--- a/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML Tue Feb 26 21:45:13 2002 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML Tue Feb 26 21:46:03 2002 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* Title: Pure/Isar/locale.ML
ID: $Id$
- Author: Markus Wenzel, LMU München
+ Author: Markus Wenzel, LMU/TU München
Locales -- Isar proof contexts as meta-level predicates, with local
@@ -48,23 +48,23 @@
val print_locale: theory -> expr -> context attribute element list -> unit
val add_locale: bstring -> expr -> context attribute element list -> theory -> theory
val add_locale_i: bstring -> expr -> context attribute element_i list -> theory -> theory
+ val smart_have_thmss: string -> (string * 'a) Library.option ->
+ ((bstring * theory attribute list) * (thm list * theory attribute list) list) list ->
+ theory -> theory * (bstring * thm list) list
val have_thmss: string -> xstring ->
((bstring * context attribute list) * (xstring * context attribute list) list) list ->
theory -> theory * (bstring * thm list) list
val have_thmss_i: string -> string ->
((bstring * context attribute list) * (thm list * context attribute list) list) list ->
theory -> theory * (bstring * thm list) list
- val add_thmss_hybrid: string ->
- ((bstring * theory attribute list) * (thm list * theory attribute list) list) list ->
- (string * context attribute list list) option -> thm list list -> theory ->
- theory * (string * thm list) list
+ val add_thmss: string -> ((string * thm list) * context attribute list) list ->
+ context * theory -> (context * theory) * thm list list
val setup: (theory -> theory) list
structure Locale: LOCALE =
(** locale elements and expressions **)
type context = ProofContext.context;
@@ -440,6 +440,10 @@
let val (ctxt', (elemss', factss)) = apsnd split_list (activate_elemss prep_facts ctxt_elemss)
in (ctxt', (elemss', flat factss)) end;
+fun apply_facts name (ctxt, facts) =
+ let val (ctxt', (_, facts')) = activate_facts (K I) (ctxt, [((name, []), [Notes facts])])
+ in (ctxt', map (#2 o #2) facts') end;
@@ -830,24 +834,12 @@
-fun put_facts loc args thy =
- let
- val {import, elems, text, params} = the_locale thy loc;
- val note = Notes (map (fn ((a, more_atts), th_atts) =>
- ((a, more_atts), map (apfst (map (curry Thm.name_thm a))) th_atts)) args);
- in thy |> put_locale loc (make_locale import (elems @ [(note, stamp ())]) text params) end;
-fun add_thmss loc args thy =
- let val args' = map (fn ((a, ths), atts) => ((a, atts), [(ths, [])])) args in
- thy |> ProofContext.init |>
- cert_context_statement (Some loc) [Elem (Notes args')] []; (*test attributes now!*)
- thy |> put_facts loc args'
- end;
fun hide_bound_names names thy =
thy |> PureThy.hide_thms false
(map (Sign.full_name (Theory.sign_of thy)) (filter_out (equal "") names));
fun have_thmss_qualified kind loc args thy =
|> Theory.add_path (Sign.base_name loc)
@@ -855,6 +847,20 @@
|>> hide_bound_names (map (#1 o #1) args)
|>> Theory.parent_path;
+fun smart_have_thmss kind None = PureThy.have_thmss_i (Drule.kind kind)
+ | smart_have_thmss kind (Some (loc, _)) = have_thmss_qualified kind loc;
+fun put_facts loc args thy =
+ let
+ val {import, elems, text, params} = the_locale thy loc;
+ val note = Notes (map (fn ((a, more_atts), th_atts) =>
+ ((a, more_atts), map (apfst (map (curry Thm.name_thm a))) th_atts)) args);
+ in thy |> put_locale loc (make_locale import (elems @ [(note, stamp ())]) text params) end;
fun gen_have_thmss prep_locale get_thms kind raw_loc raw_args thy =
val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
@@ -875,13 +881,11 @@
val have_thmss = gen_have_thmss intern ProofContext.get_thms;
val have_thmss_i = gen_have_thmss (K I) (K I);
-fun add_thmss_hybrid kind args None _ thy = PureThy.have_thmss_i (Drule.kind kind) args thy
- | add_thmss_hybrid kind args (Some (loc, loc_atts)) loc_ths thy =
- if length args = length loc_atts then
- thy
- |> add_thmss loc ((map (#1 o #1) args ~~ loc_ths) ~~ loc_atts)
- |> have_thmss_qualified kind loc args
- else raise THEORY ("Bad number of locale attributes", [thy]);
+fun add_thmss loc args (ctxt, thy) =
+ let
+ val args' = map (fn ((a, ths), atts) => ((a, atts), [(ths, [])])) args;
+ val (ctxt', facts') = apply_facts loc (ctxt, args');
+ in ((ctxt', thy |> put_facts loc args'), facts') end;