first step towards extending Minipick with more translations
Fri, 23 Sep 2011 14:25:53 +0200
changeset 45062 9598cada31b3
parent 45061 39519609abe0
child 45063 b3b50d8b535a
first step towards extending Minipick with more translations
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Mini_Nits.thy	Fri Sep 23 14:08:50 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Mini_Nits.thy	Fri Sep 23 14:25:53 2011 +0200
@@ -12,22 +12,16 @@
 uses "minipick.ML"
-ML {*
-exception FAIL
+nitpick_params [verbose, sat_solver = MiniSat_JNI, max_threads = 1]
-val has_kodkodi = (getenv "KODKODI" <> "")
+nitpick_params [total_consts = smart]
-fun minipick n t =
-  map (fn k => Minipick.kodkod_problem_from_term @{context} (K k) t) (1 upto n)
-  |> Minipick.solve_any_kodkod_problem @{theory}
-fun minipick_expect expect n t =
-  if has_kodkodi then
-    if minipick n t = expect then () else raise FAIL
-  else
-    ()
-val none = minipick_expect "none"
-val genuine = minipick_expect "genuine"
-val unknown = minipick_expect "unknown"
+ML {*
+val check = Minipick.minipick @{context}
+val expect = Minipick.minipick_expect @{context}
+val none = expect "none"
+val genuine = expect "genuine"
+val unknown = expect "unknown"
 ML {* genuine 1 @{prop "x = Not"} *}
@@ -43,7 +37,6 @@
 ML {* none 5 @{prop "\<exists>x. x = x"} *}
 ML {* none 1 @{prop "\<forall>x. x = y"} *}
 ML {* genuine 2 @{prop "\<forall>x. x = y"} *}
-ML {* none 1 @{prop "\<exists>x. x = y"} *}
 ML {* none 2 @{prop "\<exists>x. x = y"} *}
 ML {* none 2 @{prop "\<forall>x\<Colon>'a \<times> 'a. x = x"} *}
 ML {* none 2 @{prop "\<exists>x\<Colon>'a \<times> 'a. x = y"} *}
@@ -74,6 +67,9 @@
 ML {* genuine 2 @{prop "{a} = {a, b}"} *}
 ML {* genuine 1 @{prop "{a} \<noteq> {a, b}"} *}
 ML {* none 5 @{prop "{}\<^sup>+ = {}"} *}
+ML {* none 5 @{prop "UNIV\<^sup>+ = UNIV"} *}
+ML {* none 5 @{prop "(UNIV\<Colon>'a \<times> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool) - {} = UNIV"} *}
+ML {* none 5 @{prop "{} - (UNIV\<Colon>'a \<times> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool) = {}"} *}
 ML {* none 1 @{prop "{(a, b), (b, c)}\<^sup>+ = {(a, b), (a, c), (b, c)}"} *}
 ML {* genuine 2 @{prop "{(a, b), (b, c)}\<^sup>+ = {(a, b), (a, c), (b, c)}"} *}
 ML {* none 5 @{prop "a \<noteq> c \<Longrightarrow> {(a, b), (b, c)}\<^sup>+ = {(a, b), (a, c), (b, c)}"} *}
@@ -93,6 +89,8 @@
 ML {* none 1 @{prop "fst (a, b) = b"} *}
 ML {* genuine 2 @{prop "fst (a, b) = b"} *}
 ML {* genuine 2 @{prop "fst (a, b) \<noteq> b"} *}
+ML {* genuine 2 @{prop "f ((x, z), y) = (x, z)"} *}
+ML {* none 2 @{prop "(ALL x. f x = fst x) \<longrightarrow> f ((x, z), y) = (x, z)"} *}
 ML {* none 5 @{prop "snd (a, b) = b"} *}
 ML {* none 1 @{prop "snd (a, b) = a"} *}
 ML {* genuine 2 @{prop "snd (a, b) = a"} *}
@@ -105,5 +103,9 @@
 ML {* none 2 @{prop "\<exists>f. \<forall>a b. f (a, b) = (a, b)"} *}
 ML {* none 3 @{prop "f = (\<lambda>a b. (b, a)) \<longrightarrow> f x y = (y, x)"} *}
 ML {* genuine 2 @{prop "f = (\<lambda>a b. (b, a)) \<longrightarrow> f x y = (x, y)"} *}
+ML {* none 5 @{prop "f = (\<lambda>x. f x)"} *}
+ML {* none 5 @{prop "f = (\<lambda>x. f x\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> bool)"} *}
+ML {* none 5 @{prop "f = (\<lambda>x y. f x y)"} *}
+ML {* none 5 @{prop "f = (\<lambda>x y. f x y\<Colon>'a \<Rightarrow> bool)"} *}
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/minipick.ML	Fri Sep 23 14:08:50 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/minipick.ML	Fri Sep 23 14:25:53 2011 +0200
@@ -7,21 +7,8 @@
 signature MINIPICK =
-  datatype rep = S_Rep | R_Rep
-  type styp = Nitpick_Util.styp
-  val vars_for_bound_var :
-    (typ -> int) -> rep -> typ list -> int -> Kodkod.rel_expr list
-  val rel_expr_for_bound_var :
-    (typ -> int) -> rep -> typ list -> int -> Kodkod.rel_expr
-  val decls_for : rep -> (typ -> int) -> typ list -> typ -> Kodkod.decl list
-  val false_atom : Kodkod.rel_expr
-  val true_atom : Kodkod.rel_expr
-  val formula_from_atom : Kodkod.rel_expr -> Kodkod.formula
-  val atom_from_formula : Kodkod.formula -> Kodkod.rel_expr
-  val kodkod_problem_from_term :
-    Proof.context -> (typ -> int) -> term -> Kodkod.problem
