--- a/src/HOL/record.ML Wed Apr 29 11:38:52 1998 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/record.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Wolfgang Naraschewski and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Internal interface for records.
-signature RECORD =
- val add_record:
- (string list * bstring) -> string option ->
- (bstring * string) list -> theory -> theory
- val add_record_i:
- (string list * bstring) -> (typ list * string) option ->
- (bstring * typ) list -> theory -> theory
-structure Record: RECORD =
-val base = Sign.base_name;
-(* FIXME move to Pure/library.ML *)
-fun set_minus xs [] = xs
- | set_minus xs (y::ys) = set_minus (xs \ y) ys;
-(* FIXME *)
-(* FIXME move to Pure/sign.ML *)
-fun of_sort sg =
- Sorts.of_sort
- (#classrel (Type.rep_tsig (#tsig (Sign.rep_sg sg))))
- (#arities (Type.rep_tsig (#tsig (Sign.rep_sg sg))));
-(* FIXME *)
-(** record info **)
-fun get_record thy name =
- let val table = ThyData.get_records thy
- in
- Symtab.lookup (table, name)
- end;
-fun put_record thy name info =
- let val table = ThyData.get_records thy
- in
- ThyData.put_records (Symtab.update ((name, info), table))
- end;
- fun record_infos thy None = []
- | record_infos thy (Some info) =
- case #parent info of
- None => [info]
- | Some (_, parent) => record_infos thy (get_record thy parent) @ [info];
- fun record_parass thy info =
- (map (map (fn (str, _) => (str, 0)) o #args) (record_infos thy (Some info)))
- : indexname list list;
- fun record_argss thy info =
- map (fst o the) (tl (map #parent (record_infos thy (Some info)))) @
- [map TFree (#args info)];
- fun record_field_names thy info =
- flat (map (map fst o #fields) (record_infos thy (Some info)));
- fun record_field_types thy info =
- let
- val paras_args = map (op ~~) (record_parass thy info ~~ record_argss thy info);
- val raw_substs = map typ_subst_TVars paras_args;
- fun make_substs [] = []
- | make_substs (x::xs) = (foldr1 (op o) (rev (x::xs))) :: make_substs xs;
- val free_TFree = map (map (map_type_tfree (fn (str, s) => TVar((str, 0), s))));
- val raw_record_field_types = map (map snd o #fields) (record_infos thy (Some info))
- in
- flat (ListPair.map (fn (s, ts) => map s ts)
- (make_substs raw_substs, free_TFree raw_record_field_types))
- end;
-(** abstract syntax **)
-(* tuples *)
-val unitT = Type ("unit",[]);
-val unit = Const ("()",unitT);
-fun mk_prodT (T1, T2) = Type ("*", [T1,T2]);
-fun mk_Pair (t1, t2) =
- let val T1 = fastype_of t1
- and T2 = fastype_of t2
- in Const ("Pair", [T1, T2] ---> mk_prodT (T1,T2)) $ t1 $ t2 end;
-val mk_eq = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o HOLogic.mk_eq;
-fun dest_prodT (Type ("*", [T1, T2])) = (T1, T2)
- | dest_prodT T = raise TYPE ("dest_prodT: product type expected", [T], []);
-fun mk_fst pT = Const ("fst", pT --> fst (dest_prodT pT));
-fun mk_snd pT = Const ("snd", pT --> snd (dest_prodT pT));
-fun ap_fst t = mk_fst (fastype_of t) $ t;
-fun ap_snd t = mk_snd (fastype_of t) $ t;
-(* records *)
-fun selT T recT = recT --> T;
-fun updateT T recT = T --> recT --> recT;
-val base_free = Free o apfst base;
-val make_scheme_name = "make_scheme";
-val make_name = "make";
-fun def_suffix s = s ^ "_def";
-fun update_suffix s = s ^ "_update";
-fun make_schemeC full make_schemeT = Const (full make_scheme_name, make_schemeT);
-fun makeC full makeT = Const (full make_name, makeT);
-fun make_args_scheme full make_schemeT base_frees z =
- list_comb (make_schemeC full make_schemeT, base_frees) $ z;
-fun make_args full makeT base_frees =
- list_comb (makeC full makeT, base_frees);
