more compatibility between old- and new-style datatypes
Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:17:47 +0200
changeset 58117 9608028d8f43
parent 58116 1a9ac371e5a0
child 58118 0a58bff4939d
more compatibility between old- and new-style datatypes
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 fun register_as_fp_sugars Ts BTs Xs fp pre_bnfs absT_infos fp_nesting_bnfs live_nesting_bnfs fp_res
     ctrXs_Tsss ctr_defss ctr_sugars co_recs co_rec_defs mapss common_co_inducts co_inductss
-    co_rec_thmss disc_co_recss sel_co_recsss rel_injectss rel_distinctss noted =
+    co_rec_thmss co_rec_discss co_rec_selsss rel_injectss rel_distinctss noted =
     val fp_sugars =
       map_index (fn (kk, T) =>
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
          ctrXs_Tss = nth ctrXs_Tsss kk, ctr_defs = nth ctr_defss kk, ctr_sugar = nth ctr_sugars kk,
          co_rec = nth co_recs kk, co_rec_def = nth co_rec_defs kk, maps = nth mapss kk,
          common_co_inducts = common_co_inducts, co_inducts = nth co_inductss kk,
-         co_rec_thms = nth co_rec_thmss kk, disc_co_recs = nth disc_co_recss kk,
-         sel_co_recss = nth sel_co_recsss kk, rel_injects = nth rel_injectss kk,
+         co_rec_thms = nth co_rec_thmss kk, co_rec_discs = nth co_rec_discss kk,
+         co_rec_selss = nth co_rec_selsss kk, rel_injects = nth rel_injectss kk,
          rel_distincts = nth rel_distinctss kk}
         |> morph_fp_sugar (substitute_noted_thm noted)) Ts;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
   val unfold_splits_lets: term -> term
   val dest_map: Proof.context -> string -> term -> term * term list
-  val mutualize_fp_sugars: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> int list -> binding list -> typ list -> term list ->
-    term list list list list -> BNF_FP_Util.fp_sugar list -> local_theory ->
+  val mutualize_fp_sugars: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> bool -> int list -> binding list -> typ list ->
+    term list -> term list list list list -> BNF_FP_Util.fp_sugar list -> local_theory ->
     (BNF_FP_Util.fp_sugar list
      * (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.lfp_sugar_thms option * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.gfp_sugar_thms option))
     * local_theory
-  val nested_to_mutual_fps: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> binding list -> typ list -> term list ->
+  val nested_to_mutual_fps: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> bool -> binding list -> typ list -> term list ->
     (term * term list list) list list -> local_theory ->
     (typ list * int list * BNF_FP_Util.fp_sugar list
      * (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.lfp_sugar_thms option * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.gfp_sugar_thms option))
@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@
   |> map_filter I;
 (* TODO: test with sort constraints on As *)
-fun mutualize_fp_sugars fp cliques bs fpTs callers callssss fp_sugars0 no_defs_lthy0 =
+fun mutualize_fp_sugars fp need_co_inducts_recs cliques bs fpTs callers callssss
+    (fp_sugars0 as fp_sugars01 :: _) no_defs_lthy0 =
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of no_defs_lthy0;
@@ -227,74 +228,93 @@
         val fp_absT_infos = map #absT_info fp_sugars0;
-        val ((pre_bnfs, absT_infos), (fp_res as {xtor_co_recs = xtor_co_recs0, xtor_co_induct,
-               dtor_injects, dtor_ctors, xtor_co_rec_thms, ...}, lthy)) =
-          fp_bnf (construct_mutualized_fp fp cliques fpTs fp_sugars0) fp_bs As' killed_As' fp_eqs
-            no_defs_lthy0;
