new simproc functor
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 18:19:34 +0200
changeset 5589 94c05305fb29
parent 5588 a3ab526bb891
child 5590 477fc12adceb
new simproc functor
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Provers/Arith/abel_cancel.ML	Thu Oct 01 18:19:34 1998 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(*  Title:      Provers/Arith/abel_cancel.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    Copyright   1998  University of Cambridge
+Simplification procedures for abelian groups (e.g. integers, reals)
+- Cancel complementary terms in sums 
+- Cancel like terms on opposite sides of relations
+signature ABEL_CANCEL =
+  val ss	: simpset		(*basic simpset of object-logtic*)
+  val mk_eq     : term * term -> term	(*create an equality proposition*)
+  val mk_meta_eq: thm -> thm		(*object-equality to meta-equality*)
+  val thy	: theory		(*the theory of the group*)
+  val T		: typ			(*the type of group elements*)
+  val zero	: term
+  val add_cancel_21	: thm
+  val add_cancel_end	: thm
+  val add_left_cancel	: thm
+  val add_assoc	: thm
+  val add_commute : thm
+  val add_left_commute : thm
+  val add_0 : thm
+  val add_0_right : thm
+  val eq_diff_eq 	: thm
+  val eqI_rules		: thm list
+  val dest_eqI		: thm -> term
+  val diff_def		: thm
+  val minus_add_distrib	: thm
+  val minus_minus	: thm
+  val minus_0		: thm
+  val add_inverses	: thm list
+  val cancel_simps	: thm list
+functor Abel_Cancel (Data: ABEL_CANCEL) =
+let open Data in
+ val prepare_ss = addsimps [add_assoc, diff_def, 
+				    minus_add_distrib, minus_minus,
+				    minus_0, add_0, add_0_right];
+ (*prove while suppressing timing information*)
+ fun prove ct = setmp Goals.proof_timing false (prove_goalw_cterm [] ct);
+ val plus = Const ("op +", [Data.T,Data.T] ---> Data.T);
+ val minus = Const ("uminus", Data.T --> Data.T);
+ (*Cancel corresponding terms on the two sides of the equation, NOT on
+   the same side!*)
+ val cancel_ss = 
+ addsimps [add_cancel_21, add_cancel_end, minus_minus] @ 
+                      Data.cancel_simps;
+ val inverse_ss = addsimps Data.add_inverses;
+ fun mk_sum []  =
+   | mk_sum tms = foldr1 (fn (x,y) => plus $ x $ y) tms;
+ (*We map -t to t and (in other cases) t to -t.  No need to check the type of
+   uminus, since the simproc is only called on sums of type T.*)
+ fun negate (Const("uminus",_) $ t) = t
+   | negate t                       = minus $ t;
+ (*Flatten a formula built from +, binary - and unary -.
+   No need to check types PROVIDED they are checked upon entry!*)
+ fun add_terms neg (Const ("op +", _) $ x $ y, ts) =
+	 add_terms neg (x, add_terms neg (y, ts))
+   | add_terms neg (Const ("op -", _) $ x $ y, ts) =
+	 add_terms neg (x, add_terms (not neg) (y, ts))
+   | add_terms neg (Const ("uminus", _) $ x, ts) = 
+	 add_terms (not neg) (x, ts)
+   | add_terms neg (x, ts) = 
+	 (if neg then negate x else x) :: ts;
+ fun terms fml = add_terms false (fml, []);
+ exception Cancel;
+ (*Cancels just the first occurrence of u, leaving the rest unchanged*)
+ fun cancelled (u, t::ts) = if u aconv t then ts else t :: cancelled(u,ts)
+   | cancelled _          = raise Cancel;
+ val trace = ref false;
+ (*Make a simproc to cancel complementary terms in sums.  Examples:
+    x-x = 0    x+(y-x) = y   -x+(y+(x+z)) = y+z
+   It will unfold the definition of diff and associate to the right if 
+   necessary.  Rewriting is faster if the formula is already
+   in that form.