-fun selC s T recT = Const (s, selT T recT);
-fun updateC s T recT = Const (update_suffix s, updateT T recT);
-fun frees xs = foldr add_typ_tfree_names (xs, []);
-(** constants, definitions, axioms **)
-(* constant declarations for make, selectors and update *)
-fun decls make_schemeT makeT selT updateT recT current_fields =
- let val make_scheme_decl = (make_scheme_name, make_schemeT, NoSyn);
- val make_decl = (make_name, makeT, NoSyn);
- val sel_decls = map (fn (c, T) => (c, selT T recT, NoSyn)) current_fields;
- val update_decls =
- map (fn (c, T) => (update_suffix c, updateT T recT, NoSyn)) current_fields
- in
- make_scheme_decl :: make_decl :: sel_decls @ update_decls
- end;
-(* definitions for make, selectors and update *)
-fun make_defs make_schemeT makeT base_frees z thy =
- let
- val sign = sign_of thy;
- val full = Sign.full_name sign;
- val make_scheme_def =
- mk_defpair (make_args_scheme full make_schemeT base_frees z,
- foldr mk_Pair (base_frees, z));
- val make_def =
- mk_defpair (make_args full makeT base_frees,
- foldr mk_Pair (base_frees, unit))
- in
- make_scheme_def :: [make_def]
- end;
-fun sel_defs recT r all_fields current_fullfields =
- let
- val prefix_len = length all_fields - length current_fullfields;
- val sel_terms =
- map (fn k => ap_fst o funpow k ap_snd)
- (prefix_len upto length all_fields - 1)
- in
- ListPair.map
- (fn ((s, T), t) => mk_defpair (selC s T recT $ r, t r))
- (current_fullfields, sel_terms)
- end;
-fun update_defs recT r all_fields current_fullfields thy =
- let
- val len_all_fields = length all_fields;
- fun sel_last r = funpow len_all_fields ap_snd r;
- fun update_def_s (s, T) =
- let val updates = map (fn (s', T') =>
- if s = s' then base_free (s, T) else selC s' T' recT $ r)
- all_fields
- in
- mk_defpair (updateC s T recT $ base_free (s, T) $ r,
- foldr mk_Pair (updates, sel_last r))
- end;
- in
- map update_def_s current_fullfields
- end
-(* theorems for make, selectors and update *)
-fun get_all_selector_defs all_fields full thy =
- map (fn (s, T) => get_axiom thy (def_suffix s)) all_fields;
-fun get_all_update_defs all_fields full thy =
- map (fn (s, T) => get_axiom thy (def_suffix (update_suffix s))) all_fields;
-fun get_make_scheme_def full thy = get_axiom thy (full (def_suffix make_scheme_name));
-fun get_make_def full thy = get_axiom thy (full (def_suffix make_name));
-fun all_rec_defs all_fields full thy =
- get_make_scheme_def full thy :: get_make_def full thy ::
- get_all_selector_defs all_fields full thy @ get_all_update_defs all_fields full thy;
-fun prove_goal_s goal_s all_fields full thy =
- map (fn (s,T) =>
- (prove_goalw_cterm (all_rec_defs all_fields full thy)
- (cterm_of (sign_of thy) (mk_eq (goal_s (s,T))))
- (K [simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [fst_conv,snd_conv]) 1])))
- all_fields;
-(*si (make(_scheme) x1 ... xi ... xn) = xi*)
-fun sel_make_scheme_thms recT make_schemeT base_frees z all_fields full thy =
- let
- fun sel_make_scheme_s (s, T) =
- (selC s T recT $ make_args_scheme full make_schemeT base_frees z, base_free(s,T))
- in
- prove_goal_s sel_make_scheme_s all_fields full thy
- end;
-fun sel_make_thms recT_unitT makeT base_frees all_fields full thy =
- let
- fun sel_make_s (s, T) =
- (selC s T recT_unitT $ make_args full makeT base_frees, Free(base s,T))
- in
- prove_goal_s sel_make_s all_fields full thy
- end;
-(*si_update xia (make(_scheme) x1 ... xi ... xn) = (make x1 ... xia ... xn)*)
-fun update_make_scheme_thms recT make_schemeT base_frees z all_fields full thy =
- let
