--- a/src/Pure/theory.ML Thu Sep 20 20:56:33 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/theory.ML Thu Sep 20 20:56:34 2007 +0200
@@ -15,30 +15,28 @@
+ val assert_super: theory -> theory -> theory
val parents_of: theory -> theory list
val ancestors_of: theory -> theory list
- val begin_theory: string -> theory list -> theory
- val end_theory: theory -> theory
+ val check_thy: theory -> theory_ref
+ val deref: theory_ref -> theory
+ val merge: theory * theory -> theory
+ val merge_refs: theory_ref * theory_ref -> theory_ref
+ val merge_list: theory list -> theory
val checkpoint: theory -> theory
val copy: theory -> theory
- val rep_theory: theory ->
- {axioms: term NameSpace.table,
- defs: Defs.T,
- oracles: ((theory * Object.T -> term) * stamp) NameSpace.table}
+ val requires: theory -> string -> string -> unit
val axiom_space: theory -> NameSpace.T
val axiom_table: theory -> term Symtab.table
val oracle_space: theory -> NameSpace.T
val oracle_table: theory -> ((theory * Object.T -> term) * stamp) Symtab.table
val axioms_of: theory -> (string * term) list
val all_axioms_of: theory -> (string * term) list
- val defs_of : theory -> Defs.T
- val check_thy: theory -> theory_ref
- val deref: theory_ref -> theory
- val merge: theory * theory -> theory
- val merge_refs: theory_ref * theory_ref -> theory_ref
- val merge_list: theory list -> theory
- val requires: theory -> string -> string -> unit
- val assert_super: theory -> theory -> theory
+ val defs_of: theory -> Defs.T
+ val at_begin: (theory -> theory option) -> theory -> theory
+ val at_end: (theory -> theory option) -> theory -> theory
+ val begin_theory: string -> theory list -> theory
+ val end_theory: theory -> theory
val cert_axm: theory -> string * term -> string * term
val read_axm: theory -> string * string -> string * term
val add_axioms: (bstring * string) list -> theory -> theory
@@ -51,111 +49,11 @@
val add_oracle: bstring * (theory * Object.T -> term) -> theory -> theory
- type T
- type interpretator = T list -> theory -> theory
- val add_those: T list -> theory -> theory
- val all_those: theory -> T list
- val add_interpretator: interpretator -> theory -> theory
- val init: theory -> theory
- type T
- val eq: T * T -> bool
-structure Theory =
+structure Theory: THEORY =
-(** datatype thy **)
-datatype thy = Thy of
- {axioms: term NameSpace.table,
- defs: Defs.T,
- oracles: ((theory * Object.T -> term) * stamp) NameSpace.table,
- consolidate: theory -> theory};
-fun make_thy (axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate) =
- Thy {axioms = axioms, defs = defs, oracles = oracles, consolidate = consolidate};
-fun err_dup_axm dup = error ("Duplicate axiom: " ^ quote dup);
-fun err_dup_ora dup = error ("Duplicate oracle: " ^ quote dup);
-structure ThyData = TheoryDataFun
- type T = thy;
- val empty = make_thy (NameSpace.empty_table, Defs.empty, NameSpace.empty_table, I);
- val copy = I;
- fun extend (Thy {axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate}) =
- make_thy (NameSpace.empty_table, defs, oracles, consolidate);
- fun merge pp (thy1, thy2) =
- let
- val Thy {axioms = _, defs = defs1, oracles = oracles1,
- consolidate = consolidate1} = thy1;
- val Thy {axioms = _, defs = defs2, oracles = oracles2,
- consolidate = consolidate2} = thy2;
- val axioms = NameSpace.empty_table;
- val defs = Defs.merge pp (defs1, defs2);
- val oracles = NameSpace.merge_tables (eq_snd (op =)) (oracles1, oracles2)
- handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_ora dup;
- val consolidate = consolidate1 #> consolidate2;
- in make_thy (axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate) end;
-fun rep_theory thy = ThyData.get thy |> (fn Thy {axioms, defs, oracles, ...} =>
- {axioms = axioms, defs = defs, oracles = oracles});