+        val (fp_res, fp_nesting_bnfs, live_nesting_bnfs, common_co_inducts, pre_bnfs, absT_infos,
+             co_recs, co_rec_defs, co_inductss, co_rec_thmss, co_rec_disc_thmss, co_rec_sel_thmsss,
+             fp_sugar_thms, lthy) =
+          if need_co_inducts_recs then
+            let
+              val ((pre_bnfs, absT_infos), (fp_res as {xtor_co_recs = xtor_co_recs0, xtor_co_induct,
+                     dtor_injects, dtor_ctors, xtor_co_rec_thms, ...}, lthy)) =
+                fp_bnf (construct_mutualized_fp fp cliques fpTs fp_sugars0) fp_bs As' killed_As' fp_eqs
+                  no_defs_lthy0;
-        val fp_abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse fp_absT_infos;
-        val fp_type_definitions = map #type_definition fp_absT_infos;
+              val fp_abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse fp_absT_infos;
+              val fp_type_definitions = map #type_definition fp_absT_infos;
-        val abss = map #abs absT_infos;
-        val reps = map #rep absT_infos;
-        val absTs = map #absT absT_infos;
-        val repTs = map #repT absT_infos;
-        val abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse absT_infos;
+              val abss = map #abs absT_infos;
+              val reps = map #rep absT_infos;
+              val absTs = map #absT absT_infos;
+              val repTs = map #repT absT_infos;
+              val abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse absT_infos;
-        val fp_nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy ctrXs_Tsss Xs;
-        val live_nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy ctrXs_Tsss As;
+              val fp_nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy ctrXs_Tsss Xs;
+              val live_nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy ctrXs_Tsss As;
-        val ((xtor_co_recs, recs_args_types, corecs_args_types), _) =
-          mk_co_recs_prelims fp ctr_Tsss fpTs Cs absTs repTs ns mss xtor_co_recs0 lthy;
+              val ((xtor_co_recs, recs_args_types, corecs_args_types), _) =
+                mk_co_recs_prelims fp ctr_Tsss fpTs Cs absTs repTs ns mss xtor_co_recs0 lthy;
-        fun mk_binding b suf = Binding.suffix_name ("_" ^ suf) b;
+              fun mk_binding b suf = Binding.suffix_name ("_" ^ suf) b;
-        val ((co_recs, co_rec_defs), lthy) =
-          fold_map2 (fn b =>
-              if fp = Least_FP then define_rec (the recs_args_types) (mk_binding b) fpTs Cs reps
-              else define_corec (the corecs_args_types) (mk_binding b) fpTs Cs abss)
-            fp_bs xtor_co_recs lthy
-          |>> split_list;
+              val ((co_recs, co_rec_defs), lthy) =
+                fold_map2 (fn b =>
+                    if fp = Least_FP then
+                      define_rec (the recs_args_types) (mk_binding b) fpTs Cs reps
+                    else
+                      define_corec (the corecs_args_types) (mk_binding b) fpTs Cs abss)
+                  fp_bs xtor_co_recs lthy
+                |>> split_list;
-        val ((common_co_inducts, co_inductss, co_rec_thmss, corec_disc_thmss, corec_sel_thmsss),
-             fp_sugar_thms) =
-          if fp = Least_FP then
-            derive_induct_recs_thms_for_types pre_bnfs recs_args_types xtor_co_induct
-              xtor_co_rec_thms live_nesting_bnfs fp_nesting_bnfs fpTs Cs Xs ctrXs_Tsss
-              fp_abs_inverses fp_type_definitions abs_inverses ctrss ctr_defss co_recs co_rec_defs
-              lthy
-            |> `(fn ((inducts, induct, _), (rec_thmss, _)) =>
-              ([induct], [inducts], rec_thmss, replicate nn [], replicate nn []))
