--- a/src/Pure/Pure.thy Fri Jan 17 20:20:20 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Pure.thy Fri Jan 17 20:31:39 2014 +0100
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
ML_file "Isar/isar_syn.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/rail.ML"
ML_file "Tools/rule_insts.ML";
ML_file "Tools/find_theorems.ML"
ML_file "Tools/find_consts.ML"
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT Fri Jan 17 20:20:20 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT Fri Jan 17 20:31:39 2014 +0100
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@
- "Thy/rail.ML"
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML Fri Jan 17 20:20:20 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML Fri Jan 17 20:31:39 2014 +0100
@@ -281,7 +281,6 @@
use "Thy/thy_load.ML";
use "Thy/thy_info.ML";
use "PIDE/document.ML";
-use "Thy/rail.ML";
(*theory and proof operations*)
use "Thy/thm_deps.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/rail.ML Fri Jan 17 20:20:20 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: Pure/Thy/rail.ML
- Author: Michael Kerscher, TU München
- Author: Makarius
-Railroad diagrams in LaTeX.
-structure Rail: sig end =
-(** lexical syntax **)
-(* datatype token *)
-datatype kind =
- Keyword | Ident | String | Antiq of Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.range | EOF;
-datatype token = Token of Position.range * (kind * string);
-fun pos_of (Token ((pos, _), _)) = pos;
-fun end_pos_of (Token ((_, pos), _)) = pos;
-fun kind_of (Token (_, (k, _))) = k;
-fun content_of (Token (_, (_, x))) = x;
-(* diagnostics *)
-val print_kind =
- fn Keyword => "rail keyword"
- | Ident => "identifier"
- | String => "single-quoted string"
- | Antiq _ => "antiquotation"
- | EOF => "end-of-input";
-fun print (Token ((pos, _), (k, x))) =
- (if k = EOF then print_kind k else print_kind k ^ " " ^ quote x) ^
- Position.here pos;
-fun print_keyword x = print_kind Keyword ^ " " ^ quote x;
-(* stopper *)
-fun mk_eof pos = Token ((pos, Position.none), (EOF, ""));
-val eof = mk_eof Position.none;
-fun is_eof (Token (_, (EOF, _))) = true
- | is_eof _ = false;
-val stopper =
- Scan.stopper (fn [] => eof | toks => mk_eof (end_pos_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
-(* tokenize *)
-fun token k ss = [Token (Symbol_Pos.range ss, (k, Symbol_Pos.content ss))];
-val scan_space = Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_blank o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
-val scan_keyword =
- Scan.one
- (member (op =) ["|", "*", "+", "?", "(", ")", "\\<newline>", ";", ":", "@"] o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
-val err_prefix = "Rail lexical error: ";
-val scan_token =
- scan_space >> K [] ||
- Antiquote.scan_antiq >> (fn antiq as (ss, _) => token (Antiq antiq) ss) ||
- scan_keyword >> (token Keyword o single) ||
- Lexicon.scan_id >> token Ident ||
- Symbol_Pos.scan_string_q err_prefix >> (token String o #1 o #2);
-val scan =
- (Scan.repeat scan_token >> flat) --|
- Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ "bad input")
- (Scan.ahead (Scan.one Symbol_Pos.is_eof));
-val tokenize = #1 o Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol_Pos.stopper scan) o Symbol_Pos.explode;
-(** parsing **)
-fun !!! scan =
- let
- val prefix = "Rail syntax error";
- fun get_pos [] = " (end-of-input)"
- | get_pos (tok :: _) = Position.here (pos_of tok);