-  val solve_any_kodkod_problem : theory -> Kodkod.problem list -> string
+  val minipick : Proof.context -> int -> term -> string
+  val minipick_expect : Proof.context -> string -> int -> term -> unit
 structure Minipick : MINIPICK =
@@ -33,28 +20,34 @@
 open Nitpick_Peephole
 open Nitpick_Kodkod
-datatype rep = S_Rep | R_Rep
+datatype rep =
+  S_Rep |
+  R_Rep of bool
-fun check_type ctxt (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) =
- (check_type ctxt) Ts
-  | check_type ctxt (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =
- (check_type ctxt) Ts
-  | check_type _ @{typ bool} = ()
-  | check_type _ (TFree (_, @{sort "{}"})) = ()
-  | check_type _ (TFree (_, @{sort HOL.type})) = ()
-  | check_type ctxt T =
-    raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("type " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T))
+fun check_type ctxt raw_infinite (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) =
+ (check_type ctxt raw_infinite) Ts
+  | check_type ctxt raw_infinite (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =
+ (check_type ctxt raw_infinite) Ts
+  | check_type _ _ @{typ bool} = ()
+  | check_type _ _ (TFree (_, @{sort "{}"})) = ()
+  | check_type _ _ (TFree (_, @{sort HOL.type})) = ()
+  | check_type ctxt raw_infinite T =
+    if raw_infinite T then ()
+    else raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("type " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T))
 fun atom_schema_of S_Rep card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     replicate_list (card T1) (atom_schema_of S_Rep card T2)
-  | atom_schema_of R_Rep card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, @{typ bool}])) =
+  | atom_schema_of (R_Rep true) card
+                   (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, @{typ bool}])) =
     atom_schema_of S_Rep card T1
-  | atom_schema_of R_Rep card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
-    atom_schema_of S_Rep card T1 @ atom_schema_of R_Rep card T2
+  | atom_schema_of (rep as R_Rep _) card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
+    atom_schema_of S_Rep card T1 @ atom_schema_of rep card T2
   | atom_schema_of _ card (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) =
     maps (atom_schema_of S_Rep card) Ts
   | atom_schema_of _ card T = [card T]
 val arity_of = length ooo atom_schema_of
+val atom_seqs_of = map (AtomSeq o rpair 0) ooo atom_schema_of
+val atom_seq_product_of = foldl1 Product ooo atom_seqs_of
 fun index_for_bound_var _ [_] 0 = 0
   | index_for_bound_var card (_ :: Ts) 0 =
@@ -68,78 +61,121 @@
   map2 (curry DeclOne o pair 1)
        (index_seq (index_for_bound_var card (T :: Ts) 0)
                   (arity_of R card (nth (T :: Ts) 0)))
-       (map (AtomSeq o rpair 0) (atom_schema_of R card T))
+       (atom_seqs_of R card T)
 val atom_product = foldl1 Product o map Atom
-val false_atom = Atom 0
-val true_atom = Atom 1
+val false_atom_num = 0
+val true_atom_num = 1
+val false_atom = Atom false_atom_num
+val true_atom = Atom true_atom_num
-fun formula_from_atom r = RelEq (r, true_atom)
-fun atom_from_formula f = RelIf (f, true_atom, false_atom)
-fun kodkod_formula_from_term ctxt card frees =
+fun kodkod_formula_from_term ctxt total card complete concrete frees =
-    fun R_rep_from_S_rep (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, @{typ bool}])) r =
-        let
-          val jss = atom_schema_of S_Rep card T1 |> map (rpair 0)
-                    |> all_combinations
-        in
-          map2 (fn i => fn js =>
-                   RelIf (formula_from_atom (Project (r, [Num i])),
-                          atom_product js, empty_n_ary_rel (length js)))
-               (index_seq 0 (length jss)) jss
-          |> foldl1 Union
-        end
-      | R_rep_from_S_rep (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) r =
-        let
-          val jss = atom_schema_of S_Rep card T1 |> map (rpair 0)
-                    |> all_combinations
-          val arity2 = arity_of S_Rep card T2
-        in
-          map2 (fn i => fn js =>
-                   Product (atom_product js,
-                            Project (r, num_seq (i * arity2) arity2)
