more specific conditions: scheduler_event, work_available, work_finished -- considereably reduces overhead with many threads;
Mon, 27 Jul 2009 12:11:18 +0200
changeset 32219 9a2566d1fdbd
parent 32218 222f26693757
child 32220 01ff6781dd18
more specific conditions: scheduler_event, work_available, work_finished -- considereably reduces overhead with many threads; more specific signal vs. broadcast; execute/finish: more careful notification based on minimal/maximal status; tuned shutdown;
--- a/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML	Mon Jul 27 12:00:02 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Concurrent/future.ML	Mon Jul 27 12:11:18 2009 +0200
@@ -114,20 +114,26 @@
 (* synchronization *)
+val scheduler_event = ConditionVar.conditionVar ();
+val work_available = ConditionVar.conditionVar ();
+val work_finished = ConditionVar.conditionVar ();
   val lock = Mutex.mutex ();
-  val cond = ConditionVar.conditionVar ();
 fun SYNCHRONIZED name = SimpleThread.synchronized name lock;
-fun wait () = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
+fun wait cond = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
   ConditionVar.wait (cond, lock);
-fun wait_timeout timeout = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
+fun wait_timeout cond timeout = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
   ignore (ConditionVar.waitUntil (cond, lock, Time.+ ( (), timeout)));
-fun notify_all () = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
+fun signal cond = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
+  ConditionVar.signal cond;
+fun broadcast cond = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
   ConditionVar.broadcast cond;
@@ -183,29 +189,35 @@
     val ok = setmp_thread_data (name, task, group) (fn () =>
       fold (fn job => fn ok => job valid andalso ok) jobs true) ();
     val _ = SYNCHRONIZED "execute" (fn () =>
-     (change queue (Task_Queue.finish task);
-      if ok then ()
-      else if Task_Queue.cancel (! queue) group then ()
-      else do_cancel group;
-      notify_all ()));
+      let
+        val maximal = change_result queue (Task_Queue.finish task);
+        val _ =
+          if ok then ()
+          else if Task_Queue.cancel (! queue) group then ()
+          else do_cancel group;
+        val _ = broadcast work_finished;
+        val _ = if maximal then () else broadcast work_available;
+      in () end);
   in () end;
 (* worker threads *)
-fun worker_wait () = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
-  (change_active false; wait (); change_active true);
+fun worker_wait cond = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
+ (change_active false; broadcast scheduler_event;
+  wait cond;
+  change_active true; broadcast scheduler_event);
 fun worker_next () = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
   if ! excessive > 0 then
     (dec excessive;
      change workers (filter_out (fn (thread, _) => Thread.equal (thread, Thread.self ())));
-     notify_all ();
+     broadcast scheduler_event;
-  else if overloaded () then (worker_wait (); worker_next ())
+  else if overloaded () then (worker_wait scheduler_event; worker_next ())
     (case change_result queue Task_Queue.dequeue of
-      NONE => (worker_wait (); worker_next ())
+      NONE => (worker_wait work_available; worker_next ())
     | some => some);
 fun worker_loop name =
@@ -231,11 +243,10 @@
     (*worker threads*)
-    val ws = ! workers;
     val _ =
-      if forall (Thread.isActive o #1) ws then ()
+      if forall (Thread.isActive o #1) (! workers) then ()
-        (case List.partition (Thread.isActive o #1) ws of
+        (case List.partition (Thread.isActive o #1) (! workers) of
           (_, []) => ()
         | (active, inactive) =>
             (workers := active; Multithreading.tracing 0 (fn () =>
@@ -244,24 +255,26 @@
     val m = if ! do_shutdown then 0 else Multithreading.max_threads_value ();
     val mm = (m * 3) div 2;
-    val l = length ws;