-            ||> (fn info => (SOME info, NONE))
+              val ((common_co_inducts, co_inductss', co_rec_thmss, co_rec_disc_thmss,
+                  co_rec_sel_thmsss), fp_sugar_thms) =
+                if fp = Least_FP then
+                  derive_induct_recs_thms_for_types pre_bnfs recs_args_types xtor_co_induct
+                    xtor_co_rec_thms live_nesting_bnfs fp_nesting_bnfs fpTs Cs Xs ctrXs_Tsss
+                    fp_abs_inverses fp_type_definitions abs_inverses ctrss ctr_defss co_recs
+                    co_rec_defs lthy
+                  |> `(fn ((inducts, induct, _), (rec_thmss, _)) =>
+                    ([induct], [inducts], rec_thmss, replicate nn [], replicate nn []))
+                  ||> (fn info => (SOME info, NONE))
+                else
+                  derive_coinduct_corecs_thms_for_types pre_bnfs (the corecs_args_types)
+                    xtor_co_induct dtor_injects dtor_ctors xtor_co_rec_thms live_nesting_bnfs fpTs
+                    Cs Xs ctrXs_Tsss kss mss ns fp_abs_inverses abs_inverses
+                    (fn thm => thm RS @{thm vimage2p_refl}) ctr_defss ctr_sugars co_recs co_rec_defs
+                    (Proof_Context.export lthy no_defs_lthy) lthy
+                  |> `(fn ((coinduct_thms_pairs, _), corec_thmss, corec_disc_thmss, _,
+                           (corec_sel_thmsss, _)) =>
+                    (map snd coinduct_thms_pairs, map fst coinduct_thms_pairs, corec_thmss,
+                     corec_disc_thmss, corec_sel_thmsss))
+                  ||> (fn info => (NONE, SOME info));
+            in
+              (fp_res, fp_nesting_bnfs, live_nesting_bnfs, common_co_inducts, pre_bnfs, absT_infos,
+               co_recs, co_rec_defs, transpose co_inductss', co_rec_thmss, co_rec_disc_thmss,
+               co_rec_sel_thmsss, fp_sugar_thms, lthy)
+            end
-            derive_coinduct_corecs_thms_for_types pre_bnfs (the corecs_args_types) xtor_co_induct
-              dtor_injects dtor_ctors xtor_co_rec_thms live_nesting_bnfs fpTs Cs Xs ctrXs_Tsss kss
-              mss ns fp_abs_inverses abs_inverses (fn thm => thm RS @{thm vimage2p_refl}) ctr_defss
-              ctr_sugars co_recs co_rec_defs (Proof_Context.export lthy no_defs_lthy) lthy
-            |> `(fn ((coinduct_thms_pairs, _), corec_thmss, corec_disc_thmss, _,
-                     (corec_sel_thmsss, _)) =>
-              (map snd coinduct_thms_pairs, map fst coinduct_thms_pairs, corec_thmss,
-               corec_disc_thmss, corec_sel_thmsss))
-            ||> (fn info => (NONE, SOME info));
+            (#fp_res fp_sugars01, [], [], #common_co_inducts fp_sugars01, map #pre_bnf fp_sugars0,
+             map #absT_info fp_sugars0, map #co_rec fp_sugars0, map #co_rec_def fp_sugars0,
+             map #co_inducts fp_sugars0, map #co_rec_thms fp_sugars0, map #co_rec_discs fp_sugars0,
+             map #co_rec_selss fp_sugars0, (NONE, NONE), no_defs_lthy);
         val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism no_defs_lthy no_defs_lthy0;
         fun mk_target_fp_sugar T X kk pre_bnf absT_info ctrXs_Tss ctr_defs ctr_sugar co_rec
-            co_rec_def maps co_inducts co_rec_thms corec_disc_thms corec_sel_thmss
+            co_rec_def maps co_inducts co_rec_thms co_rec_disc_thms co_rec_sel_thmss
             ({rel_injects, rel_distincts, ...} : fp_sugar) =
-          {T = T, BT = Term.dummyT (*wrong but harmless*), X = X, fp = fp, fp_res = fp_res,
-           fp_res_index = kk, pre_bnf = pre_bnf, absT_info = absT_info,
-           fp_nesting_bnfs = fp_nesting_bnfs, live_nesting_bnfs = live_nesting_bnfs,
-           ctrXs_Tss = ctrXs_Tss, ctr_defs = ctr_defs, ctr_sugar = ctr_sugar, co_rec = co_rec,