- fun err (toks, NONE) = (fn () => prefix ^ get_pos toks)
- | err (toks, SOME msg) =
- (fn () =>
- let val s = msg () in
- if String.isPrefix prefix s then s
- else prefix ^ get_pos toks ^ ": " ^ s
- end);
- in Scan.!! err scan end;
-fun $$$ x =
- Scan.one (fn tok => kind_of tok = Keyword andalso content_of tok = x) ||
- Scan.fail_with
- (fn [] => (fn () => print_keyword x ^ " expected,\nbut end-of-input was found")
- | tok :: _ => (fn () => print_keyword x ^ " expected,\nbut " ^ print tok ^ " was found"));
-fun enum1 sep scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat ($$$ sep |-- !!! scan);
-fun enum sep scan = enum1 sep scan || Scan.succeed [];
-val ident = Scan.some (fn tok => if kind_of tok = Ident then SOME (content_of tok) else NONE);
-val string = Scan.some (fn tok => if kind_of tok = String then SOME (content_of tok) else NONE);
-val antiq = Scan.some (fn tok => (case kind_of tok of Antiq a => SOME a | _ => NONE));
-(** rail expressions **)
-(* datatype *)
-datatype rails =
- Cat of int * rail list
-and rail =
- Bar of rails list |
- Plus of rails * rails |
- Newline of int |
- Nonterminal of string |
- Terminal of bool * string |
- Antiquote of bool * (Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.range);
-fun reverse_cat (Cat (y, rails)) = Cat (y, rev (map reverse rails))
-and reverse (Bar cats) = Bar (map reverse_cat cats)
- | reverse (Plus (cat1, cat2)) = Plus (reverse_cat cat1, reverse_cat cat2)
- | reverse x = x;
-fun cat rails = Cat (0, rails);
-val empty = cat [];
-fun is_empty (Cat (_, [])) = true | is_empty _ = false;
-fun is_newline (Newline _) = true | is_newline _ = false;
-fun bar [Cat (_, [rail])] = rail
- | bar cats = Bar cats;
-fun plus cat1 cat2 = Plus (cat1, reverse_cat cat2);
-fun star cat1 cat2 =
- if is_empty cat2 then plus empty cat1
- else bar [empty, cat [plus cat1 cat2]];
-fun maybe rail = bar [empty, cat [rail]];
-(* read *)
-val at_mode = Scan.option ($$$ "@") >> (fn NONE => false | _ => true);
-fun body x = (enum1 "|" body1 >> bar) x
-and body0 x = (enum "|" body1 >> bar) x
-and body1 x =
- (body2 :|-- (fn a =>
- $$$ "*" |-- !!! body4e >> (cat o single o star a) ||
- $$$ "+" |-- !!! body4e >> (cat o single o plus a) ||
- Scan.succeed a)) x
-and body2 x = (Scan.repeat1 body3 >> cat) x
-and body3 x = (body4 :|-- (fn a => $$$ "?" >> K (maybe a) || Scan.succeed a)) x
-and body4 x =
- ($$$ "(" |-- !!! (body0 --| $$$ ")") ||
- $$$ "\\<newline>" >> K (Newline 0) ||
- ident >> Nonterminal ||
- at_mode -- string >> Terminal ||
- at_mode -- antiq >> Antiquote) x
-and body4e x = (Scan.option body4 >> (cat o the_list)) x;
-val rule_name = ident >> Antiquote.Text || antiq >> Antiquote.Antiq;
-val rule = rule_name -- ($$$ ":" |-- !!! body) || body >> pair (Antiquote.Text "");
-val rules = enum1 ";" (Scan.option rule) >> map_filter I;
-val read =
- #1 o Scan.error (Scan.finite stopper (rules --| !!! (Scan.ahead (Scan.one is_eof)))) o tokenize;
-(* latex output *)
-fun vertical_range_cat (Cat (_, rails)) y =
- let val (rails', (_, y')) =
- fold_map (fn rail => fn (y0, y') =>
- if is_newline rail then (Newline (y' + 1), (y' + 1, y' + 2))
- else
- let val (rail', y0') = vertical_range rail y0;
- in (rail', (y0, Int.max (y0', y'))) end) rails (y, y + 1)
- in (Cat (y, rails'), y') end
-and vertical_range (Bar cats) y =
- let val (cats', y') = fold_map vertical_range_cat cats y
- in (Bar cats', Int.max (y + 1, y')) end
