removed old HOL/HOLCF-Modelcheck setup, which has been unused/untested for many years;
Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:35:10 +0200
changeset 37779 982b0668dcbd
parent 37778 87b5dfe00387
child 37780 7e91b3f98c46
removed old HOL/HOLCF-Modelcheck setup, which has been unused/untested for many years;
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Mon Jul 12 20:35:10 2010 +0200
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
   HOL-Metis_Examples \
   HOL-MicroJava \
   HOL-Mirabelle \
-  HOL-Modelcheck \
   HOL-Mutabelle \
   HOL-NanoJava \
   HOL-Nitpick_Examples \
@@ -794,18 +793,6 @@
 	@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/HOL ZF
-## HOL-Modelcheck
-HOL-Modelcheck: HOL $(LOG)/HOL-Modelcheck.gz
-$(LOG)/HOL-Modelcheck.gz: $(OUT)/HOL Modelcheck/CTL.thy			\
-  Modelcheck/EindhovenExample.thy Modelcheck/EindhovenSyn.thy		\
-  Modelcheck/MuCalculus.thy Modelcheck/MuckeExample1.thy		\
-  Modelcheck/MuckeExample2.thy Modelcheck/MuckeSyn.thy			\
-  Modelcheck/ROOT.ML Modelcheck/mucke_oracle.ML
-	@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/HOL Modelcheck
 ## HOL-Imperative_HOL
 HOL-Imperative_HOL: HOL $(LOG)/HOL-Imperative_HOL.gz
@@ -1353,7 +1340,6 @@
 		$(LOG)/HOL-Main.gz $(LOG)/HOL-Matrix			\
 		$(LOG)/HOL-Matrix.gz $(LOG)/HOL-Metis_Examples.gz	\
 		$(LOG)/HOL-MicroJava.gz $(LOG)/HOL-Mirabelle.gz		\
-		$(LOG)/HOL-Modelcheck.gz				\
 		$(LOG)/HOL-Multivariate_Analysis.gz			\
 		$(LOG)/HOL-NSA-Examples.gz $(LOG)/HOL-NSA.gz		\
 		$(LOG)/HOL-NanoJava.gz $(LOG)/HOL-Nitpick_Examples.gz	\
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/CTL.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Modelcheck/CTL.thy
-    Author:     Olaf Mueller, Jan Philipps, Robert Sandner
-    Copyright   1997  TU Muenchen
-theory CTL
-imports MuCalculus
-  'a trans  = "('a * 'a) set"
-definition CEX :: "['a trans,'a pred, 'a]=>bool" where
-  "CEX N f u == (? v. (f v & (u,v):N))"
-definition EG ::"['a trans,'a pred]=> 'a pred" where
-  "EG N f == nu (% Q. % u.(f u & CEX N Q u))"
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/EindhovenExample.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Modelcheck/EindhovenExample.thy
-    Author:     Olaf Mueller, Jan Philipps, Robert Sandner
-    Copyright   1997  TU Muenchen
-theory EindhovenExample
-imports EindhovenSyn CTL
-  state = "bool * bool * bool"
-definition INIT :: "state pred" where
-  "INIT x == ~(fst x)&~(fst (snd x))&~(snd (snd x))"
-definition N :: "[state,state] => bool" where
-  "N == % (x1,x2,x3) (y1,y2,y3).
-      (~x1 & ~x2 & ~x3 &   y1 & ~y2 & ~y3) |
-      ( x1 & ~x2 & ~x3 &  ~y1 & ~y2 & ~y3) |
-      ( x1 & ~x2 & ~x3 &   y1 &  y2 &  y3)"
-definition reach:: "state pred" where
-  "reach  == mu (%Q x. INIT x | (? y. Q y & N y x))"
-lemma init_state: "INIT (a, b, c) = (~a & ~b &~c)"
-  by (simp add: INIT_def)
-lemmas reach_rws = reach_def INIT_def N_def
-lemma reach_ex: "reach (True, True, True)"
-  apply (tactic {* simp_tac (Eindhoven_ss addsimps (thms "reach_rws")) 1 *})
-  txt {* the current proof state using the model checker syntax: @{subgoals [mode=Eindhoven]} *}
-  pr (Eindhoven)
-  txt {* actually invoke the model checker, try out after installing
-    the model checker: see the README file *}
-  apply (tactic {* mc_eindhoven_tac 1 *})
-  done
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/EindhovenSyn.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Modelcheck/EindhovenSyn.thy
-    Author:     Olaf Mueller, Jan Philipps, Robert Sandner
-    Copyright   1997  TU Muenchen
-theory EindhovenSyn
-imports MuCalculus
-syntax (Eindhoven output)
-  True          :: bool                                 ("TRUE")
-  False         :: bool                                 ("FALSE")
-  Not           :: "bool => bool"                       ("NOT _" [40] 40)
-  "op &"        :: "[bool, bool] => bool"               (infixr "AND" 35)
-  "op |"        :: "[bool, bool] => bool"               (infixr "OR" 30)
-  All_binder    :: "[idts, bool] => bool"               ("'((3A _./ _)')" [0, 10] 10)
-  Ex_binder     :: "[idts, bool] => bool"               ("'((3E _./ _)')" [0, 10] 10)
-   "_lambda"    :: "[pttrns, 'a] => 'b"                 ("(3L _./ _)" 10)
-  "_idts"       :: "[idt, idts] => idts"                ("_,/_" [1, 0] 0)
-  "_pattern"    :: "[pttrn, patterns] => pttrn"         ("_,/_" [1, 0] 0)
-  "Mu "         :: "[idts, 'a pred] => 'a pred"         ("(3[mu _./ _])" 1000)
-  "Nu "         :: "[idts, 'a pred] => 'a pred"         ("(3[nu _./ _])" 1000)
-ML {*
-  val trace_eindhoven = Unsynchronized.ref false;
-oracle mc_eindhoven_oracle =
-  val eindhoven_term = Print_Mode.setmp ["Eindhoven"] o Syntax.string_of_term_global;
-  fun call_mc s =
-    let
-      val eindhoven_home = getenv "EINDHOVEN_HOME";
-      val pmu =
-        if eindhoven_home = "" then error "Environment variable EINDHOVEN_HOME not set"
-        else eindhoven_home ^ "/pmu";
-    in #1 (bash_output ("echo \"" ^ s ^ "\" | " ^ pmu ^ " -w")) end;
-  fn cgoal =>
-    let
-      val thy = Thm.theory_of_cterm cgoal;
-      val goal = Thm.term_of cgoal;
-      val s = eindhoven_term thy goal;
-      val debug = tracing ("MC debugger: " ^ s);
-      val result = call_mc s;
-    in
-      if ! trace_eindhoven then writeln (cat_lines [s, "----", result]) else ();
-      (case result of
-        "TRUE\n"  => cgoal |
-        "FALSE\n" => error "MC oracle yields FALSE" |
-      _ => error ("MC syntax error: " ^ result))
-    end
-ML {*
-fun mc_eindhoven_tac i state = SUBGOAL (fn (goal, _) =>
-  let
-    val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm state;
-    val assertion = mc_eindhoven_oracle (Thm.cterm_of thy (Logic.strip_imp_concl goal));
-  in cut_facts_tac [assertion] i THEN atac i end) i state;
-val pair_eta_expand = Thm.symmetric (mk_meta_eq (thm "split_eta"));
-val pair_eta_expand_proc =
-  Simplifier.simproc @{theory} "pair_eta_expand" ["f::'a*'b=>'c"]
-  (fn _ => fn _ => fn t => case t of Abs _ => SOME pair_eta_expand | _ => NONE);
-val Eindhoven_ss =
-  @{simpset} addsimprocs [pair_eta_expand_proc] addsimps [Let_def];
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/MuCalculus.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Modelcheck/MuCalculus.thy
-    Author:     Olaf Mueller, Jan Philipps, Robert Sandner
-    Copyright   1997  TU Muenchen
-theory MuCalculus
-imports Main
- 'a pred = "'a=>bool"
-definition Charfun :: "'a set => 'a pred" where
-  "Charfun == (% A.% x. x:A)"
-definition monoP  :: "('a pred => 'a pred) => bool" where
-  "monoP f == mono(Collect o f o Charfun)"
-definition mu :: "('a pred => 'a pred) => 'a pred" (binder "Mu " 10) where
-  "mu f == Charfun(lfp(Collect o f o Charfun))"
-definition nu :: "('a pred => 'a pred) => 'a pred" (binder "Nu " 10) where
-  "nu f == Charfun(gfp(Collect o f o Charfun))"
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/MuckeExample1.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Modelcheck/MuckeExample1.thy
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Olaf Mueller, Jan Philipps, Robert Sandner
-    Copyright   1997  TU Muenchen
-theory MuckeExample1
-imports MuckeSyn
-  state = "bool * bool * bool"
-definition INIT :: "state pred" where
-  "INIT x ==  ~(fst x)&~(fst (snd x))&~(snd (snd x))"
-  N    :: "[state,state] => bool"
-  "N x y == let x1 = fst(x); x2 = fst(snd(x)); x3 = snd(snd(x));
-                y1 = fst(y); y2 = fst(snd(y)); y3 = snd(snd(y))
-            in (~x1&~x2&~x3 & y1&~y2&~y3) |
-               (x1&~x2&~x3 & ~y1&~y2&~y3) |
-               (x1&~x2&~x3 & y1&y2&y3)"
-  reach:: "state pred"
-  "reach  == mu (%Q x. INIT x | (? y. Q y & N y x))"
-lemmas reach_rws = INIT_def N_def reach_def
-lemma reach_ex1: "reach (True,True,True)"
-  apply (tactic {* simp_tac (Mucke_ss addsimps (thms "reach_rws")) 1 *})
-  apply (tactic {* mc_mucke_tac [] 1 *})
-  done
-lemma reach_ex' "reach (True,True,True)"
-  by (tactic {* mc_mucke_tac (thms "reach_rws") 1 *})
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/MuckeExample2.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Modelcheck/MuckeExample2.thy
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Olaf Mueller, Jan Philipps, Robert Sandner
-    Copyright   1997  TU Muenchen
-theory MuckeExample2
-imports MuckeSyn
-definition Init :: "bool pred" where
-  "Init x == x"
-  R     :: "[bool,bool] => bool"
-  "R x y == (x & ~y) | (~x & y)"
-  Reach :: "bool pred"
-  "Reach == mu (%Q x. Init x | (? y. Q y & R y x))"
-  Reach2:: "bool pred"
-  "Reach2 == mu (%Q x. Reach x | (? y. Q y & R y x))"
-lemmas Reach_rws = Init_def R_def Reach_def Reach2_def
-lemma Reach: "Reach2 True"
-  apply (tactic {* simp_tac (Mucke_ss addsimps (thms "Reach_rws")) 1 *})
-  apply (tactic {* mc_mucke_tac [] 1 *})
-  done
-lemma Reach': "Reach2 True"
-  by (tactic {* mc_mucke_tac (thms "Reach_rws") 1 *})
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/MuckeSyn.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Modelcheck/MuckeSyn.thy
-    Author:     Tobias Hamberger
-    Copyright   1999  TU Muenchen
-theory MuckeSyn
-imports MuCalculus
-uses "mucke_oracle.ML"
-(* extended with some operators and case treatment (which requires postprocessing with
-transform_case (from MuCalculus) (TH) *)
-  mutype
-  decl decls
-  cases_syn case_syn
-syntax (Mucke output)
-  True          :: bool                                 ("true")
-  False         :: bool                                 ("false")
-  Not           :: "bool => bool"                       ("! _" [40] 40)