-                            |> R_rep_from_S_rep T2))
-               (index_seq 0 (length jss)) jss
-          |> foldl1 Union
-        end
+    fun F_from_S_rep (SOME false) r = Not (RelEq (r, false_atom))
+      | F_from_S_rep _ r = RelEq (r, true_atom)
+    fun S_rep_from_F NONE f = RelIf (f, true_atom, false_atom)
+      | S_rep_from_F (SOME true) f = RelIf (f, true_atom, None)
+      | S_rep_from_F (SOME false) f = RelIf (Not f, false_atom, None)
+    fun R_rep_from_S_rep (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) r =
+        if total andalso T2 = bool_T then
+          let
+            val jss = atom_schema_of S_Rep card T1 |> map (rpair 0)
+                      |> all_combinations
+          in
+            map2 (fn i => fn js =>
+                     RelIf (F_from_S_rep NONE (Project (r, [Num i])),
+                            atom_product js, empty_n_ary_rel (length js))
+                     Join (Project (r, [Num i]),
+                           atom_product (false_atom_num :: js))
+                 ) (index_seq 0 (length jss)) jss
+            |> foldl1 Union
+          end
+        else
+          let
+            val jss = atom_schema_of S_Rep card T1 |> map (rpair 0)
+                      |> all_combinations
+            val arity2 = arity_of S_Rep card T2
+          in
+            map2 (fn i => fn js =>
+                     Product (atom_product js,
+                              Project (r, num_seq (i * arity2) arity2)
+                              |> R_rep_from_S_rep T2))
+                 (index_seq 0 (length jss)) jss
+            |> foldl1 Union
+          end
       | R_rep_from_S_rep _ r = r
     fun S_rep_from_R_rep Ts (T as Type (@{type_name fun}, _)) r =
         Comprehension (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T,
             RelEq (R_rep_from_S_rep T
                        (rel_expr_for_bound_var card S_Rep (T :: Ts) 0), r))
       | S_rep_from_R_rep _ _ r = r
-    fun to_F Ts t =
+    fun partial_eq pos Ts (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) t1 t2 =
+        HOLogic.mk_all ("x", T1,
+                        HOLogic.eq_const T2 $ (incr_boundvars 1 t1 $ Bound 0)
+                        $ (incr_boundvars 1 t2 $ Bound 0))
+        |> to_F (SOME pos) Ts
+      | partial_eq pos Ts T t1 t2 =
+        if pos andalso not (concrete T) then
+          False
+        else
+          (t1, t2) |> pairself (to_R_rep Ts)
+                   |> (if pos then Some o Intersect else Lone o Union)
+    and to_F pos Ts t =
       (case t of
-         @{const Not} $ t1 => Not (to_F Ts t1)
+         @{const Not} $ t1 => Not (to_F ( not pos) Ts t1)
        | @{const False} => False
        | @{const True} => True
        | Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
-         All (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T, to_F (T :: Ts) t')
+         if pos = SOME true andalso not (complete T) then False
+         else All (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T, to_F pos (T :: Ts) t')
        | (t0 as Const (@{const_name All}, _)) $ t1 =>
-         to_F Ts (t0 $ eta_expand Ts t1 1)
+         to_F pos Ts (t0 $ eta_expand Ts t1 1)
        | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
-         Exist (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T, to_F (T :: Ts) t')
+         if pos = SOME false andalso not (complete T) then True
+         else Exist (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T, to_F pos (T :: Ts) t')
        | (t0 as Const (@{const_name Ex}, _)) $ t1 =>
-         to_F Ts (t0 $ eta_expand Ts t1 1)
-       | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
-         RelEq (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+         to_F pos Ts (t0 $ eta_expand Ts t1 1)
+       | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type (_, [T, _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+         (case pos of
+            NONE => RelEq (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+          | SOME pos => partial_eq pos Ts T t1 t2)
        | Const (@{const_name ord_class.less_eq},
                 Type (@{type_name fun},