-fun map_thy f = ThyData.map (fn (Thy {axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate}) =>
- make_thy (f (axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate)));
-fun map_axioms f = map_thy
- (fn (axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate) => (f axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate));
-fun map_defs f = map_thy
- (fn (axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate) => (axioms, f defs, oracles, consolidate));
-fun map_oracles f = map_thy
- (fn (axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate) => (axioms, defs, f oracles, consolidate));
-(* basic operations *)
-val axiom_space = #1 o #axioms o rep_theory;
-val axiom_table = #2 o #axioms o rep_theory;
-val oracle_space = #1 o #oracles o rep_theory;
-val oracle_table = #2 o #oracles o rep_theory;
-val axioms_of = Symtab.dest o #2 o #axioms o rep_theory;
-val defs_of = #defs o rep_theory;
-fun requires thy name what =
- if Context.exists_name name thy then ()
- else error ("Require theory " ^ quote name ^ " as an ancestor for " ^ what);
-(* interpretators *)
-fun add_consolidate f = map_thy
- (fn (axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate) => (axioms, defs, oracles, consolidate #> f));
-fun consolidate thy =
- let
- val Thy {consolidate, ...} = ThyData.get thy;
- in
- thy |> consolidate
- end;
-(** type theory **)
-(* context operations *)
+(** theory context operations **)
val eq_thy = Context.eq_thy;
val subthy = Context.subthy;
@@ -169,17 +67,128 @@
val check_thy = Context.check_thy;
val deref = Context.deref;
val merge = Context.merge;
val merge_refs = Context.merge_refs;
fun merge_list [] = raise THEORY ("Empty merge of theories", [])
| merge_list (thy :: thys) = Library.foldl merge (thy, thys);
-val begin_theory = Sign.local_path o consolidate oo Context.begin_thy Sign.pp;
-val end_theory = Context.finish_thy;
val checkpoint = Context.checkpoint_thy;
val copy = Context.copy_thy;
+fun requires thy name what =
+ if Context.exists_name name thy then ()
+ else error ("Require theory " ^ quote name ^ " as an ancestor for " ^ what);
+(** theory wrappers **)
+type wrapper = (theory -> theory option) * stamp;
+fun apply_wrappers (wrappers: wrapper list) =
+ let
+ fun app [] res = res
+ | app ((f, _) :: fs) (changed, thy) =
+ (case f thy of
+ NONE => app fs (changed, thy)
+ | SOME thy' => app fs (true, thy'));
+ fun app_fixpoint thy =
+ (case app wrappers (false, thy) of
+ (false, _) => thy
+ | (true, thy') => app_fixpoint thy');
+ in app_fixpoint end;
+(** datatype thy **)
+datatype thy = Thy of
+ {axioms: term NameSpace.table,
+ defs: Defs.T,
+ oracles: ((theory * Object.T -> term) * stamp) NameSpace.table,
+ wrappers: wrapper list * wrapper list};
+fun make_thy (axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers) =
+ Thy {axioms = axioms, defs = defs, oracles = oracles, wrappers = wrappers};
+fun err_dup_axm dup = error ("Duplicate axiom: " ^ quote dup);
+fun err_dup_ora dup = error ("Duplicate oracle: " ^ quote dup);
+structure ThyData = TheoryDataFun
+ type T = thy;
+ val empty = make_thy (NameSpace.empty_table, Defs.empty, NameSpace.empty_table, ([], []));
+ val copy = I;
+ fun extend (Thy {axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers}) =
+ make_thy (NameSpace.empty_table, defs, oracles, wrappers);
+ fun merge pp (thy1, thy2) =
+ let
+ val Thy {axioms = _, defs = defs1, oracles = oracles1, wrappers = (bgs1, ens1)} = thy1;
+ val Thy {axioms = _, defs = defs2, oracles = oracles2, wrappers = (bgs2, ens2)} = thy2;
+ val axioms' = NameSpace.empty_table;
+ val defs' = Defs.merge pp (defs1, defs2);
+ val oracles' = NameSpace.merge_tables (eq_snd (op =)) (oracles1, oracles2)
+ handle Symtab.DUP dup => err_dup_ora dup;
+ val bgs' = Library.merge (eq_snd op =) (bgs1, bgs2);