-  If            :: "[bool, 'a, 'a] => 'a"       ("('(if'((_)')/ '((_)')/ else/ '((_)'))')" 10)
-  "op &"        :: "[bool, bool] => bool"               (infixr "&" 35)
-  "op |"        :: "[bool, bool] => bool"               (infixr "|" 30)
-  "op -->"      :: "[bool, bool] => bool"               (infixr "->" 25)
-  "op ="        :: "['a, 'a] => bool"                   ("(_ =/ _)" [51, 51] 50)
-  "_not_equal"  :: "['a, 'a] => bool"                   ("(_ !=/ _)" [51, 51] 50)
-  All_binder    :: "[idts, bool] => bool"               ("'((3forall _./ _)')" [0, 10] 10)
-  Ex_binder     :: "[idts, bool] => bool"               ("'((3exists _./ _)')" [0, 10] 10)
-  "_lambda"     :: "[idts, 'a] => 'b"                   ("(3L _./ _)" 10)
-  "_applC"      :: "[('b => 'a), cargs] => aprop"       ("(1_/ '(_'))" [1000,1000] 999)
-  "_cargs"      :: "['a, cargs] => cargs"               ("_,/ _" [1000,1000] 1000)
-  "_idts"       :: "[idt, idts] => idts"                ("_,/ _" [1, 0] 0)
-  "_tuple"      :: "'a => tuple_args => 'a * 'b"        ("(1_,/ _)")
-(* "_pttrn"     :: "[pttrn, pttrns] => pttrn"           ("_,/ _" [1, 0] 0)
-  "_pattern"    :: "[pttrn, patterns] => pttrn"         ("_,/ _" [1, 0] 0) *)
-  "_decl"       :: "[mutype,pttrn] => decl"             ("_ _")
-  "_decls"      :: "[decl,decls] => decls"              ("_,/ _")
-  ""            :: "decl => decls"                      ("_")
-  "_mu"         :: "[decl,decls,'a pred] => 'a pred"    ("mu _ '(_') _ ;")
-  "_mudec"      :: "[decl,decls] => 'a pred"            ("mu _ '(_') ;")
-  "_nu"         :: "[decl,decls,'a pred] => 'a pred"    ("nu _ '(_') _ ;")
-  "_nudec"      :: "[decl,decls] => 'a pred"            ("nu _ '(_') ;")
-  "_fun"        :: "[decl,decls,'a pred] => 'a pred"    ("_ '(_') _ ;")
-  "_dec"        :: "[decl,decls] => 'a pred"            ("_ '(_') ;")
-  "_Ex"         :: "[decl,idts,'a pred] => 'a pred"     ("'((3exists _ _./ _)')")
-  "_All"        :: "[decl,idts,'a pred] => 'a pred"     ("'((3forall _ _./ _)')")
-  "Mu "         :: "[idts, 'a pred] => 'a pred"         ("(3mu _./ _)" 1000)
-  "Nu "         :: "[idts, 'a pred] => 'a pred"         ("(3nu _./ _)" 1000)
-  "_case_syntax":: "['a, cases_syn] => 'b"              ("(case*_* / _ / esac*)" 10)
-  "_case1"      :: "['a, 'b] => case_syn"               ("(2*= _ :/ _;)" 10)
-  ""            :: "case_syn => cases_syn"              ("_")
-  "_case2"      :: "[case_syn, cases_syn] => cases_syn" ("_/ _")
-(*Terms containing a case statement must be post-processed with the
-  ML function transform_case. There, all asterikses before the "="
-  will be replaced by the expression between the two asterisks
-  following "case" and the asterisk after esac will be deleted *)
-oracle mc_mucke_oracle = mk_mc_mucke_oracle
-ML {*
-(* search_mu t searches for Mu terms in term t. In the case of nested Mu's,
-   it yields innermost one. If no Mu term is present, search_mu yields NONE
-(* extended for treatment of nu (TH) *)
-fun search_mu ((Const("",tp)) $ t2) = 
-        (case (search_mu t2) of
-              SOME t => SOME t 
-            | NONE => SOME ((Const("",tp)) $ t2))
-  | search_mu ((Const("",tp)) $ t2) =
-        (case (search_mu t2) of
-              SOME t => SOME t
-            | NONE => SOME ((Const("",tp)) $ t2))
-  | search_mu (t1 $ t2) = 
-        (case (search_mu t1) of
-              SOME t => SOME t 
-            | NONE     => search_mu t2)
-  | search_mu (Abs(_,_,t)) = search_mu t
-  | search_mu _ = NONE;
-(* seraching a variable in a term. Used in move_mus to extract the
-   term-rep of var b in hthm *)
-fun search_var s t =
-case t of
-     t1 $ t2 => (case (search_var s t1) of
-                             SOME tt => SOME tt |
-                             NONE => search_var s t2) |
-     Abs(_,_,t) => search_var s t |
-     Var((s1,_),_) => if s = s1 then SOME t else NONE |
-     _ => NONE;
-(* function move_mus:
-   Mucke can't deal with nested Mu terms. move_mus i searches for 
-   Mu terms in the subgoal i and replaces Mu terms in the conclusion
-   by constants and definitions in the premises recursively.
-   move_thm is the theorem the performs the replacement. To create NEW
-   names for the Mu terms, the indizes of move_thm are incremented by
-   max_idx of the subgoal.
-  val move_thm = OldGoals.prove_goal @{theory} "[| a = b ==> P a; a = b |] ==> P b"
-        (fn prems => [cut_facts_tac prems 1, dtac sym 1, hyp_subst_tac 1,
-                     REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1)]);
-  val sig_move_thm = Thm.theory_of_thm move_thm;
-  val bCterm = cterm_of sig_move_thm (the (search_var "b" (concl_of move_thm)));
-  val aCterm = cterm_of sig_move_thm (the (search_var "a" (hd(prems_of move_thm)))); 
-fun move_mus i state =
-let val sign = Thm.theory_of_thm state;
-    val subgoal = nth (prems_of state) i;
-    val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl subgoal; (* recursive mu's in prems? *)
-    val redex = search_mu concl;
-    val idx = let val t = #maxidx (rep_thm state) in 
-              if t < 0 then 1 else t+1 end;
-case redex of
-     NONE => all_tac state |
-     SOME redexterm => 
-        let val Credex = cterm_of sign redexterm;
-            val aiCterm = 
-                cterm_of sig_move_thm (Logic.incr_indexes ([],idx) (term_of aCterm));
-            val inst_move_thm = cterm_instantiate 
-                                [(bCterm,Credex),(aCterm,aiCterm)] move_thm;
-        in
-            ((rtac inst_move_thm i) THEN (dtac eq_reflection i) 
-                THEN (move_mus i)) state
-        end
-val call_mucke_tac = CSUBGOAL (fn (cgoal, i) =>
-let val OraAss = mc_mucke_oracle cgoal
-in cut_facts_tac [OraAss] i end);
-(* transforming fun-defs into lambda-defs *)
-val [eq] = OldGoals.goal Pure.thy "(!! x. f x == g x) ==> f == g";
- (rtac (extensional eq) 1);
-OldGoals.qed "ext_rl";
-infix cc;
-fun NONE cc xl = xl
-  | (SOME x) cc xl = x::xl;
-fun getargs ((x $ y) $ (Var ((z,_),_))) = getargs (x $ y) ^ " " ^z
-  | getargs (x $ (Var ((y,_),_))) = y;
-fun getfun ((x $ y) $ z) = getfun (x $ y)
-  | getfun (x $ _) = x;
-fun delete_bold [] = []
-| delete_bold (x::xs) = if (is_prefix (op =) ("\^["::"["::"0"::"m"::[]) (x::xs))
-        then (let val (_::_::_::s) = xs in delete_bold s end)
-        else (if (is_prefix (op =) ("\^["::"["::"1"::"m"::[]) (x::xs))
-                then  (let val (_::_::_::s) = xs in delete_bold s end)
-                else (x::delete_bold xs));
-fun delete_bold_string s = implode(delete_bold (explode s));
-(* extension with removing bold font (TH) *)
-fun mk_lam_def (_::_) _ _ = NONE  
-  | mk_lam_def [] ((Const("==",_) $ (Const _)) $ RHS) t = SOME t
-  | mk_lam_def [] ((Const("==",_) $ LHS) $ RHS) t = 
-    let val thy = theory_of_thm t;
-        val fnam = Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (getfun LHS);
-        val rhs = Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (freeze_thaw RHS)
-        val gl = delete_bold_string (fnam ^" == % " ^ (getargs LHS) ^" . " ^ rhs);
-    in
-        SOME (OldGoals.prove_goal thy gl (fn prems =>
-                [(REPEAT (rtac ext_rl 1)), (rtac t 1) ]))
-    end
-| mk_lam_def [] _ t= NONE; 
-fun mk_lam_defs ([]:thm list) = ([]: thm list) 
-  | mk_lam_defs (t::l) = 
-      (mk_lam_def (prems_of t) (concl_of t) t) cc (mk_lam_defs l);
-(* first simplification, then model checking *)
-val pair_eta_expand = Thm.symmetric (mk_meta_eq (thm "split_eta"));
-val pair_eta_expand_proc =
-  Simplifier.simproc @{theory} "pair_eta_expand" ["f::'a*'b=>'c"]
-  (fn _ => fn _ => fn t => case t of Abs _ => SOME pair_eta_expand | _ => NONE);
-val Mucke_ss = @{simpset} addsimprocs [pair_eta_expand_proc] addsimps [Let_def];
-(* the interface *)
-fun mc_mucke_tac defs i state =
-  (case try (nth (Thm.prems_of state)) i of
-    NONE => no_tac state
-  | SOME subgoal =>
-      EVERY [
-        REPEAT (etac thin_rl i),
-        cut_facts_tac (mk_lam_defs defs) i,
-        full_simp_tac (Mucke_ss delsimps [not_iff, @{thm split_part}]) i,
-        move_mus i, call_mucke_tac i,atac i,
-        REPEAT (rtac refl i)] state);
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/README.html	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-  <title>HOL/Modelcheck</title>
-<h2>Invoking Model Checkers in Isabelle/HOL</h2>
-This directory contains the basic setup for integration of some model
-checkers in Isabelle/HOL, together with a few basic examples.
-Currently, best results are achieved with the <a
-href=""><em>Mucke</em></a> model
-checker (version 0.3.5 is known to work).  Theory <tt>MuCalculus</tt>
-provides the syntactic and oracle interfaces, while
-<tt>MuckeExample1</tt> and <tt>MuckeExample2</tt> demonstrate the
-model checker tactic <tt>mc_mucke_tac</tt> in action.  To run the
-examples yourself, you only have to point <tt>MUCKE_HOME</tt> in
-Isabelle's <tt>etc/settings</tt> to the place where the Mucke binary
-has been installed.
-In order to support more realistic applications, the <a
-session augments this basic mechanism by further infrastructure for
-proofs about I/O automata.  There is a separate <a
-available, describing model checking in Isabelle/IOA in more detail.
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/ROOT.ML	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Modelcheck/ROOT.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Olaf Mueller and Tobias Hamberger and Robert Sandner, TU Muenchen
-Basic Modelchecker examples.
