some support for bibtex files;
Thu, 02 Oct 2014 11:54:30 +0200
changeset 58523 937c479e62fe
parent 58505 d1fe47fe5401
child 58524 f805b366a497
some support for bibtex files;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/bibtex.scala	Thu Oct 02 11:54:30 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/Tools/bibtex.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Some support for bibtex files.
+package isabelle
+import scala.util.parsing.input.{Reader, CharSequenceReader}
+import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
+object Bibtex
+  /** content **/
+  val months = List(
+    "jan",
+    "feb",
+    "mar",
+    "apr",
+    "may",
+    "jun",
+    "jul",
+    "aug",
+    "sep",
+    "oct",
+    "nov",
+    "dec")
+  val commands = List("preamble", "string")
+  sealed case class Entry_Type(
+    required: List[String],
+    optional_crossref: List[String],
+    optional: List[String])
+  val entries =
+    Map[String, Entry_Type](
+      "Article" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("author", "title"),
+          List("journal", "year"),
+          List("volume", "number", "pages", "month", "note")),
+      "InProceedings" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("author", "title"),
+          List("booktitle", "year"),
+          List("editor", "volume", "number", "series", "pages", "month", "address",
+            "organization", "publisher", "note")),
+      "InCollection" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("author", "title", "booktitle"),
+          List("publisher", "year"),
+          List("editor", "volume", "number", "series", "type", "chapter", "pages",
+            "edition", "month", "address", "note")),
+      "InBook" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+         List("author", "editor", "title", "chapter"),
+         List("publisher", "year"),
+         List("volume", "number", "series", "type", "address", "edition", "month", "pages", "note")),
+      "Proceedings" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("title", "year"),
+          List(),
+          List("booktitle", "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "address", "month",
+            "organization", "publisher", "note")),
+      "Book" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("author", "editor", "title"),
+          List("publisher", "year"),
+          List("volume", "number", "series", "address", "edition", "month", "note")),
+      "Booklet" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("title"),
+          List(),
+          List("author", "howpublished", "address", "month", "year", "note")),
+      "PhdThesis" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("author", "title", "school", "year"),
+          List(),
+          List("type", "address", "month", "note")),
+      "MastersThesis" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("author", "title", "school", "year"),
+          List(),
+          List("type", "address", "month", "note")),
+      "TechReport" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("author", "title", "institution", "year"),
+          List(),
+          List("type", "number", "address", "month", "note")),
+      "Manual" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("title"),
+          List(),
+          List("author", "organization", "address", "edition", "month", "year", "note")),
+      "Unpublished" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List("author", "title", "note"),
+          List(),
+          List("month", "year")),
+      "Misc" ->
+        Entry_Type(
+          List(),
+          List(),
+          List("author", "title", "howpublished", "month", "year", "note")))
+  /** tokens and chunks **/
+  object Token
+  {
+    object Kind extends Enumeration
+    {
+      val KEYWORD = Value("keyword")
+      val NAT = Value("natural number")
+      val IDENT = Value("identifier")
+      val STRING = Value("string")
+      val SPACE = Value("white space")
+      val ERROR = Value("bad input")
+    }
+  }
+  sealed case class Token(kind: Token.Kind.Value, val source: String)
+  {
+    def is_space: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.SPACE
+    def is_error: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.ERROR
+  }
+  abstract class Chunk
+  case class Ignored(source: String) extends Chunk
+  case class Malformed(source: String) extends Chunk
+  case class Item(tokens: List[Token]) extends Chunk
+  {
+    val name: String =
+      tokens match {
+        case Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "@") :: body
+        if !body.isEmpty && !body.exists(_.is_error) =>
+          (body.filterNot(_.is_space), body.last) match {
+            case (Token(Token.Kind.IDENT, id) :: Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "{") :: _,
+                  Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "}")) => id
+            case (Token(Token.Kind.IDENT, id) :: Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "(") :: _,
+                  Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, ")")) => id
+            case _ => ""
+          }
+        case _ => ""
+      }
+    val entry_name: String = if (commands.contains(name.toLowerCase)) "" else name
+    def is_wellformed: Boolean = name != ""
+  }
+  /** parsing **/
+  // context of partial line-oriented scans
+  abstract class Line_Context
+  case class Delimited(quoted: Boolean, depth: Int) extends Line_Context
+  val Finished = Delimited(false, 0)
+  private def token(kind: Token.Kind.Value)(source: String): Token = Token(kind, source)
+  private def keyword(source: String): Token = Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, source)
+  // See also
+  // module @<Scan for and process a \.{.bib} command or database entry@>.