- | vertical_range (Plus (cat1, cat2)) y =
- let val ([cat1', cat2'], y') = fold_map vertical_range_cat [cat1, cat2] y;
- in (Plus (cat1', cat2'), Int.max (y + 1, y')) end
- | vertical_range (Newline _) y = (Newline (y + 2), y + 3)
- | vertical_range atom y = (atom, y + 1);
-fun output_rules state rules =
- let
- val output_antiq = Thy_Output.eval_antiq (#1 (Keyword.get_lexicons ())) state;
- fun output_text b s =
- Output.output s
- |> b ? enclose "\\isakeyword{" "}"
- |> enclose "\\isa{" "}";
- fun output_cat c (Cat (_, rails)) = outputs c rails
- and outputs c [rail] = output c rail
- | outputs _ rails = implode (map (output "") rails)
- and output _ (Bar []) = ""
- | output c (Bar [cat]) = output_cat c cat
- | output _ (Bar (cat :: cats)) =
- "\\rail@bar\n" ^ output_cat "" cat ^
- implode (map (fn Cat (y, rails) =>
- "\\rail@nextbar{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n" ^ outputs "" rails) cats) ^
- "\\rail@endbar\n"
- | output c (Plus (cat, Cat (y, rails))) =
- "\\rail@plus\n" ^ output_cat c cat ^
- "\\rail@nextplus{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n" ^ outputs "c" rails ^
- "\\rail@endplus\n"
- | output _ (Newline y) = "\\rail@cr{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n"
- | output c (Nonterminal s) = "\\rail@" ^ c ^ "nont{" ^ output_text false s ^ "}[]\n"
- | output c (Terminal (b, s)) = "\\rail@" ^ c ^ "term{" ^ output_text b s ^ "}[]\n"
- | output c (Antiquote (b, a)) =
- "\\rail@" ^ c ^ (if b then "term{" else "nont{") ^ output_antiq a ^ "}[]\n";
- fun output_rule (name, rail) =
- let
- val (rail', y') = vertical_range rail 0;
- val out_name =
- (case name of
- Antiquote.Text "" => ""
- | Antiquote.Text s => output_text false s
- | Antiquote.Antiq a => output_antiq a);
- in
- "\\rail@begin{" ^ string_of_int y' ^ "}{" ^ out_name ^ "}\n" ^
- output "" rail' ^
- "\\rail@end\n"
- end;
- in
- "\\begin{railoutput}\n" ^
- implode (map output_rule rules) ^
- "\\end{railoutput}\n"
- end;
-val _ = Theory.setup
- (Thy_Output.antiquotation (Binding.name "rail")
- (Scan.lift (Parse.source_position Parse.string))
- (fn {state, ...} => output_rules state o read));
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/rail.ML Fri Jan 17 20:31:39 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+(* Title: Pure/Tools/rail.ML
+ Author: Michael Kerscher, TU München
+ Author: Makarius
+Railroad diagrams in LaTeX.
+structure Rail: sig end =
+(** lexical syntax **)
+(* datatype token *)
+datatype kind =
+ Keyword | Ident | String | Antiq of Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.range | EOF;
+datatype token = Token of Position.range * (kind * string);
+fun pos_of (Token ((pos, _), _)) = pos;
+fun end_pos_of (Token ((_, pos), _)) = pos;
+fun kind_of (Token (_, (k, _))) = k;
+fun content_of (Token (_, (_, x))) = x;
+(* diagnostics *)
+val print_kind =
+ fn Keyword => "rail keyword"
+ | Ident => "identifier"
+ | String => "single-quoted string"
+ | Antiq _ => "antiquotation"
+ | EOF => "end-of-input";
+fun print (Token ((pos, _), (k, x))) =
+ (if k = EOF then print_kind k else print_kind k ^ " " ^ quote x) ^
+ Position.here pos;
+fun print_keyword x = print_kind Keyword ^ " " ^ quote x;
+(* stopper *)
+fun mk_eof pos = Token ((pos, Position.none), (EOF, ""));
+val eof = mk_eof Position.none;
+fun is_eof (Token (_, (EOF, _))) = true
+ | is_eof _ = false;
+val stopper =