-time_use_thy "CTL";
-(* Einhoven model checker *)
-(*check if user has pmu installed*)
-fun eindhoven_enabled () = getenv "EINDHOVEN_HOME" <> "";
-fun if_eindhoven_enabled f x = if eindhoven_enabled () then f x else ();
-time_use_thy "EindhovenSyn";
-if_eindhoven_enabled time_use_thy "EindhovenExample";
-(* Mucke -- mu-calculus model checker from Karlsruhe *)
-time_use_thy "MuckeSyn";
-(*check if user has mucke installed*)
-fun mucke_enabled () = getenv "MUCKE_HOME" <> "";
-fun if_mucke_enabled f x = if mucke_enabled () then f x else ();
-if_mucke_enabled time_use_thy "MuckeExample1";
-if_mucke_enabled time_use_thy "MuckeExample2";
--- a/src/HOL/Modelcheck/mucke_oracle.ML	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1054 +0,0 @@
-val trace_mc = Unsynchronized.ref false; 
-(* transform_case post-processes output strings of the syntax "Mucke" *)
-(* with respect to the syntax of the case construct                   *)
-  fun extract_argument [] = []
-  | extract_argument ("*"::_) = []
-  | extract_argument (x::xs) = x::(extract_argument xs);
-  fun cut_argument [] = []
-  | cut_argument ("*"::r) = r
-  | cut_argument (_::xs) = cut_argument xs;
-  fun insert_case_argument [] s = []
-  | insert_case_argument ("*"::"="::xl) (x::xs) =
-         (explode(x)@(" "::"="::(insert_case_argument xl (x::xs))))
-  | insert_case_argument ("c"::"a"::"s"::"e"::"*"::xl) s =
-        (let
-        val arg=implode(extract_argument xl);
-        val xr=cut_argument xl
-        in
-         "c"::"a"::"s"::"e"::" "::(insert_case_argument xr (arg::s))
-        end)
-  | insert_case_argument ("e"::"s"::"a"::"c"::"*"::xl) (x::xs) =
-        "e"::"s"::"a"::"c"::(insert_case_argument xl xs)
-  | insert_case_argument (x::xl) s = x::(insert_case_argument xl s);
-fun transform_case s = implode(insert_case_argument (explode s) []);
-(* if_full_simp_tac is a tactic for rewriting non-boolean ifs *)
-  (* searching an if-term as below as possible *)
-  fun contains_if (Abs(a,T,t)) = [] |
-  contains_if (Const("HOL.If",T) $ b $ a1 $ a2) =
-  let
-  fun tn (Type(s,_)) = s |
-  tn _ = error "cannot master type variables in if term";
-  val s = tn(body_type T);
-  in
-  if (s="bool") then [] else [b,a1,a2]
-  end |
-  contains_if (a $ b) = if ((contains_if b)=[]) then (contains_if a)
-                        else (contains_if b) |
-  contains_if _ = [];
-  fun find_replace_term (Abs(a,T,t)) = find_replace_term (snd(Syntax.variant_abs(a,T,t))) |
-  find_replace_term (a $ b) = if ((contains_if (a $ b))=[]) then
-  (if (snd(find_replace_term b)=[]) then (find_replace_term a) else (find_replace_term b))
-  else (a $ b,contains_if(a $ b))|
-  find_replace_term t = (t,[]);
-  fun if_substi (Abs(a,T,t)) trm = Abs(a,T,t) |
-  if_substi (Const("HOL.If",T) $ b $ a1 $ a2) t = t |
-  if_substi (a $ b) t = if ((contains_if b)=[]) then ((if_substi a t)$b)
-                        else (a$(if_substi b t)) |
-  if_substi t v = t;
-  fun deliver_term (t,[]) = [] |
-  deliver_term (t,[b,a1,a2]) =
-  [
-  Const("Trueprop",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("prop",[])])) $
-  (
-Const("op =",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])]))
-  $ t $
-  (
-Const("op &",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])]))
-  $
-  (
-Const("op -->",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])]))
-  $ b $ (if_substi t a1))
-  $
-  (
-Const("op -->",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])]))
-  $ (Const("Not",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])) $ b) $ (if_substi t a2))
-  ))] |
-  deliver_term _ =
-  error "tactic failed due to occurence of malformed if-term" (* shouldnt occur *);
-  fun search_if (*((Const("==",_)) $ _ $*) (a) = deliver_term(find_replace_term a);
-  fun search_ifs [] = [] |
-  search_ifs (a::r) =
-  let
-  val i = search_if a
-  in
-  if (i=[]) then (search_ifs r) else i
-  end;
-fun if_full_simp_tac sset i state =
-let val sign = Thm.theory_of_thm state;
-        val subgoal = nth (prems_of state) i;
-        val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems subgoal;
-        val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl subgoal;
-        val prems = prems @ [concl];
-        val itrm = search_ifs prems;
-if (itrm = []) then no_tac state else
-val trm = hd(itrm)
-OldGoals.goalw_cterm [] (cterm_of sign trm); (simp_tac (global_simpset_of sign) 1);
-        let
-        val if_tmp_result = OldGoals.result()
-        in
-        (
-        OldGoals.pop_proof();
-        CHANGED(full_simp_tac (sset addsimps [if_tmp_result]) i) state)
-        end
-(* All following stuff serves for defining mk_mc_oracle *)
-(* SECTION 0: some auxiliary functions *)
-fun list_contains_key [] _ = false |
-list_contains_key ((a,l)::r) t = if (a=t) then true else (list_contains_key r t);
-fun search_in_keylist [] _ = [] |
-search_in_keylist ((a,l)::r) t = if (a=t) then l else (search_in_keylist r t);
-(* delivers the part of a qualified type/const-name after the last dot *)
-fun post_last_dot str =
-fun fl [] = [] |
-fl (a::r) = if (a=".") then [] else (a::(fl r));
-implode(rev(fl(rev(explode str))))
-(* OUTPUT - relevant *)
-(* converts type to string by a mucke-suitable convention *)
-fun type_to_string_OUTPUT (Type(a,[])) = post_last_dot a |
-type_to_string_OUTPUT (Type("*",[a,b])) =
-         "P_" ^ (type_to_string_OUTPUT a) ^ "_AI_" ^ (type_to_string_OUTPUT b) ^ "_R" |
-type_to_string_OUTPUT (Type(a,l)) =
-fun ts_to_string [] = "" |
-ts_to_string (a::[]) = type_to_string_OUTPUT a |
-ts_to_string (a::l) = (type_to_string_OUTPUT a) ^ "_I_" ^ (ts_to_string l);
-(post_last_dot a) ^ "_A_" ^ (ts_to_string l) ^ "_C"
-end |
-type_to_string_OUTPUT _ =
-error "unexpected type variable in type_to_string";
-(* delivers type of a term *)
-fun type_of_term (Const(_,t)) = t |
-type_of_term (Free(_,t)) = t |
-type_of_term (Var(_,t)) = t |
-type_of_term (Abs(x,t,trm)) = Type("fun",[t,type_of_term(snd(Syntax.variant_abs(x,t,trm)))]) |
-type_of_term (a $ b) =
- fun accept_fun_type (Type("fun",[x,y])) = (x,y) |
- accept_fun_type _ =
- error "no function type returned, where it was expected (in type_of_term)";
- val (x,y) = accept_fun_type(type_of_term a)
-end |
-type_of_term _ = 
-error "unexpected bound variable when calculating type of a term (in type_of_term)";
-(* makes list [] and ty to type an -> .. -> a1 -> ty *)
-fun fun_type_of [] ty = ty |
-fun_type_of (a::r) ty = fun_type_of r (Type("fun",[a,ty]));
-(* creates a constructor term from constructor and its argument terms *)
-fun con_term_of t [] = t |
-con_term_of t (a::r) = con_term_of (t $ a) r;
-(* creates list of constructor terms *)
-fun con_term_list_of trm [] = [] |
-con_term_list_of trm (a::r) = (con_term_of trm a)::(con_term_list_of trm r);
-(* list multiplication *)
-fun multiply_element a [] = [] |
-multiply_element a (l::r) = (a::l)::(multiply_element a r);
-fun multiply_list [] l = [] |
-multiply_list (a::r) l = (multiply_element a l)@(multiply_list r l);
-(* To a list of types, delivers all lists of proper argument terms; tl has to *)
-(* be a preprocessed type list with element type: (type,[(string,[type])])    *)
-fun arglist_of sg tl [] = [[]] |
-arglist_of sg tl (a::r) =
-fun ispair (Type("*",x::y::[])) = (true,(x,y)) |
-ispair x = (false,(x,x));
-val erg =
-(if (fst(ispair a))
- then (let
-        val (x,y) = snd(ispair a)
-       in
-        con_term_list_of (Const("pair",Type("fun",[x,Type("fun",[y,a])])))
-                         (arglist_of sg tl [x,y])
-       end)
- else
- (let
-  fun deliver_erg sg tl _ [] = [] |
-  deliver_erg sg tl typ ((c,tyl)::r) = let
-                        val ft = fun_type_of (rev tyl) typ;
-                        val trm = OldGoals.simple_read_term sg ft c;
-                        in
-                        (con_term_list_of trm (arglist_of sg tl tyl))
-                        @(deliver_erg sg tl typ r)
-                        end;
-  val cl = search_in_keylist tl a;
-  in
-  deliver_erg sg tl a cl
-  end))
-multiply_list erg (arglist_of sg tl r)
-(* SECTION 1: Robert Sandner's source was improved and extended by *)
-(* generation of function declarations                             *)
-fun dest_Abs (Abs s_T_t) = s_T_t
-  | dest_Abs t = raise TERM("dest_Abs", [t]);
-fun force_Abs (Abs s_T_t) = Abs s_T_t
-  | force_Abs t = Abs("x", hd(fst(strip_type (type_of t))),
-                      (incr_boundvars 1 t) $ (Bound 0));
-fun etaexp_dest_Abs t = dest_Abs (force_Abs t);
-(* replace Vars bei Frees, freeze_thaw shares code of tactic/freeze_thaw
-   and thm.instantiate *)
-fun freeze_thaw t =
-  let val used = OldTerm.add_term_names (t, [])
-          and vars = OldTerm.term_vars t;
-      fun newName (Var(ix,_), (pairs,used)) = 
-          let val v = Name.variant used (string_of_indexname ix)
-          in  ((ix,v)::pairs, v::used)  end;
-      val (alist, _) = List.foldr newName ([], used) vars;
-      fun mk_inst (Var(v,T)) = (Var(v,T),
-           Free ((the o AList.lookup (op =) alist) v, T));
-      val insts = map mk_inst vars;
-  in subst_atomic insts t end;
-fun make_fun_type (a::b::l) = Type("fun",a::(make_fun_type (b::l))::[]) 
-  | make_fun_type (a::l) = a;
-fun make_decl muckeType id isaType =
-  let val constMuckeType = Const(muckeType,isaType);
-      val constId = Const(id,isaType);
-      val constDecl = Const("_decl", make_fun_type [isaType,isaType,isaType]); 
-  in (constDecl $ constMuckeType) $ constId end;
-fun make_MuTerm muDeclTerm ParamDeclTerm muTerm isaType =
-  let val constMu = Const("_mu",
-                          make_fun_type [isaType,isaType,isaType,isaType]);
-      val t1 = constMu $ muDeclTerm;
-      val t2 = t1 $ ParamDeclTerm;
-      val t3 = t2 $  muTerm
-  in t3 end;
-fun make_MuDecl muDeclTerm ParamDeclTerm isaType =
-  let val constMu = Const("_mudec",
-                          make_fun_type [isaType,isaType,isaType]);
-      val t1 = constMu $ muDeclTerm;
-      val t2 = t1 $ ParamDeclTerm
-  in t2 end;
-fun make_NuTerm muDeclTerm ParamDeclTerm muTerm isaType =
-  let val constMu = Const("_nu",
-                          make_fun_type [isaType,isaType,isaType,isaType]);
-      val t1 = constMu $ muDeclTerm;
-      val t2 = t1 $ ParamDeclTerm;
-      val t3 = t2 $  muTerm
-  in t3 end;
-fun make_NuDecl muDeclTerm ParamDeclTerm isaType =
-  let val constMu = Const("_nudec",
-                          make_fun_type [isaType,isaType,isaType]);
-      val t1 = constMu $ muDeclTerm;
-      val t2 = t1 $ ParamDeclTerm
-  in t2 end;
-fun is_mudef (( Const("==",_) $ t1) $ ((Const("",_)) $ t2)) = true
-  | is_mudef _ = false;
-fun is_nudef (( Const("==",_) $ t1) $ ((Const("",_)) $ t2)) = true
-  | is_nudef _ = false;
-fun make_decls sign Dtype (Const(str,tp)::n::Clist) = 
-    let val const_decls = Const("_decls",make_fun_type [Dtype,Dtype,Dtype]);
-        val decl = make_decl (type_to_string_OUTPUT tp) str Dtype;
-    in
-    ((const_decls $ decl) $ (make_decls sign Dtype (n::Clist)))
-    end
-  | make_decls sign Dtype [Const(str,tp)] = 
-      make_decl (type_to_string_OUTPUT tp) str Dtype;