- fun update_make_scheme_s (s, T) =
- (updateC s T recT $ base_free(s ^ "'", T) $
- make_args_scheme full make_schemeT base_frees z,
- make_args_scheme full make_schemeT
- (map (fn t => if t = base_free(s, T) then base_free(s ^ "'", T) else t) base_frees) z)
- in
- prove_goal_s update_make_scheme_s all_fields full thy
- end;
-fun update_make_thms recT_unitT makeT base_frees all_fields full thy =
- let
- fun update_make_s (s, T) =
- (updateC s T recT_unitT $ base_free(s ^ "'", T) $
- make_args full makeT base_frees,
- make_args full makeT
- (map (fn t => if t = base_free(s, T) then base_free(s ^ "'", T) else t) base_frees))
- in
- prove_goal_s update_make_s all_fields full thy
- end;
-(** errors **)
-fun check_duplicate_fields all_field_names =
- let val has_dupl = findrep all_field_names
- in
- if null has_dupl then []
- else ["Duplicate field declaration: " ^ quote (hd has_dupl) ^
- " (Double might be in ancestor)"]
- end;
-fun check_parent None name thy = []
- | check_parent (Some (args, parent)) name thy =
- let
- val opt_info = get_record thy parent;
- val sign = sign_of thy;
- fun check_sorts [] [] = []
- | check_sorts ((str, sort)::xs) (y::ys) =
- if of_sort sign (y, sort)
- then check_sorts xs ys
- else ["Sort of " ^
- quote (Pretty.string_of (Sign.pretty_typ sign y)) ^
- " does not match parent declaration"]
- in
- case opt_info of
- None => ["Parent " ^ quote parent ^" not defined"]
- | Some {args = pargs, parent = pparent, fields = pfields} =>
- if (length args = length pargs)
- then check_sorts pargs args
- else ["Mismatching arities for parent " ^ quote (base parent)]
- end;
-fun check_duplicate_records thy full_name =
- if is_none (get_record thy full_name) then []
- else ["Duplicate record declaration"];
-fun check_duplicate_args raw_args =
- let val has_dupl = findrep raw_args
- in
- if null has_dupl then []
- else ["Duplicate parameter: " ^ quote (hd has_dupl)]
- end;
-fun check_raw_args raw_args free_vars thy =
- let
- val free_vars_names = map fst free_vars;
- val diff_set = set_minus free_vars_names raw_args;
- val default_sort = Type.defaultS ((#tsig o Sign.rep_sg) (sign_of thy));
- val assign_sorts =
- map (fn x => case assoc (free_vars, x) of
- None => (x, default_sort)
- | Some sort => (x, sort)) raw_args
- in
- if free_vars_names subset raw_args
- then ([], assign_sorts)
- else (["Free type variable(s): " ^
- (foldr1 (fn (s, s') => s ^ ", " ^ s') (map quote diff_set))],
- [])
- end;
-(** ext_record **)
-fun ext_record (args, name) opt_parent current_fields thy =
- let
- val full_name = Sign.full_name (sign_of thy) name;
- val thy = thy |> Theory.add_path name;
- val sign = sign_of thy;
- val full = Sign.full_name sign;
- val current_fullfields = map (apfst full) current_fields;
- val info = {args = args, fields = current_fullfields, parent = opt_parent};
- val thy = thy |> put_record thy full_name info;
- val all_types = record_field_types thy info;
- val all_fields = record_field_names thy info ~~ all_types;
- val base_frees = map base_free all_fields;
- val tfrees = frees all_types;
- val zeta = variant tfrees "'z";
- val zetaT = TFree (zeta, HOLogic.termS);
- val z = base_free ("z", zetaT);
- val recT = foldr mk_prodT (all_types, zetaT);
- val recT_unitT = foldr mk_prodT (all_types, unitT);
- val make_schemeT = (all_types @ [zetaT]) ---> recT;
- val makeT = all_types ---> recT_unitT;
- val r = base_free ("r", recT);
- val errors = check_duplicate_fields (map base (record_field_names thy info))
- in
- if not (null errors)
- then error (cat_lines errors) else
- let val thy =
- thy |> Theory.add_path ".."