-                      [Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, @{typ bool}]), _]))
+                      [Type (@{type_name fun}, [T', @{typ bool}]), _]))
          $ t1 $ t2 =>
-         Subset (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
-       | @{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2 => And (to_F Ts t1, to_F Ts t2)
-       | @{const HOL.disj} $ t1 $ t2 => Or (to_F Ts t1, to_F Ts t2)
-       | @{const HOL.implies} $ t1 $ t2 => Implies (to_F Ts t1, to_F Ts t2)
-       | t1 $ t2 => Subset (to_S_rep Ts t2, to_R_rep Ts t1)
-       | Free _ => raise SAME ()
-       | Term.Var _ => raise SAME ()
-       | Bound _ => raise SAME ()
-       | Const (s, _) => raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("constant " ^ quote s)
-       | _ => raise TERM ("Minipick.kodkod_formula_from_term.to_F", [t]))
-      handle SAME () => formula_from_atom (to_R_rep Ts t)
+         (case pos of
+            NONE => Subset (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+          | SOME true =>
+            Subset (Difference (atom_seq_product_of S_Rep card T',
+                                Join (to_R_rep Ts t1, false_atom)),
+                    Join (to_R_rep Ts t2, true_atom))
+          | SOME false =>
+            Subset (Join (to_R_rep Ts t1, true_atom),
+                    Difference (atom_seq_product_of S_Rep card T',
+                                Join (to_R_rep Ts t2, false_atom))))
+       | @{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2 => And (to_F pos Ts t1, to_F pos Ts t2)
+       | @{const HOL.disj} $ t1 $ t2 => Or (to_F pos Ts t1, to_F pos Ts t2)
+       | @{const HOL.implies} $ t1 $ t2 =>
+         Implies (to_F ( not pos) Ts t1, to_F pos Ts t2)
+       | t1 $ t2 =>
+         (case pos of
+            NONE => Subset (to_S_rep Ts t2, to_R_rep Ts t1)
+          | SOME pos =>
+            let
+              val kt1 = to_R_rep Ts t1
+              val kt2 = to_S_rep Ts t2
+              val kT = atom_seq_product_of S_Rep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t2))
+            in
+              if pos then
+                Not (Subset (kt2, Difference (kT, Join (kt1, true_atom))))
+              else
+                Subset (kt2, Difference (kT, Join (kt1, false_atom)))
+            end)
+       | _ => raise SAME ())
+      handle SAME () => F_from_S_rep pos (to_R_rep Ts t)
     and to_S_rep Ts t =
       case t of
         Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
@@ -160,6 +196,16 @@
       | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
       | Bound j => rel_expr_for_bound_var card S_Rep Ts j
       | _ => S_rep_from_R_rep Ts (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) (to_R_rep Ts t)
+    and partial_set_op swap1 swap2 op1 op2 Ts t1 t2 =
+      let
+        val kt1 = to_R_rep Ts t1
+        val kt2 = to_R_rep Ts t2
+        val (a11, a21) = (false_atom, true_atom) |> swap1 ? swap
+        val (a12, a22) = (false_atom, true_atom) |> swap2 ? swap
+      in
+        Union (Product (op1 (Join (kt1, a11), Join (kt2, a12)), true_atom),
+               Product (op2 (Join (kt1, a21), Join (kt2, a22)), false_atom))
+      end
     and to_R_rep Ts t =
       (case t of
          @{const Not} => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
@@ -180,15 +226,51 @@
        | @{const HOL.implies} $ _ => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
        | @{const HOL.implies} => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
        | Const (@{const_name},
-                T as Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, @{typ bool}])) =>
-         empty_n_ary_rel (arity_of R_Rep card T)
-       | Const (@{const_name insert}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
-         Union (to_S_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+                T as Type (@{type_name fun}, [T', @{typ bool}])) =>
+         if total then empty_n_ary_rel (arity_of (R_Rep total) card T)
+         else Product (atom_seq_product_of (R_Rep total) card T', false_atom)
+       | Const (@{const_name},
+                T as Type (@{type_name fun}, [T', @{typ bool}])) =>
+         if total then atom_seq_product_of (R_Rep total) card T