-(* make_mu_def transforms an Isabelle Mu-Definition into Mucke format
-   Takes equation of the form f = Mu Q. % x. t *)
-fun dest_atom (Const t) = dest_Const (Const t)
-  | dest_atom (Free t)  = dest_Free (Free t);
-fun get_decls sign Clist (Abs(s,tp,trm)) = 
-    let val VarAbs = Syntax.variant_abs(s,tp,trm);
-    in get_decls sign (Const(fst VarAbs,tp)::Clist) (snd VarAbs)
-    end
-  | get_decls sign Clist ((Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _)) $ trm) = get_decls sign Clist trm
-  | get_decls sign Clist trm = (Clist,trm);
-fun make_mu_def sign ((tt $ LHS) $ (ttt $ RHS)) =
-  let   val LHSStr = fst (dest_atom LHS);
-        val MuType = Type("bool",[]); (* always ResType of mu, also serves
-                                         as dummy type *)
-        val (_,_,PAbs) = dest_Abs (RHS); (* RHS is %Q. ... *)
-        val (PCon_LHS,MMuTerm) = get_decls sign [] (subst_bound (LHS,PAbs));
-        val PConsts = rev PCon_LHS;
-        val muDeclTerm = make_decl "bool" LHSStr MuType;
-        val PDeclsTerm = make_decls sign MuType PConsts;
-        val MuDefTerm = make_MuTerm muDeclTerm PDeclsTerm MMuTerm MuType;               
-  in MuDefTerm end;
-fun make_mu_decl sign ((tt $ LHS) $ (ttt $ RHS)) =
-  let   val LHSStr = fst (dest_atom LHS);
-        val MuType = Type("bool",[]); (* always ResType of mu, also serves
-                                         as dummy type *)
-        val (_,_,PAbs) = dest_Abs (RHS); (* RHS is %Q. ... *)
-        val (PCon_LHS,MMuTerm) = get_decls sign [] (subst_bound (LHS,PAbs));
-        val PConsts = rev PCon_LHS;
-        val muDeclTerm = make_decl "bool" LHSStr MuType;
-        val PDeclsTerm = make_decls sign MuType PConsts;
-        val MuDeclTerm = make_MuDecl muDeclTerm PDeclsTerm MuType;
-  in MuDeclTerm end;
-fun make_nu_def sign ((tt $ LHS) $ (ttt $ RHS)) =
-  let   val LHSStr = fst (dest_atom LHS);
-        val MuType = Type("bool",[]); (* always ResType of mu, also serves
-                                         as dummy type *)
-        val (_,_,PAbs) = dest_Abs (RHS); (* RHS is %Q. ... *)
-        val (PCon_LHS,MMuTerm) = get_decls sign [] (subst_bound (LHS,PAbs));
-        val PConsts = rev PCon_LHS;
-        val muDeclTerm = make_decl "bool" LHSStr MuType;
-        val PDeclsTerm = make_decls sign MuType PConsts;
-        val NuDefTerm = make_NuTerm muDeclTerm PDeclsTerm MMuTerm MuType;
-  in NuDefTerm end;
-fun make_nu_decl sign ((tt $ LHS) $ (ttt $ RHS)) =
-  let   val LHSStr = fst (dest_atom LHS);
-        val MuType = Type("bool",[]); (* always ResType of mu, also serves
-                                         as dummy type *)
-        val (_,_,PAbs) = dest_Abs (RHS); (* RHS is %Q. ... *)
-        val (PCon_LHS,MMuTerm) = get_decls sign [] (subst_bound (LHS,PAbs));
-        val PConsts = rev PCon_LHS; 
-        val muDeclTerm = make_decl "bool" LHSStr MuType;
-        val PDeclsTerm = make_decls sign MuType PConsts; 
-        val NuDeclTerm = make_NuDecl muDeclTerm PDeclsTerm MuType;
-  in NuDeclTerm end;
-fun make_FunMuckeTerm FunDeclTerm ParamDeclTerm Term isaType =
-  let   val constFun = Const("_fun",
-                            make_fun_type [isaType,isaType,isaType,isaType]);
-        val t1 = constFun $ FunDeclTerm;
-        val t2 = t1 $ ParamDeclTerm;
-        val t3 = t2 $  Term
-  in t3 end;
-fun make_FunMuckeDecl FunDeclTerm ParamDeclTerm isaType =
-  let   val constFun = Const("_dec",
-                            make_fun_type [isaType,isaType,isaType]);
-      val t1 = constFun $ FunDeclTerm;
-      val t2 = t1 $ ParamDeclTerm
-  in t2 end;
-fun is_fundef (Const("==", _) $ _ $ (Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _) $ _)) = true
-  | is_fundef (Const("==", _) $ _ $ Abs _) = true 
-  | is_fundef _ = false; 
-fun make_mucke_fun_def sign ((_ $ LHS) $ RHS) =
-  let   (* fun dest_atom (Const t) = dest_Const (Const t)
-          | dest_atom (Free t)  = dest_Free (Free t); *)
-        val LHSStr = fst (dest_atom LHS);
-        val LHSResType = body_type(snd(dest_atom LHS));
-        val LHSResTypeStr = type_to_string_OUTPUT LHSResType;
-(*      val (_,AbsType,RawTerm) = dest_Abs(RHS);
-*)      val (Consts_LHS_rev,Free_RHS) = get_decls sign [] RHS;
-        val Consts_LHS = rev Consts_LHS_rev;
-        val PDeclsTerm = make_decls sign LHSResType Consts_LHS; 
-                (* Boolean functions only, list necessary in general *)
-        val DeclTerm = make_decl LHSResTypeStr LHSStr LHSResType;
-        val MuckeDefTerm = make_FunMuckeTerm DeclTerm PDeclsTerm Free_RHS
-                                         LHSResType;    
-  in MuckeDefTerm end;
-fun make_mucke_fun_decl sign ((_ $ LHS) $ RHS) =
-  let   (* fun dest_atom (Const t) = dest_Const (Const t)
-          | dest_atom (Free t)  = dest_Free (Free t); *)
-        val LHSStr = fst (dest_atom LHS);
-        val LHSResType = body_type(snd(dest_atom LHS));
-        val LHSResTypeStr = type_to_string_OUTPUT LHSResType;
-(*      val (_,AbsType,RawTerm) = dest_Abs(RHS);
-*)      val (Consts_LHS_rev,Free_RHS) = get_decls sign [] RHS;
-        val Consts_LHS = rev Consts_LHS_rev;
-        val PDeclsTerm = make_decls sign LHSResType Consts_LHS;
-                (* Boolean functions only, list necessary in general *)
-        val DeclTerm = make_decl LHSResTypeStr LHSStr LHSResType;
-        val MuckeDeclTerm = make_FunMuckeDecl DeclTerm PDeclsTerm LHSResType;
-in MuckeDeclTerm end;
-fun elim_quantifications sign ((Const("Ex",_)) $ Abs (str,tp,t)) =
-    (let val ExConst = Const("_Ex",make_fun_type [tp,tp,tp,tp]);
-         val TypeConst = Const (type_to_string_OUTPUT tp,tp);
-         val VarAbs = Syntax.variant_abs(str,tp,t);
-         val BoundConst = Const(fst VarAbs,tp);
-         val t1 = ExConst $ TypeConst;
-         val t2 = t1 $ BoundConst;
-         val t3 = elim_quantifications sign (snd VarAbs)
-     in t2 $ t3 end)
-  |  elim_quantifications sign ((Const("All",_)) $ Abs (str,tp,t)) =
-    (let val AllConst = Const("_All",make_fun_type [tp,tp,tp,tp]);
-         val TypeConst = Const (type_to_string_OUTPUT tp,tp);
-         val VarAbs = Syntax.variant_abs(str,tp,t);
-         val BoundConst = Const(fst VarAbs,tp);
-         val t1 = AllConst $ TypeConst;
-         val t2 = t1 $ BoundConst;
-         val t3 = elim_quantifications sign (snd VarAbs)
-     in t2 $ t3 end)
-  | elim_quantifications sign (t1 $ t2) = 
-        (elim_quantifications sign t1) $ (elim_quantifications sign t2)
-  | elim_quantifications sign (Abs(_,_,t)) = elim_quantifications sign t
-  | elim_quantifications sign t = t;
-fun elim_quant_in_list sign [] = []
-  | elim_quant_in_list sign (trm::list) = 
-                        (elim_quantifications sign trm)::(elim_quant_in_list sign list);
-fun dummy true = writeln "True\n" |
-    dummy false = writeln "Fals\n";
-fun transform_definitions sign [] = []
-  | transform_definitions sign (trm::list) = 
-      if is_mudef trm 
-      then (make_mu_def sign trm)::(transform_definitions sign list)
-      else 
-        if is_nudef trm
-         then (make_nu_def sign trm)::(transform_definitions sign list)
-         else 
-           if is_fundef trm
-           then (make_mucke_fun_def sign trm)::(transform_definitions sign list)
-                     else trm::(transform_definitions sign list);
-fun terms_to_decls sign [] = []
- | terms_to_decls sign (trm::list) =
-      if is_mudef trm
-      then (make_mu_decl sign trm)::(terms_to_decls sign list)
-      else
-        if is_nudef trm
-         then (make_nu_decl sign trm)::(terms_to_decls sign list)
-         else
-           if is_fundef trm
-           then (make_mucke_fun_decl sign trm)::(terms_to_decls sign list)
-                     else (transform_definitions sign list);
-fun transform_terms sign list = 
-let val DefsOk = transform_definitions sign list;
-in elim_quant_in_list sign DefsOk
-fun string_of_terms sign terms =
-let fun make_string sign [] = "" |
-        make_string sign (trm::list) =
-           Syntax.string_of_term_global sign trm ^ "\n" ^ make_string sign list
-  Print_Mode.setmp ["Mucke"] (make_string sign) terms
-fun callmc s =
-  let
-    val mucke_home = getenv "MUCKE_HOME";
-    val mucke =
-      if mucke_home = "" then error "Environment variable MUCKE_HOME not set"
-      else mucke_home ^ "/mucke";
-    val mucke_input_file = File.tmp_path (Path.basic "");
-    val _ = File.write mucke_input_file s;
-    val (result, _) = bash_output (mucke ^ " -nb -res " ^ File.shell_path mucke_input_file);
-  in
-    if not (!trace_mc) then (File.rm mucke_input_file) else (); 
-    result
-  end;
-(* extract_result looks for true value before *) 
-(* finishing line "===..." of mucke output    *)
-(* ------------------------------------------ *)
-(* Be Careful:                                *)
-(* If the mucke version changes, some changes *)
-(* have also to be made here:                 *)
-(* In extract_result, the value               *)
-(* answer_with_info_lines checks the output   *)
-(* of the muche version, where the output     *)
-(* finishes with information about memory and *)
-(* time (segregated from the "true" value by  *)
-(* a line of equality signs).                 *)
-(* For older versions, where this line does   *)
-(* exist, value general_answer checks whether *)
-(* "true" stand at the end of the output.     *)
-infix contains at_post string_contains string_at_post;
-  val is_blank : string -> bool =
-      fn " " => true | "\t" => true | "\n" => true | "\^L" => true 
-       | "\160" => true | _ => false;
-  fun delete_blanks [] = []
-    | delete_blanks (":"::xs) = delete_blanks xs
-    | delete_blanks (x::xs) = 
-        if (is_blank x) then (delete_blanks xs)
-                        else x::(delete_blanks xs);
-  fun delete_blanks_string s = implode(delete_blanks (explode s));
-  fun [] contains [] = true
-    | [] contains s = false
-    | (x::xs) contains s = (is_prefix (op =) s (x::xs)) orelse (xs contains s);
-  fun [] at_post [] = true
-    | [] at_post s = false
-    | (x::xs) at_post s = (s = (x::xs)) orelse (xs at_post s);
-  fun s string_contains s1 = 
-      (explode s) contains (explode s1);
-  fun s string_at_post s1 =
-      (explode s) at_post (explode s1);
-fun extract_result goal answer =
-  let 
-    val search_text_true = "istrue===";
-    val short_answer = delete_blanks_string answer;
-    val answer_with_info_lines = short_answer string_contains search_text_true;
-    (* val general_answer = short_answer string_at_post "true" *) 
-  in
-    (answer_with_info_lines) (* orelse (general_answer) *)
-  end;
-(* SECTION 2: rewrites case-constructs over complex datatypes *)
-(* check_case checks, whether a term is of the form a $ "(case x of ...)", *)
-(* where x is of complex datatype; the second argument of the result is    *)
-(* the number of constructors of the type of x                             *) 
-fun check_case sg tl (a $ b) =
- (* tl_contains_complex returns true in the 1st argument when argument type is *)
- (* complex; the 2nd argument is the number of constructors                    *)