- |> Theory.add_tyabbrs_i [(name ^ "_scheme", tfrees @ [zeta], recT, NoSyn)]
- |> Theory.add_tyabbrs_i [(name, tfrees, recT_unitT, NoSyn)]
- |> Theory.add_path name
- |> Theory.add_consts_i (decls make_schemeT makeT selT updateT recT current_fields)
- |> Theory.add_defs_i
- ((make_defs make_schemeT makeT base_frees z thy) @
- (sel_defs recT r all_fields current_fullfields) @
- (update_defs recT r all_fields current_fullfields thy))
- in
- thy |> PureThy.store_thmss
- [("record_simps",
- sel_make_scheme_thms recT make_schemeT base_frees z all_fields full thy @
- sel_make_thms recT_unitT makeT base_frees all_fields full thy @
- update_make_scheme_thms recT make_schemeT base_frees z all_fields full thy @
- update_make_thms recT_unitT makeT base_frees all_fields full thy )]
- |> Theory.add_path ".."
- end
-(* @ update_make_thms @
- update_update_thms @ sel_update_thms)] *)
- end;
-(** external interfaces **)
-(* add_record *)
-fun add_record_aux prep_typ prep_parent (raw_args, name) raw_parent raw_fields thy =
- let
- val _ = require_thy thy "Prod" "record definitions";
- val sign = sign_of thy;
- val full_name = Sign.full_name sign name;
- val make_assocs = map (fn (a, b) => ((a, ~1), b));
- val parent = apsome (prep_parent sign) raw_parent;
- val parent_args = if_none (apsome fst parent) [];
- val parent_assoc = make_assocs (foldr (op union) ((map typ_tfrees parent_args), []));
- fun prepare_fields ass [] = []
- | prepare_fields ass ((name, str)::xs) =
- let val type_of_name = prep_typ sign ass str
- in (name, type_of_name)::
- (prepare_fields (ass union (make_assocs (typ_tfrees type_of_name))) xs)
- end;
- val fields = prepare_fields (parent_assoc) raw_fields;
- val fields_types = map snd fields;
- val free_vars = foldr (op union) ((map typ_tfrees fields_types), []);
- val check_args = check_raw_args raw_args free_vars thy;
- val args = snd check_args;
- val errors = (check_parent parent name thy) @
- (check_duplicate_records thy full_name) @
- (check_duplicate_args raw_args) @
- (fst check_args)
- in
- if not (null errors)
- then error (cat_lines errors)
- else ext_record (args, name) parent fields thy
- end
- handle ERROR =>
- error ("The error(s) above occurred in record declaration " ^ quote name);
-(* internalization methods *)
-fun read_parent sign name =
- (case Sign.read_raw_typ (sign, K None) name of
- Type (name, Ts) => (Ts, name)
- | _ => error ("Malformed parent specification: " ^ name));
-fun read_typ sign ass name =
- Sign.read_typ (sign, curry assoc ass) name handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
-fun cert_typ sign ass T =
- Sign.certify_typ sign T handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
-(* add_record(_i) *)
-val add_record = add_record_aux read_typ read_parent;
-val add_record_i = add_record_aux cert_typ (K I);