unlift before uncombine, because the definition of a lambda-lifted symbol might have an SK combinator in it (in hybrid encodings)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_reconstruct.ML Wed Jul 30 14:03:58 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_reconstruct.ML Wed Jul 30 23:52:56 2014 +0200
@@ -569,25 +569,26 @@
fun uncombine_term thy =
- fun aux (t1 $ t2) = betapply (pairself aux (t1, t2))
- | aux (Abs (s, T, t')) = Abs (s, T, aux t')
- | aux (t as Const (x as (s, _))) =
+ fun uncomb (t1 $ t2) = betapply (uncomb t1, uncomb t2)
+ | uncomb (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, uncomb t)
+ | uncomb (t as Const (x as (s, _))) =
(case AList.lookup (op =) combinator_table s of
SOME thm => thm |> prop_of |> specialize_type thy x |> Logic.dest_equals |> snd
| NONE => t)
- | aux t = t
- in aux end
+ | uncomb t = t
+ in uncomb end
-fun unlift_term lifted =
- map_aterms (fn t as Const (s, _) =>
- if String.isPrefix lam_lifted_prefix s then
- (* FIXME: do something about the types *)
- (case AList.lookup (op =) lifted s of
- SOME t => unlift_term lifted t
- | NONE => t)
- else
- t
- | t => t)
+fun unlift_aterm lifted (t as Const (s, _)) =
+ if String.isPrefix lam_lifted_prefix s then
+ (* FIXME: do something about the types *)
+ (case AList.lookup (op =) lifted s of
+ SOME t' => unlift_term lifted t'
+ | NONE => t)
+ else
+ t
+ | unlift_aterm _ t = t
+and unlift_term lifted =
+ map_aterms (unlift_aterm lifted)
fun termify_line _ _ _ _ _ (_, Type_Role, _, _, _) = NONE
| termify_line ctxt format type_enc lifted sym_tab (name, role, u, rule, deps) =
@@ -595,8 +596,8 @@
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val t = u
|> prop_of_atp ctxt format type_enc true sym_tab
+ |> unlift_term lifted
|> uncombine_term thy
- |> unlift_term lifted
SOME (name, role, t, rule, deps)