refined document state assignment: observe perspective, more explicit assignment message;
misc tuning and clarification;
--- a/src/Pure/General/linear_set.ML Thu Aug 25 19:12:58 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/linear_set.ML Fri Aug 26 15:09:54 2011 +0200
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
val lookup: 'a T -> key -> ('a * key option) option
val update: key * 'a -> 'a T -> 'a T
val fold: key option ->
- ((key option * key) * 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a T -> 'b -> 'b
+ ((key option * key) * 'a -> 'b -> 'b option) -> 'a T -> 'b -> 'b
val get_first: key option ->
((key option * key) * 'a -> bool) -> 'a T -> ((key option * key) * 'a) option
val get_after: 'a T -> key option -> key option
@@ -89,7 +89,11 @@
val (x, next) = the_entry entries key;
val item = ((prev, key), x);
- in apply (SOME key) next (f item y) end;
+ in
+ (case f item y of
+ NONE => y
+ | SOME y' => apply (SOME key) next y')
+ end;
in apply NONE (optional_start set opt_start) end;
fun get_first opt_start P set =
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML Thu Aug 25 19:12:58 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.ML Fri Aug 26 15:09:54 2011 +0200
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
val cancel_execution: state -> Future.task list
val update_perspective: version_id -> version_id -> string -> command_id list -> state -> state
val edit: version_id -> version_id -> edit list -> state ->
- ((command_id * exec_id) list * (string * command_id option) list) * state
+ ((command_id * exec_id option) list * (string * command_id option) list) * state
val execute: version_id -> state -> state
val state: unit -> state
val change_state: (state -> state) -> unit
@@ -140,15 +140,18 @@
type edit = string * node_edit;
+fun next_entry (Node {entries, ...}) id =
+ (case Entries.lookup entries id of
+ NONE => err_undef "command entry" id
+ | SOME (_, next) => next);
fun the_entry (Node {entries, ...}) id =
(case Entries.lookup entries id of
NONE => err_undef "command entry" id
| SOME (exec, _) => exec);
-fun is_last_entry (Node {entries, ...}) id =
- (case Entries.lookup entries id of
- SOME (_, SOME _) => false
- | _ => true);
+fun the_default_entry node (SOME id) = the_default no_id (the_entry node id)
+ | the_default_entry _ NONE = no_id;
fun update_entry id exec_id =
map_entries (Entries.update (id, SOME exec_id));
@@ -208,7 +211,9 @@
in Graph.map_node name (set_header header') nodes3 end
|> touch_node name
| Perspective perspective =>
- update_node name (set_perspective perspective) nodes);
+ nodes
+ |> update_node name (set_perspective perspective)
+ |> touch_node name (* FIXME more precise!?! *));
@@ -371,10 +376,13 @@
-fun is_changed node' ((_, id), exec) =
- (case try (the_entry node') id of
- NONE => true
- | SOME exec' => exec' <> exec);
+fun after_perspective node ((prev, _), _) = #2 (get_perspective node) = prev;
+fun needs_update node0 ((_, id), SOME exec) =
+ (case try (the_entry node0) id of
+ SOME (SOME exec0) => exec0 <> exec
+ | _ => true)
+ | needs_update _ _ = true;
fun init_theory deps name node =
@@ -418,49 +426,62 @@
val updated =
nodes_of new_version |> Graph.schedule
(fn deps => fn (name, node) =>
- if not (is_touched node) then Future.value (([], []), node)
+ if not (is_touched node) then Future.value (([], [], []), node)
- (case first_entry NONE (is_changed (node_of old_version name)) node of
- NONE => Future.value (([], []), set_touched false node)
- | SOME ((prev, id), _) =>
- let
- fun init () = init_theory deps name node;
- in
+ let
+ val node0 = node_of old_version name;
+ fun init () = init_theory deps name node;
+ in
+ (case first_entry NONE (after_perspective node orf needs_update node0) node of
+ NONE => Future.value (([], [], []), set_touched false node)
+ | SOME ((prev, id), _) =>
(singleton o Future.forks)
{name = "Document.edit", group = NONE,
deps = map (Future.task_of o #2) deps, pri = 0, interrupts = false}
(fn () =>
- val prev_exec =
- (case prev of
- NONE => no_id
- | SOME prev_id => the_default no_id (the_entry node prev_id));
- val (execs, last_exec as (last_id, _)) =
- fold_entries (SOME id) (new_exec state init o #2 o #1)
- node ([], the_exec state prev_exec);
- val node' =
+ val (execs, exec) =
+ fold_entries (SOME id)
+ (fn entry1 as ((_, id1), _) => fn res =>
+ if after_perspective node entry1 then NONE
+ else SOME (new_exec state init id1 res))
+ node ([], the_exec state (the_default_entry node prev));
+ val no_execs =
+ if can (the_entry node0) id then
+ fold_entries (SOME id)
+ (fn ((_, id0), exec0) => fn res =>
+ if is_none exec0 then NONE
