--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/datatype_case.ML Tue Apr 24 15:14:31 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Tools/datatype_case.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Konrad Slind, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+ Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
+Nested case expressions on datatypes.
+signature DATATYPE_CASE =
+ val make_case: (string -> DatatypeAux.datatype_info option) ->
+ Proof.context -> bool -> string list -> term -> (term * term) list ->
+ term * (term * (int * bool)) list
+ val dest_case: (string -> DatatypeAux.datatype_info option) -> bool ->
+ string list -> term -> (term * (term * term) list) option
+ val strip_case: (string -> DatatypeAux.datatype_info option) -> bool ->
+ term -> (term * (term * term) list) option
+ val case_tr: (theory -> string -> DatatypeAux.datatype_info option) ->
+ Proof.context -> term list -> term
+ val case_tr': (theory -> string -> DatatypeAux.datatype_info option) ->
+ string -> Proof.context -> term list -> term
+structure DatatypeCase : DATATYPE_CASE =
+exception CASE_ERROR of string * int;
+fun match_type thy pat ob = Sign.typ_match thy (pat, ob) Vartab.empty;
+ * Get information about datatypes
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+fun ty_info (tab : string -> DatatypeAux.datatype_info option) s =
+ case tab s of
+ SOME {descr, case_name, index, sorts, ...} =>
+ let
+ val (_, (tname, dts, constrs)) = nth descr index;
+ val mk_ty = DatatypeAux.typ_of_dtyp descr sorts;
+ val T = Type (tname, map mk_ty dts)
+ in
+ SOME {case_name = case_name,
+ constructors = map (fn (cname, dts') =>
+ Const (cname, Logic.varifyT (map mk_ty dts' ---> T))) constrs}
+ end
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ * Each pattern carries with it a tag (i,b) where
+ * i is the clause it came from and
+ * b=true indicates that clause was given by the user
+ * (or is an instantiation of a user supplied pattern)
+ * b=false --> i = ~1
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+fun pattern_map f (tm,x) = (f tm, x);
+fun pattern_subst theta = pattern_map (subst_free theta);
+fun row_of_pat x = fst (snd x);
+fun add_row_used ((prfx, pats), (tm, tag)) used =
+ foldl add_term_free_names (foldl add_term_free_names
+ (add_term_free_names (tm, used)) pats) prfx;
+(* try to preserve names given by user *)
+fun default_names names ts =
+ map (fn ("", Free (name', _)) => name' | (name, _) => name) (names ~~ ts);
+fun strip_constraints (Const ("_constrain", _) $ t $ tT) =
+ strip_constraints t ||> cons tT
+ | strip_constraints t = (t, []);
+fun mk_fun_constrain tT t = Syntax.const "_constrain" $ t $
+ (Syntax.free "fun" $ tT $ Syntax.free "dummy");
+ * Produce an instance of a constructor, plus genvars for its arguments.
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+fun fresh_constr ty_match ty_inst colty used c =
+ let
+ val (_, Ty) = dest_Const c
+ val Ts = binder_types Ty;
+ val names = Name.variant_list used
+ (DatatypeProp.make_tnames (map Logic.unvarifyT Ts));
+ val ty = body_type Ty;
+ val ty_theta = ty_match ty colty handle Type.TYPE_MATCH =>
+ raise CASE_ERROR ("type mismatch", ~1)
+ val c' = ty_inst ty_theta c
+ val gvars = map (ty_inst ty_theta o Free) (names ~~ Ts)
+ in (c', gvars)
+ end;
+ * Goes through a list of rows and picks out the ones beginning with a
+ * pattern with constructor = name.