- fun tl_contains_complex [] _ = (false,0) |
- tl_contains_complex ((a,l)::r) t =
- let
-  fun check_complex [] p = p |
-  check_complex ((a,[])::r) (t,i) = check_complex r (t,i+1) |
-  check_complex ((a,_)::r) (t,i) = check_complex r (true,i+1);
- in
-        if (a=t) then (check_complex l (false,0)) else (tl_contains_complex r t)
- end;
- fun check_head_for_case sg (Const(s,_)) st 0 = 
-        if (post_last_dot(s) = (st ^ "_case")) then true else false |
- check_head_for_case sg (a $ (Const(s,_))) st 0 = 
-        if (post_last_dot(s) = (st ^ "_case")) then true else false |
- check_head_for_case _ _ _ 0 = false |
- check_head_for_case sg (a $ b) st n = check_head_for_case sg a st (n-1) |
- check_head_for_case _ _ _ _ = false;
- fun qtn (Type(a,_)) = a | 
- qtn _ = error "unexpected type variable in check_case";
- val t = type_of_term b;
- val (bv,n) = tl_contains_complex tl t
- val st = post_last_dot(qtn t); 
- if (bv) then ((check_head_for_case sg a st n),n) else (false,n) 
-end |
-check_case sg tl trm = (false,0);
-(* enrich_case_with_terms enriches a case term with additional *)
-(* conditions according to the context of the case replacement *)
-fun enrich_case_with_terms sg [] t = t |
-enrich_case_with_terms sg [trm] (Abs(x,T,t)) =
- val v = Syntax.variant_abs(x,T,t);
- val f = fst v;
- val s = snd v
-(Const("Ex",Type("fun",[Type("fun",[T,Type("bool",[])]),Type("bool",[])])) $
-Const("op &",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])]))
-(Const("op =",Type("fun",[T,Type("fun",[T,Type("bool",[])])])) $ (Free(f,T)) $ trm)
-$ s))))
-end |
-enrich_case_with_terms sg (a::r) (Abs(x,T,t)) =
-        enrich_case_with_terms sg [a] (Abs(x,T,(enrich_case_with_terms sg r t))) |
-enrich_case_with_terms sg (t::r) trm =
-let val ty = type_of_term t
-(Const("Ex",Type("fun",[Type("fun",[ ty ,Type("bool",[])]),Type("bool",[])])) $
-Abs("a", ty,
-Const("op &",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])]))
-(Const("op =",Type("fun",[ ty ,Type("fun",[ ty ,Type("bool",[])])])) $ Bound(0) $ t)
-enrich_case_with_terms sg r (trm $ (Bound(length(r))))))
-fun replace_termlist_with_constrs sg tl (a::l1) (c::l2) t = 
- fun heart_of_trm (Abs(x,T,t)) = heart_of_trm(snd(Syntax.variant_abs(x,T,t))) |
- heart_of_trm t = t;
- fun replace_termlist_with_args _ _ trm _ [] _ ([],[]) = trm (* should never occur *) |
- replace_termlist_with_args sg _ trm _ [a] _ ([],[]) =
-        if ((heart_of_trm trm)= Const("False",Type("bool",[]))) then trm else 
-        (enrich_case_with_terms sg a trm) |
- replace_termlist_with_args sg tl trm con [] t (l1,l2) =
-        (replace_termlist_with_constrs sg tl l1 l2 t) | 
- replace_termlist_with_args sg tl trm con (a::r) t (l1,l2) =
- let
-  val tty = type_of_term t;
-  val con_term = con_term_of con a;
- in
-        (Const("HOL.If",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),
-        Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])])])) $
-        (Const("op =",Type("fun",[tty,Type("fun",[tty,Type("bool",[])])])) $
-        t $ con_term) $
-        (if ((heart_of_trm trm)= Const("False",Type("bool",[]))) then trm else 
-        (enrich_case_with_terms sg a trm)) $
-        (replace_termlist_with_args sg tl trm con r t (l1,l2)))
- end;
- val arglist = arglist_of sg tl (snd c);
- val tty = type_of_term t;
- val con_typ = fun_type_of (rev (snd c)) tty;
- val con = OldGoals.simple_read_term sg con_typ (fst c);
- replace_termlist_with_args sg tl a con arglist t (l1,l2)
-end |
-replace_termlist_with_constrs _ _ _ _ _ = 
-error "malformed arguments in replace_termlist_with_constrs" (* shouldnt occur *);
-(* rc_in_termlist constructs a cascading if with the case terms in trm_list, *)
-(* which were found in rc_in_term (see replace_case)                         *)
-fun rc_in_termlist sg tl trm_list trm =  
- val ty = type_of_term trm;
- val constr_list = search_in_keylist tl ty;
-        replace_termlist_with_constrs sg tl trm_list constr_list trm
-(* replace_case replaces each case statement over a complex datatype by a cascading if; *)
-(* it is normally called with a 0 in the 4th argument, it is positive, if in the course *)
-(* of calculation, a "case" is discovered and then indicates the distance to that case  *)
-fun replace_case sg tl (a $ b) 0 =
- (* rc_in_term changes the case statement over term x to a cascading if; the last *)
- (* indicates the distance to the "case"-constant                                 *)
- fun rc_in_term sg tl (a $ b) l x 0 =
-         (replace_case sg tl a 0) $ (rc_in_termlist sg tl l x) |  
- rc_in_term sg tl  _ l x 0 = rc_in_termlist sg tl l x |
- rc_in_term sg tl (a $ b) l x n = rc_in_term sg tl a (b::l) x (n-1) |
- rc_in_term sg _ trm _ _ n =
- error("malformed term for case-replacement: " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global sg trm));
- val (bv,n) = check_case sg tl (a $ b);
- if (bv) then 
-        (let
-        val t = (replace_case sg tl a n) 
-        in 
-        rc_in_term sg tl t [] b n       
-        end)
- else ((replace_case sg tl a 0) $ (replace_case sg tl b 0))
-end |
-replace_case sg tl (a $ b) 1 = a $ (replace_case sg tl b 0) |
-replace_case sg tl (a $ b) n = (replace_case sg tl a (n-1)) $ (replace_case sg tl b 0) |
-replace_case sg tl (Abs(x,T,t)) _ = 
- val v = Syntax.variant_abs(x,T,t);
- val f = fst v;
- val s = snd v
- Abs(x,T,abstract_over(Free(f,T),replace_case sg tl s 0))
-end |
-replace_case _ _ t _ = t;
-(* SECTION 3: replacing variables being part of a constructor term *)
-(* transforming terms so that nowhere a variable is subterm of *)
-(* a constructor term; the transformation uses cascading ifs   *)
-fun remove_vars sg tl (Abs(x,ty,trm)) =
-(* checks freeness of variable x in term *)
-fun xFree x (a $ b) = if (xFree x a) then true else (xFree x b) |
-xFree x (Abs(a,T,trm)) = xFree x trm |
-xFree x (Free(y,_)) = if (x=y) then true else false |
-xFree _ _ = false;
-(* really substitues variable x by term c *)
-fun real_subst sg tl x c (a$b) = (real_subst sg tl x c a) $ (real_subst sg tl x c b) |
-real_subst sg tl x c (Abs(y,T,trm)) = Abs(y,T,real_subst sg tl x c trm) |
-real_subst sg tl x c (Free(y,t)) = if (x=y) then c else Free(y,t) |
-real_subst sg tl x c t = t;
-(* substituting variable x by term c *)
-fun x_subst sg tl x c (a $ b) =
- val t = (type_of_term (a $ b))
- if ((list_contains_key tl t) andalso (xFree x (a$b)))
- then (real_subst sg tl x c (a$b)) else ((x_subst sg tl x c a) $ (x_subst sg tl x c b))
-end |
-x_subst sg tl x c (Abs(y,T,trm)) = Abs(y,T,x_subst sg tl x c trm) |
-x_subst sg tl x c t = t;
-(* genearting a cascading if *)
-fun casc_if sg tl x ty (c::l) trm =
- val arglist = arglist_of sg tl (snd c);
- val con_typ = fun_type_of (rev (snd c)) ty;
- val con = OldGoals.simple_read_term sg con_typ (fst c);
- fun casc_if2 sg tl x con [] ty trm [] = trm | (* should never occur *)
- casc_if2 sg tl x con [arg] ty trm [] = x_subst sg tl x (con_term_of con arg) trm |
- casc_if2 sg tl x con (a::r) ty trm cl =
-        Const("HOL.If",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),
-        Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])])
-        ])) $
-     (Const("op =",Type("fun",[ty,Type("fun",[ty,Type("bool",[])])])) $
-        Free(x,ty) $ (real_subst sg tl x (con_term_of con a) (Free(x,ty)))) $
-   (x_subst sg tl x (con_term_of con a) trm) $
-   (casc_if2 sg tl x con r ty trm cl) |
- casc_if2 sg tl x con [] ty trm cl = casc_if sg tl x ty cl trm;
- casc_if2 sg tl x con arglist ty trm l
-end |
-casc_if _ _ _ _ [] trm = trm (* should never occur *); 
-fun if_term sg tl x ty trm =
- val tyC_list = search_in_keylist tl ty;
- casc_if sg tl x ty tyC_list trm
-(* checking whether a variable occurs in a constructor term *)
-fun constr_term_contains_var sg tl (a $ b) x =
- val t = type_of_term (a $ b)
- if ((list_contains_key tl t) andalso (xFree x (a$b))) then true
- else
- (if (constr_term_contains_var sg tl a x) then true 
-  else (constr_term_contains_var sg tl b x))
-end |
-constr_term_contains_var sg tl (Abs(y,ty,trm)) x =
-         constr_term_contains_var sg tl (snd(Syntax.variant_abs(y,ty,trm))) x |
-constr_term_contains_var _ _ _ _ = false;
-val vt = Syntax.variant_abs(x,ty,trm);
-val tt = remove_vars sg tl (snd(vt))
-if (constr_term_contains_var sg tl tt (fst vt))
-(* fst vt muss frei vorkommen, als ECHTER TeilKonstruktorterm *)
-then (Abs(x,ty,
-        abstract_over(Free(fst vt,ty),
-        if_term sg ((Type("bool",[]),[("True",[]),("False",[])])::tl) (fst vt) ty tt)))
-else Abs(x,ty,abstract_over(Free(fst vt,ty),tt))
-end |
-remove_vars sg tl (a $ b) = (remove_vars sg tl a) $ (remove_vars sg tl b) |
-remove_vars sg tl t = t;
-(* dissolves equalities "=" of boolean terms, where one of them is a complex term *)
-fun remove_equal sg tl (Abs(x,ty,trm)) = Abs(x,ty,remove_equal sg tl trm) |
-remove_equal sg tl (Const("op =",Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),
-        Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])])) $ lhs $ rhs) =
-fun complex_trm (Abs(_,_,_)) = true |
-complex_trm (_ $ _) = true |
-complex_trm _ = false;
-(if ((complex_trm lhs) orelse (complex_trm rhs)) then
-val lhs = remove_equal sg tl lhs;
-val rhs = remove_equal sg tl rhs
-Const("op &",
-Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])])) $
-(Const("op -->",
- Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])])) $
-        lhs $ rhs) $
-(Const("op -->",
- Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])])) $
-        rhs $ lhs)
-(Const("op =",
- Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("fun",[Type("bool",[]),Type("bool",[])])])) $
-        lhs $ rhs))
-end |
-remove_equal sg tl (a $ b) = (remove_equal sg tl a) $ (remove_equal sg tl b) |
-remove_equal sg tl trm = trm;
-(* rewrites constructor terms (without vars) for mucke *)
-fun rewrite_dt_term sg tl (Abs(x,ty,t)) = Abs(x,ty,(rewrite_dt_term sg tl t)) |
-rewrite_dt_term sg tl (a $ b) =
-(* OUTPUT - relevant *)
-(* transforms constructor term to a mucke-suitable output *)
-fun term_OUTPUT sg (Const(@{const_name Pair},_) $ a $ b) =
-                (term_OUTPUT sg a) ^ "_I_" ^ (term_OUTPUT sg b) |
-term_OUTPUT sg (a $ b) = (term_OUTPUT sg a) ^ "_I_" ^ (term_OUTPUT sg b) |
-term_OUTPUT sg (Const(s,t)) = post_last_dot s |
-term_OUTPUT _ _ = 
-error "term contains an unprintable constructor term (in term_OUTPUT)";
-fun contains_bound i (Bound(j)) = if (j>=i) then true else false |
-contains_bound i (a $ b) = if (contains_bound i a) then true else (contains_bound i b) |
-contains_bound i (Abs(_,_,t)) = contains_bound (i+1) t |
-contains_bound _ _ = false;
-        if (contains_bound 0 (a $ b)) 
-        then ((rewrite_dt_term sg tl a) $ (rewrite_dt_term sg tl b))
-        else
-        (
-        let
-        val t = type_of_term (a $ b);
-        in
-        if (list_contains_key tl t) then (Const((term_OUTPUT sg (a $ b)),t)) else
-        ((rewrite_dt_term sg tl a) $ (rewrite_dt_term sg tl b))
-        end)
-end |
-rewrite_dt_term sg tl t = t;
-fun rewrite_dt_terms sg tl [] = [] |
-rewrite_dt_terms sg tl (a::r) =