-           co_rec_def = co_rec_def, maps = maps, common_co_inducts = common_co_inducts,
-           co_inducts = co_inducts, co_rec_thms = co_rec_thms, disc_co_recs = corec_disc_thms,
-           sel_co_recss = corec_sel_thmss, rel_injects = rel_injects, rel_distincts = rel_distincts}
+          {T = T, BT = T (*wrong but harmless*), X = X, fp = fp, fp_res = fp_res, fp_res_index = kk,
+           pre_bnf = pre_bnf, absT_info = absT_info, fp_nesting_bnfs = fp_nesting_bnfs,
+           live_nesting_bnfs = live_nesting_bnfs, ctrXs_Tss = ctrXs_Tss, ctr_defs = ctr_defs,
+           ctr_sugar = ctr_sugar, co_rec = co_rec, co_rec_def = co_rec_def, maps = maps,
+           common_co_inducts = common_co_inducts, co_inducts = co_inducts,
+           co_rec_thms = co_rec_thms, co_rec_discs = co_rec_disc_thms,
+           co_rec_selss = co_rec_sel_thmss, rel_injects = rel_injects,
+           rel_distincts = rel_distincts}
           |> morph_fp_sugar phi;
         val target_fp_sugars =
           map16 mk_target_fp_sugar fpTs Xs kks pre_bnfs absT_infos ctrXs_Tsss ctr_defss ctr_sugars
-            co_recs co_rec_defs mapss (transpose co_inductss) co_rec_thmss corec_disc_thmss
-            corec_sel_thmsss fp_sugars0;
+            co_recs co_rec_defs mapss co_inductss co_rec_thmss co_rec_disc_thmss co_rec_sel_thmsss
+            fp_sugars0;
         val n2m_sugar = (target_fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms);
@@ -320,7 +340,8 @@
 val impossible_caller = Bound ~1;
-fun nested_to_mutual_fps fp actual_bs actual_Ts actual_callers actual_callssss0 lthy =
+fun nested_to_mutual_fps fp need_co_inducts_recs actual_bs actual_Ts actual_callers actual_callssss0
+    lthy =
     val qsoty = quote o Syntax.string_of_typ lthy;
     val qsotys = space_implode " or " o map qsoty;
@@ -336,7 +357,7 @@
     fun not_mutually_nested_rec Ts1 Ts2 =
       error (qsotys Ts1 ^ " is neither mutually recursive with " ^ qsotys Ts2 ^
         " nor nested recursive through " ^
-        (if Ts1 = Ts2 andalso can the_single Ts1 then "itself" else qsotys Ts2));
+        (if Ts1 = Ts2 andalso length Ts1 = 1 then "itself" else qsotys Ts2));
     val sorted_actual_Ts =
       sort (prod_ord int_ord Term_Ord.typ_ord o pairself (`Term.size_of_typ)) actual_Ts;
@@ -440,11 +461,11 @@
     val perm_callssss = map2 (indexify_callsss o #ctrs o #ctr_sugar) perm_fp_sugars0 perm_callssss0;
     val ((perm_fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms), lthy) =
-      if can the_single perm_Tss then
+      if length perm_Tss = 1 then
         ((perm_fp_sugars0, (NONE, NONE)), lthy)
-        mutualize_fp_sugars fp perm_cliques perm_bs perm_frozen_gen_Ts perm_callers perm_callssss
-          perm_fp_sugars0 lthy;
+        mutualize_fp_sugars fp need_co_inducts_recs perm_cliques perm_bs perm_frozen_gen_Ts
+          perm_callers perm_callssss perm_fp_sugars0 lthy;
     val fp_sugars = unpermute perm_fp_sugars;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_util.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_util.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
      common_co_inducts: thm list,
      co_inducts: thm list,
      co_rec_thms: thm list,
-     disc_co_recs: thm list,
-     sel_co_recss: thm list list,
+     co_rec_discs: thm list,
+     co_rec_selss: thm list list,
      rel_injects: thm list,
      rel_distincts: thm list};
@@ -282,14 +282,14 @@
    common_co_inducts: thm list,
    co_inducts: thm list,
    co_rec_thms: thm list,
-   disc_co_recs: thm list,
-   sel_co_recss: thm list list,
+   co_rec_discs: thm list,
+   co_rec_selss: thm list list,