+ val ens' = Library.merge (eq_snd op =) (ens1, ens2);
+ in make_thy (axioms', defs', oracles', (bgs', ens')) end;
+fun rep_theory thy = ThyData.get thy |> (fn Thy args => args);
+fun map_thy f = ThyData.map (fn (Thy {axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers}) =>
+ make_thy (f (axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers)));
+fun map_axioms f = map_thy
+ (fn (axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers) => (f axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers));
+fun map_defs f = map_thy
+ (fn (axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers) => (axioms, f defs, oracles, wrappers));
+fun map_oracles f = map_thy
+ (fn (axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers) => (axioms, defs, f oracles, wrappers));
+fun map_wrappers f = map_thy
+ (fn (axioms, defs, oracles, wrappers) => (axioms, defs, oracles, f wrappers));
+(* basic operations *)
+val axiom_space = #1 o #axioms o rep_theory;
+val axiom_table = #2 o #axioms o rep_theory;
+val oracle_space = #1 o #oracles o rep_theory;
+val oracle_table = #2 o #oracles o rep_theory;
+val axioms_of = Symtab.dest o #2 o #axioms o rep_theory;
+fun all_axioms_of thy = maps axioms_of (thy :: ancestors_of thy);
+val defs_of = #defs o rep_theory;
+(* begin/end theory *)
+val begin_wrappers = rev o #1 o #wrappers o rep_theory;
+val end_wrappers = rev o #2 o #wrappers o rep_theory;
+fun at_begin f = map_wrappers (apfst (cons (f, stamp ())));
+fun at_end f = map_wrappers (apsnd (cons (f, stamp ())));
+fun begin_theory name imports =
+ let
+ val thy = Context.begin_thy Sign.pp name imports;
+ val wrappers = begin_wrappers thy;
+ in thy |> Sign.local_path |> apply_wrappers wrappers end;
+fun end_theory thy =
+ thy |> apply_wrappers (end_wrappers thy) |> Context.finish_thy;
(* signature operations *)
@@ -188,10 +197,7 @@
-(** axioms **)
-fun all_axioms_of thy = maps axioms_of (thy :: ancestors_of thy);
+(** add axioms **)
(* prepare axioms *)
@@ -350,66 +356,5 @@
-open Key;
-type interpretator = T list -> theory -> theory;
-fun apply ips x = fold_rev (fn (_, f) => f x) ips;
-structure InterpretatorData = TheoryDataFun (
- type T = ((serial * interpretator) list * T list) * (theory -> theory);
- val empty = (([], []), I);
- val extend = I;
- val copy = I;
- fun merge pp (((interpretators1, done1), upd1), ((interpretators2, done2), upd2)) =
- let
- fun diff (interpretators1 : (serial * interpretator) list, done1)
- (interpretators2, done2) = let
- val interpretators = subtract (eq_fst (op =)) interpretators1 interpretators2;
- val undone = subtract eq done2 done1;
- in apply interpretators undone end;
- val interpretators = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (interpretators1, interpretators2);
- val done = Library.merge eq (done1, done2);
- val upd_new = diff (interpretators2, done2) (interpretators1, done1)
- #> diff (interpretators1, done1) (interpretators2, done2);
- val upd = upd1 #> upd2 #> upd_new;
- in ((interpretators, done), upd) end;
-fun consolidate thy =
- let
- val (_, upd) = InterpretatorData.get thy;
- in
- thy |> upd |> (InterpretatorData.map o apsnd) (K I)
- end;
-val init = Theory.add_consolidate consolidate;
-fun add_those xs thy =
- let
- val ((interpretators, _), _) = InterpretatorData.get thy;
- in
- thy
- |> apply interpretators xs
- |> (InterpretatorData.map o apfst o apsnd) (append xs)
- end;
-val all_those = snd o fst o InterpretatorData.get;
-fun add_interpretator interpretator thy =
- let
- val ((interpretators, xs), _) = InterpretatorData.get thy;
- in
- thy
- |> interpretator (rev xs)
- |> (InterpretatorData.map o apfst o apfst) (cons (serial (), interpretator))
- end;
-structure Theory: THEORY = Theory;
structure BasicTheory: BASIC_THEORY = Theory;
open BasicTheory;