--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/reduce_axiomsN.ML Fri Jan 27 05:34:20 2006 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+structure ReduceAxiomsN =
+(* Author: Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+ Two filtering strategies *)
+val pass_mark = ref 0.5;
+val strategy = ref 1;
+fun pol_to_int true = 1
+ | pol_to_int false = ~1;
+fun part refs [] (s1,s2) = (s1,s2)
+ | part refs (s::ss) (s1,s2) = if (s mem refs) then (part refs ss (s::s1,s2)) else (part refs ss (s1,s::s2));
+fun pol_mem _ [] = false
+ | pol_mem (pol,const) ((p,c)::pcs) = if ((pol = not p) andalso (const = c)) then true else pol_mem (pol,const) pcs;
+fun part_w_pol refs [] (s1,s2) = (s1,s2)
+ | part_w_pol refs (s::ss) (s1,s2) = if (pol_mem s refs) then (part_w_pol refs ss (s::s1,s2)) else (part_w_pol refs ss (s1,s::s2));
+fun add_term_consts_rm ncs (Const(c, _)) cs = if (c mem ncs) then cs else (c ins_string cs)
+ | add_term_consts_rm ncs (t $ u) cs =
+ add_term_consts_rm ncs t (add_term_consts_rm ncs u cs)
+ | add_term_consts_rm ncs (Abs(_,_,t)) cs = add_term_consts_rm ncs t cs
+ | add_term_consts_rm ncs _ cs = cs;
+fun term_consts_rm ncs t = add_term_consts_rm ncs t [];
+fun consts_of_term term = term_consts_rm ["Trueprop","==>","all","Ex","op &", "op |", "Not", "All", "op -->", "op =", "==", "True", "False"] term;
+fun add_term_pconsts_rm ncs (Const(c,_)) pol cs = if (c mem ncs) then cs else ((pol,c) ins cs)
+ | add_term_pconsts_rm ncs (Const("Not",_)$P) pol cs = add_term_pconsts_rm ncs P (not pol) cs
+ | add_term_pconsts_rm ncs (P$Q) pol cs =
+ add_term_pconsts_rm ncs P pol (add_term_pconsts_rm ncs Q pol cs)
+ | add_term_pconsts_rm ncs (Abs(_,_,t)) pol cs = add_term_pconsts_rm ncs t pol cs
+ | add_term_pconsts_rm ncs _ _ cs = cs;
+fun term_pconsts_rm ncs t = add_term_pconsts_rm ncs t true [];
+fun pconsts_of_term term = term_pconsts_rm ["Trueprop","==>","all","Ex","op &", "op |", "Not", "All", "op -->", "op =", "==", "True", "False"] term;
+fun consts_in_goal goal = consts_of_term goal;
+fun get_goal_consts cs = foldl (op union_string) [] (map consts_in_goal cs);
+fun pconsts_in_goal goal = pconsts_of_term goal;
+fun get_goal_pconsts cs = foldl (op union) [] (map pconsts_in_goal cs);
+(* the first relevance filtering strategy *)
+fun find_clause_weight_s_1 (refconsts : string list) consts wa =
+ let val (rel,irrel) = part refconsts consts ([],[])
+ in
+ ((real (length rel))/(real (length consts))) * wa
+ end;
+fun find_clause_weight_m_1 [] (_,w) = w
+ | find_clause_weight_m_1 ((_,(refconsts,wa))::y) (consts,w) =
+ let val w' = find_clause_weight_s_1 refconsts consts wa
+ in
+ if (w < w') then find_clause_weight_m_1 y (consts,w')
+ else find_clause_weight_m_1 y (consts,w)
+ end;
+fun relevant_clauses_ax_g_1 _ [] _ (ax,r) = (ax,r)
+ | relevant_clauses_ax_g_1 gconsts ((clsthm,(consts,_))::y) P (ax,r) =
+ let val weight = find_clause_weight_s_1 gconsts consts 1.0
+ in
+ if P <= weight then relevant_clauses_ax_g_1 gconsts y P ((clsthm,(consts,weight))::ax,r)
+ else relevant_clauses_ax_g_1 gconsts y P (ax,(clsthm,(consts,weight))::r)
+ end;
+fun relevant_clauses_ax_1 rel_axs [] P (addc,tmpc) keep =
+ (case addc of [] => rel_axs @ keep
+ | _ => case tmpc of [] => addc @ rel_axs @ keep
+ | _ => relevant_clauses_ax_1 addc tmpc P ([],[]) (rel_axs @ keep))
+ | relevant_clauses_ax_1 rel_axs ((clsthm,(consts,weight))::e_axs) P (addc,tmpc) keep =
+ let val weight' = find_clause_weight_m_1 rel_axs (consts,weight)