+ else if exists (fn (_, (id1, _)) => id0 = id1) execs then SOME res
+ else SOME (id0 :: res)) node0 []
+ else [];
+ val node1 =
fold (fn (exec_id, (command_id, _)) => update_entry command_id exec_id)
execs node;
+ val last_exec = if #1 exec = no_id then NONE else SOME (#1 exec);
val result =
- if is_last_entry node' last_id
- then #1 (#2 last_exec)
+ if is_some last_exec andalso is_none (next_entry node1 (the last_exec))
+ then #1 (#2 exec)
else no_result;
- val node'' = node'
- |> set_last_exec (if last_id = no_id then NONE else SOME last_id)
+ val node2 = node1
+ |> set_last_exec last_exec
|> set_result result
|> set_touched false;
- in ((execs, [(name, node'')]), node'') end)
- end))
- |> Future.joins |> map #1 |> rev; (* FIXME why rev? *)
+ in ((no_execs, execs, [(name, node2)]), node2) end))
+ end)
+ |> Future.joins |> map #1;
- val updated_nodes = maps #2 updated;
- val assignment = map (fn (exec_id, (command_id, _)) => (command_id, exec_id)) (maps #1 updated);
+ val command_execs =
+ map (rpair NONE) (maps #1 updated) @
+ map (fn (exec_id, (command_id, _)) => (command_id, SOME exec_id)) (maps #2 updated);
+ val updated_nodes = maps #3 updated;
val last_execs = map (fn (name, node) => (name, get_last_exec node)) updated_nodes;
val state' = state
- |> fold (fold define_exec o #1) updated
+ |> fold (fold define_exec o #2) updated
|> define_version new_id (fold put_node updated_nodes new_version);
- in ((assignment, last_execs), state') end;
+ in ((command_execs, last_execs), state') end;
@@ -490,7 +511,8 @@
(singleton o Future.forks)
{name = "theory:" ^ name, group = SOME (Future.new_group (SOME execution)),
deps = map (Future.task_of o #2) deps, pri = 1, interrupts = true}
- (fold_entries NONE (fn (_, exec) => fn () => force_exec node exec) node));
+ (fold_entries NONE
+ (fn entry as (_, exec) => fn () => SOME (force_exec node exec)) node));
in (versions, commands, execs, execution) end);
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala Thu Aug 25 19:12:58 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala Fri Aug 26 15:09:54 2011 +0200
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
object Change
- val init = Change(Future.value(Version.init), Nil, Future.value(Version.init))
+ val init: Change = Change(Future.value(Version.init), Nil, Future.value(Version.init))
sealed case class Change(
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
object History
- val init = new History(List(Change.init))
+ val init: History = new History(List(Change.init))
// FIXME pruning, purging of state
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
type Assign =
- (List[(Document.Command_ID, Document.Exec_ID)], // exec state assignment
+ (List[(Document.Command_ID, Option[Document.Exec_ID])], // exec state assignment
List[(String, Option[Document.Command_ID])]) // last exec
val no_assign: Assign = (Nil, Nil)
@@ -214,8 +214,13 @@
class Fail(state: State) extends Exception
- val init =
- State().define_version(Version.init, Map(), Map()).assign(, no_assign)._2
+ val init: State =
+ State().define_version(Version.init, Assignment.init).assign(, no_assign)._2
+ object Assignment
+ {
+ val init: Assignment = Assignment(Map.empty, Map.empty, false)
+ }
case class Assignment(
val command_execs: Map[Command_ID, Exec_ID],
@@ -223,12 +228,18 @@
val is_finished: Boolean)
def check_finished: Assignment = { require(is_finished); this }
- def assign(add_command_execs: List[(Command_ID, Exec_ID)],
+ def unfinished: Assignment = copy(is_finished = false)
+ def assign(add_command_execs: List[(Command_ID, Option[Exec_ID])],
add_last_execs: List[(String, Option[Command_ID])]): Assignment =
- // FIXME maintain last_commands
- Assignment(command_execs ++ add_command_execs, last_execs ++ add_last_execs, true)
+ val command_execs1 =
+ (command_execs /: add_command_execs) {
+ case (res, (command_id, None)) => res - command_id
+ case (res, (command_id, Some(exec_id))) => res + (command_id -> exec_id)
+ }
+ Assignment(command_execs1, last_execs ++ add_last_execs, true)
@@ -243,14 +254,12 @@
private def fail[A]: A = throw new State.Fail(this)
- def define_version(version: Version,
- command_execs: Map[Command_ID, Exec_ID],
- last_execs: Map[String, Option[Command_ID]]): State =
+ def define_version(version: Version, assignment: State.Assignment): State =
val id =
if (versions.isDefinedAt(id) || disposed(id)) fail
copy(versions = versions + (id -> version),
- assignments = assignments + (id -> State.Assignment(command_execs, last_execs, false)))
+ assignments = assignments + (id -> assignment.unfinished))
def define_command(command: Command): State =
@@ -263,7 +272,7 @@
