove1 x [] = [];\\
-\hspace*{0pt}remove1 x (y :~xs) = (if x == y then xs else y :~remove1 x xs);\\
+\hspace*{0pt}remove1 x (y :~xs) = (if x == y then xs else y :~Example.remove1 x xs);\\
-\hspace*{0pt}remove ::~forall a.~(Eq a) => a -> Dlist a -> Dlist a;\\
-\hspace*{0pt}remove x dxs = Dlist (remove1 x (list{\char95}of{\char95}dlist dxs));\\
+\hspace*{0pt}remove ::~forall a.~(Eq a) => a -> Example.Dlist a -> Example.Dlist a;\\
+\hspace*{0pt}remove x dxs =\\
+\hspace*{0pt} ~Example.Dlist (Example.remove1 x (Example.list{\char95}of{\char95}dlist dxs));\\
--- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/examples/Example.hs	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/examples/Example.hs	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
 data Queue a = AQueue [a] [a];
-empty :: forall a. Queue a;
-empty = AQueue [] [];
+empty :: forall a. Example.Queue a;
+empty = Example.AQueue [] [];
-dequeue :: forall a. Queue a -> (Maybe a, Queue a);
-dequeue (AQueue [] []) = (Nothing, AQueue [] []);
-dequeue (AQueue xs (y : ys)) = (Just y, AQueue xs ys);
-dequeue (AQueue (v : va) []) =
+dequeue :: forall a. Example.Queue a -> (Maybe a, Example.Queue a);
+dequeue (Example.AQueue [] []) = (Nothing, Example.AQueue [] []);
+dequeue (Example.AQueue xs (y : ys)) = (Just y, Example.AQueue xs ys);
+dequeue (Example.AQueue (v : va) []) =
   let {
     (y : ys) = reverse (v : va);
-  } in (Just y, AQueue [] ys);
+  } in (Just y, Example.AQueue [] ys);
-enqueue :: forall a. a -> Queue a -> Queue a;
-enqueue x (AQueue xs ys) = AQueue (x : xs) ys;
+enqueue :: forall a. a -> Example.Queue a -> Example.Queue a;
+enqueue x (Example.AQueue xs ys) = Example.AQueue (x : xs) ys;
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -261,13 +261,31 @@
   in print_stmt end;
+fun mk_name_module reserved module_prefix module_alias program =
+  let
+    fun mk_alias name = case module_alias name
+     of SOME name' => name'
+      | NONE => name
+          |> Long_Name.explode
+          |> map (fn name => (the_single o fst) (Name.variants [name] reserved))
+          |> Long_Name.implode;
+    fun mk_prefix name = case module_prefix
+     of SOME module_prefix => Long_Name.append module_prefix name
+      | NONE => name;
+    val tab =
+      Symtab.empty
+      |> Graph.fold ((fn name => Symtab.default (name, (mk_alias #> mk_prefix) name))
+           o fst o Code_Namespace.dest_name o fst)
+             program
+  in the o Symtab.lookup tab end;
 fun haskell_program_of_program labelled_name module_prefix reserved module_alias program =
     val reserved = Name.make_context reserved;
     val mk_name_module = mk_name_module reserved module_prefix module_alias program;
     fun add_stmt (name, (stmt, deps)) =
-        val (module_name, base) = dest_name name;
+        val (module_name, base) = Code_Namespace.dest_name name;
         val module_name' = mk_name_module module_name;
         val mk_name_stmt = yield_singleton Name.variants;
         fun add_fun upper (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
@@ -309,14 +327,14 @@
       (Graph.get_node program name, Graph.imm_succs program name))
       (Graph.strong_conn program |> flat)) Symtab.empty;
     fun deresolver name = (fst o the o AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o snd o the
-      o Symtab.lookup hs_program) ((mk_name_module o fst o dest_name) name))) name
+      o Symtab.lookup hs_program) ((mk_name_module o fst o Code_Namespace.dest_name) name))) name
       handle Option => error ("Unknown statement name: " ^ labelled_name name);
   in (deresolver, hs_program) end;
 fun serialize_haskell module_prefix string_classes { labelled_name,
     reserved_syms, includes, module_alias,
     class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax, program,
-    names, presentation_names } =
+    names } =
     val reserved = fold (insert (op =) o fst) includes reserved_syms;
     val (deresolver, hs_program) = haskell_program_of_program labelled_name
@@ -347,10 +365,10 @@
         str "}"
-    fun serialize_module1 (module_name', (deps, (stmts, _))) =
+    fun serialize_module (module_name', (deps, (stmts, _))) =
         val stmt_names = map fst stmts;
-        val qualified = null presentation_names;
+        val qualified = true;
         val imports = subtract (op =) stmt_names deps
           |> distinct (op =)
           |> map_filter (try deresolver)
@@ -363,18 +381,10 @@