    rel_injects: thm list,
    rel_distincts: thm list};
 fun morph_fp_sugar phi ({T, BT, X, fp, fp_res, fp_res_index, pre_bnf, absT_info, fp_nesting_bnfs,
     live_nesting_bnfs, ctrXs_Tss, ctr_defs, ctr_sugar, co_rec, co_rec_def, maps, common_co_inducts,
-    co_inducts, co_rec_thms, disc_co_recs, sel_co_recss, rel_injects, rel_distincts} : fp_sugar) =
+    co_inducts, co_rec_thms, co_rec_discs, co_rec_selss, rel_injects, rel_distincts} : fp_sugar) =
   {T = Morphism.typ phi T,
    BT = Morphism.typ phi BT,
    X = Morphism.typ phi X,
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@
    common_co_inducts = map (Morphism.thm phi) common_co_inducts,
    co_inducts = map (Morphism.thm phi) co_inducts,
    co_rec_thms = map (Morphism.thm phi) co_rec_thms,
-   disc_co_recs = map (Morphism.thm phi) disc_co_recs,
-   sel_co_recss = map (map (Morphism.thm phi)) sel_co_recss,
+   co_rec_discs = map (Morphism.thm phi) co_rec_discs,
+   co_rec_selss = map (map (Morphism.thm phi)) co_rec_selss,
    rel_injects = map (Morphism.thm phi) rel_injects,
    rel_distincts = map (Morphism.thm phi) rel_distincts};
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
     val ((missing_res_Ts, perm0_kks, fp_sugars as {fp_nesting_bnfs,
           common_co_inducts = common_coinduct_thms, ...} :: _, (_, gfp_sugar_thms)), lthy) =
-      nested_to_mutual_fps Greatest_FP bs res_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0;
+      nested_to_mutual_fps Greatest_FP true bs res_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0;
     val perm_fp_sugars = sort (int_ord o pairself #fp_res_index) fp_sugars;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_compat.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_compat.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
@@ -1,13 +1,25 @@
 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_compat.ML
     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
-    Copyright   2013
+    Copyright   2013, 2014
-Compatibility layer with the old datatype package ("datatype_compat").
+Compatibility layer with the old datatype package.
 signature BNF_LFP_COMPAT =
-  val datatype_compat_cmd : string list -> local_theory -> local_theory
+  val get_all: theory -> bool -> Symtab.table
+  val get_info: theory -> bool -> string -> option
+  val the_info: theory -> bool -> string ->
+  val the_spec: theory -> bool -> string -> (string * sort) list * (string * typ list) list
+  val the_descr: theory -> bool -> string list ->
+    Old_Datatype_Aux.descr * (string * sort) list * string list * string
+    * (string list * string list) * (typ list * typ list)
+  val get_constrs: theory -> bool -> string -> (string * typ) list option
+  val interpretation: (Old_Datatype_Aux.config -> string list -> theory -> theory) -> theory ->
+    theory
+  val add_datatype: Old_Datatype_Aux.config -> Old_Datatype_Aux.spec list -> theory ->
+    string list * theory
+  val datatype_compat_cmd: string list -> local_theory -> local_theory
 structure BNF_LFP_Compat : BNF_LFP_COMPAT =
@@ -21,8 +33,6 @@
 val compatN = "compat_";
-val code_nitpicksimp_simp_attrs = Code.add_default_eqn_attrib :: @{attributes [nitpick_simp, simp]};
 fun reindex_desc desc =
     val kks = map fst desc;
@@ -40,8 +50,8 @@
       map (fn (_, (s, Ds, sDss)) => (s, map perm_dtyp Ds, map (apsnd (map perm_dtyp)) sDss)) desc
-(* TODO: graceful failure for local datatypes -- perhaps by making the command global *)
-fun datatype_compat_cmd raw_fpT_names0 lthy =
+fun mk_infos_of_mutually_recursive_new_datatypes unfold_nesting need_co_inducts_recs check_names
+    raw_fpT_names0 lthy =
