--- a/src/Pure/Build/build_manager.scala Mon Jun 10 16:37:16 2024 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Build/build_manager.scala Mon Jun 10 17:08:47 2024 +0200
@@ -678,15 +678,28 @@
private def start_next(): Option[Context] =
synchronized_database("start_next") {
_state.next(build_hosts).flatMap { task =>
- progress.echo("Initializing " + task.name)
+ echo("Initializing " + task.name)
_state = _state.remove_pending(task.name)
val id = _state.next_id(task.kind)
val context = Context(store, task, id)
+ val start_date = Date.now()
+ val start_msg =
+ "Starting job " + Build.name(task.kind, id) +
+ " at " + Build_Log.print_date(start_date) + "," +
+ " on " + (
+ if (task.build_cluster) "cluster"
+ else Library.the_single(task.build_hosts).hostname)
+ echo(start_msg + " (id " + task.uuid + ")")
Exn.capture {
+ context.progress.echo(start_msg)
val isabelle_rev =
@@ -705,26 +718,26 @@
else error("Unknown component " + component)
- Job(task.uuid, task.kind, id, isabelle_rev, task.build_cluster, hostnames, components)
+ Job(task.uuid, task.kind, id, isabelle_rev, task.build_cluster, hostnames, components,
+ start_date)
} match {
case Exn.Res(job) =>
_state = _state.add_running(job)
- val msg = "Starting " + job.name
- echo(msg + " (id " + job.uuid + ")")
- context.progress.echo(msg)
+ for {
+ component <- Component("Isabelle", job.isabelle_rev) :: job.components
+ if component.rev.nonEmpty
+ } context.progress.echo("Using " + component.toString)
case Exn.Exn(exn) =>
- val result = Result(task.kind, id, Status.aborted)
- _state = _state.add_finished(result)
- val msg = "Failed to start job: " + exn.getMessage
- echo_error_message(msg)
- context.progress.echo_error_message(msg)
+ context.progress.echo_error_message("Failed to start job: " + exn.getMessage)
+ echo_error_message("Failed to start " + task.uuid + ": " + exn.getMessage)
+ _state = _state.add_finished(Result(task.kind, id, Status.aborted))
@@ -739,11 +752,16 @@
private def finish_job(name: String, process_result: Process_Result): Unit =
synchronized_database("finish_job") {
val job = _state.running(name)
+ val end_date = Date.now()
val result = Result(job.kind, job.id, Status.from_result(process_result), Some(job.uuid))
+ val end_msg =
+ "Job ended at " + Build_Log.print_date(end_date) + ", with status " + result.status
+ new File_Progress(store.log_file(job.name)).echo(end_msg)
val interrupted_error = process_result.interrupted && process_result.err.nonEmpty
val err_msg = if_proper(interrupted_error, ": " + process_result.err)
- echo("Finished job " + job.uuid + " with status code " + process_result.rc + err_msg)
+ echo(end_msg + " (code " + process_result.rc + ")" + err_msg)
_state = _state
@@ -1217,7 +1235,8 @@
val finished = base_dir + Path.basic("finished")
def task_dir(task: Task) = pending + Path.basic(task.uuid.toString)
- def log_file(kind: String, id: Long): Path = finished + Path.make(List(kind, id.toString))
+ def log_file(kind: String, id: Long): Path =
+ finished + Path.make(List(kind, id.toString, "build-manager")).log
def sync_permissions(dir: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Unit = {
ssh.execute("chmod -R g+rwx " + File.bash_path(dir))