+    val l = length (! workers);
     val _ = excessive := l - mm;
     val _ =
       if mm > l then
-        funpow (mm - l) (fn () => worker_start ("worker " ^ string_of_int (inc next))) ()
+       (funpow (mm - l) (fn () => worker_start ("worker " ^ string_of_int (inc next))) ();
+        broadcast scheduler_event)
       else ();
     (*canceled groups*)
     val _ = change canceled (filter_out (Task_Queue.cancel (! queue)));
-    (*shutdown*)
-    val continue = not (! do_shutdown andalso null ws);
-    val _ = if continue then () else scheduler := NONE;
+    val timeout =
+      Time.fromMilliseconds (if not (! do_shutdown) andalso null (! canceled) then 500 else 50);
+    val _ = interruptible (fn () => wait_timeout scheduler_event timeout) ()
+      handle Exn.Interrupt => do_cancel (Task_Queue.cancel_all (! queue));
-    val _ = notify_all ();
-    val _ = interruptible (fn () =>
-        wait_timeout (Time.fromMilliseconds (if null (! canceled) then 1000 else 50))) ()
-      handle Exn.Interrupt => do_cancel (Task_Queue.cancel_all (! queue));
+    (*shutdown*)
+    val continue = not (! do_shutdown andalso null (! workers));
+    val _ = if continue then () else scheduler := NONE;
+    val _ = broadcast scheduler_event;
   in continue end;
 fun scheduler_loop () =
@@ -272,7 +285,8 @@
 fun scheduler_check name = SYNCHRONIZED name (fn () =>
   if not (scheduler_active ()) then
-    (do_shutdown := false; scheduler := SOME (SimpleThread.fork false scheduler_loop))
+   (do_shutdown := false; scheduler := SOME (SimpleThread.fork false scheduler_loop);
+    broadcast scheduler_event)
   else if ! do_shutdown then error "Scheduler shutdown in progress"
   else ());
@@ -292,7 +306,10 @@
       | NONE => Task_Queue.new_group (worker_group ()));
     val (result, job) = future_job group e;
     val task = SYNCHRONIZED "future" (fn () =>
-      change_result queue (Task_Queue.enqueue group deps pri job) before notify_all ());
+      let
+        val (task, minimal) = change_result queue (Task_Queue.enqueue group deps pri job);
+        val _ = if minimal then signal work_available else ();
+      in task end);
   in Future {task = task, group = group, result = result} end;
 fun fork e = fork_future NONE [] 0 e;
@@ -313,7 +330,7 @@
   | SOME res => res);
 fun join_next deps = (*requires SYNCHRONIZED*)
-  if overloaded () then (worker_wait (); join_next deps)
+  if overloaded () then (worker_wait scheduler_event; join_next deps)
   else change_result queue (Task_Queue.dequeue_towards deps);
 fun join_deps deps =
@@ -336,7 +353,7 @@
       fun join_wait x =
         if SYNCHRONIZED "join_wait" (fn () =>
-          is_finished x orelse (if worker then worker_wait () else wait (); false))
+          is_finished x orelse ((if worker then worker_wait else wait) work_finished; false))
         then () else join_wait x;
       val _ = xs |> (fn x =>
@@ -390,7 +407,7 @@
 (*cancel: present and future group members will be interrupted eventually*)
 fun cancel_group group =
  (scheduler_check "cancel check";
-  SYNCHRONIZED "cancel" (fn () => (do_cancel group; notify_all ())));
+  SYNCHRONIZED "cancel" (fn () => (do_cancel group; broadcast scheduler_event)));
 fun cancel x = cancel_group (group_of x);
@@ -401,13 +418,13 @@
   if Multithreading.available then
    (scheduler_check "shutdown check";
     SYNCHRONIZED "shutdown" (fn () =>
-     (while not (scheduler_active ()) do wait ();
-      while not (Task_Queue.is_empty (! queue)) do wait ();
+     (while not (scheduler_active ()) do wait scheduler_event;
+      while not (Task_Queue.is_empty (! queue)) do wait scheduler_event;
       do_shutdown := true;
-      notify_all ();
-      while not (null (! workers)) do wait ();
-      while scheduler_active () do wait ();
-      OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromMilliseconds 300))))
+      while scheduler_active () do
+       (broadcast work_available;
+        broadcast scheduler_event;
+        wait scheduler_event))))
   else ();