--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thm_database.ML Fri Sep 01 13:51:49 1995 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thm_database.ML Fri Sep 01 14:25:52 1995 +0200
@@ -57,21 +57,23 @@
val tagged_thm = (num + 1, named_thm);
- fun update_db [] result = result
- | update_db (c :: cs) result =
+ fun update_db warned [] result = result
+ | update_db warned (c :: cs) result =
val old_thms = Symtab.lookup_multi (result, c);
- val duplicate =
+ val (duplicate, warned') =
case find_first (fn (_, (n, _)) => n = name) old_thms of
Some (_, (_, t)) =>
- if same_thm (t, thm) then true
+ if same_thm (t, thm) then (true, warned)
- (writeln ("Warning: Duplicate theorem name "
- ^ quote name ^ " used in theorem database");
- false)
- | None => false;
- in update_db cs
+ (if not warned then
+ writeln ("Warning: Duplicate theorem name " ^
+ quote name ^ " used in theorem database")
+ else ();
+ (false, true))
+ | None => (false, warned);
+ in update_db warned' cs
(if duplicate then result
else (Symtab.update ((c, tagged_thm :: old_thms), result)))
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@
" cannot be stored in ThmDB\n\t because it \
\contains no or only ignored constants.")
else ();
- thm_db := (num+1, update_db consts db);
+ thm_db := (num+1, update_db false consts db);