--- a/src/Pure/drule.ML Fri Aug 19 15:39:52 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/drule.ML Fri Aug 19 15:40:10 1994 +0200
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
structure Thm : THM
local open Thm in
+ val add_defs: (string * string) list -> theory -> theory
+ val add_defs_i: (string * term) list -> theory -> theory
val asm_rl: thm
val assume_ax: theory -> string -> thm
val COMP: thm * thm -> thm
@@ -90,6 +92,118 @@
local open Thm
+(**** Extend Theories ****)
+(** add constant definitions **)
+(* all_axioms_of *)
+(*results may contain duplicates!*)
+fun ancestry_of thy =
+ thy :: flat (map ancestry_of (parents_of thy));
+val all_axioms_of = flat o map axioms_of o ancestry_of;
+(* clash_types, clash_consts *)
+(*check if types have common instance (ignoring sorts)*)
+fun clash_types ty1 ty2 =
+ let
+ val ty1' = Type.varifyT ty1;
+ val ty2' = incr_tvar (maxidx_of_typ ty1' + 1) (Type.varifyT ty2);
+ in
+ Type.raw_unify (ty1', ty2')
+ end;
+fun clash_consts (c1, ty1) (c2, ty2) =
+ c1 = c2 andalso clash_types ty1 ty2;
+(* clash_defns *)
+fun clash_defn c_ty (name, tm) =
+ let val (c, ty') = dest_Const (head_of (fst (Logic.dest_equals tm))) in
+ if clash_consts c_ty (c, ty') then Some (name, ty') else None
+ end handle TERM _ => None;
+fun clash_defns c_ty axms =
+ distinct (mapfilter (clash_defn c_ty) axms);
+(* dest_defn *)
+fun dest_defn tm =
+ let
+ fun err msg = raise_term msg [tm];
+ val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals tm
+ handle TERM _ => err "Not a meta-equality (==)";
+ val (head, args) = strip_comb lhs;
+ val (c, ty) = dest_Const head
+ handle TERM _ => err "Head of lhs not a constant";
+ fun occs_const (Const c_ty') = clash_consts (c, ty) c_ty'
+ | occs_const (Abs (_, _, t)) = occs_const t
+ | occs_const (t $ u) = occs_const t orelse occs_const u
+ | occs_const _ = false;
+ in
+ if not (forall is_Free args) then
+ err "Arguments of lhs have to be variables"
+ else if not (null (duplicates args)) then
+ err "Duplicate variables on lhs"
+ else if not (term_frees rhs subset args) then
+ err "Extra variables on rhs"
+ else if not (term_tfrees rhs subset typ_tfrees ty) then
+ err "Extra type variables on rhs"
+ else if occs_const rhs then
+ err "Constant to be defined clashes with occurrence(s) on rhs"
+ else (c, ty)
+ end;
+(* check_defn *)
+fun err_in_axm name msg =
+ (writeln msg; error ("The error(s) above occurred in axiom " ^ quote name));
+fun check_defn sign (axms, (name, tm)) =
+ let
+ fun show_const (c, ty) = quote (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
+ [Pretty.str (c ^ " ::"), Pretty.brk 1, Sign.pretty_typ sign ty]));
+ fun show_defn c (dfn, ty') = show_const (c, ty') ^ " in " ^ dfn;
+ fun show_defns c = commas o map (show_defn c);
+ val (c, ty) = dest_defn tm
+ handle TERM (msg, _) => err_in_axm name msg;
+ val defns = clash_defns (c, ty) axms;
+ in
+ if not (null defns) then
+ err_in_axm name ("Definition of " ^ show_const (c, ty) ^
+ " clashes with " ^ show_defns c defns)
+ else (name, tm) :: axms
+ end;
+(* add_defs *)
+fun ext_defns prep_axm raw_axms thy =
+ let
+ val axms = map (prep_axm (sign_of thy)) raw_axms;
+ val all_axms = all_axioms_of thy;
+ in
+ foldl (check_defn (sign_of thy)) (all_axms, axms);
+ add_axioms_i axms thy
+ end;
+val add_defs_i = ext_defns cert_axm;
+val add_defs = ext_defns read_axm;
(**** More derived rules and operations on theorems ****)
(** reading of instantiations **)