+         else Product (atom_seq_product_of (R_Rep total) card T', true_atom)
+       | Const (@{const_name insert}, Type (_, [T, _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+         if total then
+           Union (to_S_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+         else
+           let
+             val kt1 = to_S_rep Ts t1
+             val kt2 = to_R_rep Ts t2
+           in
+             RelIf (Some kt1,
+                    if arity_of S_Rep card T = 1 then
+                      Override (kt2, Product (kt1, true_atom))
+                    else
+                      Union (Difference (kt2, Product (kt1, false_atom)),
+                             Product (kt1, true_atom)),
+                    Difference (kt2, Product (atom_seq_product_of S_Rep card T,
+                                              false_atom)))
+           end
        | Const (@{const_name insert}, _) $ _ => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
        | Const (@{const_name insert}, _) => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
-       | Const (@{const_name trancl}, _) $ t1 =>
-         if arity_of R_Rep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t1)) = 2 then
-           Closure (to_R_rep Ts t1)
+       | Const (@{const_name trancl},
+                Type (_, [Type (_, [Type (_, [T', _]), _]), _])) $ t1 =>
+         if arity_of S_Rep card T' = 1 then
+           if total then
+             Closure (to_R_rep Ts t1)
+           else
+             let
+               val kt1 = to_R_rep Ts t1
+               val true_core_kt = Closure (Join (kt1, true_atom))
+               val kTx =
+                 atom_seq_product_of S_Rep card (HOLogic.mk_prodT (`I T'))
+               val false_mantle_kt =
+                 Difference (kTx,
+                     Closure (Difference (kTx, Join (kt1, false_atom))))
+             in
+               Union (Product (Difference (false_mantle_kt, true_core_kt),
+                               false_atom),
+                      Product (true_core_kt, true_atom))
+             end
            raise NOT_SUPPORTED "transitive closure for function or pair type"
        | Const (@{const_name trancl}, _) => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
@@ -196,7 +278,8 @@
                 Type (@{type_name fun},
                       [Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, @{typ bool}]), _]))
          $ t1 $ t2 =>
-         Intersect (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+         if total then Intersect (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+         else partial_set_op true true Intersect Union Ts t1 t2
        | Const (@{const_name inf_class.inf}, _) $ _ =>
          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
        | Const (@{const_name inf_class.inf}, _) =>
@@ -205,7 +288,8 @@
                 Type (@{type_name fun},
                       [Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, @{typ bool}]), _]))
          $ t1 $ t2 =>
-         Union (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+         if total then Union (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+         else partial_set_op true true Union Intersect Ts t1 t2
        | Const (@{const_name sup_class.sup}, _) $ _ =>
          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
        | Const (@{const_name sup_class.sup}, _) =>
@@ -214,7 +298,8 @@
                 Type (@{type_name fun},
                       [Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, @{typ bool}]), _]))
          $ t1 $ t2 =>
-         Difference (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+         if total then Difference (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
+         else partial_set_op true false Intersect Union Ts t1 t2
        | Const (@{const_name minus_class.minus},
                 Type (@{type_name fun},
                       [Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) $ _ =>
@@ -223,40 +308,47 @@
                 Type (@{type_name fun},
                       [Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) =>
          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