+ *)
+ fun sum_proc sg _ lhs =
+   let val _ = if !trace then writeln ("cancel_sums: LHS = " ^ 
+				       string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg lhs))
+	       else ()
+       val (head::tail) = terms lhs
+       val head' = negate head
+       val rhs = mk_sum (cancelled (head',tail))
+       and chead' = Thm.cterm_of sg head'
+       val _ = if !trace then 
+		 writeln ("RHS = " ^ string_of_cterm (Thm.cterm_of sg rhs))
+	       else ()
+       val ct = Thm.cterm_of sg (Data.mk_eq (lhs, rhs))
+       val thm = prove ct 
+		   (fn _ => [simp_tac prepare_ss 1,
+			     IF_UNSOLVED (simp_tac cancel_ss 1),
+			     IF_UNSOLVED (simp_tac inverse_ss 1)])
+	 handle ERROR =>
+	 error("cancel_sums simproc:\nfailed to prove " ^
+	       string_of_cterm ct)
+   in Some (Data.mk_meta_eq thm) end
+   handle Cancel => None;
+ val sum_conv = 
+     Simplifier.mk_simproc "cancel_sums"
+       (map (Thm.read_cterm (sign_of Data.thy)) 
+	[("x + y", Data.T), ("x - y", Data.T)])
+       sum_proc;
+ (*A simproc to cancel like terms on the opposite sides of relations:
+     (x + y - z < -z + x) = (y < 0)
+   Works for (=) and (<=) as well as (<), if the necessary rules are supplied.
+   Reduces the problem to subtraction and calls the previous simproc.
+ *)
+ (*Cancel the FIRST occurrence of a term.  If it's repeated, then repeated
+   calls to the simproc will be needed.*)
+ fun cancel1 ([], u)    = raise Match (*impossible: it's a common term*)
+   | cancel1 (t::ts, u) = if t aconv u then ts
+			  else t :: cancel1 (ts,u);
+ val sum_cancel_ss = addsimprocs [sum_conv]
+			     addsimps    [add_0, add_0_right];
+ val add_ac_ss = addsimps [add_assoc,add_commute,add_left_commute];
+ fun rel_proc sg _ (lhs as (rel$lt$rt)) =
+   let val _ = if !trace then writeln ("cancel_relations: LHS = " ^ 
+				       string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg lhs))
+	       else ()
+       val ltms = terms lt
+       and rtms = terms rt
+       val common = (*inter_term miscounts repetitions, so squash them*)
+		    gen_distinct (op aconv) (inter_term (ltms, rtms))
+       val _ = if null common then raise Cancel  (*nothing to do*)
+				   else ()
+       fun cancelled tms = mk_sum (foldl cancel1 (tms, common))
+       val lt' = cancelled ltms
+       and rt' = cancelled rtms
+       val rhs = rel$lt'$rt'
+       val _ = if !trace then 
+		 writeln ("RHS = " ^ string_of_cterm (Thm.cterm_of sg rhs))
+	       else ()
+       val ct = Thm.cterm_of sg (Data.mk_eq (lhs,rhs))
+       val thm = prove ct 
+		   (fn _ => [resolve_tac eqI_rules 1,
+			     simp_tac prepare_ss 1,
+			     simp_tac sum_cancel_ss 1,
+			     IF_UNSOLVED (simp_tac add_ac_ss 1)])
+	 handle ERROR =>
+	 error("cancel_relations simproc:\nfailed to prove " ^
+	       string_of_cterm ct)
+   in Some (Data.mk_meta_eq thm) end
+   handle Cancel => None;
+ val rel_conv = 
+     Simplifier.mk_simproc "cancel_relations"
+       (map (Thm.cterm_of (sign_of Data.thy) o Data.dest_eqI) eqI_rules)
+       rel_proc;
+ end