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy;
@@ -61,9 +71,9 @@
     val fpTs0 as Type (_, var_As) :: _ = #Ts (#fp_res (lfp_sugar_of (hd fpT_names0)));
     val fpT_names = map (fst o dest_Type) fpTs0;
-    val _ = eq_set (op =) (fpT_names0, fpT_names) orelse not_mutually_recursive fpT_names0;
+    val _ = check_names (op =) (fpT_names0, fpT_names) orelse not_mutually_recursive fpT_names0;
-    val (As_names, _) = lthy |> Variable.variant_fixes (map (fn TVar ((s, _), _) => s) var_As);
+    val (As_names, _) = Variable.variant_fixes (map (fn TVar ((s, _), _) => s) var_As) lthy;
     val As = map2 (fn s => fn TVar (_, S) => TFree (s, S)) As_names var_As;
     val fpTs = map (fn s => Type (s, As)) fpT_names;
@@ -78,8 +88,11 @@
     val fp_ctr_sugars = map (#ctr_sugar o lfp_sugar_of) fpT_names;
     val orig_descr = map3 mk_typ_descr (0 upto nn_fp - 1) fpTs fp_ctr_sugars;
     val all_infos = Old_Datatype_Data.get_all thy;
-    val (orig_descr' :: nested_descrs, _) =
-      Old_Datatype_Aux.unfold_datatypes lthy orig_descr all_infos orig_descr nn_fp;
+    val (orig_descr' :: nested_descrs) =
+      if unfold_nesting then
+        fst (Old_Datatype_Aux.unfold_datatypes lthy orig_descr all_infos orig_descr nn_fp)
+      else
+        [orig_descr];
     fun cliquify_descr [] = []
       | cliquify_descr [entry] = [[entry]]
@@ -124,11 +137,11 @@
     val b_names = Name.variant_list [] (map base_name_of_typ Ts);
     val compat_b_names = map (prefix compatN) b_names;
     val compat_bs = map compat_b_names;
-    val common_name = compatN ^ mk_common_name b_names;
-    val ((fp_sugars, (lfp_sugar_thms, _)), lthy) =
+    val ((fp_sugars, (lfp_sugar_thms, _)), lthy') =
       if nn > nn_fp then
-        mutualize_fp_sugars Least_FP cliques compat_bs Ts callers callssss fp_sugars0 lthy
+        mutualize_fp_sugars Least_FP need_co_inducts_recs cliques compat_bs Ts callers callssss
+          fp_sugars0 lthy
         ((fp_sugars0, (NONE, NONE)), lthy);
@@ -148,12 +161,113 @@
         split_asm = split_asm});
     val infos = map_index mk_info (take nn_fp fp_sugars);
+  in
+    (nn, b_names, compat_b_names, lfp_sugar_thms, infos, lthy')
+  end;
+fun infos_of_new_datatype_mutual_cluster lthy unfold_nesting raw_fpt_names01 =
+  mk_infos_of_mutually_recursive_new_datatypes unfold_nesting false subset [raw_fpt_names01] lthy
+  |> #5;
+fun get_all thy unfold_nesting =
+  let
+    val lthy = Named_Target.theory_init thy;
+    val old_info_tab = Old_Datatype_Data.get_all thy;
+    val new_T_names = BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugars_of_global thy
+      |> map_filter (try (fn {T = Type (s, _), fp_res_index = 0, ...} => s));
+    val new_infos = maps (infos_of_new_datatype_mutual_cluster lthy unfold_nesting) new_T_names;
+  in
+    fold (if unfold_nesting then Symtab.default else Symtab.update) new_infos old_info_tab
+  end;
+fun get_one get_old get_new thy unfold_nesting x =
+  let val (get_fst, get_snd) = (get_new thy unfold_nesting, get_old thy) |> unfold_nesting ? swap in
+    (case get_fst x of NONE => get_snd x | res => res)
+  end;
+fun get_info_of_new_datatype thy unfold_nesting T_name =
+  let val lthy = Named_Target.theory_init thy in
+    AList.lookup (op =) (infos_of_new_datatype_mutual_cluster lthy unfold_nesting T_name) T_name
+  end;
+val get_info = get_one Old_Datatype_Data.get_info get_info_of_new_datatype;
+fun the_info thy unfold_nesting T_name =
+  (case get_info thy unfold_nesting T_name of
+    SOME info => info
+  | NONE => error ("Unknown datatype " ^ quote T_name));
+fun the_spec thy unfold_nesting T_name =
+  let