- val c = (replace_case sg ((Type("bool",[]),[("True",[]),("False",[])])::tl) a 0);
- val rv = (remove_vars sg tl c);  
- val rv = (remove_equal sg tl rv);
- ((rewrite_dt_term sg tl rv) 
- :: (rewrite_dt_terms sg tl r))
-(* SECTION 4: generating type declaration and preprocessing type list *)
-fun make_type_decls [] tl = "" |
-make_type_decls ((a,l)::r) tl = 
-fun comma_list_of [] = "" |
-comma_list_of (a::[]) = a |
-comma_list_of (a::r) = a ^ "," ^ (comma_list_of r);
-(* OUTPUT - relevant *)
-(* produces for each type of the 2nd argument its constant names (see *)
-(* concat_constr) and appends them to prestring (see concat_types)    *)
-fun generate_constnames_OUTPUT prestring [] _ = [prestring] |
-generate_constnames_OUTPUT prestring ((Type("*",[a,b]))::r) tl =
- generate_constnames_OUTPUT prestring (a::b::r) tl |
-generate_constnames_OUTPUT prestring (a::r) tl =
- fun concat_constrs [] _ = [] |
- concat_constrs ((c,[])::r) tl = c::(concat_constrs r tl)  |
- concat_constrs ((c,l)::r) tl =
-         (generate_constnames_OUTPUT (c ^ "_I_") l tl) @ (concat_constrs r tl);
- fun concat_types _ [] _ _ = [] |
- concat_types prestring (a::q) [] tl = [prestring ^ a] 
-                                       @ (concat_types prestring q [] tl) |
- concat_types prestring (a::q) r tl = 
-                (generate_constnames_OUTPUT (prestring ^ a ^ "_I_") r tl) 
-                @ (concat_types prestring q r tl);
- val g = concat_constrs (search_in_keylist tl a) tl;
- concat_types prestring g r tl
-fun make_type_decl a tl =
-        val astr = type_to_string_OUTPUT a;
-        val dl = generate_constnames_OUTPUT "" [a] tl;
-        val cl = comma_list_of dl;
-        ("enum " ^ astr ^ " {" ^ cl ^ "};\n")
- (make_type_decl a tl) ^ (make_type_decls r tl)
-fun check_finity gl [] [] true = true |
-check_finity gl bl [] true = (check_finity gl [] bl false) |
-check_finity _ _ [] false =
-error "used datatypes are not finite" |
-check_finity gl bl ((t,cl)::r) b =
-fun listmem [] _ = true |
-listmem (a::r) l = if member (op =) l a then (listmem r l) else false;
-fun snd_listmem [] _ = true |
-snd_listmem ((a,b)::r) l = if (listmem b l) then (snd_listmem r l) else false;
-(if (snd_listmem cl gl) then (check_finity (t::gl) bl r true)
-else (check_finity gl ((t,cl)::bl) r b))
-fun preprocess_td sg [] done = [] |
-preprocess_td sg (a::b) done =
-fun extract_hd sg (_ $ Abs(_,_,r)) = extract_hd sg r |
-extract_hd sg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ r) = extract_hd sg r |
-extract_hd sg (Var(_,_) $ r) = extract_hd sg r |
-extract_hd sg (a $ b) = extract_hd sg a |
-extract_hd sg (Const(s,t)) = post_last_dot s |
-extract_hd _ _ =
-error "malformed constructor term in a induct-theorem";
-fun list_of_param_types sg tl pl (_ $ Abs(_,t,r)) =
- fun select_type [] [] t = t |
- select_type (a::r) (b::s) t =
- if (t=b) then a else (select_type r s t) |
- select_type _ _ _ =
- error "wrong number of argument of a constructor in a induct-theorem";
- (select_type tl pl t) :: (list_of_param_types sg tl pl r)
-end |
-list_of_param_types sg tl pl (Const("Trueprop",_) $ r) = list_of_param_types sg tl pl r |
-list_of_param_types _ _ _ _ = [];
-fun split_constr sg tl pl a = (extract_hd sg a,list_of_param_types sg tl pl a);
-fun split_constrs _ _ _ [] = [] |
-split_constrs sg tl pl (a::r) = (split_constr sg tl pl a) :: (split_constrs sg tl pl r);
-fun new_types [] = [] |
-new_types ((t,l)::r) =
- fun ex_bool [] = [] |
- ex_bool ((Type("bool",[]))::r) = ex_bool r |
- ex_bool ((Type("*",[a,b]))::r) = ex_bool (a::b::r) |
- ex_bool (s::r) = s:: (ex_bool r);
- val ll = ex_bool l
- (ll @ (new_types r))
-        if member (op =) done a
-        then (preprocess_td sg b done)
-        else
-        (let
-         fun qtn (Type(a,tl)) = (a,tl) |
-         qtn _ = error "unexpected type variable in preprocess_td";
-         val s =  post_last_dot(fst(qtn a));
-         fun param_types ((Const("Trueprop",_)) $ (_ $ (Var(_,Type(_,t)))))  = t |
-         param_types _ = error "malformed induct-theorem in preprocess_td";     
-         val induct_rule = PureThy.get_thm sg (s ^ ".induct");
-         val pl = param_types (concl_of induct_rule);
-         val l = split_constrs sg (snd(qtn a)) pl (prems_of induct_rule);
-         val ntl = new_types l;
-        in 
-        ((a,l) :: (preprocess_td sg (ntl @ b) (a :: done)))
-        end)
-fun extract_type_names_prems sg [] = [] |
-extract_type_names_prems sg (a::b) =
-fun analyze_types sg [] = [] |
-analyze_types sg [Type(a,[])] =
- val s = (Syntax.string_of_typ_global sg (Type(a,[])))
- (if (s="bool") then ([]) else ([Type(a,[])]))
-end) |
-analyze_types sg [Type("*",l)] = analyze_types sg l |
-analyze_types sg [Type("fun",l)] = analyze_types sg l |
-analyze_types sg [Type(t,l)] = ((Type(t,l))::(analyze_types sg l)) |
-analyze_types sg (a::l) = (analyze_types sg [a]) @ (analyze_types sg l);
-fun extract_type_names sg (Const("==",_)) = [] |
-extract_type_names sg (Const("Trueprop",_)) = [] |
-extract_type_names sg (Const(_,typ)) = analyze_types sg [typ] |
-extract_type_names sg (a $ b) = (extract_type_names sg a) @ (extract_type_names sg b) |
-extract_type_names sg (Abs(x,T,t)) = (analyze_types sg [T]) @ (extract_type_names sg t) |
-extract_type_names _ _ = [];
- (extract_type_names sg a) @ extract_type_names_prems sg b
-fun mk_mc_mucke_oracle csubgoal =
-  let
-  val sign = Thm.theory_of_cterm csubgoal;
-  val subgoal = Thm.term_of csubgoal;
-        val Freesubgoal = freeze_thaw subgoal;
-        val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems Freesubgoal; 
-        val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl Freesubgoal; 
-        val Muckedecls = terms_to_decls sign prems;
-        val decls_str = string_of_terms sign Muckedecls;
-        val type_list = (extract_type_names_prems sign (prems@[concl]));
-        val ctl =  preprocess_td sign type_list [];
-        val b = if (ctl=[]) then true else (check_finity [Type("bool",[])] [] ctl false);
-        val type_str = make_type_decls ctl 
-                                ((Type("bool",[]),("True",[])::("False",[])::[])::ctl);
-        val mprems = rewrite_dt_terms sign ctl prems;
-        val mconcl = rewrite_dt_terms sign ctl [concl];
-        val Muckeprems = transform_terms sign mprems;
-        val prems_str = transform_case(string_of_terms sign Muckeprems);
-        val Muckeconcl = elim_quant_in_list sign mconcl;
-        val concl_str = transform_case(string_of_terms sign Muckeconcl);
-        val MCstr = (
-                "/**** type declarations: ****/\n" ^ type_str ^
-                "/**** declarations: ****/\n" ^ decls_str ^
-                "/**** definitions: ****/\n" ^ prems_str ^ 
-                "/**** formula: ****/\n" ^ concl_str ^";");
-        val result = callmc MCstr;
-  in
-(if !trace_mc then 
-        (writeln ("\nmodelchecker input:\n" ^ MCstr ^ "\n/**** end ****/"))
-          else ();
-(case (extract_result concl_str result) of 
-        true  =>  cterm_of sign (Logic.strip_imp_concl subgoal) | 
-        false => (error ("Mucke couldn't solve subgoal: \n" ^result)))) 
-  end;
--- a/src/HOLCF/IOA/Modelcheck/Cockpit.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-theory Cockpit
-imports MuIOAOracle
-datatype 'a action = Alarm 'a | Info 'a | Ack 'a
-datatype event = NONE | PonR | Eng | Fue
-text {*
-  This cockpit automaton is a deeply simplified version of the
-  control component of a helicopter alarm system considered in a study
-  of ESG.  Some properties will be proved by using model checker
-  mucke. *}
-automaton cockpit =
-  signature
-    actions "event action"
-    inputs "Alarm a"
-    outputs "Ack a", "Info a"
-  states
-    APonR_incl :: bool
-    info :: event
-  initially "info = NONE & ~APonR_incl"
-  transitions
-    "Alarm a"
-      post info := "if (a=NONE) then info else a",
-        APonR_incl := "if (a=PonR) then True else APonR_incl"
-    "Info a"
-      pre "(a=info)"
-    "Ack a"
-      pre "(a=PonR --> APonR_incl) & (a=NONE --> ~APonR_incl)"
-      post info := "NONE",
-        APonR_incl := "if (a=PonR) then False else APonR_incl"
-automaton cockpit_hide = hide_action "Info a" in cockpit
-text {*
-  Subsequent automata express the properties to be proved, see also
-  Cockpit.ML *}
-automaton Al_before_Ack =
-  signature
-    actions "event action"
-    inputs "Alarm a"
-    outputs "Ack a"
-  states
-    APonR_incl :: bool
-  initially "~APonR_incl"
-  transitions
-    "Alarm a"
-      post APonR_incl:="if (a=PonR) then True else APonR_incl"
-    "Ack a"
-      pre "(a=PonR --> APonR_incl)"
-      post APonR_incl:="if (a=PonR) then False else APonR_incl"
-automaton Info_while_Al =
-  signature
-    actions "event action"
-    inputs "Alarm a"
-    outputs "Ack a", "Info i"
-  states
-    info_at_Pon :: bool
-  initially "~info_at_Pon"
-  transitions
-    "Alarm a"
-      post
-        info_at_Pon:="if (a=PonR) then True else (if (a=NONE) then info_at_Pon else False)"
-    "Info a"
-      pre "(a=PonR) --> info_at_Pon"
-    "Ack a"
-      post info_at_Pon:="False"
-automaton Info_before_Al =
-  signature
-    actions "event action"
-    inputs "Alarm a"
-    outputs "Ack a", "Info i"
-  states
-    info_at_NONE :: bool
-  initially "info_at_NONE"
-  transitions
-    "Alarm a"
-      post info_at_NONE:="if (a=NONE) then info_at_NONE else False"
-    "Info a"
-      pre "(a=NONE) --> info_at_NONE"
-    "Ack a"
-      post info_at_NONE:="True"
-lemmas aut_simps =
-  cockpit_def cockpit_asig_def cockpit_trans_def
-  cockpit_initial_def cockpit_hide_def
-  Al_before_Ack_def Al_before_Ack_asig_def
-  Al_before_Ack_initial_def Al_before_Ack_trans_def
-  Info_while_Al_def Info_while_Al_asig_def
-  Info_while_Al_initial_def Info_while_Al_trans_def
-  Info_before_Al_def Info_before_Al_asig_def
-  Info_before_Al_initial_def Info_before_Al_trans_def
-(* to prove, that info is always set at the recent alarm *)
-lemma cockpit_implements_Info_while_Al: "cockpit =<| Info_while_Al"
-apply (tactic {* is_sim_tac @{simpset} (thms "aut_simps") 1 *})
-(* to prove that before any alarm arrives (and after each acknowledgment),
-   info remains at None *)
-lemma cockpit_implements_Info_before_Al: "cockpit =<| Info_before_Al"
-apply (tactic {* is_sim_tac @{simpset} (thms "aut_simps") 1 *})
-(* to prove that before any alarm would be acknowledged, it must be arrived *)
-lemma cockpit_implements_Al_before_Ack: "cockpit_hide =<| Al_before_Ack"
-apply (tactic {* is_sim_tac @{simpset} (thms "aut_simps") 1 *})
-apply auto
--- a/src/HOLCF/IOA/Modelcheck/MuIOA.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-theory MuIOA
-imports IOA "../../../HOL/Modelcheck/MuckeSyn"
-  Internal_of_A :: "'a => bool"
-  Internal_of_C :: "'a => bool"
-  Start_of_A :: "'a => bool"
-  Start_of_C :: "'a => bool"
-  Trans_of_A :: "'a => 'b => bool"
-  Trans_of_C :: "'a => 'b => bool"
-  IntStep_of_A :: "'a => bool"
-  IntStepStar_of_A :: "'a => bool"
-  Move_of_A :: "'a => 'b => bool"
-  isSimCA :: "'a => bool"
-ML {*
-(* MuIOA.ML declares function mk_sim_oracle used by oracle "Sim" (see MuIOAOracle.thy).