-       | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ $ _ => raise SAME ()
-       | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ => raise SAME ()
-       | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) => raise SAME ()
+       | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ $ _ => to_S_rep Ts t
+       | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ => to_S_rep Ts t
+       | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) => to_S_rep Ts t
        | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) $ _ => raise SAME ()
        | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) => raise SAME ()
        | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) $ _ => raise SAME ()
        | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) => raise SAME ()
-       | Const (_, @{typ bool}) => atom_from_formula (to_F Ts t)
+       | @{const False} => false_atom
+       | @{const True} => true_atom
        | Free (x as (_, T)) =>
-         Rel (arity_of R_Rep card T, find_index (curry (op =) x) frees)
+         Rel (arity_of (R_Rep total) card T, find_index (curry (op =) x) frees)
        | Term.Var _ => raise NOT_SUPPORTED "schematic variables"
        | Bound _ => raise SAME ()
        | Abs (_, T, t') =>
-         (case fastype_of1 (T :: Ts, t') of
-            @{typ bool} => Comprehension (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T,
-                                          to_F (T :: Ts) t')
-          | T' => Comprehension (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T @
-                                 decls_for R_Rep card (T :: Ts) T',
-                                 Subset (rel_expr_for_bound_var card R_Rep
-                                                              (T' :: T :: Ts) 0,
-                                         to_R_rep (T :: Ts) t')))
+         (case (total, fastype_of1 (T :: Ts, t')) of
+            (true, @{typ bool}) =>
+            Comprehension (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T, to_F NONE (T :: Ts) t')
+          | (_, T') =>
+            Comprehension (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T @
+                           decls_for (R_Rep total) card (T :: Ts) T',
+                           Subset (rel_expr_for_bound_var card (R_Rep total)
+                                                          (T' :: T :: Ts) 0,
+                                   to_R_rep (T :: Ts) t')))
        | t1 $ t2 =>
          (case fastype_of1 (Ts, t) of
-            @{typ bool} => atom_from_formula (to_F Ts t)
+            @{typ bool} =>
+            if total then
+              S_rep_from_F NONE (to_F NONE Ts t)
+            else
+              RelIf (to_F (SOME true) Ts t, true_atom,
+                     RelIf (Not (to_F (SOME false) Ts t), false_atom,
+                     None))
           | T =>
             let val T2 = fastype_of1 (Ts, t2) in
               case arity_of S_Rep card T2 of
                 1 => Join (to_S_rep Ts t2, to_R_rep Ts t1)
               | arity2 =>
-                let val res_arity = arity_of R_Rep card T in
+                let val res_arity = arity_of (R_Rep total) card T in
                   Project (Intersect
                       (Product (to_S_rep Ts t2,
-                                atom_schema_of R_Rep card T
-                                |> map (AtomSeq o rpair 0) |> foldl1 Product),
+                                atom_seq_product_of (R_Rep total) card T),
                        to_R_rep Ts t1),
                       num_seq arity2 res_arity)
@@ -264,28 +356,30 @@
        | _ => raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("term " ^
                                    quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)))
       handle SAME () => R_rep_from_S_rep (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) (to_S_rep Ts t)
-  in to_F [] end
+  in to_F (if total then NONE else SOME true) [] end
-fun bound_for_free card i (s, T) =
-  let val js = atom_schema_of R_Rep card T in
+fun bound_for_free total card i (s, T) =
+  let val js = atom_schema_of (R_Rep total) card T in
     ([((length js, i), s)],