+    val {descr, index, ...} = the_info thy unfold_nesting T_name;
+    val (_, Ds, ctrs0) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr index);
+    val Ts = map Old_Datatype_Aux.dest_DtTFree Ds;
+    val ctrs = map (apsnd (map (Old_Datatype_Aux.typ_of_dtyp descr))) ctrs0;
+  in (Ts, ctrs) end;
+fun the_descr thy unfold_nesting (T_names0 as T_name01 :: _) =
+  let
+    fun not_mutually_recursive ss =
+      error ("{" ^ commas ss ^ "} is not a complete set of mutually recursive datatypes");
+    val info = the_info thy unfold_nesting T_name01;
+    val descr = #descr info;
+    val (_, Ds, _) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr (#index info));
+    val vs = map Old_Datatype_Aux.dest_DtTFree Ds;
+    fun is_DtTFree (Old_Datatype_Aux.DtTFree _) = true
+      | is_DtTFree _ = false;
+    val k = find_index (fn (_, (_, dTs, _)) => not (forall is_DtTFree dTs)) descr;
+    val protoTs as (dataTs, _) = chop k descr
+      |> (pairself o map)
+        (fn (_, (T_name, Ds, _)) => (T_name, map (Old_Datatype_Aux.typ_of_dtyp descr) Ds));
+    val T_names = map fst dataTs;
+    val _ = eq_set (op =) (T_names, T_names0) orelse not_mutually_recursive T_names0
+    val (Ts, Us) = (pairself o map) Type protoTs;
+    val names = map Long_Name.base_name T_names;
+    val (auxnames, _) = Name.make_context names
+      |> fold_map (Name.variant o Old_Datatype_Aux.name_of_typ) Us;
+    val prefix = space_implode "_" names;
+  in
+    (descr, vs, T_names, prefix, (names, auxnames), (Ts, Us))
+  end;
+fun get_constrs thy unfold_nesting T_name =
+  try (the_spec thy unfold_nesting) T_name
+  |> (fn (Ts, ctrs) =>
+      let
+        fun subst (v, S) = TVar ((v, 0), S);
+        fun subst_ty (TFree v) = subst v
+          | subst_ty ty = ty;
+        val dataT = Type (T_name, map subst Ts);
+        fun mk_ctr_typ Ts = map (Term.map_atyps subst_ty) Ts ---> dataT;
+      in
+        map (apsnd mk_ctr_typ) ctrs
+      end);
+fun interpretation f thy = Old_Datatype_Data.interpretation f thy;
+fun add_datatype config specs thy = ([], thy);
+val code_nitpicksimp_simp_attrs = Code.add_default_eqn_attrib :: @{attributes [nitpick_simp, simp]};
+fun datatype_compat_cmd raw_fpT_names0 lthy =
+  let
+    val (nn, b_names, compat_b_names, lfp_sugar_thms, infos, lthy') =
+      mk_infos_of_mutually_recursive_new_datatypes true true eq_set raw_fpT_names0 lthy;
     val all_notes =
       (case lfp_sugar_thms of
         NONE => []
       | SOME ((induct_thms, induct_thm, induct_attrs), (rec_thmss, _)) =>
+          val common_name = compatN ^ mk_common_name b_names;
           val common_notes =
             (if nn > 1 then [(inductN, [induct_thm], induct_attrs)] else [])
             |> filter_out (null o #2)
@@ -179,7 +293,7 @@
       Old_Datatype_Data.register infos
       #> Old_Datatype_Data.interpretation_data (Old_Datatype_Aux.default_config, map fst infos);
-    lthy
+    lthy'
     |> Local_Theory.raw_theory register_interpret
     |> Local_Theory.notes all_notes
     |> snd
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar_more.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar_more.ML	Mon Sep 01 16:17:47 2014 +0200
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     val ((missing_arg_Ts, perm0_kks,
           fp_sugars as {fp_nesting_bnfs, common_co_inducts = [common_induct], ...} :: _,
           (lfp_sugar_thms, _)), lthy) =
-      nested_to_mutual_fps Least_FP bs arg_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0;
+      nested_to_mutual_fps Least_FP true bs arg_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0;
     val Ts = map #T fp_sugars;
     val Xs = map #X fp_sugars;