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+fun mk_group (name, T) rows =
+ let val k = length (binder_types T)
+ in fold (fn (row as ((prfx, p :: rst), rhs as (_, (i, _)))) =>
+ fn ((in_group, not_in_group), (names, cnstrts)) => (case strip_comb p of
+ (Const (name', _), args) =>
+ if name = name' then
+ if length args = k then
+ let val (args', cnstrts') = split_list (map strip_constraints args)
+ in
+ ((((prfx, args' @ rst), rhs) :: in_group, not_in_group),
+ (default_names names args', map2 append cnstrts cnstrts'))
+ end
+ else raise CASE_ERROR
+ ("Wrong number of arguments for constructor " ^ name, i)
+ else ((in_group, row :: not_in_group), (names, cnstrts))
+ | _ => raise CASE_ERROR ("Not a constructor pattern", i)))
+ rows (([], []), (replicate k "", replicate k [])) |>> pairself rev
+ end;
+ * Partition the rows. Not efficient: we should use hashing.
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+fun partition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = raise CASE_ERROR ("partition: no rows", ~1)
+ | partition ty_match ty_inst type_of used constructors colty res_ty
+ (rows as (((prfx, _ :: rstp), _) :: _)) =
+ let
+ fun part {constrs = [], rows = [], A} = rev A
+ | part {constrs = [], rows = (_, (_, (i, _))) :: _, A} =
+ raise CASE_ERROR ("Not a constructor pattern", i)
+ | part {constrs = c :: crst, rows, A} =
+ let
+ val ((in_group, not_in_group), (names, cnstrts)) =
+ mk_group (dest_Const c) rows;
+ val used' = fold add_row_used in_group used;
+ val (c', gvars) = fresh_constr ty_match ty_inst colty used' c;
+ val in_group' =
+ if null in_group (* Constructor not given *)
+ then
+ let
+ val Ts = map type_of rstp;
+ val xs = Name.variant_list
+ (foldl add_term_free_names used' gvars)
+ (replicate (length rstp) "x")
+ in
+ [((prfx, gvars @ map Free (xs ~~ Ts)),
+ (Const ("HOL.undefined", res_ty), (~1, false)))]
+ end
+ else in_group
+ in
+ part{constrs = crst,
+ rows = not_in_group,
+ A = {constructor = c',
+ new_formals = gvars,
+ names = names,
+ constraints = cnstrts,
+ group = in_group'} :: A}
+ end
+ in part {constrs = constructors, rows = rows, A = []}
+ end;
+ * Misc. routines used in mk_case
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+fun mk_pat ((c, c'), l) =
+ let
+ val L = length (binder_types (fastype_of c))
+ fun build (prfx, tag, plist) =
+ let val (args, plist') = chop L plist
+ in (prfx, tag, list_comb (c', args) :: plist') end
+ in map build l end;
+fun v_to_prfx (prfx, v::pats) = (v::prfx,pats)
+ | v_to_prfx _ = raise CASE_ERROR ("mk_case: v_to_prfx", ~1);
+fun v_to_pats (v::prfx,tag, pats) = (prfx, tag, v::pats)
+ | v_to_pats _ = raise CASE_ERROR ("mk_case: v_to_pats", ~1);
+ * Translation of pattern terms into nested case expressions.
+ *
+ * This performs the translation and also builds the full set of patterns.
+ * Thus it supports the construction of induction theorems even when an
+ * incomplete set of patterns is given.