+  object Parsers extends RegexParsers
+  {
+    /* white space and comments */
+    override val whiteSpace = "".r
+    private val space = """[ \t\n\r]+""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.SPACE)
+    private val spaces = rep(space)
+    private val ignored =
+      rep1("""(?mi)([^@]+|@[ \t\n\r]*comment)""".r) ^^ { case ss => Ignored(ss.mkString) }
+    /* delimited string: outermost "..." or {...} and body with balanced {...} */
+    private def delimited_depth(delim: Delimited): Parser[(String, Delimited)] =
+      new Parser[(String, Delimited)]
+      {
+        require(if (delim.quoted) delim.depth > 0 else delim.depth >= 0)
+        def apply(in: Input) =
+        {
+          val start = in.offset
+          val end = in.source.length
+          var i = start
+          var q = delim.quoted
+          var d = delim.depth
+          var finished = false
+          while (!finished && i < end) {
+            val c = in.source.charAt(i)
+            if (c == '"' && d == 0) { i += 1; d = 1; q = true }
+            else if (c == '"' && d == 1) { i += 1; d = 0; q = false; finished = true }
+            else if (c == '{') { i += 1; d += 1 }
+            else if (c == '}' && d > 0) { i += 1; d -= 1; if (d == 0) finished = true }
+            else if (d > 0) i += 1
+            else finished = true
+          }
+          if (i == start) Failure("bad input", in)
+          else
+            Success((in.source.subSequence(start, i).toString,
+              Delimited(q, d)), in.drop(i - start))
+        }
+      }.named("delimited_depth")
+    private def delimited: Parser[String] =
+      delimited_depth(Finished) ^? { case (x, delim) if delim == Finished => x }
+    private def delimited_line(ctxt: Line_Context): Parser[(String, Line_Context)] =
+    {
+      ctxt match {
+        case delim: Delimited => delimited_depth(delim)
+        case _ => failure("")
+      }
+    }
+    private val recover_delimited: Parser[String] =
+      delimited_depth(Finished) ^^ (_._1)
+    private val delimited_token =
+      delimited ^^ token(Token.Kind.STRING) |
+      recover_delimited ^^ token(Token.Kind.ERROR)
+    /* other tokens */
+    private val at = "@" ^^ keyword
+    private val left_brace = "{" ^^ keyword
+    private val right_brace = "}" ^^ keyword
+    private val left_paren = "(" ^^ keyword
+    private val right_paren = ")" ^^ keyword
+    private val nat = "[0-9]+".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAT)
+    private val ident =
+      """[\x21-\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}0-9]][\x21-\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}]]*""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.IDENT)
+    /* chunks */
+    private val item_start =
+      at ~ spaces ~ ident ~ spaces ^^
+        { case a ~ b ~ c ~ d => List(a) ::: b ::: List(c) ::: d }
+    private val body_token = delimited_token | ("[=#,]".r ^^ keyword | (nat | (ident | space)))
+    private val item =
+      (item_start ~ left_brace ~ rep(body_token) ~ opt(right_brace) |
+       item_start ~ left_paren ~ rep(body_token) ~ opt(right_paren)) ^^
+        { case a ~ b ~ c ~ d => Item(a ::: List(b) ::: c ::: d.toList) }
+    private val recover_item = "(?m)@[^@]+".r ^^ (s => Malformed(s))
+    val chunks: Parser[List[Chunk]] = rep(ignored | (item | recover_item))
+  }
+  def parse(input: CharSequence): List[Chunk] =
+  {
+    val in: Reader[Char] = new CharSequenceReader(input)
+    Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.chunks, in) match {
+      case Parsers.Success(result, _) => result
+      case _ => error("Unexpected failure of tokenizing input:\n" + input.toString)
+    }
+  }
--- a/src/Pure/build-jars	Wed Oct 01 21:00:49 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/build-jars	Thu Oct 02 11:54:30 2014 +0200
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
+  Tools/bibtex.scala