-        There, implementation relations for I/O automatons are proved using
-        the model checker mucke (invoking cal_mucke_tac defined in MCSyn.ML). *)
-exception SimFailureExn of string;
-val ioa_simps = [thm "asig_of_def", thm "starts_of_def", thm "trans_of_def"];
-val asig_simps = [thm "asig_inputs_def", thm "asig_outputs_def",
-  thm "asig_internals_def", thm "actions_def"];
-val comp_simps = [thm "par_def", thm "asig_comp_def"];
-val restrict_simps = [thm "restrict_def", thm "restrict_asig_def"];
-val hide_simps = [thm "hide_def", thm "hide_asig_def"];
-val rename_simps = [thm "rename_def", thm "rename_set_def"];
-exception malformed;
-fun fst_type (Type(@{type_name prod},[a,_])) = a |
-fst_type _ = raise malformed; 
-fun snd_type (Type(@{type_name prod},[_,a])) = a |
-snd_type _ = raise malformed;
-fun element_type (Type("set",[a])) = a |
-element_type t = raise malformed;
-fun IntC sg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ ((Const("op <=",_) $ (_ $ concreteIOA)) $ _)) =
-val aut_typ = #T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sg concreteIOA));
-val sig_typ = fst_type aut_typ;
-val int_typ = fst_type sig_typ
-Const("Asig.internals",Type("fun",[sig_typ,int_typ])) $
- (Const("Automata.asig_of",Type("fun",[aut_typ,sig_typ])) $ concreteIOA)
-IntC sg t =
-error("malformed automaton def for IntC:\n" ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global sg t));
-fun StartC sg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ ((Const("op <=",_) $ (_ $ concreteIOA)) $ _)) =
-val aut_typ = #T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sg concreteIOA));
-val st_typ = fst_type(snd_type aut_typ)
-Const("Automata.starts_of",Type("fun",[aut_typ,st_typ])) $ concreteIOA
-StartC sg t =
-error("malformed automaton def for StartC:\n" ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global sg t));
-fun TransC sg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ ((Const("op <=",_) $ (_ $ concreteIOA)) $ _)) = 
-val aut_typ = #T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sg concreteIOA));
-val tr_typ = fst_type(snd_type(snd_type aut_typ))
-Const("Automata.trans_of",Type("fun",[aut_typ,tr_typ])) $ concreteIOA
-TransC sg t =
-error("malformed automaton def for TransC:\n" ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global sg t));
-fun IntA sg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ ((Const("op <=",_) $ _) $ (_ $ abstractIOA))) =
-val aut_typ = #T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sg abstractIOA));
-val sig_typ = fst_type aut_typ;
-val int_typ = fst_type sig_typ
-Const("Asig.internals",Type("fun",[sig_typ,int_typ])) $
- (Const("Automata.asig_of",Type("fun",[aut_typ,sig_typ])) $ abstractIOA)
-IntA sg t =
-error("malformed automaton def for IntA:\n" ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global sg t));
-fun StartA sg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ ((Const("op <=",_) $ _) $ (_ $ abstractIOA))) =
-val aut_typ = #T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sg abstractIOA));
-val st_typ = fst_type(snd_type aut_typ)
-Const("Automata.starts_of",Type("fun",[aut_typ,st_typ])) $ abstractIOA
-StartA sg t =
-error("malformed automaton def for StartA:\n" ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global sg t));
-fun TransA sg (Const("Trueprop",_) $ ((Const("op <=",_) $ _) $ (_ $ abstractIOA))) =
-val aut_typ = #T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sg abstractIOA));
-val tr_typ = fst_type(snd_type(snd_type aut_typ))
-Const("Automata.trans_of",Type("fun",[aut_typ,tr_typ])) $ abstractIOA 
-TransA sg t =
-error("malformed automaton def for TransA:\n" ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global sg t));
-fun delete_ul [] = []
-| delete_ul (x::xs) = if (is_prefix (op =) ("\^["::"["::"4"::"m"::[]) (x::xs))
-        then (let val (_::_::_::s) = xs in delete_ul s end)
-        else (if (is_prefix (op =) ("\^["::"["::"0"::"m"::[]) (x::xs))
-                then  (let val (_::_::_::s) = xs in delete_ul s end)
-                else (x::delete_ul xs));
-fun delete_ul_string s = implode(delete_ul (explode s));
-fun type_list_of sign (Type(@{type_name prod},a::b::_)) = (type_list_of sign a) @ (type_list_of sign b) |
-type_list_of sign a = [(Syntax.string_of_typ_global sign a)];
-fun structured_tuple l (Type(@{type_name prod},s::t::_)) =
-val (r,str) = structured_tuple l s;
-(fst(structured_tuple r t),"(" ^ str ^ "),(" ^ (snd(structured_tuple r t)) ^ ")")
-end |
-structured_tuple (a::r) t = (r,a) |
-structured_tuple [] _ = raise malformed;
-fun varlist_of _ _ [] = [] |
-varlist_of n s (a::r) = (s ^ (Int.toString(n))) :: (varlist_of (n+1) s r);
-fun string_of [] = "" |
-string_of (a::r) = a ^ " " ^ (string_of r);
-fun tupel_typed_of _ _ _ [] = "" |
-tupel_typed_of sign s n [a] = s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "::" ^ a |
-tupel_typed_of sign s n (a::r) =
- s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "::" ^ a ^ "," ^ (tupel_typed_of sign s (n+1) r);
-fun double_tupel_typed_of _ _ _ _ [] = "" |
-double_tupel_typed_of sign s t n [a] =
- s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "::" ^ a ^ "," ^
- t ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "::" ^ a |
-double_tupel_typed_of sign s t n (a::r) =
- s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "::" ^ a ^ "," ^
- t ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "::" ^ a ^ "," ^ (double_tupel_typed_of sign s t (n+1) r);
-fun tupel_of _ _ _ [] = "" |
-tupel_of sign s n [a] = s ^ (Int.toString(n)) |
-tupel_of sign s n (a::r) = s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "," ^ (tupel_of sign s (n+1) r);
-fun double_tupel_of _ _ _ _ [] = "" |
-double_tupel_of sign s t n [a] = s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "," ^
-                                 t ^ (Int.toString(n)) |
-double_tupel_of sign s t n (a::r) = s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "," ^
-                t ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ "," ^ (double_tupel_of sign s t (n+1) r);
-fun eq_string _ _ _ [] = "" |
-eq_string s t n [a] = s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ " = " ^
-                         t ^ (Int.toString(n)) |
-eq_string s t n (a::r) =
- s ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ " = " ^
- t ^ (Int.toString(n)) ^ " & " ^ (eq_string s t (n+1) r);
-fun merge_var_and_type [] [] = "" |
-merge_var_and_type (a::r) (b::s) = "(" ^ a ^ " ::" ^ b ^ ") " ^ (merge_var_and_type r s) |
-merge_var_and_type _ _ = raise malformed;
-fun mk_sim_oracle (csubgoal, thl) =
-  let
-    val sign = Thm.theory_of_cterm csubgoal;
-    val subgoal = Thm.term_of csubgoal;
-  in
- (let
-    val weak_case_congs = (map (#weak_case_cong o snd) o Symtab.dest o Datatype.get_all) sign;
-    val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl subgoal;
-    val ic_str = delete_ul_string(Syntax.string_of_term_global sign (IntC sign concl));
-    val ia_str = delete_ul_string(Syntax.string_of_term_global sign (IntA sign concl));
-        val sc_str = delete_ul_string(Syntax.string_of_term_global sign (StartC sign concl));   
-        val sa_str = delete_ul_string(Syntax.string_of_term_global sign (StartA sign concl));
-        val tc_str = delete_ul_string(Syntax.string_of_term_global sign (TransC sign concl));
-        val ta_str = delete_ul_string(Syntax.string_of_term_global sign (TransA sign concl));
-        val action_type_str =
-        Syntax.string_of_typ_global sign (element_type(#T (rep_cterm(cterm_of sign (IntA sign concl)))));
-        val abs_state_type_list =
-        type_list_of sign (element_type(#T (rep_cterm(cterm_of sign (StartA sign concl)))));
-        val con_state_type_list =
-        type_list_of sign (element_type(#T (rep_cterm(cterm_of sign (StartC sign concl)))));
-        val tupel_eq = eq_string "s" "t" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_pre_tupel_typed = tupel_typed_of sign "s" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_s_t_tupel_typed = double_tupel_typed_of sign "s" "t" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val con_pre_tupel_typed = tupel_typed_of sign "cs" 0 con_state_type_list;
-        val con_s_t_tupel_typed = double_tupel_typed_of sign "cs" "ct" 0 con_state_type_list;
-        val abs_pre_tupel = tupel_of sign "s" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_post_tupel = tupel_of sign "t" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_s_t_tupel = double_tupel_of sign "s" "t" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_s_u_tupel = double_tupel_of sign "s" "u" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_u_t_tupel = double_tupel_of sign "u" "t" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_u_v_tupel = double_tupel_of sign "u" "v" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_v_t_tupel = double_tupel_of sign "v" "t" 0 abs_state_type_list;
-        val con_pre_tupel = tupel_of sign "cs" 0 con_state_type_list;
-        val con_post_tupel = tupel_of sign "ct" 0 con_state_type_list;
-        val con_s_t_tupel = double_tupel_of sign "cs" "ct" 0 con_state_type_list;
-        val abs_pre_varlist = varlist_of 0 "s" abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_post_varlist = varlist_of 0 "t" abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_u_varlist = varlist_of 0 "u" abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_v_varlist = varlist_of 0 "v" abs_state_type_list;
-        val con_pre_varlist = varlist_of 0 "cs" con_state_type_list;
-        val con_post_varlist = varlist_of 0 "ct" con_state_type_list;
-        val abs_post_str = string_of abs_post_varlist;
-        val abs_u_str = string_of abs_u_varlist;
-        val con_post_str = string_of con_post_varlist;
-        val abs_pre_str_typed = merge_var_and_type abs_pre_varlist abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_u_str_typed = merge_var_and_type abs_u_varlist abs_state_type_list;