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+fun mk_case tab ctxt ty_match ty_inst type_of used range_ty =
+ let
+ val name = Name.variant used "a";
+ fun expand constructors used ty ((_, []), _) =
+ raise CASE_ERROR ("mk_case: expand_var_row", ~1)
+ | expand constructors used ty (row as ((prfx, p :: rst), rhs)) =
+ if is_Free p then
+ let
+ val used' = add_row_used row used;
+ fun expnd c =
+ let val capp =
+ list_comb (fresh_constr ty_match ty_inst ty used' c)
+ in ((prfx, capp :: rst), pattern_subst [(p, capp)] rhs)
+ end
+ in map expnd constructors end
+ else [row]
+ fun mk {rows = [], ...} = raise CASE_ERROR ("no rows", ~1)
+ | mk {path = [], rows = ((prfx, []), (tm, tag)) :: _} = (* Done *)
+ ([(prfx, tag, [])], tm)
+ | mk {path, rows as ((row as ((_, [Free _]), _)) :: _ :: _)} =
+ mk {path = path, rows = [row]}
+ | mk {path = u :: rstp, rows as ((_, _ :: _), _) :: _} =
+ let val col0 = map (fn ((_, p :: _), (_, (i, _))) => (p, i)) rows
+ in case Option.map (apfst head_of)
+ (find_first (not o is_Free o fst) col0) of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val rows' = map (fn ((v, _), row) => row ||>
+ pattern_subst [(v, u)] |>> v_to_prfx) (col0 ~~ rows);
+ val (pref_patl, tm) = mk {path = rstp, rows = rows'}
+ in (map v_to_pats pref_patl, tm) end
+ | SOME (Const (cname, cT), i) => (case ty_info tab cname of
+ NONE => raise CASE_ERROR ("Not a datatype constructor: " ^ cname, i)
+ | SOME {case_name, constructors} =>
+ let
+ val pty = body_type cT;
+ val used' = foldl add_term_free_names used rstp;
+ val nrows = maps (expand constructors used' pty) rows;
+ val subproblems = partition ty_match ty_inst type_of used'
+ constructors pty range_ty nrows;
+ val new_formals = map #new_formals subproblems
+ val constructors' = map #constructor subproblems
+ val news = map (fn {new_formals, group, ...} =>
+ {path = new_formals @ rstp, rows = group}) subproblems;
+ val (pat_rect, dtrees) = split_list (map mk news);
+ val case_functions = map2
+ (fn {new_formals, names, constraints, ...} =>
+ fold_rev (fn ((x as Free (_, T), s), cnstrts) => fn t =>
+ Abs (if s = "" then name else s, T,
+ abstract_over (x, t)) |>
+ fold mk_fun_constrain cnstrts)
+ (new_formals ~~ names ~~ constraints))
+ subproblems dtrees;
+ val types = map type_of (case_functions @ [u]);
+ val case_const = Const (case_name, types ---> range_ty)
+ val tree = list_comb (case_const, case_functions @ [u])
+ val pat_rect1 = flat (map mk_pat
+ (constructors ~~ constructors' ~~ pat_rect))
+ in (pat_rect1, tree)
+ end)
+ | SOME (t, i) => raise CASE_ERROR ("Not a datatype constructor: " ^
+ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t, i)
+ end
+ | mk _ = raise CASE_ERROR ("Malformed row matrix", ~1)
+ in mk
+ end;
+fun case_error s = error ("Error in case expression:\n" ^ s);
+(* Repeated variable occurrences in a pattern are not allowed. *)
+fun no_repeat_vars ctxt pat = fold_aterms
+ (fn x as Free (s, _) => (fn xs =>
+ if member op aconv xs x then
+ case_error (quote s ^ " occurs repeatedly in the pattern " ^
+ quote (ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt pat))
+ else x :: xs)
+ | _ => I) pat [];
+fun gen_make_case ty_match ty_inst type_of tab ctxt err used x clauses =
+ let
+ fun string_of_clause (pat, rhs) = ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt
+ (Syntax.const "_case1" $ pat $ rhs);
+ val _ = map (no_repeat_vars ctxt o fst) clauses;