def lookup_command(id: Command_ID): Option[Command] = commands.get(id).map(_.command)
def the_version(id: Version_ID): Version = versions.getOrElse(id, fail)
- def the_command(id: Command_ID): Command.State = commands.getOrElse(id, fail)
+ def the_command(id: Command_ID): Command.State = commands.getOrElse(id, fail) // FIXME rename
def the_exec(id: Exec_ID): Command.State = execs.getOrElse(id, fail)
def the_assignment(version: Version): State.Assignment =
assignments.getOrElse(, fail)
@@ -287,16 +296,16 @@
val version = the_version(id)
val (command_execs, last_execs) = arg
- val new_execs =
- (execs /: command_execs) {
- case (execs1, (cmd_id, exec_id)) =>
- if (execs1.isDefinedAt(exec_id) || disposed(exec_id)) fail
- execs1 + (exec_id -> the_command(cmd_id))
+ val (commands, new_execs) =
+ ((Nil: List[Command], execs) /: command_execs) {
+ case ((commands1, execs1), (cmd_id, Some(exec_id))) =>
+ val st = the_command(cmd_id)
+ (st.command :: commands1, execs1 + (exec_id -> st))
+ case (res, (_, None)) => res
val new_assignment = the_assignment(version).assign(command_execs, last_execs)
val new_state = copy(assignments = assignments + (id -> new_assignment), execs = new_execs)
- val commands = => the_command(p._1).command)
(commands, new_state)
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/isar_document.ML Thu Aug 25 19:12:58 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/isar_document.ML Fri Aug 26 15:09:54 2011 +0200
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Output.status (Markup.markup (Markup.assign new_id)
(assignment |>
let open XML.Encode
- in pair (list (pair int int)) (list (pair string (option int))) end
+ in pair (list (pair int (option int))) (list (pair string (option int))) end
|> YXML.string_of_body));
val state'' = Document.execute new_id state';
in state'' end));
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/isar_document.scala Thu Aug 25 19:12:58 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/isar_document.scala Fri Aug 26 15:09:54 2011 +0200
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ASSIGN, List((Markup.VERSION, Document.ID(id)))), body) =>
try {
import XML.Decode._
- val a = pair(list(pair(long, long)), list(pair(string, option(long))))(body)
+ val a = pair(list(pair(long, option(long))), list(pair(string, option(long))))(body)
Some(id, a)
catch {
--- a/src/Pure/System/session.scala Thu Aug 25 19:12:58 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/session.scala Fri Aug 26 15:09:54 2011 +0200
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
_.continue_history(Future.value(previous), text_edits, Future.value(version)))
val assignment = global_state().the_assignment(previous).check_finished
- global_state.change(_.define_version(version, assignment.command_execs, assignment.last_execs))
+ global_state.change(_.define_version(version, assignment))
global_state.change_yield(_.assign(, Document.no_assign))
prover.get.update_perspective(,, name, perspective)
@@ -268,15 +268,6 @@
val name =
val doc_edits = change.doc_edits
- val previous_assignment = global_state().the_assignment(previous).check_finished
- var command_execs = previous_assignment.command_execs
- for {
- (name, Document.Node.Edits(cmd_edits)) <- doc_edits // FIXME proper coverage!?
- (prev, None) <- cmd_edits
- removed <- previous.nodes(name).commands.get_after(prev)
- } command_execs -=
def id_command(command: Command)
if (global_state().lookup_command( {
@@ -289,7 +280,8 @@
edit foreach { case (c1, c2) => c1 foreach id_command; c2 foreach id_command }
- global_state.change(_.define_version(version, command_execs, previous_assignment.last_execs))
+ val assignment = global_state().the_assignment(previous).check_finished
+ global_state.change(_.define_version(version, assignment))
prover.get.edit_version(,, doc_edits)
@@ -388,9 +380,10 @@
case Edit_Node(name, master_dir, header, perspective, text_edits) if prover.isDefined =>
- if (text_edits.isEmpty && global_state().tip_stable)
- update_perspective(name, perspective)
- else
+// if (text_edits.isEmpty && global_state().tip_stable)
+// update_perspective(name, perspective)
+// else
handle_edits(name, master_dir, header,
List(Document.Node.Edits(text_edits), Document.Node.Perspective(perspective)))
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala Thu Aug 25 19:12:58 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala Fri Aug 26 15:09:54 2011 +0200
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
else last_perspective
snapshot() match {
- case Nil if new_perspective == last_perspective =>
+ case Nil if last_perspective == new_perspective =>
case edits =>
last_perspective = new_perspective