+ Scan.stopper (fn [] => eof | toks => mk_eof (end_pos_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
+(* tokenize *)
+fun token k ss = [Token (Symbol_Pos.range ss, (k, Symbol_Pos.content ss))];
+val scan_space = Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_blank o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
+val scan_keyword =
+ Scan.one
+ (member (op =) ["|", "*", "+", "?", "(", ")", "\<newline>", ";", ":", "@"] o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
+val err_prefix = "Rail lexical error: ";
+val scan_token =
+ scan_space >> K [] ||
+ Antiquote.scan_antiq >> (fn antiq as (ss, _) => token (Antiq antiq) ss) ||
+ scan_keyword >> (token Keyword o single) ||
+ Lexicon.scan_id >> token Ident ||
+ Symbol_Pos.scan_string_q err_prefix >> (token String o #1 o #2);
+val scan =
+ (Scan.repeat scan_token >> flat) --|
+ Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ "bad input")
+ (Scan.ahead (Scan.one Symbol_Pos.is_eof));
+val tokenize = #1 o Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol_Pos.stopper scan) o Symbol_Pos.explode;
+(** parsing **)
+fun !!! scan =
+ let
+ val prefix = "Rail syntax error";
+ fun get_pos [] = " (end-of-input)"
+ | get_pos (tok :: _) = Position.here (pos_of tok);
+ fun err (toks, NONE) = (fn () => prefix ^ get_pos toks)
+ | err (toks, SOME msg) =
+ (fn () =>
+ let val s = msg () in
+ if String.isPrefix prefix s then s
+ else prefix ^ get_pos toks ^ ": " ^ s
+ end);
+ in Scan.!! err scan end;
+fun $$$ x =
+ Scan.one (fn tok => kind_of tok = Keyword andalso content_of tok = x) ||
+ Scan.fail_with
+ (fn [] => (fn () => print_keyword x ^ " expected,\nbut end-of-input was found")
+ | tok :: _ => (fn () => print_keyword x ^ " expected,\nbut " ^ print tok ^ " was found"));
+fun enum1 sep scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat ($$$ sep |-- !!! scan);
+fun enum sep scan = enum1 sep scan || Scan.succeed [];
+val ident = Scan.some (fn tok => if kind_of tok = Ident then SOME (content_of tok) else NONE);
+val string = Scan.some (fn tok => if kind_of tok = String then SOME (content_of tok) else NONE);
+val antiq = Scan.some (fn tok => (case kind_of tok of Antiq a => SOME a | _ => NONE));
+(** rail expressions **)
+(* datatype *)
+datatype rails =
+ Cat of int * rail list
+and rail =
+ Bar of rails list |
+ Plus of rails * rails |
+ Newline of int |
+ Nonterminal of string |
+ Terminal of bool * string |
+ Antiquote of bool * (Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.range);
+fun reverse_cat (Cat (y, rails)) = Cat (y, rev (map reverse rails))
+and reverse (Bar cats) = Bar (map reverse_cat cats)
+ | reverse (Plus (cat1, cat2)) = Plus (reverse_cat cat1, reverse_cat cat2)
+ | reverse x = x;
+fun cat rails = Cat (0, rails);
+val empty = cat [];
+fun is_empty (Cat (_, [])) = true | is_empty _ = false;
+fun is_newline (Newline _) = true | is_newline _ = false;
+fun bar [Cat (_, [rail])] = rail
+ | bar cats = Bar cats;
+fun plus cat1 cat2 = Plus (cat1, reverse_cat cat2);
+fun star cat1 cat2 =
+ if is_empty cat2 then plus empty cat1
+ else bar [empty, cat [plus cat1 cat2]];
+fun maybe rail = bar [empty, cat [rail]];
+(* read *)
+val at_mode = Scan.option ($$$ "@") >> (fn NONE => false | _ => true);
+fun body x = (enum1 "|" body1 >> bar) x
+and body0 x = (enum "|" body1 >> bar) x
+and body1 x =
+ (body2 :|-- (fn a =>
+ $$$ "*" |-- !!! body4e >> (cat o single o star a) ||