+ val rows = map_index (fn (i, (pat, rhs)) =>
+ (([], [pat]), (rhs, (i, true)))) clauses;
+ val rangeT = (case distinct op = (map (type_of o snd) clauses) of
+ [] => case_error "no clauses given"
+ | [T] => T
+ | _ => case_error "all cases must have the same result type");
+ val used' = fold add_row_used rows used;
+ val (patts, case_tm) = mk_case tab ctxt ty_match ty_inst type_of
+ used' rangeT {path = [x], rows = rows}
+ handle CASE_ERROR (msg, i) => case_error (msg ^
+ (if i < 0 then ""
+ else "\nIn clause\n" ^ string_of_clause (nth clauses i)));
+ val patts1 = map
+ (fn (_, tag, [pat]) => (pat, tag)
+ | _ => case_error "error in pattern-match translation") patts;
+ val patts2 = Library.sort (Library.int_ord o Library.pairself row_of_pat) patts1
+ val finals = map row_of_pat patts2
+ val originals = map (row_of_pat o #2) rows
+ val _ = case originals \\ finals of
+ [] => ()
+ | is => (if err then case_error else warning)
+ ("The following clauses are redundant (covered by preceding clauses):\n" ^
+ space_implode "\n" (map (string_of_clause o nth clauses) is));
+ in
+ (case_tm, patts2)
+ end;
+fun make_case tab ctxt = gen_make_case
+ (match_type (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) Envir.subst_TVars fastype_of tab ctxt;
+val make_case_untyped = gen_make_case (K (K Vartab.empty))
+ (K (Term.map_types (K dummyT))) (K dummyT);
+(* parse translation *)
+fun case_tr tab_of ctxt [t, u] =
+ let
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+ (* replace occurrences of dummy_pattern by distinct variables *)
+ (* internalize constant names *)
+ fun prep_pat ((c as Const ("_constrain", _)) $ t $ tT) used =
+ let val (t', used') = prep_pat t used
+ in (c $ t' $ tT, used') end
+ | prep_pat (Const ("dummy_pattern", T)) used =
+ let val x = Name.variant used "x"
+ in (Free (x, T), x :: used) end
+ | prep_pat (Const (s, T)) used =
+ (case try (unprefix Syntax.constN) s of
+ SOME c => (Const (c, T), used)
+ | NONE => (Const (Sign.intern_const thy s, T), used))
+ | prep_pat (v as Free (s, T)) used =
+ let val s' = Sign.intern_const thy s
+ in
+ if Sign.declared_const thy s' then
+ (Const (s', T), used)
+ else (v, used)
+ end
+ | prep_pat (t $ u) used =
+ let
+ val (t', used') = prep_pat t used;
+ val (u', used'') = prep_pat u used'
+ in
+ (t' $ u', used'')
+ end
+ | prep_pat t used = case_error ("Bad pattern: " ^
+ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t);
+ fun dest_case1 (t as Const ("_case1", _) $ l $ r) =
+ let val (l', cnstrts) = strip_constraints l
+ in ((fst (prep_pat l' (add_term_free_names (t, []))), r), cnstrts)
+ end
+ | dest_case1 t = case_error "dest_case1";
+ fun dest_case2 (Const ("_case2", _) $ t $ u) = t :: dest_case2 u
+ | dest_case2 t = [t];
+ val (cases, cnstrts) = split_list (map dest_case1 (dest_case2 u));
+ val (case_tm, _) = make_case_untyped (tab_of thy) ctxt true []
+ (fold (fn tT => fn t => Syntax.const "_constrain" $ t $ tT)
+ (flat cnstrts) t) cases;
+ in case_tm end
+ | case_tr _ _ ts = case_error "case_tr";
+ * Pretty printing of nested case expressions
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+(* destruct one level of pattern matching *)
+fun gen_dest_case name_of type_of tab d used t =
+ case apfst name_of (strip_comb t) of
+ (SOME cname, ts as _ :: _) =>
+ let
+ val (fs, x) = split_last ts;
+ fun strip_abs i t =
+ let
+ val zs = strip_abs_vars t;