-     [TupleSet [], atom_schema_of R_Rep card T |> map (rpair 0)
+     [TupleSet [], atom_schema_of (R_Rep total) card T |> map (rpair 0)
                    |> tuple_set_from_atom_schema])
-fun declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card Ts (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2]))
-                                   r =
-    if body_type T2 = bool_T then
+fun declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr total card Ts
+                                   (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) r =
+    if total andalso body_type T2 = bool_T then
       All (decls_for S_Rep card Ts T1,
-           declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card (T1 :: Ts) T2
+           declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr total card (T1 :: Ts) T2
                (List.foldl Join r (vars_for_bound_var card S_Rep (T1 :: Ts) 0)))
-  | declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr _ _ _ r = One r
-fun declarative_axiom_for_free card i (_, T) =
-  declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card [] T (Rel (arity_of R_Rep card T, i))
+  | declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr total _ _ _ r =
+    (if total then One else Lone) r
+fun declarative_axiom_for_free total card i (_, T) =
+  declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr total card [] T
+      (Rel (arity_of (R_Rep total) card T, i))
-fun kodkod_problem_from_term ctxt raw_card t =
+fun kodkod_problem_from_term ctxt total raw_card raw_infinite t =
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
     fun card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
@@ -293,14 +387,25 @@
       | card (Type (@{type_name prod}, [T1, T2])) = card T1 * card T2
       | card @{typ bool} = 2
       | card T = Int.max (1, raw_card T)
+    fun complete (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
+        concrete T1 andalso complete T2
+      | complete (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) = forall complete Ts
+      | complete T = not (raw_infinite T)
+    and concrete (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
+        complete T1 andalso concrete T2
+      | concrete (Type (@{type_name prod}, Ts)) = forall concrete Ts
+      | concrete _ = true
     val neg_t = @{const Not} $ Object_Logic.atomize_term thy t
-    val _ = fold_types (K o check_type ctxt) neg_t ()
+    val _ = fold_types (K o check_type ctxt raw_infinite) neg_t ()
     val frees = Term.add_frees neg_t []
-    val bounds = map2 (bound_for_free card) (index_seq 0 (length frees)) frees
+    val bounds =
+      map2 (bound_for_free total card) (index_seq 0 (length frees)) frees
     val declarative_axioms =
-      map2 (declarative_axiom_for_free card) (index_seq 0 (length frees)) frees
-    val formula = kodkod_formula_from_term ctxt card frees neg_t
-                  |> fold_rev (curry And) declarative_axioms
+      map2 (declarative_axiom_for_free total card)
+           (index_seq 0 (length frees)) frees
+    val formula =
+      neg_t |> kodkod_formula_from_term ctxt total card complete concrete frees 
+            |> fold_rev (curry And) declarative_axioms
     val univ_card = univ_card 0 0 0 bounds formula
     {comment = "", settings = [], univ_card = univ_card, tuple_assigns = [],
@@ -324,4 +429,28 @@
     | Error (s, _) => error ("Kodkod error: " ^ s)
+val default_raw_infinite = member (op =) [@{typ nat}, @{typ int}]
+fun minipick ctxt n t =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val {total_consts, ...} = Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy []
+    val totals =
+      total_consts |> single |> the_default [true, false]
+    fun problem_for (total, k) =
+      kodkod_problem_from_term ctxt total (K k) default_raw_infinite t
+  in
+    (totals, 1 upto n)
+    |-> map_product pair
+    |> map problem_for
+    |> solve_any_kodkod_problem (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
+  end
+fun minipick_expect ctxt expect n t =
+  if getenv "KODKODI" <> "" then
+    if minipick ctxt n t = expect then ()
+    else error ("\"minipick_expect\" expected " ^ quote expect)
+  else
+    ()