         val import_ps = map print_import_include includes @ map print_import_module imports
         val content = Pretty.chunks2 ((if null import_ps then [] else [Pretty.chunks import_ps])
             @ map_filter
-              (fn (name, (_, SOME stmt)) => SOME (print_stmt qualified (name, stmt))
+              (fn (name, (_, SOME stmt)) => SOME (markup_stmt name (print_stmt qualified (name, stmt)))
                 | (_, (_, NONE)) => NONE) stmts
       in print_module module_name' content end;
-    fun serialize_module2 (_, (_, (stmts, _))) = Pretty.chunks2 (map_filter
-        (fn (name, (_, SOME stmt)) => if null presentation_names
-              orelse member (op =) presentation_names name
-              then SOME (print_stmt false (name, stmt))
-              else NONE
-          | (_, (_, NONE)) => NONE) stmts);
-    val serialize_module =
-      if null presentation_names then serialize_module1 else pair "" o serialize_module2;
     fun write_module width (SOME destination) (modlname, content) =
             val _ = File.check destination;
@@ -386,9 +396,9 @@
             val _ = File.mkdir_leaf (Path.dir pathname);
           in File.write pathname
             ("{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}\n\n"
-              ^ format false width content)
+              ^ format [] width content)
-      | write_module width NONE (_, content) = writeln (format false width content);
+      | write_module width NONE (_, content) = writeln (format [] width content);
       (fn width => fn destination => K () o map (write_module width destination))
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_ml.ML	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_ml.ML	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -759,10 +759,10 @@
     fun modify_class stmts = single (SOME
       (ML_Class (the_single (map_filter
         (fn (name, Code_Thingol.Class (_, stmt)) => SOME (name, stmt) | _ => NONE) stmts))))
-    fun modify_stmts ([stmt as (name, Code_Thingol.Fun _)]) =
-          [modify_fun stmt]
+    fun modify_stmts ([stmt as (name, stmt' as Code_Thingol.Fun _)]) =
+          if Code_Thingol.is_case stmt' then [] else [modify_fun stmt]
       | modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, Code_Thingol.Fun _)::_)) =
-          modify_funs stmts
+          modify_funs (filter_out (Code_Thingol.is_case o snd) stmts)
       | modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, Code_Thingol.Datatypecons _)::_)) =
           modify_datatypes stmts
       | modify_stmts ((stmts as (_, Code_Thingol.Datatype _)::_)) =
@@ -787,25 +787,21 @@
 fun serialize_ml target print_module print_stmt with_signatures { labelled_name,
   reserved_syms, includes, module_alias, class_syntax, tyco_syntax,
-  const_syntax, program, names, presentation_names } =
+  const_syntax, program, names } =
     val is_cons = Code_Thingol.is_cons program;
-    val is_presentation = not (null presentation_names);
     val { deresolver, hierarchical_program = ml_program } =
       ml_program_of_program labelled_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms) module_alias program;
+    val print_stmt = print_stmt labelled_name tyco_syntax const_syntax
+      (make_vars reserved_syms) is_cons;
     fun print_node _ (_, Code_Namespace.Dummy) =
-      | print_node prefix_fragments (_, Code_Namespace.Stmt stmt) =
-          if is_presentation andalso
-            (null o filter (member (op =) presentation_names) o stmt_names_of) stmt
-          then NONE
-          else SOME (print_stmt labelled_name tyco_syntax const_syntax (make_vars reserved_syms)
-            is_cons (deresolver prefix_fragments) stmt)
+      | print_node prefix_fragments (name, Code_Namespace.Stmt stmt) =
+          SOME (apsnd (markup_stmt name) (print_stmt (deresolver prefix_fragments) stmt))
       | print_node prefix_fragments (name_fragment, Code_Namespace.Module (_, nodes)) =
             val (decls, body) = print_nodes (prefix_fragments @ [name_fragment]) nodes;
-            val p = if is_presentation then Pretty.chunks2 body
-              else print_module name_fragment
+            val p = print_module name_fragment
                 (if with_signatures then SOME decls else NONE) body;
           in SOME ([], p) end
     and print_nodes prefix_fragments nodes = (map_filter
@@ -815,8 +811,8 @@
       |> (fn (decls, body) => (flat decls, body))
     val names' = map (try (deresolver [])) names;