+ val _ = if length zs < i then raise CASE_ERROR ("", 0) else ();
+ val (xs, ys) = chop i zs;
+ val u = list_abs (ys, strip_abs_body t);
+ val xs' = map Free (Name.variant_list (add_term_names (u, used))
+ (map fst xs) ~~ map snd xs)
+ in (xs', subst_bounds (rev xs', u)) end;
+ fun is_dependent i t =
+ let val k = length (strip_abs_vars t) - i
+ in k < 0 orelse exists (fn j => j >= k)
+ (loose_bnos (strip_abs_body t))
+ end;
+ fun count_cases (_, _, true) = I
+ | count_cases (c, (_, body), false) =
+ AList.map_default op aconv (body, []) (cons c);
+ val is_undefined = name_of #> equal (SOME "HOL.undefined");
+ fun mk_case (c, (xs, body), _) = (list_comb (c, xs), body)
+ in case ty_info tab cname of
+ SOME {constructors, case_name} =>
+ if length fs = length constructors then
+ let
+ val cases = map (fn (Const (s, U), t) =>
+ let
+ val k = length (binder_types U);
+ val p as (xs, _) = strip_abs k t
+ in
+ (Const (s, map type_of xs ---> type_of x),
+ p, is_dependent k t)
+ end) (constructors ~~ fs);
+ val cases' = sort (int_ord o swap o pairself (length o snd))
+ (fold_rev count_cases cases []);
+ val R = type_of t;
+ val dummy = if d then Const ("dummy_pattern", R)
+ else Free (Name.variant used "x", R)
+ in
+ SOME (x, map mk_case (case find_first (is_undefined o fst) cases' of
+ SOME (_, cs) =>
+ if length cs = length constructors then [hd cases]
+ else filter_out (fn (_, (_, body), _) => is_undefined body) cases
+ | NONE => case cases' of
+ [] => cases
+ | (default, cs) :: _ =>
+ if length cs = 1 then cases
+ else if length cs = length constructors then
+ [hd cases, (dummy, ([], default), false)]
+ else
+ filter_out (fn (c, _, _) => member op aconv cs c) cases @
+ [(dummy, ([], default), false)]))
+ end handle CASE_ERROR _ => NONE
+ else NONE
+ | _ => NONE
+ end
+ | _ => NONE;
+val dest_case = gen_dest_case (try (dest_Const #> fst)) fastype_of;
+val dest_case' = gen_dest_case
+ (try (dest_Const #> fst #> unprefix Syntax.constN)) (K dummyT);
+(* destruct nested patterns *)
+fun strip_case' dest (pat, rhs) =
+ case dest (add_term_free_names (pat, [])) rhs of
+ SOME (exp as Free _, clauses) =>
+ if member op aconv (term_frees pat) exp andalso
+ not (exists (fn (_, rhs') =>
+ member op aconv (term_frees rhs') exp) clauses)
+ then
+ maps (strip_case' dest) (map (fn (pat', rhs') =>
+ (subst_free [(exp, pat')] pat, rhs')) clauses)
+ else [(pat, rhs)]
+ | _ => [(pat, rhs)];
+fun gen_strip_case dest t = case dest [] t of
+ SOME (x, clauses) =>
+ SOME (x, maps (strip_case' dest) clauses)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+val strip_case = gen_strip_case oo dest_case;
+val strip_case' = gen_strip_case oo dest_case';
+(* print translation *)
+fun case_tr' tab_of cname ctxt ts =
+ let
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+ val consts = ProofContext.consts_of ctxt;
+ fun mk_clause (pat, rhs) =
+ let val xs = term_frees pat
+ in
+ Syntax.const "_case1" $
+ map_aterms
+ (fn Free p => Syntax.mark_boundT p
+ | Const (s, _) => Const (Consts.extern_early consts s, dummyT)
+ | t => t) pat $
+ map_aterms
+ (fn x as Free (s, _) =>
+ if member op aconv xs x then Syntax.mark_bound s else x
+ | t => t) rhs
+ end
+ in case strip_case' (tab_of thy) true (list_comb (Syntax.const cname, ts)) of
+ SOME (x, clauses) => Syntax.const "_case_syntax" $ x $
+ foldr1 (fn (t, u) => Syntax.const "_case2" $ t $ u)
+ (map mk_clause clauses)
+ | NONE => raise Match
+ end;