Why XML notation?
Thu, 03 Apr 2008 16:03:59 +0200
changeset 26528 944f9bf26d2d
parent 26527 c392354a1b79
child 26529 03ad378ed5f0
Why XML notation?
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/General/yxml.ML	Thu Apr 03 16:03:59 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/General/yxml.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Makarius
+Why XML notation?  Efficient text representation of XML trees, using
+extra characters ETX and EOT -- no escaping, may nest marked text
+verbatim.  Markup <elem att="val" ...>...body...</elem> is encoded as:
+  ETX EOT name EOT att=val ... ETX
+  ...
+  body
+  ...
+signature YXML =
+  val detect: string -> bool
+  val element: string -> XML.attributes -> string list -> string
+  val string_of: XML.tree -> string
+  val parse_body: string -> XML.tree list
+  val parse: string -> XML.tree
+structure YXML: YXML =
+(* string representation *)
+val ETX = Symbol.ETX;
+val EOT = Symbol.EOT;
+fun detect s = ord s = ord EOT;
+(*naive pasting of strings*)
+fun element name atts body =
+  ETX ^ EOT ^ name ^ implode (map (fn (a, x) => EOT ^ a ^ "=" ^ x) atts) ^ ETX ^
+  implode body ^
+  ETX ^ EOT ^ ETX;
+(*scalable buffer output*)
+fun string_of t =
+  let
+    fun attrib (a, x) =
+      Buffer.add EOT #>
+      Buffer.add a #> Buffer.add "=" #> Buffer.add x;
+    fun tree (XML.Elem (name, atts, ts)) =
+          Buffer.add ETX #>
+          Buffer.add EOT #> Buffer.add name #>
+          fold attrib atts #>
+          Buffer.add ETX #>
+          fold tree ts #>
+          Buffer.add ETX #>
+          Buffer.add EOT #>
+          Buffer.add ETX
+      | tree (XML.Text s) = Buffer.add s
+      | tree (XML.Output s) = Buffer.add s;
+  in Buffer.empty |> tree t |> Buffer.content end;
+(* efficient YXML parsing *)
+(* errors *)
+fun err msg = raise Fail ("Malformed YXML encoding: " ^ msg);
+fun err_attribute () = err "bad attribute";
+fun err_element () = err "bad element";
+fun err_unbalanced "" = err "unbalanced element"
+  | err_unbalanced name = err ("unbalanced element " ^ quote name);
+(* stack operations *)
+fun add x ((elem, body) :: pending) = (elem, x :: body) :: pending;
+fun push "" _ _ = err_element ()
+  | push name atts pending = ((name, atts), []) :: pending;
+fun pop ((("", _), _) :: _) = err_unbalanced ""
+  | pop (((name, atts), body) :: pending) = add (XML.Elem (name, atts, rev body)) pending;
+(* parsers *)
+fun is_char s c = ord s = Char.ord c;
+fun parse_attrib s =
+  (case String.fields (is_char "=") s of
+    [] => err_attribute ()
+  | "" :: _ => err_attribute ()
+  | a :: xs => (a, space_implode "=" xs));
+fun parse_chunk chunk =
+  (case String.fields (is_char EOT) chunk of
+    ["", ""] => pop
+  | "" :: name :: atts => push name (map parse_attrib atts)
+  | [_] => add (XML.Text chunk)
+  | _ => err "bad text");
+fun parse_body source =
+  (case fold parse_chunk (String.tokens (is_char ETX) source) [(("", []), [])] of
+    [(("", _), result)] => rev result
+  | ((name, _), _) :: _ => err_unbalanced name);
+fun parse source =
+  (case parse_body source of
+    [result as XML.Elem _] => result
+  | _ => err "no root element");