+ $$$ "+" |-- !!! body4e >> (cat o single o plus a) ||
+ Scan.succeed a)) x
+and body2 x = (Scan.repeat1 body3 >> cat) x
+and body3 x = (body4 :|-- (fn a => $$$ "?" >> K (maybe a) || Scan.succeed a)) x
+and body4 x =
+ ($$$ "(" |-- !!! (body0 --| $$$ ")") ||
+ $$$ "\<newline>" >> K (Newline 0) ||
+ ident >> Nonterminal ||
+ at_mode -- string >> Terminal ||
+ at_mode -- antiq >> Antiquote) x
+and body4e x = (Scan.option body4 >> (cat o the_list)) x;
+val rule_name = ident >> Antiquote.Text || antiq >> Antiquote.Antiq;
+val rule = rule_name -- ($$$ ":" |-- !!! body) || body >> pair (Antiquote.Text "");
+val rules = enum1 ";" (Scan.option rule) >> map_filter I;
+val read =
+ #1 o Scan.error (Scan.finite stopper (rules --| !!! (Scan.ahead (Scan.one is_eof)))) o tokenize;
+(* latex output *)
+fun vertical_range_cat (Cat (_, rails)) y =
+ let val (rails', (_, y')) =
+ fold_map (fn rail => fn (y0, y') =>
+ if is_newline rail then (Newline (y' + 1), (y' + 1, y' + 2))
+ else
+ let val (rail', y0') = vertical_range rail y0;
+ in (rail', (y0, Int.max (y0', y'))) end) rails (y, y + 1)
+ in (Cat (y, rails'), y') end
+and vertical_range (Bar cats) y =
+ let val (cats', y') = fold_map vertical_range_cat cats y
+ in (Bar cats', Int.max (y + 1, y')) end
+ | vertical_range (Plus (cat1, cat2)) y =
+ let val ([cat1', cat2'], y') = fold_map vertical_range_cat [cat1, cat2] y;
+ in (Plus (cat1', cat2'), Int.max (y + 1, y')) end
+ | vertical_range (Newline _) y = (Newline (y + 2), y + 3)
+ | vertical_range atom y = (atom, y + 1);
+fun output_rules state rules =
+ let
+ val output_antiq = Thy_Output.eval_antiq (#1 (Keyword.get_lexicons ())) state;
+ fun output_text b s =
+ Output.output s
+ |> b ? enclose "\\isakeyword{" "}"
+ |> enclose "\\isa{" "}";
+ fun output_cat c (Cat (_, rails)) = outputs c rails
+ and outputs c [rail] = output c rail
+ | outputs _ rails = implode (map (output "") rails)
+ and output _ (Bar []) = ""
+ | output c (Bar [cat]) = output_cat c cat
+ | output _ (Bar (cat :: cats)) =
+ "\\rail@bar\n" ^ output_cat "" cat ^
+ implode (map (fn Cat (y, rails) =>
+ "\\rail@nextbar{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n" ^ outputs "" rails) cats) ^
+ "\\rail@endbar\n"
+ | output c (Plus (cat, Cat (y, rails))) =
+ "\\rail@plus\n" ^ output_cat c cat ^
+ "\\rail@nextplus{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n" ^ outputs "c" rails ^
+ "\\rail@endplus\n"
+ | output _ (Newline y) = "\\rail@cr{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n"
+ | output c (Nonterminal s) = "\\rail@" ^ c ^ "nont{" ^ output_text false s ^ "}[]\n"
+ | output c (Terminal (b, s)) = "\\rail@" ^ c ^ "term{" ^ output_text b s ^ "}[]\n"
+ | output c (Antiquote (b, a)) =
+ "\\rail@" ^ c ^ (if b then "term{" else "nont{") ^ output_antiq a ^ "}[]\n";
+ fun output_rule (name, rail) =
+ let
+ val (rail', y') = vertical_range rail 0;
+ val out_name =
+ (case name of
+ Antiquote.Text "" => ""
+ | Antiquote.Text s => output_text false s
+ | Antiquote.Antiq a => output_antiq a);
+ in
+ "\\rail@begin{" ^ string_of_int y' ^ "}{" ^ out_name ^ "}\n" ^
+ output "" rail' ^
+ "\\rail@end\n"
+ end;
+ in
+ "\\begin{railoutput}\n" ^
+ implode (map output_rule rules) ^
+ "\\end{railoutput}\n"
+ end;
+val _ = Theory.setup
+ (Thy_Output.antiquotation @{binding rail}
+ (Scan.lift (Parse.source_position Parse.string))
+ (fn {state, ...} => output_rules state o read));