     val p = Pretty.chunks2 (map snd includes @ snd (print_nodes [] ml_program));
-    fun write width NONE = writeln o format false width
-      | write width (SOME p) = File.write p o format false width;
+    fun write width NONE = writeln o format [] width
+      | write width (SOME p) = File.write p o format [] width;
     Code_Target.serialization write (rpair names' ooo format) p
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_namespace.ML	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_namespace.ML	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 signature CODE_NAMESPACE =
+  val dest_name: string -> string * string
   datatype ('a, 'b) node =
     | Stmt of 'a
@@ -23,7 +24,13 @@
 structure Code_Namespace : CODE_NAMESPACE =
-(* hierarchical program structure *)
+(** splitting names in module and base part **)
+val dest_name =
+  apfst Long_Name.implode o split_last o fst o split_last o Long_Name.explode;
+(** hierarchical program structure **)
 datatype ('a, 'b) node =
@@ -46,10 +53,10 @@
      of SOME name' => Long_Name.explode name'
       | NONE => map (fn name => fst (yield_singleton Name.variants name reserved))
           (Long_Name.explode name);
-    val module_names = Graph.fold (insert (op =) o fst o Code_Printer.dest_name o fst) program [];
+    val module_names = Graph.fold (insert (op =) o fst o dest_name o fst) program [];
     val fragments_tab = fold (fn name => Symtab.update
       (name, alias_fragments name)) module_names Symtab.empty;
-    val dest_name = Code_Printer.dest_name #>> (the o Symtab.lookup fragments_tab);
+    val dest_name = dest_name #>> (the o Symtab.lookup fragments_tab);
     (* building empty module hierarchy *)
     val empty_module = (empty_data, Graph.empty);
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_printer.ML	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_printer.ML	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
   val semicolon: Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T
   val doublesemicolon: Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T
   val indent: int -> Pretty.T -> Pretty.T
-  val markup_stmt: string -> Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T
-  val format: bool -> int -> Pretty.T -> string
+  val markup_stmt: string -> Pretty.T -> Pretty.T
+  val format: string list -> int -> Pretty.T -> string
   val first_upper: string -> string
   val first_lower: string -> string
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
   val applify: string -> string -> ('a -> Pretty.T) -> fixity -> Pretty.T -> 'a list -> Pretty.T
   val tuplify: (fixity -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> fixity -> 'a list -> Pretty.T option
   type tyco_syntax
   type simple_const_syntax
   type complex_const_syntax
@@ -93,10 +92,6 @@
   val gen_print_bind: (thm option -> var_ctxt -> fixity -> iterm -> Pretty.T)
     -> thm option -> fixity
     -> iterm -> var_ctxt -> Pretty.T * var_ctxt
-  val mk_name_module: Name.context -> string option -> (string -> string option)
-    -> 'a Graph.T -> string -> string
-  val dest_name: string -> string * string
 structure Code_Printer : CODE_PRINTER =
@@ -110,7 +105,7 @@
   | eqn_error NONE s = error s;
 val code_presentationN = "code_presentation";
-val _ = Output.add_mode code_presentationN;
+val stmt_nameN = "stmt_name";
 val _ = Markup.add_mode code_presentationN YXML.output_markup;
@@ -132,21 +127,35 @@
 fun doublesemicolon ps = Pretty.block [concat ps, str ";;"];
 fun indent i = Print_Mode.setmp [] (Pretty.indent i);
-val stmt_nameN = "stmt_name";
-fun markup_stmt name = Pretty.markup (code_presentationN, [(stmt_nameN, name)]);
-fun filter_presentation selected (XML.Elem ((name, _), xs)) =
-      implode (map (filter_presentation (selected orelse name = code_presentationN)) xs)
-  | filter_presentation selected (XML.Text s) =
+fun markup_stmt name = Print_Mode.setmp [code_presentationN]
+  (Pretty.mark (code_presentationN, [(stmt_nameN, name)]));
+fun filter_presentation presentation_names selected (XML.Elem ((name, attrs), xs)) =
+      implode (map (filter_presentation presentation_names
+        (selected orelse (name = code_presentationN
+          andalso member (op =) presentation_names (the (Properties.get attrs stmt_nameN))))) xs)
+  | filter_presentation presentation_names selected (XML.Text s) =
       if selected then s else "";
-fun format presentation_only width p =
-  if presentation_only then