+ val e_ax' = (clsthm,(consts, weight'))
+ in
+ if P <= weight' then relevant_clauses_ax_1 rel_axs e_axs P ((clsthm,(consts,weight'))::addc,tmpc) keep
+ else relevant_clauses_ax_1 rel_axs e_axs P (addc,(clsthm,(consts,weight'))::tmpc) keep
+ end;
+fun initialize [] ax_weights = ax_weights
+ | initialize ((cls,thm)::clss_thms) ax_weights =
+ let val tm = prop_of thm
+ val consts = consts_of_term tm
+ in
+ initialize clss_thms (((cls,thm),(consts,0.0))::ax_weights)
+ end;
+fun relevance_filter1_aux axioms goals =
+ let val pass = !pass_mark
+ val axioms_weights = initialize axioms []
+ val goals_consts = get_goal_consts goals
+ val (rel_clauses,nrel_clauses) = relevant_clauses_ax_g_1 goals_consts axioms_weights pass ([],[])
+ in
+ relevant_clauses_ax_1 rel_clauses nrel_clauses pass ([],[]) []
+ end;
+fun relevance_filter1 axioms goals = map fst (relevance_filter1_aux axioms goals);
+(* the second relevance filtering strategy *)
+fun find_clause_weight_s_2 (refpconsts : (bool * string) list) pconsts wa =
+ let val (rel,irrel) = part_w_pol refpconsts pconsts ([],[])
+ in
+ ((real (length rel))/(real (length pconsts))) * wa
+ end;
+fun find_clause_weight_m_2 [] (_,w) = w
+ | find_clause_weight_m_2 ((_,(refpconsts,wa))::y) (pconsts,w) =
+ let val w' = find_clause_weight_s_2 refpconsts pconsts wa
+ in
+ if (w < w') then find_clause_weight_m_2 y (pconsts,w')
+ else find_clause_weight_m_2 y (pconsts,w)
+ end;
+fun relevant_clauses_ax_g_2 _ [] _ (ax,r) = (ax,r)
+ | relevant_clauses_ax_g_2 gpconsts ((clsthm,(pconsts,_))::y) P (ax,r) =
+ let val weight = find_clause_weight_s_2 gpconsts pconsts 1.0
+ in
+ if P <= weight then relevant_clauses_ax_g_2 gpconsts y P ((clsthm,(pconsts,weight))::ax,r)
+ else relevant_clauses_ax_g_2 gpconsts y P (ax,(clsthm,(pconsts,weight))::r)
+ end;
+fun relevant_clauses_ax_2 rel_axs [] P (addc,tmpc) keep =
+ (case addc of [] => rel_axs @ keep
+ | _ => case tmpc of [] => addc @ rel_axs @ keep
+ | _ => relevant_clauses_ax_2 addc tmpc P ([],[]) (rel_axs @ keep))
+ | relevant_clauses_ax_2 rel_axs ((clsthm,(pconsts,weight))::e_axs) P (addc,tmpc) keep =
+ let val weight' = find_clause_weight_m_2 rel_axs (pconsts,weight)
+ val e_ax' = (clsthm,(pconsts, weight'))
+ in
+ if P <= weight' then relevant_clauses_ax_2 rel_axs e_axs P ((clsthm,(pconsts,weight'))::addc,tmpc) keep
+ else relevant_clauses_ax_2 rel_axs e_axs P (addc,(clsthm,(pconsts,weight'))::tmpc) keep
+ end;
+fun initialize_w_pol [] ax_weights = ax_weights
+ | initialize_w_pol ((cls,thm)::clss_thms) ax_weights =
+ let val tm = prop_of thm
+ val consts = pconsts_of_term tm
+ in
+ initialize_w_pol clss_thms (((cls,thm),(consts,0.0))::ax_weights)
+ end;
+fun relevance_filter2_aux axioms goals =
+ let val pass = !pass_mark
+ val axioms_weights = initialize_w_pol axioms []
+ val goals_consts = get_goal_pconsts goals
+ val (rel_clauses,nrel_clauses) = relevant_clauses_ax_g_2 goals_consts axioms_weights pass ([],[])
+ in
+ relevant_clauses_ax_2 rel_clauses nrel_clauses pass ([],[]) []
+ end;
+fun relevance_filter2 axioms goals = map fst (relevance_filter2_aux axioms goals);
+(* Generic functions for relevance filtering *)
+exception RELEVANCE_FILTER of string;
+fun relevance_filter axioms goals =
+ let val cls = (case (!strategy) of 1 => relevance_filter1 axioms goals
+ | 2 => relevance_filter2 axioms goals
+ | _ => raise RELEVANCE_FILTER("strategy doesn't exists"))
+ in
+ cls
+ end;
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