--- a/src/Pure/pattern.ML Wed Mar 05 10:03:30 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/pattern.ML Wed Mar 05 10:04:45 1997 +0100
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
type type_sig
type sg
type env
- val eta_contract: term -> term
- val match: type_sig -> term * term
- -> (indexname*typ)list * (indexname*term)list
- val matches: type_sig -> term * term -> bool
- val unify: sg * env * (term * term)list -> env
+ val eta_contract : term -> term
+ val eta_contract_atom : term -> term
+ val match : type_sig -> term * term
+ -> (indexname*typ)list * (indexname*term)list
+ val matches : type_sig -> term * term -> bool
+ val unify : sg * env * (term * term)list -> env
exception Unif
exception MATCH
exception Pattern
@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@
foldl (unif []) (env,tus));
-(*Perform eta-contractions upon a term*)
+(*Eta-contract a term (fully)*)
fun eta_contract (Abs(a,T,body)) =
(case eta_contract body of
body' as (f $ Bound 0) =>
@@ -232,6 +233,18 @@
| eta_contract t = t;
+(*Eta-contract a term from outside: just enough to reduce it to an atom*)
+fun eta_contract_atom (t0 as Abs(a, T, body)) =
+ (case eta_contract2 body of
+ body' as (f $ Bound 0) =>
+ if (0 mem_int loose_bnos f) then Abs(a,T,body')
+ else eta_contract_atom (incr_boundvars ~1 f)
+ | _ => t0)
+ | eta_contract_atom t = t
+and eta_contract2 (f$t) = f $ eta_contract_atom t
+ | eta_contract2 t = eta_contract_atom t;
(* Pattern matching *)
exception MATCH;
@@ -239,8 +252,7 @@
returns a (tyvar,typ)list and (var,term)list.
The pattern and object may have variables in common.
Instantiation does not affect the object, so matching ?a with ?a+1 works.
- A Const does not match a Free of the same name!
- Does not notice eta-equality, thus f does not match %(x)f(x) *)
+ A Const does not match a Free of the same name! *)
fun fomatch tsig (pat,obj) =
let fun typ_match args = (Type.typ_match tsig args)
handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => raise MATCH;
@@ -261,7 +273,7 @@
mtch (typ_match (tyinsts,(T,U)),insts) (t,u)
| (f$t, g$u) => mtch (mtch (tyinsts,insts) (f,g)) (t, u)
| _ => raise MATCH
- in mtch([],[]) (eta_contract pat,eta_contract obj) end;
+ in mtch([],[]) (eta_contract pat, eta_contract obj) end;
fun match_bind(itms,binders,ixn,is,t) =