-    Print_Mode.setmp [code_presentationN] (Pretty.string_of_margin width) p
-    |> YXML.parse_body
-    |> map (filter_presentation false)
-    |> implode
-    |> suffix "\n"
-  else Print_Mode.setmp [] (Pretty.string_of_margin width) p ^ "\n";
+fun maps_string s f [] = ""
+  | maps_string s f (x :: xs) =
+      let
+        val s1 = f x;
+        val s2 = maps_string s f xs;
+      in if s1 = "" then s2
+        else if s2 = "" then s1
+        else s1 ^ s ^ s2
+      end;
+fun plain_text (XML.Elem (_, xs)) = implode (map plain_text xs)
+  | plain_text (XML.Text s) = s
+fun format presentation_names width =
+  Print_Mode.setmp [code_presentationN] (Pretty.string_of_margin width)
+  #> YXML.parse_body
+  #> (if null presentation_names then implode o map plain_text
+      else maps_string "\n\n" (filter_presentation presentation_names false))
+  #> suffix "\n";
 (** names and variable name contexts **)
@@ -395,28 +404,4 @@
 val parse_const_syntax = parse_syntax plain_const_syntax simple_const_syntax fst;
-(** module name spaces **)
-val dest_name =
-  apfst Long_Name.implode o split_last o fst o split_last o Long_Name.explode;
-fun mk_name_module reserved module_prefix module_alias program =
-  let
-    fun mk_alias name = case module_alias name
-     of SOME name' => name'
-      | NONE => name
-          |> Long_Name.explode
-          |> map (fn name => (the_single o fst) (Name.variants [name] reserved))
-          |> Long_Name.implode;
-    fun mk_prefix name = case module_prefix
-     of SOME module_prefix => Long_Name.append module_prefix name
-      | NONE => name;
-    val tab =
-      Symtab.empty
-      |> Graph.fold ((fn name => Symtab.default (name, (mk_alias #> mk_prefix) name))
-           o fst o dest_name o fst)
-             program
-  in the o Symtab.lookup tab end;
 end; (*struct*)
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_scala.ML	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_scala.ML	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -317,7 +317,8 @@
         val implicits = filter (is_classinst o Graph.get_node program)
           (Graph.imm_succs program name);
       in union (op =) implicits end;
-    fun modify_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Datatypecons _) = NONE
+    fun modify_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Fun (_, (_, SOME _))) = NONE
+      | modify_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Datatypecons _) = NONE
       | modify_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Classrel _) = NONE
       | modify_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Classparam _) = NONE
       | modify_stmt (_, stmt) = SOME stmt;
@@ -329,7 +330,7 @@
 fun serialize_scala { labelled_name, reserved_syms, includes,
     module_alias, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax, program,
-    names, presentation_names } =
+    names } =
     (* build program *)
@@ -368,21 +369,15 @@
       in if length (Long_Name.explode s) = 1 then NONE else SOME (str s) end;
     fun print_node _ (_, Code_Namespace.Dummy) = NONE
       | print_node prefix_fragments (name, Code_Namespace.Stmt stmt) =
-          if null presentation_names
-          orelse member (op =) presentation_names name
-          then SOME (print_stmt (deresolver prefix_fragments, deresolver []) (name, stmt))
-          else NONE
+          SOME (markup_stmt name (print_stmt (deresolver prefix_fragments, deresolver []) (name, stmt)))
       | print_node prefix_fragments (name_fragment, Code_Namespace.Module (implicits, nodes)) =
-          if null presentation_names
-          then
-            let
-              val prefix_fragments' = prefix_fragments @ [name_fragment];
-            in
-     (print_module name_fragment
-                (map_filter (print_implicit prefix_fragments') implicits))
-                  (print_nodes prefix_fragments' nodes)
-            end
-          else print_nodes [] nodes
+          let
+            val prefix_fragments' = prefix_fragments @ [name_fragment];
+          in
+   (print_module name_fragment
+              (map_filter (print_implicit prefix_fragments') implicits))
+                (print_nodes prefix_fragments' nodes)
+          end
     and print_nodes prefix_fragments nodes = let
         val ps = map_filter (fn name => print_node prefix_fragments (name,
           snd (Graph.get_node nodes name)))
@@ -390,10 +385,9 @@
       in if null ps then NONE else SOME (Pretty.chunks2 ps) end;