-        val abs_v_str_typed = merge_var_and_type abs_v_varlist abs_state_type_list;
-        val con_pre_str_typed = merge_var_and_type con_pre_varlist con_state_type_list;
-        val abs_pre_tupel_struct = snd(
-structured_tuple abs_pre_varlist (element_type(#T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sign (StartA sign concl))))));
-        val abs_post_tupel_struct = snd(
-structured_tuple abs_post_varlist (element_type(#T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sign (StartA sign concl))))));
-        val con_pre_tupel_struct = snd(
-structured_tuple con_pre_varlist (element_type(#T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sign (StartC sign concl))))));
-        val con_post_tupel_struct = snd(
-structured_tuple con_post_varlist (element_type(#T(rep_cterm(cterm_of sign (StartC sign concl))))));
-( "(Internal_of_A = (% a::(" ^ action_type_str ^ "). a:(" ^ ia_str^
-  "))) --> (Internal_of_C = (% a::(" ^ action_type_str ^ "). a:(" ^ ic_str ^ 
-  "))) --> (Start_of_A = (% (" ^ abs_pre_tupel_typed ^
-        "). (" ^ abs_pre_tupel_struct ^ "):(" ^ sa_str ^
-  "))) --> (Start_of_C = (% (" ^ con_pre_tupel_typed ^
-        "). (" ^ con_pre_tupel_struct ^ "):(" ^ sc_str ^
-  "))) --> (Trans_of_A = (% (" ^ abs_s_t_tupel_typed ^ ") (a::(" ^ action_type_str ^ 
-        ")). ((" ^ abs_pre_tupel_struct ^ "),a,(" ^ abs_post_tupel_struct ^ ")):(" ^ ta_str ^
-  "))) --> (Trans_of_C = (% (" ^ con_s_t_tupel_typed ^ ") (a::(" ^ action_type_str ^ 
-        ")). ((" ^ con_pre_tupel_struct ^ "),a,(" ^ con_post_tupel_struct ^ ")):(" ^ tc_str ^
-  "))) --> (IntStep_of_A = (% (" ^ abs_s_t_tupel_typed ^ 
-        "). ? (a::(" ^ action_type_str ^
-        ")). Internal_of_A a & Trans_of_A (" ^ abs_s_t_tupel ^ ") a" ^
-  ")) --> (IntStepStar_of_A =  mu (% P (" ^ abs_s_t_tupel_typed ^
-         "). (" ^ tupel_eq ^ ") | (? " ^ abs_u_str ^ ". IntStep_of_A (" ^ abs_s_u_tupel ^
-         ") & P(" ^ abs_u_t_tupel ^ ")))" ^
-  ") --> (Move_of_A = (% (" ^ abs_s_t_tupel_typed ^ ") (a::(" ^ action_type_str ^ 
-        ")). (Internal_of_C a & IntStepStar_of_A(" ^ abs_s_t_tupel ^ 
-        ")) | (? " ^ abs_u_str_typed ^ ". ? " ^ abs_v_str_typed ^
-        ". IntStepStar_of_A(" ^ abs_s_u_tupel ^ ") & " ^
-        "Trans_of_A (" ^ abs_u_v_tupel ^ ") a  & IntStepStar_of_A(" ^ abs_v_t_tupel ^ "))" ^
-  ")) --> (isSimCA = nu (% P (" ^ con_pre_tupel_typed ^ "," ^ abs_pre_tupel_typed ^ 
-        "). (! (a::(" ^ action_type_str ^ ")) " ^ con_post_str ^
-        ". Trans_of_C (" ^ con_s_t_tupel ^ ") a  -->" ^ " (? " ^ abs_post_str ^
-  ". Move_of_A (" ^ abs_s_t_tupel ^ ") a  & P(" ^ con_post_tupel ^ "," ^ abs_post_tupel ^ "))))" ^
- ") --> (! " ^ con_pre_str_typed ^ ". ! " ^ abs_pre_str_typed ^
-        ". (Start_of_C (" ^ con_pre_tupel ^ ") & Start_of_A (" ^ abs_pre_tupel ^
-        ")) --> isSimCA(" ^ con_pre_tupel ^ "," ^ abs_pre_tupel ^ "))"); (REPEAT (rtac impI 1)); (REPEAT (dtac eq_reflection 1));
-(* Bis hierher wird im Kapitel 4 erl"autert, ab hier im Kapitel 5 *) (full_simp_tac ((global_simpset_of sign delcongs (if_weak_cong :: weak_case_congs)
-                              delsimps [not_iff, @{thm split_part}])
-                              addsimps (thl @ comp_simps @ restrict_simps @ hide_simps @
-                                        rename_simps @ ioa_simps @ asig_simps)) 1); (full_simp_tac
-  (Mucke_ss delcongs (if_weak_cong :: weak_case_congs) delsimps [not_iff, @{thm split_part}]) 1); (REPEAT (if_full_simp_tac
-  (global_simpset_of sign delcongs (if_weak_cong :: weak_case_congs) delsimps [not_iff, @{thm split_part}]) 1)); (call_mucke_tac 1);
-(* Bis hierher wird im Kapitel 5 erl"autert, ab hier wieder im Kapitel 4 *) (atac 1);
-Thm.cterm_of sign (Logic.strip_imp_concl subgoal)
-handle malformed =>
-error("No suitable match to IOA types in " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term_global sign subgoal))
--- a/src/HOLCF/IOA/Modelcheck/MuIOAOracle.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-theory MuIOAOracle
-imports MuIOA
-oracle sim_oracle = mk_sim_oracle
-ML {*
-(* call_sim_tac invokes oracle "Sim" *)
-fun call_sim_tac thm_list = CSUBGOAL (fn (csubgoal, i) =>
-let val OraAss = sim_oracle (csubgoal,thm_list);
-in cut_facts_tac [OraAss] i end);
-val ioa_implements_def = thm "ioa_implements_def";
-(* is_sim_tac makes additionally to call_sim_tac some simplifications,
-        which are suitable for implementation realtion formulas *)
-fun is_sim_tac ss thm_list = SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
-  EVERY [REPEAT (etac thin_rl i),
-         simp_tac (ss addsimps [ioa_implements_def]) i,
-         rtac conjI i,
-         rtac conjI (i+1),
-         TRY(call_sim_tac thm_list (i+2)),
-         TRY(atac (i+2)), 
-         REPEAT(rtac refl (i+2)),
-         simp_tac (ss addsimps (thm_list @
-                                       comp_simps @ restrict_simps @ hide_simps @
-                                       rename_simps @  ioa_simps @ asig_simps)) (i+1),
-         simp_tac (ss addsimps (thm_list @
-                                       comp_simps @ restrict_simps @ hide_simps @
-                                       rename_simps @ ioa_simps @ asig_simps)) (i)]);
--- a/src/HOLCF/IOA/Modelcheck/ROOT.ML	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOLCF/IOA/Modelcheck/ROOT.ML
-    Author:     Olaf Mueller and Tobias Hamberger, TU Muenchen
-Modelchecker setup for I/O automata.
-time_use_thy "MuIOAOracle";
-(*check if user has mucke installed*)
-fun mucke_enabled () = getenv "MUCKE_HOME" <> "";
-fun if_mucke_enabled f x = if mucke_enabled () then f x else ();
-if_mucke_enabled time_use_thy "Cockpit";
-if_mucke_enabled time_use_thy "Ring3";
--- a/src/HOLCF/IOA/Modelcheck/Ring3.thy	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-theory Ring3
-imports MuIOAOracle
-datatype token = Leader | id0 | id1 | id2 | id3 | id4
-datatype Comm =
-  Zero_One token | One_Two token | Two_Zero token |
-  Leader_Zero | Leader_One | Leader_Two
-  Greater :: "[token, token] => bool" where
-  "Greater x y =
-    (x~=Leader & x~=id0 & y=id0) | (x=id4 & y~=id4 & y~=Leader) |
-    (x=id2 & y=id1) | (x=id3 & y=id1) | (x=id3 & y=id2)"
-(*the ring is the composition of aut0, aut1 and aut2*)
-automaton aut0 =
-  signature
-    actions Comm
-    inputs "Two_Zero t"
-    outputs "Zero_One t","Leader_Zero"
-  states
-    idf :: token
-  initially "idf=id0 | idf = id3"
-  transitions
-    "Two_Zero t"
-      transrel
-        "if (t=id0 | t=id3) then (idf'=Leader) else
-        (if (Greater t idf) then (idf'=t) else (idf'=idf))"
-    "Zero_One t"
-      pre "t=idf"
-    "Leader_Zero"
-      pre "idf=Leader"
-automaton aut1 =
-  signature
-    actions Comm
-    inputs "Zero_One t"
-    outputs "One_Two t","Leader_One"
-  states
-    idf :: token
-  initially "idf=id1 | idf=id4"
-  transitions
-    "Zero_One t"
-      transrel
-        "if (t=id1 | t=id4) then (idf'=Leader) else
-        (if (Greater t idf) then (idf'=t) else (idf'=idf))"
-    "One_Two t"
-      pre "t=idf"
-    "Leader_One"
-      pre "idf=Leader"
-automaton aut2 =
-  signature
-    actions Comm
-    inputs "One_Two t"
-    outputs "Two_Zero t","Leader_Two"
-  states
-    idf :: token
-  initially "idf=id2"
-  transitions
-    "One_Two t"
-      transrel
-        "if (t=id2) then (idf'=Leader) else
-        (if (Greater t idf) then (idf'=t) else (idf'=idf))"
-    "Two_Zero t"
-      pre "t=idf"
-    "Leader_Two"
-      pre "idf=Leader"
-automaton ring = compose aut0, aut1, aut2
-(*one_leader expresses property that at most one component declares
-  itself to leader*)
-automaton one_leader =
-  signature
-    actions Comm
-    outputs "Zero_One t","One_Two t","Two_Zero t","Leader_Zero","Leader_One","Leader_Two"
-  states
-    leader :: token
-  initially "leader=Leader"
-  transitions
-    "Zero_One t"
-      pre "True"
-    "One_Two t"
-      pre "True"
-    "Two_Zero t"
-      pre "True"
-    "Leader_Zero"
-      pre "leader=id0 | leader=Leader"
-      post leader:="id0"
-    "Leader_One"
-      pre "leader=id1 | leader=Leader"
-      post leader:="id1"
-    "Leader_Two"
-      pre "leader=id2 | leader=Leader"
-      post leader:="id2"
-lemmas aut_simps =
-  Greater_def one_leader_def
-  one_leader_asig_def one_leader_trans_def one_leader_initial_def
-  ring_def aut0_asig_def aut0_trans_def aut0_initial_def aut0_def
-  aut1_asig_def aut1_trans_def aut1_initial_def aut1_def
-  aut2_asig_def aut2_trans_def aut2_initial_def aut2_def
-(* property to prove: at most one (of 3) members of the ring will
-   declare itself to leader *)
-lemma at_most_one_leader: "ring =<| one_leader"
-apply (tactic {* is_sim_tac @{simpset} (thms "aut_simps") 1 *})
-apply auto
--- a/src/HOLCF/IsaMakefile	Mon Jul 12 20:21:39 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOLCF/IsaMakefile	Mon Jul 12 20:35:10 2010 +0200
@@ -6,10 +6,16 @@
 default: HOLCF
 images: HOLCF IOA
+test: \
   HOLCF-Library \
   HOLCF-Tutorial \
-      IOA-ABP IOA-NTP IOA-Modelcheck IOA-Storage IOA-ex
+  HOLCF-ex \
+  IOA-ABP \
+  IOA-NTP \
+  IOA-Storage \
+  IOA-ex
 all: images test
@@ -189,16 +195,6 @@
 	@cd IOA; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/IOA NTP
-## IOA-Modelcheck
-IOA-Modelcheck: IOA $(LOG)/IOA-Modelcheck.gz
-$(LOG)/IOA-Modelcheck.gz: $(OUT)/IOA IOA/Modelcheck/ROOT.ML \
-  IOA/Modelcheck/Cockpit.thy IOA/Modelcheck/MuIOA.thy \
-  IOA/Modelcheck/MuIOAOracle.thy IOA/Modelcheck/Ring3.thy
-	@cd IOA; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/IOA Modelcheck
 ## IOA-Storage
 IOA-Storage: IOA $(LOG)/IOA-Storage.gz
@@ -223,6 +219,5 @@
 	@rm -f $(OUT)/HOLCF $(LOG)/HOLCF.gz $(LOG)/HOLCF-IMP.gz	\
 	  $(LOG)/HOLCF-ex.gz $(LOG)/HOLCF-FOCUS.gz $(OUT)/IOA	\
 	  $(LOG)/IOA.gz $(LOG)/IOA-ABP.gz $(LOG)/IOA-NTP.gz	\
-	  $(LOG)/IOA-Modelcheck.gz $(LOG)/IOA-Storage.gz	\
-	  $(LOG)/HOLCF-Library.gz \
+	  $(LOG)/IOA-Storage.gz $(LOG)/HOLCF-Library.gz		\
 	  $(LOG)/IOA-ex.gz $(LOG)/HOLCF-Tutorial.gz