--- a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML Tue Mar 12 16:47:24 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML Tue Mar 12 18:30:28 2013 +0100
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
structure Browser_Info = Theory_Data
type T = {chapter: string, name: string};
- val empty = {chapter = "Unsorted", name = "Unknown"}: T; (* FIXME !? *)
+ val empty = {chapter = Context.PureN, name = Context.PureN}: T;
fun extend _ = empty;
fun merge _ = empty;
@@ -68,25 +68,32 @@
fun ID_of sess s = space_implode "/" (sess @ [s]);
fun ID_of_thy thy = ID_of (session_chapter_name thy) (Context.theory_name thy);
-fun theory_link curr_chapter thy =
+fun theory_link (curr_chapter, curr_session) thy =
- val chapter = #chapter (Browser_Info.get thy);
- val thy_html = html_path (Context.theory_name thy);
+ val {chapter, name = session} = Browser_Info.get thy;
+ val link = html_path (Context.theory_name thy);
- if curr_chapter = chapter then thy_html
- else Path.appends [Path.parent, Path.basic chapter, thy_html]
+ if curr_session = session then SOME link
+ else if curr_chapter = chapter then
+ SOME (Path.appends [Path.parent, Path.basic session, link])
+ else if chapter = Context.PureN then NONE
+ else SOME (Path.appends [Path.parent, Path.parent, Path.basic chapter, Path.basic session, link])
(*retrieve graph data from initial collection of theories*)
-fun init_graph curr_chapter = rev o map (fn thy =>
+fun init_graph (curr_chapter, curr_session) = rev o map (fn thy =>
val {chapter, name = session_name} = Browser_Info.get thy;
val thy_name = Context.theory_name thy;
+ val path =
+ (case theory_link (curr_chapter, curr_session) thy of
+ NONE => ""
+ | SOME p => Path.implode p);
val entry =
{name = thy_name,
ID = ID_of [chapter, session_name] thy_name,
dir = session_name,
- path = Path.implode (theory_link curr_chapter thy),
+ path = path,
unfold = false,
parents = map ID_of_thy (Theory.parents_of thy),
content = []};
@@ -124,8 +131,8 @@
val empty_browser_info = make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], [], [], []);
-fun init_browser_info chapter thys =
- make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], [], [], init_graph chapter thys);
+fun init_browser_info session thys =
+ make_browser_info (Symtab.empty, [], [], [], init_graph session thys);
fun map_browser_info f {theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph} =
make_browser_info (f (theories, files, tex_index, html_index, graph));
@@ -248,7 +255,7 @@
session_info :=
SOME (make_session_info (name, chapter, info_path, info, doc,
doc_graph, doc_output, documents, doc_dump, verbose, readme));
- browser_info := init_browser_info chapter thys;
+ browser_info := init_browser_info (chapter, name) thys;
add_html_index (0, index_text)
@@ -403,11 +410,11 @@
fun begin_theory update_time dir thy =
with_session_info thy (fn {name = session_name, chapter, info_path, ...} =>
- val path = [chapter, session_name];
val name = Context.theory_name thy;
val parents = Theory.parents_of thy;
val parent_specs = parents |> map (fn parent =>
- (SOME (Url.File (theory_link chapter parent)), name));
+ (Option.map Url.File (theory_link (chapter, session_name) parent),
+ (Context.theory_name parent)));
val files = []; (* FIXME *)
val files_html = files |> map (fn (raw_path, loadit) =>
@@ -427,7 +434,10 @@
in (tex_source, Buffer.empty, Buffer.add txt html) end;
val entry =
- {name = name, ID = ID_of path name, dir = session_name, unfold = true,
+ {name = name,
+ ID = ID_of [chapter, session_name] name,
+ dir = session_name,
+ unfold = true,
path = Path.implode (html_path name),
parents = map ID_of_thy parents,
content = []};