     (* serialization *)
-    val p_includes = if null presentation_names then map snd includes else [];
-    val p = Pretty.chunks2 (p_includes @ the_list (print_nodes [] sca_program));
-    fun write width NONE = writeln o format false width
-      | write width (SOME p) = File.write p o format false width;
+    val p = Pretty.chunks2 (map snd includes @ the_list (print_nodes [] sca_program));
+    fun write width NONE = writeln o format [] width
+      | write width (SOME p) = File.write p o format [] width;
     Code_Target.serialization write (rpair [] ooo format) p
--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Thu Sep 02 15:48:32 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML	Thu Sep 02 17:02:00 2010 +0200
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
   val cert_tyco: theory -> string -> string
   val read_tyco: theory -> string -> string
+  val read_const_exprs: theory -> string list -> string list
   val export_code_for: theory -> Path.T option -> string -> int option -> string -> Token.T list
     -> Code_Thingol.naming -> Code_Thingol.program -> string list -> unit
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
   type serialization
   val parse_args: 'a parser -> Token.T list -> 'a
   val serialization: (int -> Path.T option -> 'a -> unit)
-    -> (bool -> int -> 'a -> string * string option list)
+    -> (string list -> int -> 'a -> string * string option list)
     -> 'a -> serialization
   val set_default_code_width: int -> theory -> theory
@@ -72,12 +73,9 @@
 datatype destination = Export of Path.T option | Produce | Present of string list;
 type serialization = int -> destination -> (string * string option list) option;
-fun stmt_names_of_destination (Present stmt_names) = stmt_names
-  | stmt_names_of_destination _ = [];
 fun serialization output _ content width (Export some_path) = (output width some_path content; NONE)
-  | serialization _ string content width Produce = SOME (string false width content)
-  | serialization _ string content width (Present _) = SOME (string false width content);
+  | serialization _ string content width Produce = SOME (string [] width content)
+  | serialization _ string content width (Present stmt_names) = SOME (string stmt_names width content);
 fun export some_path f = (f (Export some_path); ());
 fun produce f = the (f Produce);
@@ -116,8 +114,7 @@
     tyco_syntax: string -> Code_Printer.tyco_syntax option,
     const_syntax: string -> Code_Printer.activated_const_syntax option,
     program: Code_Thingol.program,
-    names: string list,
-    presentation_names: string list }
+    names: string list }
   -> serialization;
 datatype description = Fundamental of { serializer: serializer,
@@ -308,7 +305,7 @@
 fun invoke_serializer thy abortable serializer literals reserved abs_includes 
     module_alias proto_class_syntax proto_instance_syntax proto_tyco_syntax proto_const_syntax
-    module_name args naming proto_program (names, presentation_names) =
+    module_name args naming proto_program names =
     val (names_hidden, (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) =
       activate_symbol_syntax thy literals naming
@@ -325,19 +322,15 @@
       tyco_syntax = Symtab.lookup tyco_syntax,
       const_syntax = Symtab.lookup const_syntax,
       program = program,
-      names = names,
-      presentation_names = presentation_names }
+      names = names }
-fun mount_serializer thy target some_width raw_module_name args naming proto_program names destination =
+fun mount_serializer thy target some_width module_name args naming proto_program names =
     val (default_width, abortable, data, program) =
       activate_target_for thy target naming proto_program;
     val serializer = case the_description data
      of Fundamental seri => #serializer seri;
-    val presentation_names = stmt_names_of_destination destination;
-    val module_name = if null presentation_names
-      then raw_module_name else "Code";
     val reserved = the_reserved data;
     fun select_include names_all (name, (content, cs)) =
       if null cs then SOME (name, content)
@@ -354,7 +347,7 @@
     invoke_serializer thy abortable serializer literals reserved
       includes module_alias class instance tyco const module_name args
-        naming program (names, presentation_names) width destination
+        naming program names width
 fun assert_module_name "" = error ("Empty module name not allowed.")